View Full Version : Are we on the eve of another world war?

Doc Safari
09-19-12, 13:50
Riots in the Middle East....

Chinese in a dispute with Japan and burning Japanese car dealerships on the mainland...

Israel about to attack Iran's nuclear program....

Iranian power grid and other assets attacked....

Russia wanting to put missile bases in the Western Hemisphere close enough to strike the US...

Food shortages predicted due to droughts....

Unrest and chaos in Europe....

Countries closing embassies in Muslim nations...

I swear: It's like reading the opening prologue to 'Red Dawn' or something.

I personally don't see how this ends without turning into another world war.

Maybe not today.....maybe not tomorrow....but within a few months to a few years I can see it happening.

The world seemingly turned into a powder keg with a lit fuse overnight.

What's your take?

What are you doing to prepare? I plan to start prepping, but I'm afraid it's already too late.

Is it much ado about nothing?

Some of you who are old enough to remember the buildup to other wars: Is this one different? Or not?

09-19-12, 14:15
Yes, absolutely! The game of the millenium is afoot for the remaining resources of the "earth mother," and just who it is thats going to be getting them! The entire financial system of western civilization is in collapse, China's hanging by a finely strung thread!

History has shown us conclusively, what we can expect from such calamity...

09-19-12, 14:44
I don't know.

But, in my opinion the U.S. appears weak to the rest of the world. Weakness invites aggression.

Maybe we won't be directly challenged, but I could see other conflicts breaking out that could lead to rough times.

09-19-12, 15:23
I mean we can't pay back our debts, so why not go into an all out war and then we won't have to worry about paying those pesky debts back.

Dirk Williams
09-19-12, 15:36
Sadly we are.


09-19-12, 16:23

09-19-12, 16:27
Who would be the belligerents?

China/Russia/Iran vs. US/Japan/Western European Allies? Would Canada or Australia intervene?

With the nations that are involved, this "ain't gone be no WWII"...

09-19-12, 16:30
Holy tin foil and black helicopters Batman! Nothing to see here move along . . . :lazy2:

Doc Safari
09-19-12, 16:34
Who would be the belligerents?

China/Russia/Iran vs. US/Japan/Western European Allies? Would Canada or Australia intervene?

With the nations that are involved, this "ain't gone be no WWII"...

I'll try to answer what I think is brewing:

The Muslim world (Turkey included) will eventually unite as the Muslim Brotherhood tries to consolidate power and bring about the return of the Caliphate.

Russia will back up this effort to the extent that its interests are involved, and therefore will be our adversary.

China will come at it from the other direction: threatending Japan, and eventually Taiwan, which if I'm not mistaken we have an obligation to protect.

Into this I think the traditional allies: Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and MAYBE western Europe will side with the US. I say maybe because Europe is in turmoil and has a huge Muslim population.

Meanwhile, Mexico evidently has a Taliban presence now (check the Borderland Beat website although I'm not going to post direct links).

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua (?) will side with Russia.

Time to move to Antarctica.

Doc Safari
09-19-12, 16:52
Holy tin foil and black helicopters Batman! Nothing to see here move along . . . :lazy2:

I don't know why you would call it tinfoil. It is highly speculative, but based on some really scary current events.

I voted 'yes', and I could turn out to be wrong, I don't think it's a far out scenario at all.

09-19-12, 17:01
I usually don't define possible global conflicts based on current events as being "tinfoily"

Tinfoil to me is believing in Conspiracies, NWO, FEMA camps,....

09-19-12, 17:11
Question is do we really need another freakin thread duplicating the other ones are already you going right now?

09-19-12, 17:11
We are starting to wind down on the longest war in US history. A war that is becoming more and more unpopular.

I think something really drastic is going to have to happen to get us involved in another war any time soon.

Doc Safari
09-19-12, 17:23
Question is do we really need another freakin thread duplicating the other ones are already you going right now?

To be perfectly honest with you I went to the other thread to see if I could post a poll to it, and of course you can't.

EDITED TO ADD: I think the other thread had too many pages of arguing back and forth over who's version of events has more credibility anyway.

09-19-12, 17:37
Guess I need to get out and watch more Jersey Shore. Still not sure what that means. My participation in this thread is done.

09-19-12, 17:42
I don't know why you would call it tinfoil. It is highly speculative, but based on some really scary current events.

It's called sarcasm friend, I just beat the usual sand hats that show up to these threads and interject those comments.

Doc Safari
09-19-12, 17:44
It's called sarcasm friend, I just beat the usual sand hats that show up to these threads and interject those comments.

Sorry, my bad, then. :D

Sent from my Bippy with my Hoozie-whatzit.

09-19-12, 18:02
There are those in power who wield great power who want conflict which is not in the best interest of Humanity.

So, yes, what is being "sensed" is very much real.

Don't contribute to the Bullshit by falling for the propaganda that will lead, at best, to total deprivation and loss of what's left of your liberty or at, worst, mushroom clouds over major cities on the planet - INCLUDING HERE (since many seem to think that it would be somehow "impossible").

09-19-12, 18:06
Already there. The banking cartel vs. everyone else.

They've already won Europe and the U.S. Now all they have to do is take China and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia is already theirs too)........

Dont be naive, the puppets we "vote" for dont run a damn thing.

09-19-12, 18:56
Riots in the Middle East....

Chinese in a dispute with Japan and burning Japanese car dealerships on the mainland...

Israel about to attack Iran's nuclear program....

Iranian power grid and other assets attacked....

Russia wanting to put missile bases in the Western Hemisphere close enough to strike the US...

Food shortages predicted due to droughts....

Unrest and chaos in Europe....

Countries closing embassies in Muslim nations...

The Middle East has always been in revolution mode, Iran had a significant one in 1979.

China and Japan not friends, yeah that's hardly new.

Israel has been slapping Irans dick since the 1980s. They also killed anyone capable of building super guns for Iraq.

We have been within Missile Range of Russia for a long time. They can reach us from Moscow.

Droughts, reminds me of the 80s again. Except everyone isn't losing their farms at the same time.

Unrest in Europe? Do you really believe anything happening right now even comes close to the Berlin Wall situation?

Muslim Embassies have always been an iffy proposition. Seems to me England had some problems with one of the Iranian ones at Princess Gate.

In 1983/84 we were perilously close to war and a nuclear exchange with Russia. I don't think anything since has been anywhere near as bad. Not saying nothing bad can happen with Iran, but we aren't on the brink of anything.

09-20-12, 11:21
Question is do we really need another freakin thread duplicating the other ones are already you going right now?

The great thing about cyberspace is that the real estate is unlimited and never gets full.

09-20-12, 18:25
I sure wish we weren't being caught at one of the lowest point's in our history, but then again that's probably exactly why it's happening.

09-20-12, 19:11
The haves can only take advantage of the have nots for so long before they've had enough.

Straight Shooter
09-21-12, 07:12
I say hash it out now, and finally get it over, and whoever wins, well thats just how itll be from now on.
I personally would like to see every Muslim "holy site' glowing for the next 10,000 years. Furthermore, all the scum my tax money has supported for over 30 years now and their offspring, should be cut off from another cent, and let nature take its course. theyll either work, or die. Ive no problem with either.
Hunger is the GREATEST motivator that GOD, in His INFINITE wisdom, ever put on the face of the earth. As for the "haves' and have nots...the haves owe me NOTHING, period. I want NOTHING from them. Dont fall for this class warfare tactic the current Muslim-in-Chief is perpetrating on the ignorents of this country.
The moment all the "haves" turn into "have nots" this nation & world are ****ED.

09-21-12, 09:05
October 3, 2012 @ 5 PM.

I think this will be the time Israel hits Iran. The other dominoes will follow. I'll also add that I believe Obama will be re-elected.

Where do you get this very specific timeline? I agree that an Israeli strike is probably not far off but, that's very specific...

09-21-12, 09:07
May not be next month or next year but, I think it's coming.

The fuse is lit in the middle east and in northern Africa already.

Too much unrest and economic uncertainties in this country and all over the world for it not to be. IMO

09-21-12, 09:58
October 3, 2012 @ 5 PM.

Isn't this when the new season of Jersey Shore starts? Listen to this man! :eek:

09-21-12, 12:50
Call it a prediction.

Where do you get this very specific timeline? I agree that an Israeli strike is probably not far off but, that's very specific...

EDITED TO ADD: PM will work best Ironman.

09-21-12, 12:52
Not really sure what you mean by this. I don't really get the Jersey Shore comment either. Whatever it is that you want to say, just say it.

Isn't this when the new season of Jersey Shore starts? Listen to this man! :eek:

09-21-12, 12:53
Call it a prediction.

Right, I got that...but based on what?

I'm not arguing or calling you a Jersey Shore watcher (whatever that was supposed to mean), just interested in what you're seeing that led you to this prediction.

09-21-12, 12:59
You people seriously need to get out more if you don't get that statement. I'm not accusing anyone of watching the stupid show. You gave an EXACT time of the start of WWIII so I made a crack about what might be the trigg... ya know what? Forget it. I have to start stock piling shit for the end of the world coming at exactly 5:00pm on October 3rd so I don't have time to sit her and explain sarcasm to you.

Some people need to stop taking life so damn serious. You'll never get out alive!

09-21-12, 13:04
Where do you get this very specific timeline? I agree that an Israeli strike is probably not far off but, that's very specific...

I hope Iran doesn't read this website or they will find out.

09-22-12, 09:22
Well, NATO officially alters it's immediate plans...


Though our gargoyles - i.e., Al Qaeda elements - are still being poured in with arms and support so it's far from over.

"A Clean Break", anyone?

09-22-12, 09:46
Figure it out.



List of Docs here:

Draft of Doc here:

09-23-12, 13:13
^ yep. I saw that...

Doc Safari
09-23-12, 13:24
Iran is now threatening a pre-emptive strike on Israel:


- Iran could launch a pre-emptive strike on Israel if it was sure the Jewish state were preparing to attack it, a senior commander of its elite Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying on Sunday.

And as it relates to this thread:

"Iran will not start any war but it could launch a pre-emptive attack if it was sure that the enemies are putting the final touches to attack it," Al-Alam said, paraphrasing the military commander.

Hajizadeh said any attack on Iranian soil could trigger "World War Three".

"We cannot imagine the Zionist regime starting a war without America's support. Therefore, in case of a war, we will get into a war with both of them and we will certainly get into a conflict with American bases," he said

"In that case, unpredictable and unmanageable things would happen and it could turn into a World War Three."

My take: when you have two tough guys staring each other down with cocked hammers, one of them eventually gets an itchy trigger finger.

09-23-12, 16:42
I don't buy the "Iranian preemptive strike on Israel" as that would result in 1/2 of the West's navy to launch... They ARE off Iran's coast, remember? They are trying to AVOID that...

Doesn't pass the "BS Filter".

Doc Safari
09-24-12, 09:03
I don't buy the "Iranian preemptive strike on Israel" as that would result in 1/2 of the West's navy to launch... They ARE off Iran's coast, remember? They are trying to AVOID that...

Doesn't pass the "BS Filter".

I think it's just Iran puffing its chest out to look bigger.

Remember Qaddafi and his "line of death" that we dared not cross just before Reagan bombed the crap out of them?

09-24-12, 09:23
I think it's just Iran puffing its chest out to look bigger.

Remember Qaddafi and his "line of death" that we dared not cross just before Reagan bombed the crap out of them?

We are talking about two different things, two entirely different circumstances. The "entirety" of the West is off his coast and have ground forces surrounding him. There is TERRORISM within his borders that has been ongoing for 6 years now not to mention the economic sanctions and war words in the global press daily.

I call BS on this story/story angle. It just makes NO sense.

09-25-12, 17:26
Iran has been chest thumping for how many years :rolleyes:sort of like the teen age girl and the facebook drama they know it is a no win game if they launch .
Japan and china fighting over 3 little rocks
the Muslim Brotherhood are just crazy
Syria major Fubar
things are just getting out of control
who knows the time but it is coming

09-25-12, 21:08
We are starting to wind down on the longest war in US history. A war that is becoming more and more unpopular.

I think something really drastic is going to have to happen to get us involved in another war any time soon.

What about the drug war? Last I heard/read, it's still going on strong.