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10-08-12, 17:37

10-08-12, 17:50
I saw that; makes me wonder what they may know that the masses don't and if they suspect something why wouldn't they let the general public know such that each family can make preparations?

10-08-12, 17:51
What was the plan during the Cold War when at any given time we could have a massive nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union and why isn't that plan sufficient today?

10-08-12, 18:28
Weren't they using refrigerated truck trailers in Louisiana to store the bodies of the deceased after Katrina? I also recall that body bags had to be flown-in as the death toll began to eclipse what little preparation was in place for such a "mass casualty" incident... I'm sure we can think of other examples.

Food for thought.

10-08-12, 19:26
Under Bush, .gov bought something like a million plastic coffins. Not that it would be enough. What is needed is a front end loader and 10 gallons of diesel.

10-08-12, 19:42
I saw that; makes me wonder what they may know that the masses don't and if they suspect something why wouldn't they let the general public know such that each family can make preparations?

There is a high likelihood of a major event in the next 50 days.

10-08-12, 19:50
There is a high likelihood of a major event in the next 50 days.

Unless you mean the election...


10-08-12, 20:10
Unless you mean the election...


Funny, I like it. No I am just saying right now there is an elevated threat level. I am not saying it is a guarantee.

10-08-12, 21:15
I saw that; makes me wonder what they may know that the masses don't and if they suspect something why wouldn't they let the general public know such that each family can make preparations?

You may finally have a valid point, although indirectly. While the overall premises for your world view is generally ludicrous, considering what happened in Libya I wouldn't expect this weak and deceitful administration to expose a single one of it's now countless weaknesses unless forced to do so somehow.

Republican, Libertarian, Democrat, Martian...it simply doesn't matter overall at this unique point. The administration is sinister and we all have something very significant to lose unless they are replaced in November.

10-08-12, 22:11
There is a high likelihood of a major event in the next 50 days.

Without being an ass (honest question), what leads you to think this?

I'm not doubting you.....in fact, i tend to agree. Just wondering what brought you to this conclusion is all.

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10-08-12, 23:05
Unless you mean the election...


A small but loud portion of the lunatic left political leadership actively perpetuated the myth that GWB was not going to leave office at the end of his second term, which as sub-moronic as it were, was still embraced by a surprisingly large segment of the DNC faithful as a distinct possibility. Mind you, I'm talking of the congressional black caucus here!

I bring this up because virtually everything that the mental defectives that comprise the national democratic socialist party were accusing GWB of preparing to do to them, they "have" been doing to us! I have little doubt as to what these folks are capable of in extremis, frankly, and unfortunately, I could easily envison, the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Al Franken, Hillary Clinton, and of course Barack Hussein Obama presiding over democide...I recall a certain FBI agents chilling testimony as he recalled the "Weather Underground" casually discussing what they would be forced to do with twenty-five million Americans who didn't square with their worldview...

10-08-12, 23:15
A small but loud portion of the lunatic left political leadership actively perpetuated the myth that GWB was not going to leave office at the end of his second term, which as sub-moronic as it were, was still embraced by a surprisingly large segment of the DNC faithful as a distinct possibility. Mind you, I'm talking of the congressional black caucus here!

I bring this up because virtually everything that the mental defectives that comprise the national democratic socialist party were accusing GWB of preparing to do to them, they "have" been doing to us! I have little doubt as to what these folks are capable of in extremis, frankly, and unfortunately, I could easily envison, the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Al Franken, Hillary Clinton, and of course Barack Hussein Obama presiding over democide...I recall a certain FBI agents chilling testimony as he recalled the "Weather Underground" casually discussing what they would be forced to do with twenty-five million Americans who didn't square with their worldview...

And we have a winner for the "most irrational post of the day."

10-08-12, 23:46
If only more people would pay more attention... It will take an extreme event to awaken the masses - and more than a few here.

Many appear wholly unable to integrate material they read, hear and experience. They cannot draw any independent conclusions that are not vetted by the mainstream media outlet.

The worst resort to childishness as they are made very uncomfortable by any opinion that shatters their fragile construct.

I'm not sure if its the EM pollution, GMO foodstuffs or just intellectual, moral and physical cowardice that pins them in place.

Maybe it's all just nothing. Maybe this party or the next party will make it "all right"... Sure helps legions sleep well at night to think in that manner.


10-09-12, 00:00
If only more people would pay more attention... It will take an extreme event to awaken the masses - and more than a few here.

Many appear wholly unable to integrate material they read, hear and experience. They cannot draw any independent conclusions that are not vetted by the mainstream media outlet.

The worst resort to childishness as they are made very uncomfortable by any opinion that shatters their fragile construct.

I'm not sure if its the EM pollution, GMO foodstuffs or just intellectual, moral and physical cowardice that pins them in place.

Maybe it's all just nothing. Maybe this party or the next party will make it "all right"... Sure helps legions sleep well at night to think in that manner.


I hope you have some time to actually enjoy life between all your doom and gloom thoughts...

10-09-12, 00:11
I hope you have some time to actually enjoy life between all your doom and gloom thoughts...

Well, I did watch the Gamecocks destroy the Bulldogs this weekend. Does that count for anything?

10-09-12, 03:13

HR 6566

Thanks for sharing. I think they would/will go this route . . .

Alkaline Hydrolysis is a water- based chemical resolving process using strong alkali in water at temperatures of up to 180C (350F) to rapidly yet sympathetically reduce the body to ash. It is essentially a highly accelerated version of natural decomposition chemistry. Hydrolysis as the name suggests is the process of forcing water molecules between the chemical bonds holding large tissue molecules such as fats, DNA and proteins together. This process breaks the tissue down to its original small molecular building blocks. This is a natural process found in body decomposition after death.



Under Bush, .gov bought something like a million plastic coffins. Not that it would be enough. What is needed is a front end loader and 10 gallons of diesel.

Those plastic coffins are manufactured by Polyguard Vaults, Inc. (http://www.polyguardvaults.com/index.cfm?ID=2), the particular model is their Hercules Airseal vault. They are spacious enough for multiple adults.

I recall a certain FBI agents chilling testimony as he recalled the "Weather Underground" casually discussing what they would be forced to do with twenty-five million Americans who didn't square with their worldview...

Oh you mean this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWMIwziGrAQ) who infiltrated Barry's good friend Bill Ayers terrorist cell. :secret:

If only more people would pay more attention... It will take an extreme event to awaken the masses - and more than a few here.

Many appear wholly unable to integrate material they read, hear and experience. They cannot draw any independent conclusions that are not vetted by the mainstream media outlet.

The worst resort to childishness as they are made very uncomfortable by any opinion that shatters their fragile construct.

I'm not sure if its the EM pollution, GMO foodstuffs or just intellectual, moral and physical cowardice that pins them in place.

Maybe it's all just nothing. Maybe this party or the next party will make it "all right"... Sure helps legions sleep well at night to think in that manner.


Spot on. ;)

10-09-12, 08:33
Well, I did watch the Gamecocks destroy the Bulldogs this weekend. Does that count for anything?

Of course you had to bring that up...

Yes, I believe it does. :D

I just hate it when I see people such as yourself, whether you are right are wrong about what you believe to be the "real" affairs of the world, get too caught up in it and appear to be in constant worry/fear about it. I always have the sense you are too worried about the world and its woes to enjoy life while you're at it.

Doc Safari
10-09-12, 09:31
My personal opinion, after sifting through much tinfoil, is that the dot-guv is worried that Europe's financial woes, along with riots and civil unrest, will eventually make its way here. Add to the riots the fact that a lot of Americans are armed, and it could be a de facto civil war.

10-09-12, 15:21
And we have a winner for the "most irrational post of the day."

Come again? Irrational? You don't get off that easy young fella, typing out meaningless reflex actions absent even the most rudimentary of intellectual application!

I'm positive, that you haven't even a clue as to what I was referencing, that you are so inculcated to the knee-jerk leftist core identity, that you just respond "automatically," totally absent any logic process, much as a skunk sprays, or a porcupine slaps its tail, at any motion within their comfort zone....;)

10-09-12, 15:54

10-09-12, 15:55
Denali, he is a hard-core leftist. He even posted that he thinks Romney wants to overthrow the US government and establish a theocracy. Rational?

10-09-12, 16:33
Of course you had to bring that up...

Yes, I believe it does. :D

I just hate it when I see people such as yourself, whether you are right are wrong about what you believe to be the "real" affairs of the world, get too caught up in it and appear to be in constant worry/fear about it. I always have the sense you are too worried about the world and its woes to enjoy life while you're at it.

Don't sweat it. SEC Football is internecine warfare. My "Geaux Tigers'" offense is GONE. As needs to be Les Miles and his happy band of (truly) Offensive Coordinators.

Actually, Geopolitics is a hobby of mine as is history. I spend an hour per day on it. I don't find that to be "too much" at all. If we all would put in our time we'd not be where we are today, perhaps.

None of this stops me from spending quality time with family, pursuing other interests or travel.

It's merely priority. I don't think I was put here/chose to be here at this time to watch others live their lives. I rather FEEL that I am here to help make constructive, non-violent Godly change.

10-09-12, 17:05

10-10-12, 23:04
Well, I did watch the Gamecocks destroy the Bulldogs this weekend. Does that count for anything?
Oh snap. Now that is brutal.

Then again, We'll see you at the worlds largest outdoor cocktail party in a bit :D

10-10-12, 23:24
Those plastic coffins are manufactured by Polyguard Vaults, Inc. (http://www.polyguardvaults.com/index.cfm?ID=2), the particular model is their Hercules Airseal vault. They are spacious enough for multiple adults.

Now that's just unfair! I paid for those coffins, I deserve one of my very own! I don't want to share with some jerkoff they line me up next to when they execute me! Jesus, they'll think we were having some kind of boxed orgy when the archaeologists dig us up in 1000 years, how undignifying.

In all seriousness, I'm glad to know the government is planning to clean up the mess whatever calamity they're planning for us will create. I'm gonna go hide in the mountains.

10-11-12, 01:34
Now that's just unfair! I paid for those coffins, I deserve one of my very own! I don't want to share with some jerkoff they line me up next to when they execute me! Jesus, they'll think we were having some kind of boxed orgy when the archaeologists dig us up in 1000 years, how undignifying.

Hah! :lol:

Just get your own from Wal-Mart (http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?search_query=casket&ic=16_0&Find=Find&indexId=13a48f69f72c&cdnHost=search-cdn.walmart.com&searchdropdowndiv=com.wm.module.305715.constraint&search_constraint=0) and call it good.

10-11-12, 02:16
I guess before I get too concerned:

- Is this an update to an existing plan? Or is it a totally new concept in planning?

Couple of points of note: after Katrina a lot of fingers were pointed and that means a lot of folks (esp bureaucrats) do not want to be in that position again.

In my state, a lot of attention is being payed to the potential of a significant seismic event and the corresponding impacts to the interstate system. The state has just conducted a study, and many cities and counties are finishing up their own as well (grant money). ODOT is setting aside construction money just for this. In fact MAP21 (FWHA reauthorization) has money set aside - just for this as well.

It could simply be that disaster planning is something that the Feds realize they really were behind on and as a result of the amount of money flowing toward the gov right now, it is something they intend to capitalize on.

If you read the text of the bill it is pretty benign. In fact, in the event of a shaker - esp in a small to medium sized area - what is the plan for sending the dead out to be processed in an orderly and respectful manner? It isn't a bad thing to consider in advance.

Then again, it could be that Pol Pot is gonna set up shop....

Good luck

10-11-12, 07:12
Isn't this the same bill that AJ and Ventura were talking about a year ago with the FEMA camps, fusion centers etc?

Pretty sure this is old, old news...

10-11-12, 07:17
Oh snap. Now that is brutal.

Then again, We'll see you at the worlds largest outdoor cocktail party in a bit :D

My Tigers host SC this week. It's gonna be ugly. Spurrier is on a roll. I hope they go undefeated.

10-11-12, 11:03
Isn't this the same bill that AJ and Ventura were talking about a year ago with the FEMA camps, fusion centers etc?

Pretty sure this is old, old news...

HR 6566 was introduced on September 28, 2012. An amendment to the Homeland Security Act of 2002. Ventura's show aired November 12, 2010 episode 204 (11) entitled "Police State".

10-11-12, 12:58
HR 6566 was introduced on September 28, 2012. An amendment to the Homeland Security Act of 2002. Ventura's show aired November 12, 2010 episode 204 (11) entitled "Police State".

Am I nuts, or is not the exact same content? In the show you mention it goes over this entire subject matter. Coffins, camps, bullets, fusion centers and the bill that provided funding for it. What is different here?

10-11-12, 13:35
Am I nuts, or is not the exact same content? In the show you mention it goes over this entire subject matter. Coffins, camps, bullets, fusion centers and the bill that provided funding for it. What is different here?

From what I understand, now they will be confiscating crayons. Key thing is that they will only be confiscating CRAYOLA crayons.

Yea...it's that bad. And soon sunup will be the sundown before the dawn of yet another sundown. Or is it sunup? Oh well.

10-11-12, 13:44
Nah, not worth it.

10-11-12, 13:50
Am I nuts, or is not the exact same content? In the show you mention it goes over this entire subject matter. Coffins, camps, bullets, fusion centers and the bill that provided funding for it. What is different here?

Not sure of the particulars, chaulk it up to .gov redundancy.