View Full Version : Wasted Youth

10-08-12, 18:06

by Louis Awerbuck in the October 2012 issue

As the saying goes, it’s a pity that youth is wasted on the young.
But in my twilight years, it’s equally disconcerting to find that I have become not a Renaissance Man, but merely—at best—a Renaissance Boy. And the only reason I’d even consider pompously using the word “renaissance” is that I tried many things over a full life, and succeeded at most.

Sadly, even though I put in Sir Winston Churchill’s “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat,” I apparently expended them on predominantly useless subject material. Chasing young girls and racing powerful motorcycles are lots of fun, but even if successful, you’re not gaining wisdom or knowledge for yourself. You’re just living your life—young or old—for what other shallow people may think of you, no matter how proficient you may become in an inconsequential pursuit.

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