View Full Version : Finale Debate: Winner Takes All?

Mauser KAR98K
10-22-12, 22:17
Overall, Romney came out on top looking the part of the President on many fronts; however, he struggle on some of the foreign policy questions, but did show he had a grasp of the overall picture and the situations in many of the hot spots.

He grilled Obama on the economy again, and on his apology tour.

Thoughts? This one could very well put Romney further in the lead according to some polls.

10-22-12, 22:28
Romney won on the big picture - look calm and thoughtful, respond don't react, project confidence. I think that his decision not to wallop Obama over Benghazi was probably a good strategy in the long run. His indictment of the apology tour was excellent in terms of execution when he ended with, "we don't apologize to dictators, we liberate people from dictators.

Obama probably came off as petulant with some of his sarcasm about the Navy. He will also struggle with the Tuesday morning fact-checkers when it comes to Romney's position on the auto bailout vs bankruptcy, sequestration, and others.

Overall, a win for Romney that furthers his campaign.

10-22-12, 22:30
I don't feel that Romney struggled at all, he surprised me by turning up his nose at burying Obama, and I mean burying him, when he let Obama off the hook on Lybia, and he had an awesome opening to do so when Obama became petulant about apology tours, and wasted trips, in which Obama actually accused Romney of insensitivity and fundraising in the face of crisis!

I mean really, all he had to do was look that reprobate in the eye and remind him that, "Mr president, our ambassador to Lybia hadn't been dead 24 hours, hideously murdered, and you sir, boarded Air Force One and went fundraising in Las Vegas!"

I thought Romney won accross the spectrum, however he gambled hugely on an electorate that is proven as stupid, to discern his subtlety...CNN's poll had him losing to the reprobate 48-40%...

He took a huge risk by turning down his amplitude modulation, we shall see if he was successful in his gambit....

Mauser KAR98K
10-22-12, 22:31
Romney won on the big picture - look calm and thoughtful, respond don't react, project confidence. I think that his decision not to wallop Obama over Benghazi was probably a good strategy in the long run. His indictment of the apology tour was excellent in terms of execution when he ended with, "we don't apologize to dictators, we liberate people from dictators.

Obama probably came off as petulant with some of his sarcasm about the Navy. He will also struggle with the Tuesday morning fact-checkers when it comes to Romney's position on the auto bailout vs bankruptcy, sequestration, and others.

Overall, a win for Romney that furthers his campaign.


BTW: I thought the Marines and Soldiers were still issued bayonets?

10-22-12, 22:31
We do NOT need another war. In fact, an Iranian conflict will ruin us economically. I'm concerned that Romney is too hawkish.


10-22-12, 22:34
I just couldn't stand the number of times that Romney stated that he agreed with the president's decisions. Damn, it's one thing to take the same stance, but it's a debate, not a back rubbing party!

10-22-12, 22:35
Once again, I had better things to do than throw things at my TV.

However, in reading various comments, I think that Obama doesn't give the independent voter enough credit. His world view is such that he cannot fathom anyone with half a brain disagreeing with him, and more specifically, he cannot fathom that lots of American will be put off by his behavior. The dumb ones are already voting for him. He has to win over the middle ground independents, who probably are a bit more discerning, and not as dumb as Obama assumes they are.


Mauser KAR98K
10-22-12, 22:36
We do NOT need another war. In fact, an Iranian conflict will ruin us economically. I'm concerned that Romney is too hawkish.


Huh...I thought his responses made him look like Obama at times, maybe trying to court the Ron Paul-ers. I think Romney sees it too, but if Israel goes back to the Begin-Doctrine and destroys Iran's nuclear facility, then all bets are off. A strong Navy and military is also a smart idea. Don't need to have a military at the levels Clinton left it and have another 9/11.

Shit happens, prepare for it.

Mauser KAR98K
10-22-12, 22:38
I just couldn't stand the number of times that Romney stated that he agreed with the president's decisions. Damn, it's one thing to take the same stance, but it's a debate, not a back rubbing party!

This "tactic" probably worked in his favor, and against Obama badly. What he did was distance himself from a G.W. Bush mentality, but also noted he would go after said countries a lot harder and show the flag a lot more.

10-22-12, 22:45
Romney just had to show that he was presidential and didn't get lost somewhere in discussing foriegn relations. Are most voters and especially swing voters really engaged on foriegn affairs? Better for Romney to look presidential and deal with whatever the state of the world is in January.

I'd love to see some marines and soldiers in a ad where they explain to the president that we still in a bayonet world and drones and aircraft carriers don't solve everyproblem.

10-22-12, 22:47
This "tactic" probably worked in his favor, and against Obama badly. What he did was distance himself from a G.W. Bush mentality, but also noted he would go after said countries a lot harder and show the flag a lot more.

I can see that, but the "dumb voters" who voted for Obama the first time, and are on the fence now, just heard Romney say that he agrees with what the president did numerous times in this debate. If I'm trying to go for voters who are on the fence, I'd want to distinguish myself as much as I can from my opponent.

I did think that Romney acted, spoke, and looked more like what a president should than Obama throughout the debate though. So I give him the nod for the "win". And I loved the fact that he called him out over the statement Obama made to the Russians about having "more flexibility after the elections"!

10-22-12, 23:11

BTW: I thought the Marines and Soldiers were still issued bayonets?

Not that I've ever seen. Or heard.

Romney just had to show that he was presidential and didn't get lost somewhere in discussing foriegn relations. Are most voters and especially swing voters really engaged on foriegn affairs? Better for Romney to look presidential and deal with whatever the state of the world is in January.

I'd love to see some marines and soldiers in a ad where they explain to the president that we still in a bayonet world and drones and aircraft carriers don't solve every problem.

Always need those boots on the ground, up close and personal.

10-22-12, 23:39
My take from tonight's debate:

Obama sounds like a neocon when it comes to foreign policy, Romney loves big government. Obama loves big business. Romney says that government should provide for everyone. Obama says that space policy is a priority now, yet ended the space shuttle program and guts NASA. Romney is a dove, Obama is a hawk.

Is this the bizzaro universe?

Both love blowing people up with drones. Neither appears to give a shit about civil liberties, the 'war on drugs', immigration, or realizes that Central and South America are real places.

Yep, we're ****ed.

10-23-12, 00:59
Once again, I had better things to do than throw things at my TV.

LMAO! Thats exactly how I felt, I can't stand a huge lier like that. It just frustrates me that people fall for his bucket o stuff.

10-23-12, 02:32
Once again, I had better things to do than throw things at my TV.

Me too. Half way through I asked my wife which of them has promised to cut federal spending by 50% and some plan of how they would do it. She laughed so I didn't bother with the second half either.

It is stupefying to me that with the economy in the crapper and 50% deficits that in none of the debates either candidate has not beaten the drum for drastic spending (you know, let's try acting like responsible adults for a change). Of course I don't expect any politician to take an unpopular stance, but come on this problem is a thousand times bigger than any other domestic issue we have faced for a couple of generations.

Likewise, it is hard to believe neither candidate is clamoring to get us out of the desert wars ASAP. I don't know anyone that believes we are achieving anything over there at this point. Does anyone really believe Afghanistan and Iraq will NOT revert to inter-tribal fighting and total deilitation of infrastructure within two years after we pull out?

If we are afraid to leave too quickly because of increased attacks I THINK THAT MEANS WE HAVE LOST THE FIGHT. Victors would not have to worry about a quick exit being dangerous. The danger would have been vanquished. This should tell us something.

Debates that dance around but never commit to specifically resolve the single biggest domestic and foreign issues are just lip flapping entertainment, if you are into that sort of thing.

That said, I have decided to reluctantly vote for Romney just because Obama is so sick and evil. At least Romney seems to be a nice guy, whereas Obama is a narcissistic bastard. Romney seems to be nominally in favor of pro-life, and gun rights (according to Ted Nugent whose opinion on the subject I trust), which are my two top issues with the economy and and wars third. And he at least nominally recognizes we should balance the budget whereas Dear Leader only sees it is his job to spend our money in as great of quantities as possible. I feel sorry for Romney though. He will probably win the election and then go down in history as the man at the helm as the good ship lollipop went over Niagara Falls.

10-23-12, 06:36
My take from tonight's debate:

Obama sounds like a neocon when it comes to foreign policy, Romney loves big government. Obama loves big business. Romney says that government should provide for everyone. Obama says that space policy is a priority now, yet ended the space shuttle program and guts NASA. Romney is a dove, Obama is a hawk.

Is this the bizzaro universe?

Both love blowing people up with drones. Neither appears to give a shit about civil liberties, the 'war on drugs', immigration, or realizes that Central and South America are real places.

Yep, we're ****ed.

Agreed. Both big gov't centrists.

ETA that Romney has mentioned Central and South America in two debates now.

10-23-12, 06:41
I watched about 10 seconds worth - after getting home from Scouts with #1 son - before finding the remote, and switching to the Bears - Lions game... :rolleyes:

Der Kommissar Obamassar was in full paternalistic lecture mode, with a flop sweat that made Nixon look positively ARID, by comparison.

And BLESS his heart... has he see a doctor for his thyroid lately?!?! I've seen Warner Bros. characters, whose eyes didn't bug out like that!!! :blink:

J Krammes
10-23-12, 06:41
I felt it started pretty flat, but ended well for Romney. I just wish he would have hammered Zero about Lybia. The Appology Tour segment was good. That really pissed off Barry. Overall I don't think this debate will matter at all. People are more worried about what happens at home, not overseas.

10-23-12, 08:36
I think most people see what they want to see in "their candidate", including me.

That said and trying really hard to be objective, the thing that stood out the most for me was M's composure under fire and the evil angry look that O had on his face for most of the "debate". I thought M won the being presidential audition.

I also think O sounded like a jerk with his condescending comments to M about the military, but M was stupid to compare the navy to 1916.

I, too, wish M had hit back harder on several of the issues, but it is what it is.

I early voted yesterday morning, so my die had already been cast.

10-23-12, 10:51
No surprise here. Chris Matthews thinks everyone who supports Romney is a racist. :rolleyes: Pretty sure thats the attitude of everyone at MSNBC.


10-23-12, 11:43
I have to say that I Just laugh and scream at the TV when Barry opens his pie hole with the lies and personal attacks .TV's are to expensive Now to throw my shoes at them :) .The pissed off Look of Barry is the normal anytime someone disagrees with him .

10-23-12, 12:32
Once again, I had better things to do than throw things at my TV.

However, in reading various comments, I think that Obama doesn't give the independent voter enough credit. His world view is such that he cannot fathom anyone with half a brain disagreeing with him, and more specifically, he cannot fathom that lots of American will be put off by his behavior. The dumb ones are already voting for him. He has to win over the middle ground independents, who probably are a bit more discerning, and not as dumb as Obama assumes they are.


I think you are correct. I hope you are anyway. The true Obama voters decided to vote for him in 2008, if they could have voted twice for 8 years, they would have done so right then. No difference now.

The Independent or Intellectual un-decided are smart enough to see through his BS, lack of abilities and lies. Although how anyone could be undecided at this point is beyond me.

I'm ready for it all to be over, I know that.

10-23-12, 16:26
I think you are correct. I hope you are anyway. The true Obama voters decided to vote for him in 2008, if they could have voted twice for 8 years, they would have done so right then. No difference now.

The Independent or Intellectual un-decided are smart enough to see through his BS, lack of abilities and lies. Although how anyone could be undecided at this point is beyond me.

I'm ready for it all to be over, I know that.

Amen to that, lets get on with dealing with what is coming.........

10-23-12, 16:59
Just my personal thoughts, but I think the debates are helpful in a couple of ways. The first one always gives me a read on both candidates intelligence level because they're the least prepared for that one. They can't be coached on how to react because they don't to have anything to react to yet, so they're somewhat on their own.

For the President, I don't need to hear what he has to say regarding the issues. I don't think anyone with any intelligence does. We have four years of his decisions on the economy, deficit, healthcare and foreign policy etc. to go by. What he says at a debate is not relevant; his actions over the last four years are.

For the challenger, and specifically in Governer Romney's case, we have his record as a businessman and his term in office in Massachusetts to give us a general idea of what his domestic policy is going to look like. Watching him talk about foreign policy does give us a general idea of what he thinks. Since he's never had to deal with it in the past, we have nothing else to go on at this point.

And I also don't understand how anyone can be undecided at this point.

10-23-12, 19:00
Not that I've ever seen. Or heard.

Always need those boots on the ground, up close and personal.

I was, along with the entire rest of the USMC, issued a Bayonet from 2008-2012.... just wanted to clarify that, it really isnt that big of a political thing to me.

10-24-12, 01:25
I was, along with the entire rest of the USMC, issued a Bayonet from 2008-2012.... just wanted to clarify that, it really isnt that big of a political thing to me.

I too was issued a bayonet in the Army. I was also required to memorize the "Spirit of the Bayonet" chant. Sadly, formal bayonet drills have been removed from all but the infantry basic training. They still issue one to FOBits - they just have to figure out how to use it on their own!

10-24-12, 12:08
I too was issued a bayonet in the Army. I was also required to memorize the "Spirit of the Bayonet" chant. Sadly, formal bayonet drills have been removed from all but the infantry basic training. They still issue one to FOBits - they just have to figure out how to use it on their own!

When was that? I went through infantry OSUT a year and a half ago and the bayonet training had been taken out for us too. The course looked like it hadn't been used any time recently.

I figured the Marines may still have been getting theirs. I know they conducted a bayonet charge in Iraq, I think in '04 or so. Pretty badass.

But enough OT...

10-24-12, 12:40
When was that? I went through infantry OSUT a year and a half ago and the bayonet training had been taken out for us too. The course looked like it hadn't been used any time recently.

I figured the Marines may still have been getting theirs. I know they conducted a bayonet charge in Iraq, I think in '04 or so. Pretty badass.

But enough OT...

1993 was when I enlisted ;).