View Full Version : political lean and PC messaging in shows ! getting sick of it !

10-25-12, 14:44
kinda off that revolution thread but did not want to derail it !!
I am getting so tired of all the left leaning messaging in shows !

been watching "The Men Who Built America" great series enjoying it overall
I take the make the industrialists out to be greedy bad people for the most part with a grain of salt the way they portray them

and they of course had the big Johnstown flood and how this was the biggest man made disaster until 9/11

crap like that from the History channel pisses me off !! now even 9/11 is not being called a terrorist attack but a man made disaster like a dam breaking !!

also seems so many shows now have to shove political left crap down the kids throat

even some of it leaking into the Clone Wars stuff my one kid likes ?

10-25-12, 16:01

10-25-12, 18:14
Back on the pile ted, DEH TOK UR JERBS

10-25-12, 18:46
kinda off that revolution thread but did not want to derail it !!
I am getting so tired of all the left leaning messaging in shows !

been watching "The Men Who Built America" great series enjoying it overall
I take the make the industrialists out to be greedy bad people for the most part with a grain of salt the way they portray them

and they of course had the big Johnstown flood and how this was the biggest man made disaster until 9/11

crap like that from the History channel pisses me off !! now even 9/11 is not being called a terrorist attack but a man made disaster like a dam breaking !!

also seems so many shows now have to shove political left crap down the kids throat

even some of it leaking into the Clone Wars stuff my one kid likes ?

While I understand your point (and AGREE with you), concerning the "Men Who Built America" do yourself a favor and read The Creature from Jekyll Island (http://www.amazon.com/The-Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal/dp/0912986212) and you may just change the way you view the JP Morgans and John D. Rockefellers of our past.

10-25-12, 19:56
While I understand your point (and AGREE with you), concerning the "Men Who Built America" do yourself a favor and read The Creature from Jekyll Island (http://www.amazon.com/The-Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal/dp/0912986212) and you may just change the way you view the JP Morgans and John D. Rockefellers of our past.

Isn't that the book where he "ahh" links it all home to the illuminati? ;)

10-25-12, 20:41
Isn't that the book where he "ahh" links it all home to the illuminati? ;)

The Illuminati was a tool (one of many) of the banking cabal, no need for the few here to throw out tinfoil comments as there is documentation of the Bavarian monarchy outlawing them. These men implemented the European banking cabal’s fiat based central banking system here in the United States. A little over a century after the likes of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson warned us.

10-26-12, 19:38
While I understand your point (and AGREE with you), concerning the "Men Who Built America" do yourself a favor and read The Creature from Jekyll Island (http://www.amazon.com/The-Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal/dp/0912986212) and you may just change the way you view the JP Morgans and John D. Rockefellers of our past.

I agree with your agreement, and further agree with your point.:D

I understand everyone in this country's history wasn't a shining beacon of light, but I too find myself extremely annoyed at the way these shows go out of their way to trash the people that built this country, with a few minor exceptions whom they laud unceasingly as individuals who could do no wrong and rode upon the backs of eagles. :rolleyes: Even though those people were often just as screwed up. I really wouldn't mind airing the dirty laundry along with the rest of the show- and frankly I think for some things it would be very educational- but the manner in which it is curently done these days leaves no room for any interpretation other than the one the show/channel wants you to believe.
One of the reasons I don't watch history channel much anymore- just not worth hearing it all get twisted around (when there is actually anything history related playing there anymore...)

As far as the topic, and tv shows in general- yeah, it's in everything. Even more so if you watch any of the current crop of sit-coms. Or the kiddie shows- in fact maybe even a little more so in the kid shows.
And of course, do I even need to mention the news?
Just going to keep getting more and more blatant as time goes on.

10-26-12, 19:59
Oh look, people from infowarz talking about secret boy's clubs again.
