View Full Version : NYC high school admission test

09-30-12, 21:26
I love standardized tests. I wish everyting in life were a standardized test because it takes partiality and bias out of the equation.

“There is a single two-and-a-half hour multiple choice test that is the sole criterion for admissions,” said Rachel Kleinman of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. “So, no matter how good your grades are, no matter what your teachers say about you, you could win the national spelling bee. None of that matters.”

Save us Attorney General Eric Holder, they’re using a “test” as a criteria instead of “what teachers say about you” and how quickly they promoted you to get you out of their class.

Don’t they know that all tests are inherently racist? But why did the NAACP choose Rachel Kleinman to represent its bogus lawsuit, instead of a proud woman of color? I hope they didn’t use some kind of performance based measure of lawyer selection or they might have to sue themselves.
