View Full Version : challange coins

10-27-12, 11:55
I thought this might be a fun and intereting thread;

Whats your coolest, most fun or most intereting challange coin, and/or the story behind it.

I've always found these to be extremely interesting, not only in how differant folks end up bumping into eachother, but also in the cool stories behind them.

10-28-12, 06:10
I will get a photo later but my first coin was from the police academy. Our class was the first to have coins at our academy. It started a cool tradition.

10-28-12, 14:26
White House Naval med support team. The SS were in our hospital when Bush was in the area some years ago and one of the people with them gave me one when they found out I was Navy.

10-28-12, 18:07
Army, Fort Lewis WA., 1999, SMA Hall.

We were a hand picked squad to put on demo's for about 1K cadidiots to show what an infantry squad was all about.

10-29-12, 14:30
I don't have many, but mine from Gen. Petraeus in Krygystan on our way out of the stan is certainly my favorite. I'm still in awe at the weight he put in the feedback of a bunch of E-4 and E-5's just finishing a deployment.

3 AE
10-30-12, 02:08
Was an engineer aboard a rotary wing repair ship deployed with a Marine Air Logistics Squadron during OIF. Upon our return to San Diego, was presented with a USMC challenge coin by the Commander of Troops and a Gunnery Sgt. that I had become good friends with. The Gunny also gave me his Kabar as a token of thanks. I'll always cherish both.

10-31-12, 18:21
Not fun or cool but it is the most special coin I have.

Commemorates the three police officers killed in Pittsburgh on 4-4-2009.



11-01-12, 22:27


11-01-12, 22:27
