View Full Version : Forecast For Sandy Becoming Ominous To Northeast

10-25-12, 10:20
Not looking to spread panic or drama, but some forecasters are saying that this storm may evolve in a way that has no modern equivalent. They reference the "perfect storm" of '91, but say it will likely be worse and also hit land right here in the NJ/NY area. High winds and severe conditions could radiate up to 400 miles from the center.



10-25-12, 10:27
I actually would have loved to see that storm get into the gulf & head a little south of the border into mexico and dump 2-3 feet of water in south TX...the ranch I hunt used to have over 20 tanks & half of those had big bass in them.

We are down to 3 or 4...the rest you can drive through now...we are parched and all the tropical weather is missing us this year.

10-25-12, 10:35
I just heard that a few minutes ago. Somehow the storm escaped my attention completely until now. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.

10-25-12, 11:09
I just heard that a few minutes ago. Somehow the storm escaped my attention completely until now. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.

Same here. Normally I keep a good watch on Hurricanes and TS/TD's (meteorology is an interest of mine), but I guess with it being almost November I forget they are still out there.

10-25-12, 11:55
If Obomber loses, it will be the storm's fault.

10-25-12, 12:11
I saw this report this morning on my way out the door. If it is going to be as bad as they sit it is, that's gonna suck.

Last year, I can't remember the name of the hurricane that moved up the coast, we ended up having 4 solid days of rain. Ended up losing a 60' section of our fence and our pool liner.

Lets hope it doesn't get too cold...

[QUOTE=Safetyhit;1425573]Not looking to spread panic or drama, but some forecasters are saying that this storm may evolve in a way that has no modern equivalent. They reference the "perfect storm" of '91, but say it will likely be worse and also hit land right here in the NJ/NY area. High winds and severe conditions could radiate up to 400 miles from the center.



Doc Safari
10-25-12, 14:28
If Obomber loses, it will be the storm's fault.

I wasn't going to go there unless someone else did, but the forecasts are for the nastiness to reach as far west as Ohio. With the closing days of the campaign focusing on that crucial swing state, a huge storm could bring both campaigns to an abrupt halt. With no further campaigning possible, likely the current poll numbers, or the poll numbers on the day the storm hits, will be the ones to believe.

No Republican has ever won the presidency without Ohio. This storm could short-circuit Romney just as easily.

With the momentum clearly in Romney's favor, an abrupt halt to his campaign would not be a good thing.

So I would say: don't look at this as a gift, but a curse.

10-25-12, 15:01

If Obama loses, it is the storms fault?
And if Romney loses, it is the storms fault?

Regardless of who loses, it is the storms fault.

Alex V
10-25-12, 15:50
Last year when Irene hit my office was inaccessible for the better part of two weeks. It was just as I was switching jobs and out of my two week notice, I was in the office for 2.5 days lol.

NJ and most of its residents just are not equipped to deal with a hurricane as well as people in the Gulf states. This could be a real sh*t show.

10-25-12, 19:25
I actually would have loved to see that storm get into the gulf & head a little south of the border into mexico and dump 2-3 feet of water in south TX...the ranch I hunt used to have over 20 tanks & half of those had big bass in them.

We are down to 3 or 4...the rest you can drive through now...we are parched and all the tropical weather is missing us this year.

I wish it would go your way too. I'm not looking forward to it. At least it's not a tornado and you know it's coming.

10-25-12, 20:03
I spent eight years in the USN, but it took sailing lake Superior to see my first 60 foot wave...I hear they are predicting 100 foot peaks with this bad ass...

10-25-12, 20:18
I spent eight years in the USN, but it took sailing lake Superior to see my first 60 foot wave...I hear they are predicting 100 foot peaks with this bad ass...

Yeah, that is bad ass.

Especially for those of us that are thousands of miles away, with family that could be badly affected....


10-25-12, 20:22
Yeah, that is bad ass.

Especially for those of us that are thousands of miles away, with family that could be badly affected....


Not to sound dramatic too early, but if your (or anyone else's) family is in the upper half of NJ or the southern NY area and the storm does serious damage and you can't get a hold of them for whatever reason, get a hold of me and I'll go check on the address.

10-25-12, 20:23
Weather person on TV is predicting 4 1/2" of snow for my area...along with high winds..Last time something like this happened, I was out of power for 4 days.. with no generator..This time I have a 5000 watt generator,a 2500watt backup, and I guess I'll have to fire up my outdoor woodburner for heat..I have lots of wood..I better load up on gas tommorrow, and sharpen up my chainsaw chains,I might be able to get some free wood...:) If this all comes together like they think it might, this is going to be a bitch...

10-25-12, 20:32

If Obama loses, it is the storms fault?
And if Romney loses, it is the storms fault?

Regardless of who loses, it is the storms fault.

If Katrina taught me anything . . . its all BUSH's fault. :D

Yeah, that is bad ass.

Especially for those of us that are thousands of miles away, with family that could be badly affected....



Um, I don't think he meant bad ass as in cool. I think he meant it in the literal since. Could be wrong.

NOAA to East: Beware of coming 'Frankenstorm'


10-25-12, 20:36
It's 80d + in Richmond, Va and they say it may snow!

I don't really understand how this front across the northern US will pull this storm in. Is it supposed to wrap up under it and basically suck it inland with anti-clockwise winds?

10-25-12, 20:51
It's 80d + in Richmond, Va and they say it may snow!

I don't really understand how this front across the northern US will pull this storm in. Is it supposed to wrap up under it and basically suck it inland with anti-clockwise winds?

As I understand it..A cold front coming down from Canada and this storm/hurricane will run into each other..exactly where/when is'nt clear..yet,Some models show the hurricane turning into the east coast above D.C. or possibly farther north, like NYC.and it'll go inland(west) from there. But yes, you've got the idea..the hurricane from the south's counter clockwise movment will act like a giant fan..sucking the cold front father down,faster,and over a wide area. High winds, cold temps, snow, possible power outages. Yee-Haw..here we go... I gotta go sharpen some chainsaw chains..

10-25-12, 21:06
I guess when teh two collide it will stall. that's what happened to us here when Gaston ( I think it was Gaston ) basically sat over us.

I don't know how accurate it was but I heard someone on the radio mention 8" of rain. I honestly don't expect winds to be much of an issue... not here anyway. I'll be very surprised if it can hold TS speeds at landfall. But all that rain and then freezing rain will really bring down the trees not to mention floods.

10-25-12, 21:20
Well don't forget that hurricane is about 300miles wide...that's no slouch.. Frankly I hope this isn't as bad as they say it could be..I'm really not wanting to depend on a generator for power. The last storm like this that came through here tore alot of shit up.. (the roofers,tree trimmers, had a field day)I don't want to find out just how good/bad my house insurance really is...

10-25-12, 21:27
Yeah, that is bad ass.

Especially for those of us that are thousands of miles away, with family that could be badly affected....


Hey sport, you might chill with the dramatics, you "clearly" failed to grasp the meaning of my post....

10-25-12, 21:30
If Katrina taught me anything . . . its all BUSH's fault. :D


Um, I don't think he meant bad ass as in cool. I think he meant it in the literal since. Could be wrong.

NOAA to East: Beware of coming 'Frankenstorm'


He knew, he's just smarting from getting pasted in another thread, and IMO looking for any excuse....But yeah, you got it right...

10-27-12, 11:12
Not to sound dramatic too early, but if your (or anyone else's) family is in the upper half of NJ or the southern NY area and the storm does serious damage and you can't get a hold of them for whatever reason, get a hold of me and I'll go check on the address.

Appreciate the offer...

(My family isn't in that area though, so we'll see....)

10-27-12, 11:57
Generator prepped and tested today, vehicles ready, food and water on hand, cash withdrawn, good to go.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

10-28-12, 09:53
Anyone getting hit yet?

10-28-12, 10:51
Light rain, temps dropped a few degrees. I can still the the mountains from my house.

I'm in NEPA.

Anyone getting hit yet?

10-28-12, 10:58
Just a little cloudy and windy with no rain yet here, but one of my three dogs has been very restless all morning. Something has her unusually spooked and that can't be too good a sign.

10-28-12, 11:55
Currently in Manhattan. People here are ridiculous; they're panic-buying the most useless shit. The lady in front of me in line earlier had a phantasmagorically strange assortment of items in her cart, including an inordinate amount of tomato sauce. I mean -- like 50 cans. WTF?

10-28-12, 13:22
The news is so ridiculous with this. I understand the need to get people to take the storm seriously, but the following is pretty absurd:


10-28-12, 14:20
The news is so ridiculous with this. I understand the need to get people to take the storm seriously, but the following is pretty absurd:

Maybe, maybe not. Probably isn't the time to be jumping to conclusions one way or the other though.

10-28-12, 14:23
Maybe, maybe not. Probably isn't the time to be jumping to conclusions one way or the other though.

I'm not saying it won't be bad, just that "Terrifying Monster Storm" is an absurd way to report it. Can't see the humor in it?

10-28-12, 14:23
If this thing is anything like 'The Perfect Storm' of '91 it will be a real shit sandwich. I have lived on/near the coast so I am 'used' to hurricanes, so I am watching with a little detached amusement how folks in the north are reacting; much like, I am sure, the way they look at us when we get 2 feet of snow (or really any snow...). They are predicting that the wrap-sround from this behemoth will dump a few feet of snow in the western part of NC. We'll see.

In all seriousness, if you are within a few miles of coastline, just pack up and go...you can replace things, you can't replace family. Be safe, keep your head on a swivel and we'll see you on the other side...

10-28-12, 14:31
I'm not saying it won't be bad, just that "Terrifying Monster Storm" is an absurd way to report it. Can't see the humor in it?

I can now, but if my house or it's surroundings are pummeled like never before then no, no humor will be seen. I know you're in the area so you get my point. The epicenter will be directly over us when it hits, so with that we should be content to make light of the ominous forecasts after it passes.

10-28-12, 14:50
Getting windy in VA......

Gutters are clean.

10-28-12, 14:53
If given a chance, I will say that Barack Obama hates white people on TV :D

Dead serious.

10-28-12, 17:11
If given a chance, I will say that Barack Obama hates white people on TV :D

Dead serious.

Dude. You gotta.

10-28-12, 17:45
The wind has been picking up steadily all day. It’s in the 20 to 25 mph range right now.

10-28-12, 20:26
Was windy and rainy earlier, now neither. It's still and quiet. Which is good...I think. But my son's school has sent out emergency messages saying that they are closed until Wednesday, which is definitely a first. Guess we're about to see one way or the other, but with a fire going, plenty of necessities and some scary movies on it's all good so far.

10-28-12, 20:34
If given a chance, I will say that Barack Obama hates white people on TV :D

Dead serious.


There has been nothing here in Richmond. No wind, no rain.

I wouldn't want to be in NJ when the two fronts collide though.

One of the news reports was saying 4-6' water level rise in Pamlico Sound in NC. Not sure how much that sound rises on a normal storm but that seems like a lot.

J Krammes
10-28-12, 20:48
We are doing what we can here. I live in a flood zone:(. We should be fine though. People are really going nutz here. I went out to get a gallon of milk and some eggos this morning and stopped to look at the battery section just to see what it looked like. Just AA and camera batteries left. One worker told me that people were fighting over what was left of the D batteries. A local LOWES ran out of generators and told people that a truck might come in later in the day with some. More people were waiting than gennies were on the truck. I bet that was fun...

10-28-12, 20:50
I'm in between Baltimore and Annapolis along the bay. Everything around here is closed tomorrow. Not working tomorrow, and prepared for the inevitable impending power outage. Gonna make sure the sump pump keeps working so our basement doesn't flood out like it did in last years storm. This one is looking like it is gonna be much worse.

On the bright side I'm and electrician I'm sure lot's of people will be buying Generac systems for there house. Always a boom in people buying them after extended power outages.

I'm prepared and maybe I'll even get to do a little looter huntin' :cool:

10-28-12, 21:32
If given a chance, I will say that Barack Obama hates white people on TV :D

Dead serious.

Bastards won't air it though. Take care and stay safe.

10-29-12, 10:00
I was reading an article about Sandy, and saw another victim of the storm..The replica of the HMS Bounty(orginially used in the movie "Mutiny on the Bounty")..90 miles of the coast of N. Carolina. The boat began taking on water, and it was decided to abondon ship, 17 crew now in a lifeboat, supposedly no injuries, all with life jackets, Coast Guard now deciding to use either a cutter, or Heilo to rescue crew..
I was on this very ship when I was about 13-14.Saw it in St. Pete Fla, very impressive tour.. Once you saw what it took to run a boat like that you began to understand how good of sailors those people were back then.. RIP Bounty..

10-29-12, 10:28
We are doing what we can here. I live in a flood zone:(. We should be fine though.

I hope you are up on a hill... if you are in a flood zone and don't get flooded on this one it will be amazing.

10-29-12, 10:49
Almost all of our shore communities are flooded and not only is it low tide but the main surge has yet to hit. Both will happen at about the same time later this afternoon and early evening.

10-29-12, 11:01
It'been rolling in to my area for a several hours now. The wind is up, rain is heavy and the power is out.

J Krammes
10-29-12, 12:04
I hope you are up on a hill... if you are in a flood zone and don't get flooded on this one it will be amazing.

They (NOAA) are calling for ~6" of rain over 3 days where I am. If that holds true, I will stay dry. Last Sept we got just over 9" in 3 days from a storm that followed Hurricane Irine. With the ground and rivers already saturated from Irine it got pretty bad here. I ended up with 18" in my basement. I moved everything below the 4' mark. Everything is boxed up, so I can move it if things look to get worse. In '06 I had 7' of water in my house... We had 15"+ of rain in 3 days. That was a mess. We are doing our best to get out of here. Not to easy right now. We have plenty of food with means to cook it. Lots of drinking water, and a generator. It is what it is, and we will deal with what ever comes our way.

10-29-12, 12:16
The replica of the HMS Bounty(orginially used in the movie "Mutiny on the Bounty")..90 miles of the coast of N. Carolina. The boat began taking on water, and it was decided to abondon ship, 17 crew now in a lifeboat, supposedly no injuries, all with life jackets, Coast Guard now deciding to use either a cutter, or Heilo to rescue crew..

The captain needs a harsh punishment for taking the ship out in this storm.

10-29-12, 12:28
It'been rolling in to my area for a several hours now. The wind is up, rain is heavy and the power is out.

Got a genny?

10-29-12, 12:37
90 miles of the coast of N. Carolina. The boat began taking on water, and it was decided to abondon ship, 17 crew now in a lifeboat, supposedly no injuries, all with life jackets.

Local news has two crew missing. Story is dated, a couple hours old.

10-29-12, 12:38
It's starting to pick up a bit here now. Supposedly the storm is strengthening and the worst is supposed to be here around 6pm onward into Tuesday morning. Isn't looking to good for us, expecting major power outages going well into the weekend. Just went out to get a few last things before it gets too bad. Power is still here for the time being though.

10-29-12, 12:40
The captain needs a harsh punishment for taking the ship out in this storm.

Agreed, But, watching the news yesterday it seems a cruise ship full of people going to Jamaica (sp?) left New York with this storm heading in..

10-29-12, 13:13
Got a genny?

Yea I would say we have one.:D

Probably large enough to provide power for the local town.

10-29-12, 13:53
Guards at Tomb of the Unknowns to remain on-site during hurricane

"They will not abandon their post," an employee who answered the Arlington Cemetery's phone confirmed to Yahoo News.


10-29-12, 13:59
I hope everyone is doing good.

Rain has picked up quite a bit since yesterday. Winds going from 20-40 MPH at times. Power is up. Cold...

Stay safe everyone!

10-29-12, 14:42

WHY is everyone in SUCH a panic about hurricane (i'm calling it Sally)..? Stop projecting negativity! Think positive and pray for peace.

J Krammes
10-29-12, 14:49

Think positive and pray .

YES. About all I/we can do a this point... No panic here, just a sick feeling.:confused: I don't know why I feel this way, because I am pretty much ready.

10-29-12, 15:29
Guards at Tomb of the Unknowns to remain on-site during hurricane


....with their issued bayonets............. so you won't see that on the news either.

10-29-12, 15:49
Agreed, But, watching the news yesterday it seems a cruise ship full of people going to Jamaica (sp?) left New York with this storm heading in..

Why in the world would a cruise ship leave NY for Jamaica? So they could meet the storm half way?

Anyway.... The Captain is missing. He and a 22 yo new crew member ( female ) cold not make it to the life raft. The girl is supposedly a direct descendant of Fletcher Christian.

This all caused by a faulty generator I believe.

10-29-12, 16:21
Almost all of our shore communities are flooded and not only is it low tide but the main surge has yet to hit. Both will happen at about the same time later this afternoon and early evening.

Duck and cover and be ready with the MRE's, you'll be ok long as you have a way to make heat. I'd rather do no power in NJ in Oct. than no power in FL in Aug.

Keep in mind that almost NOBODY dies from the hurricane (especially a Cat 1 storm), most people die when they go outside AFTER (or if truly stupid during) the storm and something falls on them or they step in water that has a downed power line in it.

I cannot stress that last part strongly enough, especially if you guys are getting freezing rain. The down power line can be in the backyard of the house next door but if you are standing in the same water it can find ya. Stay clear of puddles and LOOK UP before you go forward.

10-29-12, 17:38
Why in the world would a cruise ship leave NY for Jamaica? So they could meet the storm half way?

Anyway.... The Captain is missing. He and a 22 yo new crew member ( female ) cold not make it to the life raft. The girl is supposedly a direct descendant of Fletcher Christian.

This all caused by a faulty generator I believe.

Just reported on Fox..22yo found..unresponsive, (probably dead) Capt. still missing..

10-29-12, 17:57
I just heard that. That's a shame. I wonder is it typical to report unresponsive when they are clearly dead? Said she was taken to hospital.

ETA: Now they are reporting her to be 42 years old, rather than 22 years old. ETA2: Fox News is reporting it as "body recovered".

10-29-12, 21:22
I'm betting that the real fun starts when NYC's 20 million rats start looking for higher ground...:eek:

10-29-12, 21:31
I actually would have loved to see that storm get into the gulf & head a little south of the border into mexico and dump 2-3 feet of water in south TX...

Not if you lived down here you wouldn't... We have our hands full with a cracked sea floor STILL leaking oil, wrecked environment and fishing and now earthquakes and a massive sinkhole that's filling with radioactive crude oil.

Y'all can deal with this.

10-29-12, 21:42
I'm betting that the real fun starts when NYC's 20 million rats start looking for higher ground...:eek:


10-29-12, 22:04
Y'all can deal with this.

We're glad you have it under control and agree that we should all feel inferior.

10-30-12, 01:06
So I thought it would be prudent to have my brother take my car to his place relatively deep into Pennsylvania, instead of keeping it in the tree-laden area near the coast where it's normally stored outdoors.

But nope. I just found out that a massive tree fell on the garage in which it was stored, completely destroying both his garage and my car.

You're a bitch, Sandy.

Also, here are some pictures of southern Manhattan, about 20 blocks south of me.




There are also fires still raging and destroying homes in Queens:


It's not too bad where I'm at -- mostly minor damage with a few destroyed vehicles. But nothing like the southern edge of the city.

10-30-12, 01:27

Looks almost like blood in the water witht that red tinge? I assume its brake fluid or something?

Times like this is when people realize that a 'just in time' economy also means 'almost out of stuff'.

Stay safe.

10-30-12, 01:51
I'm betting that the real fun starts when NYC's 20 million rats start looking for higher ground...:eek:

Assuming they have the sense to try. I have a SIL in NYC (Manhattan) and my wife talked to her a couple of times today. They could have easily evacuated to another sister in central Pennsylvania. Noooo, that would be running. Power is out, some flooding, but it is OK, they have some bottles of water so it's all good. They sort of considered buying "a" flashlight. "We're not survivalists like you guys!" What exactly is wrong about being prudent and surviving? At least they are on the 12th floor so floods and looters will have to really work to get to them!!

We hope for the best for the folks in NYC but I really can't fathom the cavalier attitude toward preparedness and definite dangers.

10-30-12, 02:41
From the Disaster Preparation & Planning thread:

but the pic speaks for itself.


10-30-12, 02:52
From the Disaster Preparation & Planning thread:

The ability to recognize humor and irony is lost in extremists, fanatics, and the deluded (like the people at infowars who posted that picture). Just saying.

Surely you don't think all those people are being 100% straight-faced serious in projecting their intentions to go looting, right?

Of course some people are the type to loot as evidence by Katrina, but that picture in itself wasn't some kind of warning sign or otherwise significant in any way.

I've been joking about going looting all day on other forums and with my friends here in the city. Somebody call Alex Jones (the source of that pointless picture)!

10-30-12, 06:19
The ability to recognize humor and irony is lost in extremists, fanatics, and the deluded (like the people at infowars who posted that picture). Just saying.

Surely you don't think all those people are being 100% straight-faced serious in projecting their intentions to go looting, right?

Of course some people are the type to loot as evidence by Katrina, but that picture in itself wasn't some kind of warning sign or otherwise significant in any way.

I've been joking about going looting all day on other forums and with my friends here in the city. Somebody call Alex Jones (the source of that pointless picture)!

There's an article out discrediting that Alex Jones article and in depth. However, that won't keep people from indulging in escapist fantasies.

10-30-12, 06:23
Not if you lived down here you wouldn't... We have our hands full with a cracked sea floor STILL leaking oil, wrecked environment and fishing and now earthquakes and a massive sinkhole that's filling with radioactive crude oil.

Y'all can deal with this.

Why don't you talk to Green Peace about your issues this is a thread about Sandy not your opinions on other subjects and issues.

10-30-12, 09:23
Some of you dudes can really **** a thread up. Initially this started as an advisory type/information thread. Now it's turned into the same generic bullshit political bantering. Bravo!

Back on topic:

North East PA has calmed down a bit. Power outages all over. Winds have calmed. Last night I'd estimate they were hitting 60-70 MPH at their peak. Rain is steady and moderate. We got about 7" here in the mountains.

I hope you costal guys are safe. We have family in Frenchtown NJ and haven't heard anything from them since last night.

10-30-12, 09:30
I hope and pray that all here and their loved ones are okay.

J Krammes
10-30-12, 09:42
I feel like I dodged a huge bullet... My local area faired pretty well. Some wind damage, and some power outtages mostly in the more roral areas (like my parents). Water was not an issue here. The storm stayed lower than expected. I am going to see if I can help any where later today and tomorrow.

10-30-12, 12:01
Assuming they have the sense to try. I have a SIL in NYC (Manhattan) and my wife talked to her a couple of times today. They could have easily evacuated to another sister in central Pennsylvania. Noooo, that would be running. Power is out, some flooding, but it is OK, they have some bottles of water so it's all good. They sort of considered buying "a" flashlight. "We're not survivalists like you guys!" What exactly is wrong about being prudent and surviving? At least they are on the 12th floor so floods and looters will have to really work to get to them!!

We hope for the best for the folks in NYC but I really can't fathom the cavalier attitude toward preparedness and definite dangers.

They know deep in their hearts that Bloomberg will rescue them, all the while making sure nobody gets fat.

10-30-12, 13:11
Assuming they have the sense to try. I have a SIL in NYC (Manhattan) and my wife talked to her a couple of times today. They could have easily evacuated to another sister in central Pennsylvania. Noooo, that would be running. Power is out, some flooding, but it is OK, they have some bottles of water so it's all good. They sort of considered buying "a" flashlight. "We're not survivalists like you guys!" What exactly is wrong about being prudent and surviving? At least they are on the 12th floor so floods and looters will have to really work to get to them!!

We hope for the best for the folks in NYC but I really can't fathom the cavalier attitude toward preparedness and definite dangers.

I was actually referring to the animal Rattus norvegicus (a.k.a. Brown Rat, sewer rat, etc.). Some estimates put the rat population on Manhattan north of 30 million.

10-30-12, 15:12

He says rats are expert survivors and will escape the floods and head for safer ground, such as apartments and other buildings inhabited by humans.

He said: 'Rats are incredibly good swimmers and they can climb.'

According to Ostfeld, this could result a rise in infectious diseases carried by urban rats, including leptospirosis, hantavirus, typhus, salmonella, and even the plague. "


10-30-12, 17:41
I was actually referring to the animal Rattus norvegicus (a.k.a. Brown Rat, sewer rat, etc.). Some estimates put the rat population on Manhattan north of 30 million.

Hunh... Didn't think of THAT!

10-30-12, 17:54
Hunh... Didn't think of THAT!

Until you have seen what native New Yorkers refer to as a "super rat" you'd never believe just how big a rat can get. :fie:

10-30-12, 18:18
Until you have seen what native New Yorkers refer to as a "super rat" you'd never believe just how big a rat can get. :fie:

I've seen photos of some rat from some island off the coast of Africa. They get up 3 feet long (2 ft body) and 5 lbs. one guy stabbed one with a pitchfork and I saw the photo of the thing. Gross.

All the more reason to have a gamebred terrier in that environment: Patterdale, Jaghd Terrier or gamebred Pit Bull crossed into ANY of the sizeable terriers like, say, an Irish, Airedale or the like.

10-30-12, 18:24
I've seen photos of some rat from some island off the coast of Africa. They get up 3 feet long (2 ft body) and 5 lbs. one guy stabbed one with a pitchfork and I saw the photo of the thing. Gross.

All the more reason to have a gamebred terrier in that environment: Patterdale, Jaghd Terrier or gamebred Pit Bull crossed into ANY of the sizeable terriers like, say, an Irish, Airedale or the like.

Like this?

10-30-12, 18:45
I don;t think they get Nutria up in NY. They live off marsh vegetation. They are all up and down the Chesapeake Bay though. I have seen what is probably Nutria feeding on the road side but driving by it's hard to tell if it's a groundhog, nutria or beaver. They all look alike if you just get a quick glimpse.

10-30-12, 19:47
Amazing how much the new york based media plays up a storm that effects them.

Poor NG guy has to carry a fat black woman on is back to a truck with like 3" of water on the ground.

If you live on the coast is possible the sea may be pushed up during a hurricane, and flood you out.

Couple years ago we had a TS that dumped over 15" of rain in our direct area, and houses along the river flooded. These people enjoy the scenery 40 years and then get flooded out 1 day out 40 years then cry about it. Price you pay for living next a body of water be it next to the ocean or a couple hundred miles inland but next to a river.

10-30-12, 19:54

Here the bastards are.

10-30-12, 20:01
Here are Patterdale Terriers for those interested. They are essentially "miniature pit bulls"...


10-30-12, 20:46
They should legalize the shooting of .22s in NYC so that people can combat the rats.

10-30-12, 21:34
They should legalize the shooting of .22s in NYC so that people can combat the rats.

Bloomberg wouldn't last out the first day.

Jokes aside, I had no idea that so many parts of the area were so flood prone. It's almost like NOLA in some areas.

10-30-12, 21:42
Bloomberg wouldn't last out the first day.

Jokes aside, I had no idea that so many parts of the area were so flood prone. It's almost like NOLA in some areas.

Not even close, really. People build houses on barrier islands, and then cry when they get flooded. Most of the city is high and dry.

10-30-12, 23:25
Not even close, really. People build houses on barrier islands, and then cry when they get flooded. Most of the city is high and dry.

I'm assuming LaGuardia Airport is not on a barrier island.


10-30-12, 23:47
The end result of the fire in NYC (Queens):


Straight Shooter
10-31-12, 00:51

10-31-12, 05:47

Bring in the Patterdales!!!


10-31-12, 08:17
The end result of the fire in NYC (Queens):


You can tell which way the wind was blowing.

In the bigger picture, living in similar type cityscape, this is what scares me about bugging in. It isn't zombies, it isn't as much roving bands of looters- it is fire.

10-31-12, 08:39
Why would you live in a city in the first place?

Alex V
10-31-12, 09:12
Still no power... definitely didn't expect this.

Have power at work. Fiance's office still w/o power.

Oh well. Live and learn.

Why would you live in a city in the first place?

That's kinda silly.. Like all the people telling me to leave NJ cause the gun laws suck. There are plenty of reasons why people live in large cities. If those reasons did not exist, we would not have cities.

10-31-12, 09:14
Hearing the coverage of this all day on the am radio. National news guy says "The first impact of the storm was felt on the coast".

No shit.

10-31-12, 09:36
Like all the people telling me to leave NJ cause the gun laws suck. There are plenty of reasons why people live in large cities. If those reasons did not exist, we would not have cities.

If you like NJ or you like cities, then live there and enjoy it. But I cannot understand why anyone would live in NJ or in a city. And living in a city in CO seems just absurd.

10-31-12, 09:36
Interesting reading on the HAARP system and weather modification.

Attached is link where they did a test of a hurricane hitting NYC in October 1997 simulating the 1938 storm.

It happened to be named "Sandy"


J Krammes
10-31-12, 10:39
Interesting reading on the HAARP system and weather modification.

Attached is link where they did a test of a hurricane hitting NYC in October 1997 simulating the 1938 storm.

It happened to be named "Sandy"


So who controls HAARP? Obamas puppet masters, Romneys puppet masters, or the Illuminati?

That is a pretty interesting read though...

10-31-12, 10:51
I'm glad people stay in the cities.. more room for me in the country. :p

10-31-12, 11:50
If you like NJ or you like cities, then live there and enjoy it. But I cannot understand why anyone would live in NJ or in a city. And living in a city in CO seems just absurd.

Can you shut the **** up with the rant horseshit for one goddamn day?

10-31-12, 12:37
So who controls HAARP? Obamas puppet masters, Romneys puppet masters, or the Illuminati?

That is a pretty interesting read though...

Good question. Another interesting read: http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2012/10/29/conspiracy-theorists-say-obama-engineered-hurricane-sandy

10-31-12, 14:12
Atlantic City. Looks like a small nuke went off :eek:


10-31-12, 14:16
Good question. Another interesting read: http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2012/10/29/conspiracy-theorists-say-obama-engineered-hurricane-sandy

Tin foil hats a tad too tight me thinks :jester:

10-31-12, 14:45
Tin foil hats a tad too tight me thinks :jester:

Further, if "uhh" Obama had pulled off such a fantastical feat, it would have been enormously short-sighted, most public transportation will remain unavailable through election Tuesday, with the hardest hit areas already firmly neo-dem, he would have been shooting himself in the feet, both of em, by hindering his base from reaching the polls!

10-31-12, 14:50
Can you shut the **** up with the rant horseshit for one goddamn day?

I guess that pushed your button because you live in NJ too.

You live there by choice, no matter what excuses you may have for your choice.

10-31-12, 17:13
Lots of things can be done with powerful EM fields and scalar waves...

Read ret-Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden. If you can wade thru the math it's VERY interesting. His website is www.cheniere.org


10-31-12, 17:35
I guess that pushed your button because you live in NJ too.

You live there by choice, no matter what excuses you may have for your choice.

So he's supposed to quit his job, uproot his family and go where to avoid natural disasters?

Personally I couldn't live there due to gun laws but I don't think there are too many places immune from natural disasters and if everyone moved to the places that have the best odds they'd become mega cities.

10-31-12, 17:43
So he's supposed to quit his job, uproot his family and go where to avoid natural disasters?

Personally I couldn't live there due to gun laws but I don't think there are too many places immune from natural disasters and if everyone moved to the places that have the best odds they'd become mega cities.
I live in the center of the country and we have tornadoes and earthquakes.
No real 5 day advance warning for those.

So in February a tornado went through, taking out an 1/8th mile stretch for 40 miles on and off, and taking out half a town. 9-10 people were killed. Power was off for a few days. Tore my shit all up, tore our business up.

FEMA denied the area because they said insurance would be consistent to cover the losses. I'm guessing they don't have insurance in NJ and NY.

I see Obama declared disaster areas before the disaster hit when it came to the hurricane.

10-31-12, 17:58
So he's supposed to quit his job, uproot his family and go where to avoid natural disasters?

Personally I couldn't live there due to gun laws but I don't think there are too many places immune from natural disasters and if everyone moved to the places that have the best odds they'd become mega cities.

Your well spoken sensibility is always appreciated. Maybe next time there is an abundance of snow to the point where roofs are collapsing and thousands are stranded for extended periods of time up in the Rockies I'll be sure to mention how stupid it is to live in remote, isolated areas.

10-31-12, 18:31
I see Obama declared disaster areas before the disaster hit when it came to the hurricane.

Things that make you go hmmm . . .

Interesting reading on the HAARP system and weather modification.

Attached is link where they did a test of a hurricane hitting NYC in October 1997 simulating the 1938 storm.

It happened to be named "Sandy"


10-31-12, 18:34
M4C General Discussion: Where government weather-control seems plausible but Anthropogenic Global Warming is a conspiracy.

This place is where reason comes to die.

10-31-12, 18:41
M4C General Discussion:

This place is where reason comes to die.


10-31-12, 19:26
I don't understand why anybody would rather demonize an often useful and practical segment of this forum instead of advocating the taking of meaningful action against overt ranters and distortionists.

Anyway, as everyone knows it was quite a storm and to say that many around this area suffered would be an understatement. But anyone who thought it couldn't happen here was also a complacent fool.

10-31-12, 19:50
I don't understand why anybody would rather demonize an often useful and practical segment of this forum instead of advocating the taking of meaningful action against overt ranters and distortionists.

Penis envy . . . http://websmileys.com/sm/sad/533.gif

10-31-12, 22:32
So he's supposed to quit his job, uproot his family and go where to avoid natur

He can live wherever he wants. I don't care. But he chooses to live in NJ. I would not make that choice, but since he did I must conclude that he enjoys it there.