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View Full Version : The support of this forum through troubling times.

10-13-12, 15:59
I don't open up much but reading through ArmyChief's support thread got me thinking about some stuff. It is awesome to read through that thread and hear of AC's attitude during the trying times that he is currently going through.

I DO NOT in anyway mean to take away from that but the support from people on here for him has been just outstanding. We argue and bicker at times. We post statements about things that might seem short and rude at times. But when one of our own is down we come together and lift that person up. Brings things around here into a much smaller field of vision.

I can echo this through my own trying time. Which honestly am still paying for in more ways than one. Almost 2 years ago I posted on the GD about my drinking problem and the repercussions that ensued. Lost my job, lost the only woman I wanted to marry, and (this wasn't posted) lost my house. Also had to sell my AR's and handguns. Only thing I kept was my 930 shotgun.

I CANNOT tell you all of the replies and support I received just through PM's alone. I had guys offering me free (and good stuff like BCM & DD) BCGs, barrels, etc. They were already trying to help me recover by assisting me in my next build. The Battlecomp on my current rifle now is through the kind generosity of a good friend of mine on here who knew what I was going through at the time. I knew nothing about this until I opened up a small package one day with a note and BC 1.0. The note said, I know you are going through a hard time and just wanted to give you this. I was speechless.

The response was just overwhelming. I know what I went, (am still recovering from) through, doesn't pale in comparison to AC's but when I read through his thread it reminded me of the support that M4C is capable of.

Like I said not trying to take anything away from AC and that thread but wanted to say a great, and belated thanks to all on here for your support.


10-13-12, 19:33
No doubt about it Jax. This place can be full of disagreement and I know I have a few detractors here. But it can also be a wealth of both information and insight as well as entertainment for the semi-like minded.

Hope you have managed your problem. Had a time for a few years when I felt I had to drink every day to subdue stress and pain. Never got drunk, especially in front of my son. But the need to dissipate the overall tension was strong and I'd just use enough of it to keep that crippling bad feeling away.

Usually a six pack of Miller Light and possibly a mini shot would be the nightly routine, although there were times when I needed more as well as times when I didn't finish what I had. Past that now for the most part but I do still drink light beer fairly often.

10-14-12, 00:55
I agree. This is a great place with noble people.

I too have a drinking problem. I'm 5 years sober now, but it takes work.

I remember the worst of it, the rock bottom. I had been drinking for years, & I got to a point where beer wasnt doing it anymore. When I switched to liquor is where the decline hastened dramatically. It got really bad. Bad.

My sobriety is due to two things. The total loss of respect from my friends, & my family. And the morning that haunts my mind. The morning I woke up & couldnt keep my liquor down. I remember vomiting blood in my bathroom sink, feeling like death, praying I could just keep a little booze down so I wouldnt get the DT's. I was scared & thought I might die. When I went through withdrawal, it was intense. It wasnt DT's, but I had the shakes bad, auditory hallucinations, depression etc. I could barely manage to fall asleep, but when I did, I had these vivid nightmares, totally lucid. Scary beyond imagination.

It took me a long time to feel normal again, I had to relearn how to cope with lifes problems.

I can relate with you Jaxman. This forum is top notch. With top notch folks.

10-14-12, 18:56

Thanks for the reply. I started out drinking about the same amount as you. At first I did it just to go to sleep. My discharge from the Army was not something I really wanted to do. Yes it was a honorable discharge but my shoulder injury left me incapable of doing my chosen MOS. Looking back now I should've stayed in. . The failure in my mind is what caused the inability to go to sleep and my 'cure' was alcohol. With that little idea a huge negative impact on my life began to take

Since all that crap went down and I stopped drinking lifes much better. Freaking slow recovery from all the impacts it made on life but recovery is the key word there. My life, my fault, and me to fix it. Wouldn't have it any other way. ;)


Thanks for sharing that man. Much appreciated brother. 5 years sober is awesome! This is going to start sounding like the M4C AA thread but yeh I remember those rock bottom times myself. Drinking in the truck during lunch breaks, getting shakey at the end of a work day b/c it was freaking time to drink.

OK.....I'll share this with you guys b/c its funny (albeit embarrassing)
in retrospect. One night while drinking I got hungry. Decided it was time to run to town for more beer and some food at Sonic. Well got the beer and headed off to Sonic for a burger. If anyone is unfamiliar with Sonic it is like the old 50s-60s style burger joints where you pull your vehicle up to a parking spot. Order your food and usually someone with roller skates on brings your order.

Well my order was placed and I was waiting for the order to arrive. During this time I looked down at the passenger seat I saw something that may make the waitress a little uncomfortable. My M&P9FS. Why it was there and not placed where it normally is during driving will just be chalked up to be a dumba$$ drunk. More of the dumba$$ery to follow shortly.

I decided to hide it in the glove box before I saw anyone (I was the only customer there) and right after that thought a huge bang went off. The Winchester Ranger tore through the top of the dash went out windshield and lodged itself some where in the building in front of my truck. My drunk self did a quick, "Oh @#$%", a oh @#$% search and asses and cranked the truck and left.

Funny maybe but good Lord what would've happened if someone else was there and I hurt them. What about driving home and veering off into another car?

Drinking was going to kill me one way or the other. It took losing almost everything to lose the drinking. It was bad at the end but could've ended up much much worse. Any day after that becomes easy after thinking about what life was like before. The support shown on here was part of my recovery.


10-14-12, 19:35
Glad to hear your continuing to march forward Jax. I'm no Alcoholic, but in a sense I am. Got a Family of Alcoholics and got it in my DNA they say. Thank goodness for my Wife. She keeps me on the straight and narrow. Meaning its not a big step to cross the line. Hope all you guys stay well. Thanks for courage and honesty.

10-14-12, 21:15
Glad you got it together before the lights went out. Been there, done that. I'll spare you the drunkalogue because they're basically all the same. I'm creepin' up on 17 years sober. When I look at my life today and compare it to where I was when I finally gave up the booze and got some help, it boggles my mind.

10-15-12, 00:37
These guys here are pretty accepting. I've revealed some pretty bad things about myself here, and these dudes have never given me shit for it. A single time.

10-16-12, 02:02

I did something similar, in comparison to your Sonic incident. I don't mean to turn your thread into an AA confessional, but here goes...

It was a late night, pre flight, zero hour. & I was high as a kite. Totally trashed. I had my 1911 cocked and locked on my bedside table. I remember it very vaguely, as it was a long time ago, but I basically tried to lower the hammer on a live round. I ended up sending a .45 FMJ 230 grain slug through my bedroom wall at an upward angle. It exited into my living room, went through one ceiling beam and bounced off the next. I found the bullet lying on the floor next to the couch the following morning. But I was shitting bricks after it detonated, did the holy f%&k search for the trajectory immediately after. It was insane.

I was ridiculed by everyone, & I lost a lot of trust in my friends for that incident. And rightly so. So stupid. We would go shooting & they'd say things like "Watch out for 'Krampus', hes known to have accidents"... Things along those lines. Man its still embarrassing to this day. I'm so thankful no one got hurt.

But the funny thing is the one buddy who gave me the most crap about my drunken bedroom ND, had one himself. RIGHT in FRONT of me. After all his crap talk over the years, he sets one off out of his H&K 9mm while we were out camping. We were sitting in front of the campfire, stoking it, adding wood, and BOOM. I look up & he has his gun out, totally startled expression. After the scare & searching for holes in flesh, & realising everybodies OK, the look on his face was priceless. He hasn't brought up my ND since, not once!

10-16-12, 19:58

I did something similar, in comparison to your Sonic incident. I don't mean to turn your thread into an AA confessional, but here goes...

It was a late night, pre flight, zero hour. & I was high as a kite. Totally trashed. I had my 1911 cocked and locked on my bedside table. I remember it very vaguely, as it was a long time ago, but I basically tried to lower the hammer on a live round. I ended up sending a .45 FMJ 230 grain slug through my bedroom wall at an upward angle. It exited into my living room, went through one ceiling beam and bounced off the next. I found the bullet lying on the floor next to the couch the following morning. But I was shitting bricks after it detonated, did the holy f%&k search for the trajectory immediately after. It was insane.

I was ridiculed by everyone, & I lost a lot of trust in my friends for that incident. And rightly so. So stupid. We would go shooting & they'd say things like "Watch out for 'Krampus', hes known to have accidents"... Things along those lines. Man its still embarrassing to this day. I'm so thankful no one got hurt.

But the funny thing is the one buddy who gave me the most crap about my drunken bedroom ND, had one himself. RIGHT in FRONT of me. After all his crap talk over the years, he sets one off out of his H&K 9mm while we were out camping. We were sitting in front of the campfire, stoking it, adding wood, and BOOM. I look up & he has his gun out, totally startled expression. After the scare & searching for holes in flesh, & realising everybodies OK, the look on his face was priceless. He hasn't brought up my ND since, not once!

Yet another painfully obvious reason, from you and I both, guns and drugs/alcohol don't mix. I've got another story I wont bother with concerning practicing shotgun reloads and alcohol. But with that said I think my embarrassment level has reached its quota for the week. :suicide:
