View Full Version : What makes a charging handle a good one?

11-05-12, 09:25
I see all these different selections of charging handles out there and most folks seem to favor just a few of the companies (BCM & Rainier to name a couple) that make them from what I've seen. So here's my question, whats the difference? Is it personal preferance, the materials, price:quality? I'm just trying to understand the reasoning behind it. Why not stick with stock? For those who assemble their own rifles and make these so called "FrankenCarbines", is it a status thing that they can brag about all the mixed parts?(which I'm sure doestn help the resale value, but who wants to sell it anyways right, especially with this election, we may never be able to buy another gun again anyways) I understand that some handles look a little different meaning some have that badass look and some dont. Some are ambi and some arent. I'm new to the AR community, still havent got one yet and who knows, I may not ever be able to(keepin my fingers crossed). Please enlighten me.
Thanks in advance, Tyler :confused:

11-05-12, 09:40
I don't know about every type of charging handle out there, but I have a couple of BCM Gunfighters. It's more than just having a different latch, it's the design behind how that latch and charging handle work. The standard latch is designed to be pulled straight back, using both sides. Pulling back on just left side puts undue strain on the standard type, which isn't good for the latch's roll pin nor the CH body. The BCM is designed in such a way that you can pull back on just the latch side, without damaging the body of the handle or the roll pin that holds the latch. This is especially handy when you have an optic that makes the top of the CH harder to get to.

It's definitely not about 'looking cool,' because I'd much rather have the extra $20-$25 a pop in my pocket than look cool. :D

11-05-12, 10:02
BCM Gunfighter and Ranier Raptor appear to be the state of the art these days relative to smoothness of operation, resistance to breakage. They're an improvement over the ones that are part of many lower parts kits, many of which might be some kind of off-shore import.

Most people on this forum place function way above form when it comes to firearms. As to assembled ARs, people that use those do so generally because by choosing the parts themselves, they can build one that meets their needs better than one that they can buy.

11-05-12, 10:08
Like jett66 said. The BCM changes the way the torque is applied and therefore reducing the wear and tear on the handle its self.

Trust me its not just because they look cool. I don't buy stuff just for the tacticool factor. It has to be a true upgrade for me.

VIP3R 237
11-05-12, 10:13
Being a lefty when i charge my rifle i put even more stress on the chargine handle and the result of that is a couple broken charging handles.

I havent broken a BCM yet and the RA/AXTS Raptor is a lefty's best friend. Looking cool is just an added bonus.

11-05-12, 10:41
I don't know about every type of charging handle out there, but I have a couple of BCM Gunfighters. It's more than just having a different latch, it's the design behind how that latch and charging handle work. The standard latch is designed to be pulled straight back, using both sides. Pulling back on just left side puts undue strain on the standard type, which isn't good for the latch's roll pin nor the CH body. The BCM is designed in such a way that you can pull back on just the latch side, without damaging the body of the handle or the roll pin that holds the latch. This is especially handy when you have an optic that makes the top of the CH harder to get to.

It's definitely not about 'looking cool,' because I'd much rather have the extra $20-$25 a pop in my pocket than look cool. :D

Ya see, it never occured to me, now that I know this information, I can put it to use soon.