View Full Version : Man Completely Loses It Over Obama Victory

11-07-12, 15:55
Now this is just awful. Beware and don't laugh, as you could be next.


Suwannee Tim
11-07-12, 20:15
I hate it when I start a thread and no one responds. I'm going to spare you that agony Safety.

Try this link. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjdH2LDH5LM)

I think he's wearing beige shorts. I hope so.

When I go completely berserk I kill stuff. No, not people, animals, squirrels usually though rats are better. I have a family of possums eating catfood on my back porch. Do you know how much catfood a possum can eat? A lot. They are at the top of my "to kill list".