View Full Version : The Obama crime wave has begun.

10-19-12, 21:37
There is a rash of people punching each other.

Violent crime jumps 18 percent in 2011, first rise in nearly 20 years
Published October 18, 2012
Associated Press

WASHINGTON – Violent crimes unexpectedly jumped 18 percent last year, the first rise in nearly 20 years, and property crimes rose for first time in a decade. But academic experts said the new government data fall short of signaling a reversal of the long decline in crime.The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics reported Wednesday that the increase in the number of violent crimes was the result of an upward swing in simple assaults, which rose 22 percent, from 4 million in 2010 to 5 million last year.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/18/violent-crime-jumps-18-percent-in-2011-first-rise-in-nearly-20-years/#ixzz29nqDYXGB

10-19-12, 21:39

By conquest or consent is their mantra.

The agenda is to foment a Police state.

10-21-12, 16:02
Has NOTHING to do with Obama...

Look to decades of morality-undermining programming thru all sources of media. Also look to the Federal Reserve undermining our currency and outsourcing jobs with increases tax rates.

It's a "clash of civilizations" within our very own borders.

10-21-12, 21:57
Has NOTHING to do with Obama...

Look to decades of morality-undermining programming thru all sources of media. Also look to the Federal Reserve undermining our currency and outsourcing jobs with increases tax rates.

It's a "clash of civilizations" within our very own borders.

Interestingly, both of the stimuli that you list accelerated into hyperdrive under Obama. For example:
1) Food stamps - up 40% under Obama
2) Medicaid - up 15-20% in most states under ObamaCare
3) Work requirement for welfare - gone under Obama
4) Largest single middle class tax hike (ObamaCare) - passed by Obama
5) And finally, how many episodes of quantitative easing have we had under Obama? I've lost count.

10-21-12, 23:26
Keep in mind that the president does not control the Fed or Fed Chairman.

As the economy grinds to a halt I expect poverty to accelerate due to job loss, inflation or deflation (whichever route the Banksters decide to take) as well as draconian laws as govt ALWAYS defends itself from the people it's suppose to govern. BOTH parties participated in the skulduggery that brought us here.

10-21-12, 23:48
People are stressed out and tired. The prices of things they need keep rising, while their pay hasn't. They keep trying to tell themselves that they're lucky to have a job, but that is little consolation when they're unable to save from month to month and their boss keeps piling it on higher and deeper. Combine these feelings with the pop-culture idolization of selfish phony drunken superficial losers all over TV, and people start losing their minds. In traffic, at the store, at work, at the bar. Monkey see, monkey do.

I see it everywhere. People can't even wait in a line without getting pissed off and wanting to murder everyone around them.


10-22-12, 01:25
People are stressed out and tired. The prices of things they need keep rising, while their pay hasn't. They keep trying to tell themselves that they're lucky to have a job, but that is little consolation when they're unable to save from month to month and their boss keeps piling it on higher and deeper. Combine these feelings with the pop-culture idolization of selfish phony drunken superficial losers all over TV, and people start losing their minds. In traffic, at the store, at work, at the bar. Monkey see, monkey do.

I see it everywhere. People can't even wait in a line without getting pissed off and wanting to murder everyone around them.

This. This is the cause behind any spike in the crime rate. My only surprise is that it has taken until now for this spike to be observed.

10-22-12, 01:33
one thing this administration does contribute is the idea you dont have a chance the rich never pay and you are the ones footing the bill

kinda sick of a administration to be doing this but seems the way it is then hands them out some coupons and puts a few more of their friends on the dole !

so in that respect they are contributing !!
and what SMETNA said !

10-22-12, 01:41
If only people knew where to direct the frustration and anger they're feeling!

Instead of the driver in the next lane, or the person in line, or the smartass coworker, or the nosy bothersome neighbor, or the belligerent drunk, how about directing it at the Federal Reserve, Congress, and the Administration


10-23-12, 00:59
People are stressed out and tired. The prices of things they need keep rising, while their pay hasn't. They keep trying to tell themselves that they're lucky to have a job, but that is little consolation when they're unable to save from month to month and their boss keeps piling it on higher and deeper. Combine these feelings with the pop-culture idolization of selfish phony drunken superficial losers all over TV, and people start losing their minds. In traffic, at the store, at work, at the bar. Monkey see, monkey do.

I see it everywhere. People can't even wait in a line without getting pissed off and wanting to murder everyone around them.


It's not working people that are committing these crimes. literally ALL of this increase was attributed to young black males.

I like how they cleverly wrote it in the article- The main increase was EXPERIENCED by whites, hispanics and youths, lol wtf. Can't say young blacks are just attacking the shit out of basicslly everyone now, you have to say whites, hispanics and youths are experiencing higher crime rates.

10-23-12, 01:26
literally ALL of this increase was attributed to young black males.

Source? If that's documented fact, I'll forgo accusations of racism


10-23-12, 02:08
If only people knew where to direct the frustration and anger they're feeling!

Instead of the driver in the next lane, or the person in line, or the smartass coworker, or the nosy bothersome neighbor, or the belligerent drunk, how about directing it at the Federal Reserve, Congress, and the Administration


It might just happen someday. As this sordid mess unwinds enough folks may just realize who is to blame and decide bonfires are in order. Rather than their towns and cities burning in frustration, they might recognize the banksters and puppet politicians are the problem.

But first the moochers will burn down the local businesses.

I think it would be rather healthy if the Fed, WH, and Congress took a two year leave without pay. We might get something done to improve things around here! Drag the Supremes along with them.

10-23-12, 04:24
Source? If that's documented fact, I'll forgo accusations of racism



10-23-12, 04:24
Has NOTHING to do with Obama...

Look to decades of morality-undermining programming thru all sources of media. Also look to the Federal Reserve undermining our currency and outsourcing jobs with increases tax rates.

It's a "clash of civilizations" within our very own borders.

We will have to respectfully disagree on this. While the past you correctly annotate what have been all objectives & part of the bigger picture to undermine America, he is the one chosen to implement it & carry out the 'coup de gra'. The key to Obama is pay attention to what he DOES, not SAYS. He is a radical, his associations & actions (not words) resonate to it w/ fortississimo.

It has everything w/ Obama & him stoking the fire & pooring more gas on it, creating more tumult, racial tensions (i.e. Black Pansies, Trevon Martin et al), class tensions, SB loans are a joke etc. His trampling on the Constitution w/ symantic word games & interpretations, redistribution of wealth (per Central Banking systems plans to target American Exceptionalism to bring the US down to other countries standards) F&F, Syria, Libya+Bengazi, ME policies, Muslim Brotherhood, selective DOJ enforcement, villifying Patriots as potential Terrorists, Mission Creep of DHS, Cass Sustein, Cloward/Priven Strategy / socio-economic model, cast of clowns like Goldman Sachs, Solyndra, Corzine, SEIU, Geitner, Bernake, QE4+ (or whatever iteration we are on) UN ATT, ACORN, UDA policies, etc. et al.

If you still think not, I submit when was the last time a UN contingent of any size (happens to be 44 currently that will most likely change) EVER came to the US looking for voter suppression activities / fraud by conservative groups ?

Answer: wonder of all wonders, 2004, Foreign monitors to observe U.S. elections:


“A 55-nation body charged with overseeing fair elections and human rights in its member states expects to send as many as 100 monitors to observe the U.S. elections on Nov. 2, saying numerous “weaknesses and vulnerabilities” might delay the outcome or even compromise the results.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) explained its decision to send teams of professional foreign observers to the United States to watch the voting, saying irregularities with Diebold voting machines and procedures could jeopardize public confidence.

Although the State Department formally invited the OSCE to observe, its decision has touched a raw nerve within the Bush administration and in some congressional offices.

“Maybe they need a Florida vacation,” sneered one senior administration official, who said the State Department had no choice but to invite the OSCE monitors after it received complaints from a dozen Democratic lawmakers.’ ”

and this :

OSCE election-monitoring team arrives: By Gaurav Ghose

Washington, DC, Oct. 7 (UPI) — “International observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe arrived in Washington Thursday in preparation of their first-ever observation mission to monitor the U.S. presidential elections.

Thanking the U.S. government for inviting the OSCE, delegation head Barbara Haering, who is a Swiss member of parliament and also the vice president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, said that “the aim of the observation mission is to give a balanced picture of the election process in the United States.”

Who is the First US President To
Chair UN Security Council EVER ?

Answer : Obama

To wit: Section 9 of the Constitution says:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Pretty obvious what's going on.

More evidence to cogitate on:

"No American president has ever attempted to acquire the image of King of the Universe by officiating at a meeting of the UN's highest body. Obama apparently believes that being flanked by [ETA:] former council-member heads of state like Col. Moammar Qaddafi & Hosni Mubarak (Insert Muslim Brotherhood party members now) - will cast a sufficiently blinding spell on Americans."

He undoubtedly hopes that the horrid state of the nation's economy, turmoil over health care, JOBLESS rate, DEBT, a failing Foreign Policy, US Auto Industry in the tank (Lithium Battery factory for Chev. VOLTS that they have NOT sold ONE), and a summer of racial scapegoating will pale by comparison. This role as UN Security Council chair will allow him to make decisions, influence legislation and resolutions, and set the agenda.

10-23-12, 05:29
The position of President has been used to undermine the nation, VooDoo. This has been ongoing for longer than we've walked the planet.

And despite some people's opinion there is a Plan to sink the nation and whomever sits in the White House is tasked with pulling us under by default. So I get it. I did not wish to write a paper explaining both sides.

To put it all on one person is at best disingenuous. I for one second don't believe that Bush, Clinton or Obama believe everything they've done. I don't know if they are FULLY aware of the implications of legislation they've endorsed. Doesn't mean they are exempt from blame - but I don't think they are free to implement whatever they choose, either.

The OSCE monitors chap my ass. I've not heard much chatter about it online, either.

There are things he's done that are unforgivable - NDAA, for example - that have me wondering "WTF?!" But street violence? That's a reach for me. The ignorant bastards perpetuating this senseless crap probably do not listen to anything of any importance to you or I.

10-23-12, 05:41
Has NOTHING to do with Obama...

The position of President has been used to undermine the nation, VooDoo. This has been ongoing for longer than we've walked the planet.

Bush did (both), Clinton did and so has this guy.

To put it all on one person is disingenuous.


There is the problem. When you make a statement like the first quote w/o relaying the rest of the story, the platitudes & how it's concatenated....

ETA: Your subsequent post edits explain it now & I understand why you did not want to write a term paper / thesis etc.

Funny, my Poly Sci COI's where I matriculated from didn't offer those topics. :secret:

Too deep, layered, intentionally convoluted & sub rosa for the masses to comprehend as they will not get it unfortunately. Try to explain Vassal, Vassal State, Hegemony or Cultural Hegemony to the masses & see what kind of success & look you get. They will think your speaking Greek or French (pun intended).

Yep you got it. Agreed.

I can see it now, the headlines, allegations, whining, complaints, international tumult etc. to follow "GOP steals Election" "Tea Party-Patriot Thugs", "Obama refuses to abrogate power" etc....I still want off this planet.

Can't wait to see what DHS mutates/morphes into coupled w/ 'TIA' (Sieg Heil or "Politische Theologie" ala Carl Schmitt et al) ... That will be fun.

Oh by the way, since OSCE chaps you ass, have you heard about the next stop on our Hegemonious / Vassal State World Geo-Political tour brought to you courtesy of the Oligarchy via US Military is Mali....

Back to our regularly scheduled commentary.


Here's a link to a SME Steve Emerson & Buck Revell. I personally know & have worked with at several levels. He is "spot on" w/ his assessments. There is a legitimate concern etc.


10-23-12, 06:36
If only people knew where to direct the frustration and anger they're feeling!

Instead of the driver in the next lane, or the person in line, or the smartass coworker, or the nosy bothersome neighbor, or the belligerent drunk, how about directing it at the Federal Reserve, Congress, and the Administration

Ohhhh... THEY know. They just can't convince themselves, it's finally come to this... again... :eek:


10-23-12, 06:39
Has NOTHING to do with Obama...

Look to decades of morality-undermining programming thru all sources of media. Also look to the Federal Reserve undermining our currency and outsourcing jobs with increases tax rates.

It's a "clash of civilizations" within our very own borders.

Lol. Yeah, this is because of these damn tv shows, not the stress of a great recession.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

10-23-12, 08:48
It would seem that section 8 housing is moving crime to the suburbs where the victims are white and the perpetrators are ___________.

Obama DOJ: Growth in Violent Crimes Against Whites

Not only is the U.S. economy in shambles, violent crime is at an all-time high and new federal statistics show that 2011 saw the biggest increase in criminal activity in nearly two decades with a large boost in the rate of “violent victimizations” for whites.

The rate of violent crime increased by a whopping 17% last year, according to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), marking the biggest jump since 1993. Property crimes also went up 11% last year. That means that in 2011 there were nearly 6 million violent victimizations and more than 17 million property victimizations, according to the DOJ figures.


Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

Additionally, crime rate in the suburbs is growing much faster than in the cities or rural areas, the government figures show. In 2011 suburbanites suffered a 20% increase inviolent victimizations, according to the DOJ. Keep in mind that the feds admit in their report that the figures are probably much higher since only about 50% of violent victimizations were reported to police.


10-23-12, 09:34
Interestingly, both of the stimuli that you list accelerated into hyperdrive under Obama. For example:
1) Food stamps - up 40% under Obama
2) Medicaid - up 15-20% in most states under ObamaCare
3) Work requirement for welfare - gone under Obama
4) Largest single middle class tax hike (ObamaCare) - passed by Obama
5) And finally, how many episodes of quantitative easing have we had under Obama? I've lost count.

I think these are all part of the problem but the main reason why we are seeing an increase in crime has been the gradual destruction of the American family combined with the federal government's war on responsible people. We have record illegimatecy rates and record dependentcy and these are the factors that lead to crime.

10-23-12, 09:51
It would seem that section 8 housing is moving crime to the suburbs where the victims are white and the perpetrators are ___________.

Makes sense..While taking Grant's classes, we have several LE's in the class, one of them made a comment I did'nt forget..He mentioned that of all the perps they pick up, almost all of them have a driver's license, and either own a car, or have acess to one. Point being, when the pickings get slim in their 'hoods they'll simply drive over to yours where the pickings are better..

10-23-12, 15:34
We will have to respectfully disagree on this. While the past you correctly annotate what have been all objectives & part of the bigger picture to undermine America, he is the one chosen to implement it & carry out the 'coup de gra'. The key to Obama is pay attention to what he DOES, not SAYS. He is a radical, his associations & actions (not words) resonate to it w/ fortississimo.

It has everything w/ Obama & him stoking the fire & pooring more gas on it, creating more tumult, racial tensions (i.e. Black Pansies, Trevon Martin et al), class tensions, SB loans are a joke etc. His trampling on the Constitution w/ symantic word games & interpretations, redistribution of wealth (per Central Banking systems plans to target American Exceptionalism to bring the US down to other countries standards) F&F, Syria, Libya+Bengazi, ME policies, Muslim Brotherhood, selective DOJ enforcement, villifying Patriots as potential Terrorists, Mission Creep of DHS, Cass Sustein, Cloward/Priven Strategy / socio-economic model, cast of clowns like Goldman Sachs, Solyndra, Corzine, SEIU, Geitner, Bernake, QE4+ (or whatever iteration we are on) UN ATT, ACORN, UDA policies, etc. et al.

If you still think not, I submit when was the last time a UN contingent of any size (happens to be 44 currently that will most likely change) EVER came to the US looking for voter suppression activities / fraud by conservative groups ?

Answer: wonder of all wonders, 2004, Foreign monitors to observe U.S. elections:


“A 55-nation body charged with overseeing fair elections and human rights in its member states expects to send as many as 100 monitors to observe the U.S. elections on Nov. 2, saying numerous “weaknesses and vulnerabilities” might delay the outcome or even compromise the results.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) explained its decision to send teams of professional foreign observers to the United States to watch the voting, saying irregularities with Diebold voting machines and procedures could jeopardize public confidence.

Although the State Department formally invited the OSCE to observe, its decision has touched a raw nerve within the Bush administration and in some congressional offices.

“Maybe they need a Florida vacation,” sneered one senior administration official, who said the State Department had no choice but to invite the OSCE monitors after it received complaints from a dozen Democratic lawmakers.’ ”

and this :

OSCE election-monitoring team arrives: By Gaurav Ghose

Washington, DC, Oct. 7 (UPI) — “International observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe arrived in Washington Thursday in preparation of their first-ever observation mission to monitor the U.S. presidential elections.

Thanking the U.S. government for inviting the OSCE, delegation head Barbara Haering, who is a Swiss member of parliament and also the vice president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, said that “the aim of the observation mission is to give a balanced picture of the election process in the United States.”

Who is the First US President To
Chair UN Security Council EVER ?

Answer : Obama

To wit: Section 9 of the Constitution says:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Pretty obvious what's going on.

More evidence to cogitate on:

"No American president has ever attempted to acquire the image of King of the Universe by officiating at a meeting of the UN's highest body. Obama apparently believes that being flanked by [ETA:] former council-member heads of state like Col. Moammar Qaddafi & Hosni Mubarak (Insert Muslim Brotherhood party members now) - will cast a sufficiently blinding spell on Americans."

He undoubtedly hopes that the horrid state of the nation's economy, turmoil over health care, JOBLESS rate, DEBT, a failing Foreign Policy, US Auto Industry in the tank (Lithium Battery factory for Chev. VOLTS that they have NOT sold ONE), and a summer of racial scapegoating will pale by comparison. This role as UN Security Council chair will allow him to make decisions, influence legislation and resolutions, and set the agenda.

DuuuuuYAM! :eek:

That is a lot to digest. Thanks for expanding my knowledge base yet again. ;)

So we now have the OSCE "observing" our National Elections, Soros buying up the companies that make the voting machines, hah I wonder what their worried about . . .

10-23-12, 15:54
DuuuuuYAM! :eek:

That is a lot to digest. Thanks for expanding my knowledge base yet again. ;)

So we now have the OSCE "observing" our National Elections, Soros buying up the companies that make the voting machines, hah I wonder what their worried about . . .

Your welcome Sir, my pleasure.

Nope not out of the woods by a long shot unfortunately as it's going to be a long haul as it seems at this juncture. It will be funny to see the GOP now take positions & stances on issues that the Democrats use to hold because the Overton Window & Cultural Hedgemony as shifted that much through media control & 4GW/5GW tactics. But that is another topic.

I was also glad to see MoJolnir gets it so well as I understand now why he was not elaborating. It gets frustrating trying to impart good EEI on issues w/ the detractors acting immaturely. He clarified why he posted as such & was relieved.

He has a great solid knowledge base of the agenda etc as well. I particularly liked how he handled it. He is an another excellent example of how to discuss things maturely w/o getting wrapped around the axle or spooled up. I have just resolved to ignore those that serve or continue to disrupt the flow of good information & spoil it for others. Choosing not to post or when to post is a message & choice as well. Some have not figured that out apparently.

FWIW MK, check out this link:


I know 'SE' (who's a SME) & 'BR' when he was @ FBI in LA as we have worked on some CT projects in the recent past, seminars & COI's in the past & WE are all vetted members of IACSP. He knows what he speaketh. Ping me back channel if you have any questions as this is not appropriate venu for that SM.

10-23-12, 16:16
If only people knew where to direct the frustration and anger they're feeling!

Instead of the driver in the next lane, or the person in line, or the smartass coworker, or the nosy bothersome neighbor, or the belligerent drunk, how about directing it at the Federal Reserve, Congress, and the Administration


Total agreement and this should happen......but it doesn't because the Fed, Congress and the Administration are too far away and are not an immediate "relief" from the frustration and anger. To take it out on the 3 would require too much effort. Besides, as long as the populace has the basics, Food shelves overflowing in grocery stores 24 hrs a day, hot and cold fresh water, heat and a/c etc... why would they give a damn?? Also, there is a lot of "I'll let someone else take care of it" mind set. Yep, no doubt this country is becoming more and more dependent on you know who.

10-23-12, 16:24
DuuuuuYAM! :eek:

That is a lot to digest. Thanks for expanding my knowledge base yet again. ;)

So we now have the OSCE "observing" our National Elections, Soros buying up the companies that make the voting machines, hah I wonder what their worried about . . .

agreed...i like the way vd6 put that together.

A certain Tuesday in Nov may very well be the most exciting news day ever if indeed folks from other nations stand in the way and hinder patriots from casting their vote...I still cannot believe the country is not up in arms about the very though of this coming to pass.

Talk about asleep at the wheel...one more reason to vote early.

10-23-12, 20:28

There is the problem. When you make a statement like the first quote w/o relaying the rest of the story, the platitudes & how it's concatenated....

ETA: Your subsequent post edits explain it now & I understand why you did not want to write a term paper / thesis etc.

Funny, my Poly Sci COI's where I matriculated from didn't offer those topics. :secret:

Too deep, layered, intentionally convoluted & sub rosa for the masses to comprehend as they will not get it unfortunately. Try to explain Vassal, Vassal State, Hegemony or Cultural Hegemony to the masses & see what kind of success & look you get. They will think your speaking Greek or French (pun intended).

Yep you got it. Agreed.

I can see it now, the headlines, allegations, whining, complaints, international tumult etc. to follow "GOP steals Election" "Tea Party-Patriot Thugs", "Obama refuses to abrogate power" etc....I still want off this planet.

Can't wait to see what DHS mutates/morphes into coupled w/ 'TIA' (Sieg Heil or "Politische Theologie" ala Carl Schmitt et al) ... That will be fun.

Oh by the way, since OSCE chaps you ass, have you heard about the next stop on our Hegemonious / Vassal State World Geo-Political tour brought to you courtesy of the Oligarchy via US Military is Mali....

Back to our regularly scheduled commentary.


Here's a link to a SME Steve Emerson & Buck Revell. I personally know & have worked with at several levels. He is "spot on" w/ his assessments. There is a legitimate concern etc.


Correct on all points.

I saw the articles about... MALI. MALI? Yep, Mali...

When will the American public recognize what those who have stolen our gov't are, what they represent and what they are trying to do?

10-23-12, 21:24
That is a lot to digest. Thanks for expanding my knowledge base yet again. ;)


Correct on all points.

I saw the articles about... MALI. MALI? Yep, Mali...

When will the American public recognize what those who have stolen our gov't are, what they represent and what they are trying to do?

My bad & apologies here's the link I wanted to alert you to. This guy is a ROCK solid SME. Got swamped w/ an assignment.


10-23-12, 22:56
Source? If that's documented fact, I'll forgo accusations of racism


It was in the linked article that this whole thread is about. Did you read the article?

This is from the article- "The growth in*violent*crime*experienced by whites, Hispanics, younger people and men accounted for the majority of the increase."

10-24-12, 00:51
It was in the linked article that this whole thread is about. Did you read the article?

This is from the article- "The growth in*violent*crime*experienced by whites, Hispanics, younger people and men accounted for the majority of the increase."

You are taking a leap on that. Probably a logical one, but a leap none the less. You're deducing that the people NOT mentioned as experiencing violent crime are probably perpetrating it. So then, maybe the increase has been caused by pissed off elderly Asian women.


10-24-12, 01:39
My bad & apologies here's the link I wanted to alert you to. This guy is a ROCK solid SME. Got swamped w/ an assignment.


Many thanks, will comb through this as well. Further down the rabbit hole . . .

10-24-12, 18:11
. . . I submit when was the last time a UN contingent of any size (happens to be 44 currently that will most likely change) EVER came to the US looking for voter suppression activities / fraud by conservative groups ?

Answer: wonder of all wonders, 2004, Foreign monitors to observe U.S. elections:


“A 55-nation body charged with overseeing fair elections and human rights in its member states expects to send as many as 100 monitors to observe the U.S. elections on Nov. 2, saying numerous “weaknesses and vulnerabilities” might delay the outcome or even compromise the results.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) explained its decision to send teams of professional foreign observers to the United States to watch the voting, saying irregularities with Diebold voting machines and procedures could jeopardize public confidence.

Although the State Department formally invited the OSCE to observe, its decision has touched a raw nerve within the Bush administration and in some congressional offices.

“Maybe they need a Florida vacation,” sneered one senior administration official, who said the State Department had no choice but to invite the OSCE monitors after it received complaints from a dozen Democratic lawmakers.’ ”

and this :

OSCE election-monitoring team arrives: By Gaurav Ghose

Washington, DC, Oct. 7 (UPI) — “International observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe arrived in Washington Thursday in preparation of their first-ever observation mission to monitor the U.S. presidential elections.

Thanking the U.S. government for inviting the OSCE, delegation head Barbara Haering, who is a Swiss member of parliament and also the vice president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, said that “the aim of the observation mission is to give a balanced picture of the election process in the United States.”

Who is the First US President To
Chair UN Security Council EVER ?

Answer : Obama

To wit: Section 9 of the Constitution says:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Pretty obvious what's going on.

More evidence to cogitate on:

"No American president has ever attempted to acquire the image of King of the Universe by officiating at a meeting of the UN's highest body. Obama apparently believes that being flanked by [ETA:] former council-member heads of state like Col. Moammar Qaddafi & Hosni Mubarak (Insert Muslim Brotherhood party members now) - will cast a sufficiently blinding spell on Americans."

He undoubtedly hopes that the horrid state of the nation's economy, turmoil over health care, JOBLESS rate, DEBT, a failing Foreign Policy, US Auto Industry in the tank (Lithium Battery factory for Chev. VOLTS that they have NOT sold ONE), and a summer of racial scapegoating will pale by comparison. This role as UN Security Council chair will allow him to make decisions, influence legislation and resolutions, and set the agenda.

Happened upon this today . . .

Why the world wants Obama to win
