View Full Version : For the Star Wars nerds out there.

10-30-12, 16:12
On a lighter note:

I just heard on the radio that Disney just bought out Lucasfilm.

This dovetails with the announcement that there will be an Episode Vll due in 2015. With George out of the way there may be 'A New Hope'. Call me a Star Wars nerd (which I am) but I am looking forward to this.


10-30-12, 16:21
For like 4.5 Billion. After 2015 every two years another.

10-30-12, 16:35
George Lucas went to seed a while ago.

10-30-12, 17:01
Any info on who's directing and producing? I'd love to see something along the lines of "Shadows of the Empire".

VIP3R 237
10-30-12, 17:33
Pretty much the best thing i've read all day.


10-30-12, 17:44
Pretty much the best thing i've read all day.


So it comes full circle:

Lucasfilms begat Pixar.

Pixar just bought Lucasfilms...

(if you look at who is running the different divisions of Disney, you will see a lot of former Pixar people running the show, just like Steve Jobs other famous reverse merger, where NeXT bought Apple...)


10-30-12, 17:56
I have a colleague who has a relative that works for Lucas Ltd., I’ve got some phone calls to make. :cool:


I would love to see some of the various novels turned into features! There is a LOT of material to work with, they could make movies for the next century lol.

10-30-12, 18:48
Excited I am!! Please Disney, don't **** this up.....Please.

Heavy Metal
10-30-12, 19:17
Disney didn't **** up the Avengers! They should get Joss Whedon to write and direct Ep 7.

10-30-12, 19:56
Lucas Arts sucks. There is a shit ton of support out there for a new Tie Fighter/X Wing series, and they produce kids legos games.

Georgo Lucas is the worst thing that ever happened to the series but disney may well be worse. Going to be filled with cheesy kids toys and games.

Mauser KAR98K
10-30-12, 20:07
Any info on who's directing and producing? I'd love to see something along the lines of "Shadows of the Empire".

I can't tell you how long it has been for me if they to make "Shadows of the Empire." The game was great, the novel and soundtrack were better.

Lucas Arts sucks. There is a shit ton of support out there for a new Tie Fighter/X Wing series, and they produce kids legos games.

Georgo Lucas is the worst thing that ever happened to the series but disney may well be worse. Going to be filled with cheesy kids toys and games.

I would love nothing more than Tie-Fighter or X-Wing to get brought out with the latest gaming engines, but still hold the same free flight dynamics of the old game.

Dear God let this be great.

10-30-12, 20:10
I am such a Star Wars nerd that I played SWG even as it was dying. Anyway, I think it will be a good thing. Even though Disney is a master at marketing - they've never managed to market crap.

No one would risk that chunk of change to make a crap film. It would make no business since and everyone knows - Disney gets paid.

10-30-12, 20:18
My geekiness is going to come out here but if anyone has read the Han Solo Trilogy it is an excellent read. Also (and I can't remember the name of the book) the novel where it begins with Boba Fett emerging from the Sarlac Pit is quite good. They'd make great movies.

Whatever Disney does please focus more on story and characters versus special effects.


10-30-12, 20:24
I can't tell you how long it has been for me if they to make "Shadows of the Empire." The game was great, the novel and soundtrack were better.

I would love nothing more than Tie-Fighter or X-Wing to get brought out with the latest gaming engines, but still hold the same free flight dynamics of the old game.

Dear God let this be great.

Being owned by disney its going to be all kids oriented or gimicky shit. Disney doesn't produce adult oriented entertainment.

10-30-12, 20:29
The thing I love most about Animal House is that there was no Animal House Part II (granted they attempted a tv show called Delta House but not really the same thing.) It was perfect "as is" and there was no reason to do anything that would only **** it up. And before somebody suggests there couldn't really be a sequel because it ended with a "where are they now" ending, I would remind you that didn't prevent us from getting "More American Graffiti", also courtesy of Lucas.

While I loved The Empire Strikes back they should have stopped at the original Star Wars. By the time they got to Return of the Jedi it was already hopelessly ****ed and even Carrie Fisher in the metal bikini couldn't save it.) As soon as we got ****ing TEDDIE BEARS...uh I mean Ewoks, the series was dead.

The whole Vader being Luke's Dad and Luke being Lea's sister and Vader flipping back to the good side was just further ass raping of the dead corpse. It was all impossibly gay and clearly generated for children. I don't even count the prequels as they are little more than "live action" cartoons.

And truthfully, anyone who was unfortunate enough to see the Star Wars Christmas special saw this coming. I loved Star Wars and it was the greatest thing I saw that summer. And the idea that they were going to combine Star Wars AND Christmas seemed like the greatest thing possible. I was only a little kid but even then I knew we had just been force fed a turd.

10-30-12, 20:30
Being owned by disney its going to be all kids oriented or gimicky shit. Disney doesn't produce adult oriented entertainment.

While Disney is not involved in "adult oriented entertainment" (i.e. XXX), they are involved in a lot of non-Kids oriented stuff.

The "John Carter" movie, for example, was distributed by Disney. As was the "Avengers" movie (2012) and many others.

ABC is owned by Disney.

I would bet that future Star Wars movies will still be done under the Lucasfilms name, but maybe not.


10-30-12, 20:34
And truthfully, anyone who was unfortunate enough to see the Star Wars Christmas special saw this coming. I loved Star Wars and it was the greatest thing I saw that summer. And the idea that they were going to combine Star Wars AND Christmas seemed like the greatest thing possible. I was only a little kid but even then I knew we had just been force fed a turd.


As a true SW nerd I actually own that on VHS. Simply for the fact it's the first time we get to see Boba Fett. That cartoon was the best part of that abortion.

10-30-12, 20:35

Disney did produce Tron Legacy which I liked and was not kid oriented.


VIP3R 237
10-30-12, 21:22
Lucas Arts sucks. There is a shit ton of support out there for a new Tie Fighter/X Wing series, and they produce kids legos games.

I spent way too many hours as a kid playing xwing vs tie fighter and xwing alliance. I could die a happy man if they would release a similar title. Same goes for the Battlefront series, that is money in the bank if lucasarts would bring out the 3rd game.

10-30-12, 21:29
Han Solo Shot First!

10-30-12, 21:35
For those that want a nerdgasm, read this:


Yes, Star Trek gets trumped by Star Wars in almost every conceivable fashion. The story that is written on that site is a really good read too.

Spoilers/Cliffs: Star Wars VS Star Trek, Romulans do Romulan things, The Borg get trounced, Death Star III, Force powers, exploding parts, giant fleet vs fleet action, explanation of how Humans got on the other side of the universe.

10-30-12, 21:44
While Disney is not involved in "adult oriented entertainment" (i.e. XXX), they are involved in a lot of non-Kids oriented stuff.

The "John Carter" movie, for example, was distributed by Disney. As was the "Avengers" movie (2012) and many others.

ABC is owned by Disney.

I would bet that future Star Wars movies will still be done under the Lucasfilms name, but maybe not.


That movie sucked.

I wouldn't call ABC being owned by disney as a positive thing. Abc is far left.

10-30-12, 22:03
I want to see Battlefront 3 on next-gen game consoles.


10-30-12, 22:18
I want to see Battlefront 3 on next-gen game consoles.


Thats called PC...

10-31-12, 00:02
Thats called PC...

PC gaming isn't for me


10-31-12, 12:07
Carrie Fisher in the metal bikini

Still a fond memory.:dance3:

10-31-12, 15:30
Can't wait. I agree that Shadows would be one of the best to do but I'd kill to see them do KOTOR and Darth Bane's rise and the creation of the rule of two. Perhaps some of his predecessors as well like Naga Sadow and Exar Kun. A nice window into the true Sith.

10-31-12, 18:25
Dude. JUST LET ME LOVE THE THINGS I LOVE. I think Zooey Daschanel is super ****in' hott. Do I wanna see her Dad's ballsack? **** no.

10-31-12, 19:58
I think Zooey Daschanel is super ****in' hott.

I've only seen her in one movie, The Happening, and almost from the start I wanted to kill her with a shovel.

10-31-12, 22:31
I think Zooey Daschanel is super ****in' hott.

When I saw her in "Elf", she reminded me of this hot little blonde I dated about a year prior.


10-31-12, 23:05
When I saw her in "Elf", she reminded me of this hot little blonde I dated about a year prior.


That was her? Wow, suddenly I don't want to kill her with a shovel anymore. Amazing how much shitty writing and a crap movie can make you hate someone.

11-01-12, 02:13
That was her? Wow, suddenly I don't want to kill her with a shovel anymore. Amazing how much shitty writing and a crap movie can make you hate someone.

Did you see the film version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? She was in that as well.

11-01-12, 08:07
I've only seen her in one movie, The Happening, and almost from the start I wanted to kill her with a shovel.

That movie is to film what "Achey Breaky Heart" is to music.

11-01-12, 11:34
Not trying to make this a political thread but found this on Glenn Beck's site and thought it was pretty cool. It's Barack Obama frozen in carbonite with Romney Fett guarding it:




11-01-12, 20:40
Worst case scenario...Jar Jar Binks starts singing and dancing!
Harakari with a lightsaber, anyone?:shout:

The fist three movies were awesome...with none of the CGI "corrections." Han Solo shot first. Even a bug-eyed, lizard guy like Greedo would be able to shoot a scruffy nerfherder from across a table in a bar.

As for Zooey Deschanel...Mmmmmmm! (Her sister Emily is pretty hot too.)

VIP3R 237
11-01-12, 23:09
So does this mean princess leia is now a disney princess?