View Full Version : Let's suppress information about Trayvon being a violent thug.

09-17-12, 18:28
The lawyer for Trayvon Martin’s parents harshly criticized efforts by George Zimmerman’s attorneys to obtain the school records and Facebook information for the deceased 17-year-old high school student, saying they were irrelevant to the case.

“Zimmerman’s lawyers are attempting to assassinate Trayvon Martin’s character,” said Benjamin Crump, in an interview with BET.com. “Whatever Trayvon had on his Facebook page or whatever was in his school records have nothing to do with why Zimmerman shot him.”

Crump said he is seeking to obtain Zimmerman’s medical records.

“The medical condition and medical history of George Zimmerman is far more relevant to the case,” Crump said. “He was the one who did the shooting.”

Zimmerman, who has been charged with second-degree murder in the killing of the teenager, contends that he acted in self-defense. Initially, Zimmerman invoked Florida's controversial Stand Your Ground law, which allows people to use deadly force if they feel threatened.

Trayvon' parents and their lawyer have contended that the teenager was racially profiled. Zimmerman's father is white and his mother is Peruvian.

The case sparked national attention, with even President Obama weighing in at one point.

Earlier this month, a new judge was assigned to the Trayvon Martin case by the Fifth District Court of Appeals in Daytona Beach, Florida, with Judge Debra Nelson replacing Seminole County Judge Kenneth Lester. Zimmerman’s lawyers had requested a change of judges, accusing Lester of being biased.

In recent weeks, the teenager’s parents have continued to appear at public events and on television to campaign against racial profiling and in promoting the foundation that bears the son’s name.

They have also appeared on the Dr. Phil show and, over the weekend, attended services at the Potter’s House, the Dallas mega-church whose pastor is Bishop T.D. Jakes.

Jakes said that there was no such thing as closure when parents lose a child. Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon’s mother, underscored that point.

"I know that this will never end for us because Trayvon is not going to come back,” Fulton said. “But what we do hope is that we can help somebody else's family out. And I just also want you to know that God is in control."

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09-17-12, 19:51
This subject had already been covered, in another thread, and, fortunately that thread died a while ago....

It would be greatly appreciated if such politicized nonsense were left to the news agencies that are already making a killing shoving this nonsense down out throats...

09-17-12, 20:57

BET National News - Keep up to date with breaking news stories from around the nation, including headlines from the hip hop and entertainment world. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter.

You're kidding me with this crap right?

09-17-12, 21:18
Don't you read the other side's perspective?

09-17-12, 21:46
By other side do you mean black entertainment? :rolleyes:

09-17-12, 21:52
Let's suppress information about Trayvon being a violent thug.

"Ahh" your link has absolutely nothing to do with your thread topic!

09-18-12, 10:07
Just public jockeying by the Attorney's, the records and FB stuff will come out; mom will be amazed that her son had "thuggy" photo's on his FB.

Zimmerman's medical data will be accidentally released (in violation of HIPPA).

Nothing new, nothing to see; move along.

09-18-12, 10:11
We should rename General Discussion to "500 Grain's reposting of right wing media and shit that pisses him off forum."

Doc Safari
09-18-12, 10:17
We should rename General Discussion to "500 Grain's reposting of right wing media and shit that pisses him off forum."

Kidding aside, you make a valid point. Maybe there should be a separate area for 'political discussion' versus hot topics that are in the news.

09-18-12, 10:21
Kidding aside, you make a valid point. Maybe there should be a separate area for 'political discussion' versus hot topics that are in the news.

Yup. I come here and click New Posts. Then I see 5-10 posts of nothing but bitching and armchair quarterbacking. At least there's some posts on guns under all of the bullshit. None on say...political organizing, petitions, writing your congressman, nothing constructive. Just bitching when it comes to GD.

09-18-12, 10:22
We should rename General Discussion to "500 Grain's reposting of right wing media and shit that pisses him off forum."

Motion seconded. If only to thin out the stuff.

09-18-12, 10:27
I have the answer. 500Grains gets a blog.

Doc Safari
09-18-12, 10:30
GD could be divided into 'General Topics', 'Current Events' , and 'Political Rants'.

Problem solved.

General Topics would be for stuff like 'What kind of porn do you like?' and 'Are UFO's abducting people's cats?'

09-18-12, 10:31
Yup. I come here and click New Posts. Then I see 5-10 posts of nothing but bitching and armchair quarterbacking. At least there's some posts on guns under all of the bullshit. None on say...political organizing, petitions, writing your congressman, nothing constructive. Just bitching when it comes to GD.

All of this has been hashed out before and for some reason you have always been stuck in the middle. You hated GD overall, yet participated regularly then and still do now. You complain about the threads showing up in new posts, as though somehow you are obligated to participate or can't visually move on to the next new one.

To 500: I don't know how, considering your past here, you are comfortable almost taking over the forum with all negativity once again. There is such a thing as modesty, try to exercise it here if possible. I was as pissed as the next guy about Martin, but it's old news and nothing can come of this discussion.

09-18-12, 10:35
I don't know how much I participate in GD but I'll leave those numbers to my fans :D I personally know many of the people on here and do like staying in touch.

I read Reason (http://reason.com/blog) for the news. I come here mainly for talk about guns and gun related accessories and training.

Army Chief
09-18-12, 10:50
White noise filter activated. Locked until such time as we can be persuaded that this thread had a modicum of constructive potential.