View Full Version : Chinese apartment building falls over

10-29-12, 18:59
This happened in 2009. But is illustrative, along with the deadly milk, lead toys, etc, of problems...





(I actually got a PDF of many more pictures, some up close, of the same building that shows lack of rebar, just mesh, etc used. Here is the text that came with the email I got. I removed the more inflammatory comments)

(And here is a snopes-like article on it: http://www.hoax-slayer.com/13-story-buliding-collapse-china.shtml that shows all the other pics I got)


Anyone who bought an apartment here sure has a problem. Talk about a collapsed market!


(1) An underground garage was being dug on the south Side of the building, to a depth of 4.6 metres (15 ft).

(2) The excavated dirt was being piled up on the north Side of the building, to a height of 10 metres (32 ft).

(3) They dug right up to the base of the building. Then the rains came.

(4) The building experienced uneven lateral pressure From north to south.

(5) This resulted in a lateral pressure of 3,000 tonnes, Which was greater than what the un-reinforced pilings Could tolerate. Thus, the building toppled completely Over in a southerly direction.

*First, the apartment building was constructed.*

Then the plan called for an underground garage to be dug out. The excavated soil was piled up on the other side of the building.

*Heavy rains resulted in water seeping into the ground.*

The building began to tilt. Then it began to shift, and the "hollow" concrete pilings were snapped due to the uneven Lateral pressures.

And thus was born the eighth wonder of the world.

If these buildings were closer together, It would have resulted in a domino effect.

Notice that there's NO rebar in the pilings! Just some wire mesh.

They built 13 stories on grade, with no basement, And tied it all down to hollow pilings with no rebar.


10-29-12, 20:14
Here is a recent headline:

Slept with 18 high school girls, principal’s shameless naked photos exposed

This week, several naked photos of a China, Guangxi province, Nanning county principal called Mo Peng embracing female students circulated on China’s domestic internet, giving rise to public outrage. The person who uploaded the pictures accused Mo Peng of exploiting his power to take advantage of a total of 18 female students successively, as well as embezzling approximately 4,960,000 RMB (approximately 23,170,000 TWD). The local education bureau has already on Tuesday (the 16th) announced that principal Mo Peng has been removed from his position.


10-29-12, 20:20
Here is a recent headline:


And what does this have to do with Chinese building or manufacturing prowess? Please?


10-29-12, 20:22
Gross misbehavior at every level of Chinese society. The problem is not construction standards, concrete quality, substituting bamboo for rebar, etc. It is a pervasive lack of moral responsibility at every level of Chinese society.

10-30-12, 01:37
Florida parking garage collapse...

Should I start a list of stupid shit construction in our own country? It would be a long list.

Not to defend China, but we are not ones to cast stones.. (pun?)

10-30-12, 01:45
Florida parking garage collapse...

Should I start a list of stupid shit construction in our own country? It would be a long list.

Not to defend China, but we are not ones to cast stones.. (pun?)

Yes, there is shoddy construction or bad engineering in our country at times. That is not the question, nor the point.

Such things tend to be a lot more endemic in China (see that earthquake that killed all those kids a few years ago in schools). Also, look at the footings/pilings (cast, hollow pilings), and lack of rebar, and all sorts of issues with this building in China. Couple this with the adulterated baby milk problems, lead in toys, bad tires, and a million other "problems" in manufacture that have come out of China in the last decade.

(and, though it was not originally my thoughts when I posted, 500grains post about the amorality made me realize that that sort of issue will happen more and more here, over time, as we grow more amoral)


10-30-12, 11:44
The half ass approach in building materiel also includes Chinese formaldehyde laced dry wall (which got occupants sick and corroded all metals in the house) used in high end subdivisions down here in FL, which made the homes almost worthless, but not quite. It f--ked a lot of retirees to have to try replace and rebuild them. You can get a great deal on them...