View Full Version : Another mass shooting in SE WI

10-21-12, 14:39
This shit is getting old.


Thank God no one was killed.

10-21-12, 14:52
"Man-caused disaster".

10-21-12, 15:43
New reports say 3 dead, 4 wounded.:mad:


10-21-12, 15:49
It was done with a pistol... But I foresee a renewed push for an awb, since the cat is out of the bag.

Hope they find the guy responsible.

10-21-12, 15:53
It was done with a pistol... But I foresee a renewed push for an awb, since the cat is out of the bag

I totally agree. I just don't understand what the **** is going on in these sick peoples heads and why they want to start shooting up people like this.

10-21-12, 15:54

10-21-12, 16:59
It was done with a pistol... But I foresee a renewed push for an awb, since the cat is out of the bag.

Hope they find the guy responsible.

They found him dead with a self inflicted gunshot wound.

10-21-12, 18:06
There has to be a solution to this shit somewhere in our society that doesnt involve a ban or restrictions. I have no answer other than to ask people to carry more.

10-21-12, 22:32


10-21-12, 22:34

You know.. MKULTRA and stuff.. :secret:

10-22-12, 01:10
There has to be a solution to this shit somewhere in our society that doesnt involve a ban or restrictions. I have no answer other than to ask people to carry more.
Well not having an economy in the shitter would help. When a DVI is granted maybe if he were to have turned them in under order rather than voluntary it MIGHT have prevented this. I know some folks here have been the victim of a vindictive DVI, so I don't know how that would play out. Maybe a shift in mental health practices (Aurora)? I dunno.

10-22-12, 01:13
Is it really a mass shooting if it is a personal conflict (spouse or something if the blurb I heard is right)? Mass shooting to me means someone shooting unknown persons, not trying to take out an ex.

Prayers for the families.

Let's see if the guy was under the care of a mental health pro or on drugs. That seems to be the real trigger, not the guns.

10-22-12, 03:10
Is it really a mass shooting if it is a personal conflict (spouse or something if the blurb I heard is right)? Mass shooting to me means someone shooting unknown persons, not trying to take out an ex.

Prayers for the families.

Let's see if the guy was under the care of a mental health pro or on drugs. That seems to be the real trigger, not the guns.

If he shot through strangers to get to his wife, what is it called then?
Semantics isn't what is important here, IMO.

This is the second such incident in this area.
The loudmouths are shouting louder.

10-22-12, 03:33
Not to take away from the victims and their families, but since when has three dead equated to a "mass shooting" . . . :confused:

IMHO a "mass" of people is more than three. Media hype and spin will play this up as it has others.

Happens the same weekend early voting starts in many states, how convenient. :mad:

10-22-12, 05:04
7 people were shot, 4 dead, including the shooter.

I don't care what it's called, it sucks.