View Full Version : Front sight acquisition?

10-22-12, 23:13
In the past I have just shot with one eye open, my right dominate eye. That is how I was taught and I have just continued on with that. I have noticed in any sim gun training I almost always have both eyes open in the scenarios. If anything I will just briefly close the left then it is back to both open. Lately for whatever reason I have had trouble locking on to the front sight, it’s like my eye is drifting from rear sight to front sight and my score and groups have suffered. Today while drawing and dry firing I started just keeping both eyes open and so far it seems a lot easy for me to pick up the front sight and stay locked on it (nice clear front sight and everything else fuzzy). Do any of you shoot your handgun of choice with both eyes open? If so, is it for tactical reasons or better sight picture. Most importantly did I fix my problem or just cover it up?

10-23-12, 11:32
Both eyes open for me.

10-23-12, 12:30
I used to shoot with only my dominant eye (right) open. Now I simply squint my left eye instead of closing it completely.

10-23-12, 13:09
Both eyes open with painted front sight post.
