View Full Version : Breaking news: CIA Director Petreaus resigns

11-09-12, 14:14
Fox, NBC and other news sites announced. So far no details yet.


He submitted his resignation citing an extra-marital affair in his statement to the president.

11-09-12, 14:26
At least he had the honor to do the deed himself before it became a larger issue. Too bad Holder doesn't have the same skill set.

11-09-12, 14:30
At least he had the honor to do the deed himself before it became a larger issue. Too bad Holder doesn't have the same skill set.

+1, its nice to see some honesty.

Pork Chop
11-09-12, 14:35
At least he had the honor to do the deed himself before it became a larger issue. Too bad Holder doesn't have the same skill set.

The term "Honor" and "Eric Holder" don't belong anywhere near each other.

I had hoped that Gen. Patraeus would roll over on the Administration & expose them on Benghazi. Not that it would matter at this point.

11-09-12, 14:53
I seriously don't believe the explanation of an affair. After two generals in AFRICOM lost their jobs over some lame reasons and now Patreaus. There is a connection.

If the lame stream media could dig up some fluzy to accuse Herman Cain of sexual harassment, they surely can come up with some story?

11-09-12, 15:05
At least he had the honor to do the deed himself before it became a larger issue. Too bad Holder doesn't have the same skill set.

Agreed. Honor and integrity is a much sought after commodity these days, not only in our political leadership, but our society as a whole. As sad as this is, resigning his position demonstrates honor and leadership, not to his wife and family of course, but to the office and the nation. We have lost a great patriot.

11-09-12, 15:10
I will add that I find the timing a bit off. Petraus was listed among those scheduled to testify before congress on what happened in Benghazi next week. It is possible that something is rotten in Denmark if he suddenly is excused from testimony.

Not to mention Clinton bailing as well.......

Pork Chop
11-09-12, 15:15
Fox news just reported that Patraeus will NOT be testifying before Congress on Benghazi.

Stinks in here, doesn't it?

11-09-12, 15:17
Fox news just reported that Patraeus will NOT be testifying before Congress on Benghazi.

Stinks in here, doesn't it?

YUP ;)

11-09-12, 15:20
Alrighty then. I presume Panetta will be next?

It would only make sense. BTW, Clinton will not attend the hearings either. She will be 'out' of the country visiting Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Burma and Cambodia.

4 out of 5 shitholes ain't bad. Right???

I can feel my tinfoil getting tight. :jester:

11-09-12, 17:26
Hmmmm....General Ham, Rear Admiral Gaouette and now CIA director Petraeus. Coincidence?

I am not buying it, who resigns over an extra-marital affair. Yes it's wrong and scandalous but, resign? This from the General that bought us peace from Muqtada Al Sadar.

Doc Safari
11-09-12, 17:40
If I'm not mistaken I heard that the information about his affair came out because his computer was hacked.

Wonder if the hacker will even spend as much time in jail as the maker of that so-called offensive video?

11-09-12, 18:29
At least he had the honor to do the deed himself before it became a larger issue. Too bad Holder doesn't have the same skill set.

Himpton doesn't have an honorable cell in his entire body. As for Petraeus, I'm not buying the official story at all. :(

11-09-12, 18:39
Petraeus' biographer, Paula Broadwell, is under FBI investigation for improperly trying to access his email and possibly gaining access to classified information, law enforcement officials told NBC News on Friday. She is the author of Petraeus' biography, "All In." Broadwell had extensive access to Petraeus in Afghanistan and has given numerous television interviews speaking about him.

11-09-12, 18:43
This really stinks. Even if the timing is all coincidence, Petraeus will leave office as a disgraced figure. Having engaged in an affair puts the nation's security at risk when it involves a high ranking member of the NST.

However, the skeptic in me refuses to believe that this is a coincidence - especially if it occurred more that a few months ago. Something tells me that all of the GOP Congresscritters will stop singing the man's praises if he continues to refuse to testify.

11-09-12, 19:01
Too bad he's not a baseball player... then they would force him to testify.

11-09-12, 20:57
Yes, the married head of the CIA is being forced to falsely admit he had a non-existent affair to cover up for the lying scum administration and he is happy to oblige while dishonoring the intelligence organization and simultaneously ruining his marriage.

And with that of course his wife is in on it and is willing to demean the family name while covering up for corrupt individuals who sat and watched her husbands men die.

I'd say it's far more likely that he did have the affair and everyone knew it was about to be exposed. Timing was real bad, but if I wielded his power I would never succumb to such a ridiculous false scheme at the expense of my beloved organization and marriage. This even under the threat of assassination.

11-09-12, 21:23
It stinks anyway you look at it. This known by the admin in October. If he was so concerned about doing the right thing he should have resign right then. Instead he waits exactly after the election and just before being called to testify to the House about Banghazi.

I predict that as soon as he is gone he will be blamed for EVERYTHHING (fall guy) and the WH will carry on without a scratch. Petreus will be ruined. Either he has become a loyal political animal or the WH had far worse stuff on him.

It seemed odd that Obama kept him on and promoted him. Perhaps they planned all along to set him up as a safety valve for any dirty mission that went public.

11-09-12, 21:40
It stinks anyway you look at it. This known by the admin in October. If he was so concerned about doing the right thing he should have resign right then. Instead he waits exactly after the election and just before being called to testify to the House about Banghazi.

I predict that as soon as he is gone he will be blamed for EVERYTHHING (fall guy) and the WH will carry on without a scratch. Petreus will be ruined. Either he has become a loyal political animal or the WH had far worse stuff on him.

It seemed odd that Obama kept him on and promoted him. Perhaps they planned all along to set him up as a safety valve for any dirty mission that went public.

I'd say your last sentence has alot of truth in it..I mean, think about it..The DOJ goes a little too far, (Like F&F) and push comes to shove,Then you run Holder off, The same with the head of the CIA, These people know this when they take the job.. I'm sure they'll be well compensated for taking one for the team...

11-09-12, 21:49
Very smelly indeed. Get rid of those whom do not toe the line.

Reagans Rascals
11-09-12, 21:55
I seriously don't believe the explanation of an affair. After two generals in AFRICOM lost their jobs over some lame reasons and now Patreaus. There is a connection.

If the lame stream media could dig up some fluzy to accuse Herman Cain of sexual harassment, they surely can come up with some story?

the General and Admiral who were relieved of command in AFRICOM, where stated to have been fired because they were planning to stage a Coup if Obama was reelected...

the real reason... that the US media has been advised to not air... was because they were the only 2 Flag level commanders who disobeyed orders to stand down and not intervene or provide support to the American Consulate in Bengazi during the attack...

they prepared and mobilized forces to go in and help... and the General actually told the Pentagon and the White House to go suck a big ol' bag of black dicks and was coming in to help even if he had to go in himself and use a god damn popsicle stick and some dental floss...

the instant the forces were readied and were in the air... and he informed the Pentagon he was going in... his second in command pulled a gun on him, arrested him... and relieved him of his command and left our boys there to die...

the Admiral was on station preparing to send in a stabilizing force as per the Generals sitrep...

they were relieved of command because they refused to standby and just let our men die... at the cost of their careers...

however... Mein Fuehrer Obama cannot tell the American people that he fired 2 Commanders because they disobeyed his direct order to let our men die and not provide assistance...

so he made up the bullshit about them planning a Coup to overthrow the government if he was to be reelected...

how the shit can they plan to overthrow the US Government when they are in Africa....

its all a bullshit smoke and mirrors Obama game... classic BO..

there are plenty of news reports out and about on this incident... it just so happens they aren't US based new organizations...
there is even a Russian report from their Intelligence Agency explaining the exact situation I just describe above... if one were so inclined to search for it..

11-09-12, 22:56
The critical point missing from the above is why he would just take it rather than speak out. At this point, what on earth would he have left to lose?

Reagans Rascals
11-09-12, 22:58
The critical point missing from the above is why he would just take it rather than speak out. At this point, what on earth would he have left to lose?

his life....

or perhaps he was persuaded with some positive reinforcement... aka... a VIG....

11-09-12, 23:03
his life....

As he has likely proven many times, he would give his life for the good of his country. Not saying he isn't disgruntled, but if was that bad and his life was threatened he wouldn't just hide in a corner due to sinister manipulations. Sure as hell hope not anyway.

Reagans Rascals
11-09-12, 23:11
As he has likely proven many times, he would give his life for the good of his country. Not saying he isn't disgruntled, but if was that bad and his life was threatened he wouldn't just hide in a corner due to sinister manipulations. Sure as hell hope not anyway.

I think there is a difference between giving ones life for their country on the field of battle, and willingness to lose it at the hands of thugs with no direct correlation to country...

perhaps he quit... so he could then be a civy and blow the lid off the whole god damn thing... which he certainly couldn't do as the Director of the CIA...

could just be strategic planning on his own part... this is chess not checkers...

bow out... lose the fear of government retribution, spill the beans to the media... and gain protection from prosecution through overwhelming media coverage of the entire affair...

much easier to cast a public light on things from the outside... than it is on the inside where he's forced to work with those he'd be revealing...

11-09-12, 23:11
his life....

or perhaps he was persuaded with some positive reinforcement... aka... a VIG....

I've heard the rumor about the generals, but I've not seen any credible sources. Would you mind sending me the links via PM?

Also, most accounts describe Petraeus as leaning republican in terms of his beliefs. Why he would engage in a cover-up over Libya is mystifying to me. Perhaps it is as simple as him advising Obama against a rescue, but not wanting to face the backlash. Perhaps it truly is just bad timing. Who knows?

Reagans Rascals
11-09-12, 23:14
I've heard the rumor about the generals, but I've not seen any credible sources. Would you mind sending me the links via PM?

Also, most accounts describe Petraeus as leaning republican in terms of his beliefs. Why he would engage in a cover-up over Libya is mystifying to me. Perhaps it is as simple as him advising Obama against a rescue, but not wanting to face the backlash. Perhaps it truly is just bad timing. Who knows?

I'll try to dig up the link


this is one about the Admiral but doesn't go into specifics... but one can then use his name and poke around a little more

here is the General...

11-09-12, 23:23
I'd say it's far more likely that he did have the affair and everyone knew it was about to be exposed. Timing was real bad, but if I wielded his power I would never succumb to such a ridiculous false scheme at the expense of my beloved organization and marriage. This even under the threat of assassination.

You are probably correct and my knee jerk conspiracy theory is incorrect. The head of the CIA must maintain a super secret clearance. An affair would probably result in no clearance. You guys that had/have clearances can elaborate. I would think any vices would result in no high level clearance.

11-09-12, 23:38
You are probably correct and my knee jerk conspiracy theory is incorrect. The head of the CIA must maintain a super secret clearance. An affair would probably result in no clearance. You guys that had/have clearances can elaborate. I would think any vices would result in no high level clearance.

The CIC holds a very high clearance I'm sure. Need I say more?

11-09-12, 23:44
You are probably correct and my knee jerk conspiracy theory is incorrect. The head of the CIA must maintain a super secret clearance. An affair would probably result in no clearance. You guys that had/have clearances can elaborate. I would think any vices would result in no high level clearance.

It is covered in the SF-86 that everyone must complete for a NSC.

11-09-12, 23:53
I'll try to dig up the link


this is one about the Admiral but doesn't go into specifics... but one can then use his name and poke around a little more

here is the General...

The website you linked is just re stating things from the rumor mill, while its possible alot of things are possible. I am always skeptical of the rumor mill stuff, especially chain email.s

11-10-12, 03:36
Okay, so where is he relocating too? I hear some back channel chatter that former clandestine service members are moving OCONUS to places like CR.

. . . ‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark’

Lockheed’s Incoming CEO Kubasik Quits After Relationship

Kubasik’s departure from Lockheed, the world’s biggest defense contractor, follows similar exits from CEOs at companies including Best Buy Co. (BBY) and was announced the same day CIA Director David Petraeus resigned from his position because of an extramarital affair.


Edit to add:

Petraeus resigns over affair, as criticism grows of CIA response in Libya


11-10-12, 07:48
She is indeed real folks. The head of the CIA ins't being forced into submission as some suspect. His biographer, a younger woman, has been clearly identified. This is just going to be a case of real bad timing and distract from the primary focus of the issue.

11-10-12, 11:59
The critical point missing from the above is why he would just take it rather than speak out.

Because he's a good officer who has spent his life in service to this country and this is no different. Four people died in Benghazi. Even though it's rumored that there was a gunship and a Delta team fairly close to the area, it seems as if no one responded to their request for assistance. It's a little suspect to say the least. The administration has been accused of abandoning the embassy, the outpost and all of people caught in the attack, yet they're remaining fairly silent. Why?

She is indeed real folks. The head of the CIA ins't being forced into submission as some suspect. His biographer, a younger woman, has been clearly identified. This is just going to be a case of real bad timing and distract from the primary focus of the issue.

I'll accept everything you've said, but why not testify before Congress as scheduled? General Petraeus resigning doesn't mean he can't testify; my understanding is that he's chosen not to. To me, that's the part that's troubling.

Furthermore, he used morals as his reasoning for his resignation. Doesn't he have a moral obligation to testify to everything he knows on this incident? I'm not calling his character into question, but I am asking why, or in this case, why not testify.

11-10-12, 14:02
I seriously don't believe the explanation of an affair.

I agree totally! There is more to this then an affair.

If the FBI was tracking his email, phones etc., what was on the warrant for a judge to sign off? Just heard Congressman King on Fox and if I heard him correctly that he was told the FBI investigation has been on going for the last six months.

Something just doesn't meet the smell test.

11-10-12, 14:14
If the FBI was tracking his email, phones etc., what was on the warrant for a judge to sign off? Just heard Congressman King on Fox and if I heard him correctly that he was told the FBI investigation has been on going for the last six months.

As more and more of this comes out, it was not about Petraeus, it was about women and an email threat. Are we surprised about that! see here

11-10-12, 15:00
Don't forget . . .

Kristol: Petraeus Throws Obama Under The Bus


11-10-12, 15:34
the General and Admiral who were relieved of command in AFRICOM, where stated to have been fired because they were planning to stage a Coup if Obama was reelected...

the real reason... that the US media has been advised to not air... was because they were the only 2 Flag level commanders who disobeyed orders to stand down and not intervene or provide support to the American Consulate in Bengazi during the attack...

they prepared and mobilized forces to go in and help... and the General actually told the Pentagon and the White House to go suck a big ol' bag of black dicks and was coming in to help even if he had to go in himself and use a god damn popsicle stick and some dental floss...

the instant the forces were readied and were in the air... and he informed the Pentagon he was going in... his second in command pulled a gun on him, arrested him... and relieved him of his command and left our boys there to die...

the Admiral was on station preparing to send in a stabilizing force as per the Generals sitrep...

they were relieved of command because they refused to standby and just let our men die... at the cost of their careers...

however... Mein Fuehrer Obama cannot tell the American people that he fired 2 Commanders because they disobeyed his direct order to let our men die and not provide assistance...

so he made up the bullshit about them planning a Coup to overthrow the government if he was to be reelected...

how the shit can they plan to overthrow the US Government when they are in Africa....

its all a bullshit smoke and mirrors Obama game... classic BO..

there are plenty of news reports out and about on this incident... it just so happens they aren't US based new organizations...
there is even a Russian report from their Intelligence Agency explaining the exact situation I just describe above... if one were so inclined to search for it..

That's some powerful accusations and story there. Pulling a gun and arresting a flag officer by second in command wouldn't be easy to overlook/cover up would it? Rumors/discussions by other news orgs not exactly smoking gun proof. Any links to hard sources? I can't see that flying under the radar. Does such an unusual event not have to get recorded an examined by others in the military COC?

11-10-12, 15:38
I haven't read this whole thread, so maybe this has already been said:

Look at photos of both women side by side - is an affair really so hard to understand? Just say'in.

11-10-12, 17:56
Fox news just reported that Patraeus will NOT be testifying before Congress on Benghazi.

Stinks in here, doesn't it?

There are no coincidences....

11-10-12, 19:03
I am not buying it, who resigns over an extra-marital affair. Yes it's wrong and scandalous but, resign? This from the General that bought us peace from Muqtada Al Sadar.

When this act was or these acts were committed in 2011, such conduct was prosecutable under the UCMJ: straight sex under the desk, adultery; oral/anal sex, sodomy; conduct unbecoming an officer?

Recall him to active duty, try and send him to Leavenworth, not as base commander but an inmate. You doubt Valerie Jarret would advise the President to proceed in this manner if it would protect the Administration?

"A badge will get you pussy; pussy will get your badge."

It's the same with stars.

Ask BGEN Sinclair how his Article 32 hearing is going.:haha:

11-10-12, 20:16
No American Caesar for General Petraeus.

Not even he can overcome this.


11-10-12, 20:56
I've heard the rumor about the generals, but I've not seen any credible sources. Would you mind sending me the links via PM?

Also, most accounts describe Petraeus as leaning republican in terms of his beliefs. Why he would engage in a cover-up over Libya is mystifying to me. Perhaps it is as simple as him advising Obama against a rescue, but not wanting to face the backlash. Perhaps it truly is just bad timing. Who knows?

I know nothing of this latest news, however, I am reminded of the nature of John Roberts desperate re-write of Obamacare as a tax, the fact that he changed his mind at the very last minute, that his re-write was as scholarly as your typical 11th graders book report!

We're through the looking glass....Everything is being manipulated, no outcomes are being left to chance...

Ed L.
11-10-12, 22:32
I understand that the CIA director is held to higher standards, and Petreaus felt he was doing the right thing.

But keep in mind we live in a time when Congressman Jessie Jackson Jr. won re-election from inside of a mental hospital where he had been for months; a time when Barney Franks had a call-boy who he met as a client running a male prostitution ring out of his townhouse.

I mean, a heterosexual extra-marital affair is small beans these days.

11-10-12, 23:08
I know nothing of this latest news, however, I am reminded of the nature of John Roberts desperate re-write of Obamacare as a tax, the fact that he changed his mind at the very last minute, that his re-write was as scholarly as your typical 11th graders book report!

We're through the looking glass....Everything is being manipulated, no outcomes are being left to chance...

But how is it being done? who is doing it? Are we the most corrupt nation on earth? It looks like no matter where you look it's just chaotic corruption in every direction.

Is it a matter of the lunatics running the asylum or something else?

11-10-12, 23:14
I'll accept everything you've said, but why not testify before Congress as scheduled? General Petraeus resigning doesn't mean he can't testify; my understanding is that he's chosen not to. To me, that's the part that's troubling.

Furthermore, he used morals as his reasoning for his resignation. Doesn't he have a moral obligation to testify to everything he knows on this incident? I'm not calling his character into question, but I am asking why, or in this case, why not testify.

Seems rather incongruous, doesn't it? I believe the affair is real. I believe the outing of the affair is ridiculously convenient from a timing aspect. Even if he testified, they'd just paint him as a disgruntled has-been who's deflecting. Quite sad really. :(

11-10-12, 23:24
I understand that the CIA director is held to higher standards, and Petreaus felt he was doing the right thing.

But keep in mind we live in a time when Congressman Jessie Jackson Jr. won re-election from inside of a mental hospital where he had been for months; a time when Barney Franks had a call-boy who he met as a client running a male prostitution ring out of his townhouse.

I mean, a heterosexual extra-marital affair is small beans these days.

Not when it involves the Director of the CIA. That's big beans because knowledge of the affair can be used as corruptible leverage against Pertaeus. It also appears that Broadwell is a sociopath who sent threatening emails to another women who she saw as competition for Petraeus' attention. Love triangles never go over well when you're applying for a National Security Clearance.

When this act was or these acts were committed in 2011, such conduct was prosecutable under the UCMJ: straight sex under the desk, adultery; oral/anal sex, sodomy; conduct unbecoming an officer?

Recall him to active duty, try and send him to Leavenworth, not as base commander but an inmate. You doubt Valerie Jarret would advise the President to proceed in this manner if it would protect the Administration?

"A badge will get you pussy; pussy will get your badge."

It's the same with stars.

Ask BGEN Sinclair how his Article 32 hearing is going.:haha:

I had the same thought. You may even be able to add fraternization to that list of charges since Broadwell was a Reservist who was probably still commissioned at the time of the affair. It may seem petty and vindictive to some, but this is a big moral deflate to those of us who served under Petraeus when he was ISAF Commander.

Ed L.
11-11-12, 00:13
I checked various news sources.

It seems that this whole thing was set in motion when the woman who Petraeus was having an affair with supposedly sent "harrassing emails" to another woman and the other women notified the FBI?

I don't know the nature of the emails or if any threats were made that might fall into the FBI's baliwick, but I wasn't aware that the FBI typically got involved in matters of harrassing emails between individuals. If they did, I have no idea how they would have time for anything else.

11-11-12, 00:21
But how is it being done? who is doing it? Are we the most corrupt nation on earth? It looks like no matter where you look it's just chaotic corruption in every direction.

Is it a matter of the lunatics running the asylum or something else?

The timing of Petraeus scandal is simply put, impossibly convenient, as was Roberts stupefying re-write of Obamacare, as a tax! Toss in Obamas bizzare birth certificate issues along with the media colossuses savaging of anyone who brings it up, the Benghazi outrage, Obamas barbaric and primitive re-election campaign, founded exclusively upon class warfare, ending with him winning an electoral landslide to stay in power, and we have a host of not improbables, but impossibles!

There are no coincidences like this in anyones life, its as though Obama is virtually winning powerball everytime he plays! Its not statistically possible....

11-11-12, 07:07
I mean, a heterosexual extra-marital affair is small beans these days.

Ed, are you saying that the U.C.M.J. is of no account? Statutes of limitation are of no account? Four stars are above the law?

It's probably not small beans to her. Dude, get a hair cut!


Not as hot today? Time often does that to service wives.


And Mrs. Broadwell, West Point Class of '95, has not only a husband but two children. Duty, Honor, Country, ME!


11-11-12, 07:29
I don't know the nature of the emails or if any threats were made that might fall into the FBI's baliwick, but I wasn't aware that the FBI typically got involved in matters of harrassing emails between individuals. If they did, I have no idea how they would have time for anything else.

The FBI would get involved if Broadwell's threats involved blackmail, public corruption, or threats of violence against Petraeus. I'm sure that the nature of the threats will soon be known. This story now has legs....

11-11-12, 07:45
The timing of Petraeus scandal is simply put, impossibly convenient, as was Roberts stupefying re-write of Obamacare, as a tax! Toss in Obamas bizzare birth certificate issues along with the media colossuses savaging of anyone who brings it up, the Benghazi outrage, Obamas barbaric and primitive re-election campaign, founded exclusively upon class warfare, ending with him winning an electoral landslide to stay in power, and we have a host of not improbables, but impossibles!

There are no coincidences like this in anyones life, its as though Obama is virtually winning powerball everytime he plays! Its not statistically possible....

For what it's worth, personally I agree with most of what you say. But more and more is sounding a little over the top, as the Marxist-gay thing was insanity and the above is highly questionable. Let's not dillude a good, analytic discussion with excess conspiracy. There were a couple others who went this route and you can already see the positive impact of them being silent.

He had the affair. Whether or not it was exposed now on purpose is certainly possible, but clearly at this point anything beyond that compromises the dignity of the forum.

11-11-12, 07:58
He had the affair. Whether or not it was exposed now on purpose is certainly possible, but clearly at this point anything beyond that compromises the dignity of the forum.

Nice spin.

He admits to having the affair and, thus, breaking the law against committing adultery.

Double standard? One for General Officers and a different one for the rabble?

Gotta' wonder if he ever brought court martial charges against anyone. Thankfully, there is no article in the U.C.M.J. punishing hypocrisy.

11-11-12, 09:04
I haven't read every story but it seems to me highly unlikely that the director of the CIA was having an extramarital affair with a married woman without his personal security detail, etc. knowing about it.

The shit didn't hit the fan until this gal decided to send some rather nasty emails to some other gal she felt was trying to cut in on her action.

And this gal blows the whistle and hands the emails over to the FBI, who, during the course of their investigation discover that, lo and behold, Ms. Broadwell not only has some rather sensitive information floating around on her email accounts but has also been exchanging regular steamy emails with the director of the CIA.

So FBI Director Mueller picks up the phone, gives Petraeus a jingle, and politely inquires WTF is going on. Petraeus quickly surmises that his goose is cooked and pulls the plug.

Just another powerful, middle-aged guy who gets sidetracked by an attractive younger gal who hangs on his every word. I suppose Petraeus could give John Edwards a call and find out when the next support group meeting for PFAA (Public Figure Adulterers Anonymous) is.

Petraeus has likely blown whatever future political aspirations he may have had but, hey, most folks would have thought Clinton was a deader than a doornail and he's turned into the ****in' Energizer bunny.

11-11-12, 09:21
The shit didn't hit the fan until this gal decided to send some rather nasty emails to some other gal she felt was trying to cut in on her action.

Which suggests this may not have been a one time deal.

11-11-12, 10:22
Which suggests this may not have been a one time deal.

It is possible he had a stable of ladies. As with elections, poonTang has it consequences.

11-11-12, 10:24
This story now has legs....
For sure! Feinstein comments this morning:

Dianne Feinstein: David Petraeus News 'Was Like A Lightning Bolt'

"The FBI is required by law to keep Intelligence Committee members abreast of developments of this nature, but Feinstein said did not hear of its findings on Petraeus until Friday morning, when her staff faced inquiries from the press."

11-11-12, 10:34
I checked various news sources.

It seems that this whole thing was set in motion when the woman who Petraeus was having an affair with supposedly sent "harrassing emails" to another woman and the other women notified the FBI?

I don't know the nature of the emails or if any threats were made that might fall into the FBI's baliwick, but I wasn't aware that the FBI typically got involved in matters of harrassing emails between individuals. If they did, I have no idea how they would have time for anything else.

Don't forget that the emnity between FBI and CIA goes back decades. We may never know if this was pure coincidence, payback for perceived slights or the ever possible "timely release". All I'm saying is that it fits a specific Obama administration pattern. If it walks like a duck and all that...

11-11-12, 11:04
I haven't read every story but it seems to me highly unlikely that the director of the CIA was having an extramarital affair with a married woman without his personal security detail, etc. knowing about it.

The shit didn't hit the fan until this gal decided to send some rather nasty emails to some other gal she felt was trying to cut in on her action.

And this gal blows the whistle and hands the emails over to the FBI, who, during the course of their investigation discover that, lo and behold, Ms. Broadwell not only has some rather sensitive information floating around on her email accounts but has also been exchanging regular steamy emails with the director of the CIA.

So FBI Director Mueller picks up the phone, gives Petraeus a jingle, and politely inquires WTF is going on. Petraeus quickly surmises that his goose is cooked and pulls the plug.

Just another powerful, middle-aged guy who gets sidetracked by an attractive younger gal who hangs on his every word. I suppose Petraeus could give John Edwards a call and find out when the next support group meeting for PFAA (Public Figure Adulterers Anonymous) is.

Petraeus has likely blown whatever future political aspirations he may have had but, hey, most folks would have thought Clinton was a deader than a doornail and he's turned into the ****in' Energizer bunny.

Very good summary of the adultery side of this story. What remains is the Benghazi portion, and why Petraeus suddenly "can't" testify. Personally, I believe that he is so humiliated about the affair that he wants to hide in a hole. I get that - I'd probably go for the Japanese solution of hari kari if it were me.

However, Congress should not allow him to use this affair to get out of the hot seat for is actions (or inactions) in the Benghazi situation. We already know that his initial testimony before Congress was at best misleading when he stated that intelligence sources pointed to the video as the imputes for the assault on our consulate. We also know that the CIA was aware of threats in the days leading up to the attack, and had a live video feed of the assault as it happened. There was never a protest and any suggestion to the contrary is either dishonest or incompetent. He should be required to account for this discrepancy and any other information that he left off the table in his last visit to The Hill.

11-11-12, 14:01
For what it's worth, personally I agree with most of what you say. But more and more is sounding a little over the top, as the Marxist-gay thing was insanity and the above is highly questionable. Let's not dillude a good, analytic discussion with excess conspiracy. There were a couple others who went this route and you can already see the positive impact of them being silent.

He had the affair. Whether or not it was exposed now on purpose is certainly possible, but clearly at this point anything beyond that compromises the dignity of the forum.

I'm sorry mate, but I'm just not buying any of the BS thats filtering through the system anymore, sometimes you just have to go with your gut, my internal radar is sounding general quarters, my lying eyes are at war with my lying ears....

Ed L.
11-11-12, 14:37
Petraeus has likely blown whatever future political aspirations he may have had but, hey, most folks would have thought Clinton was a deader than a doornail and he's turned into the ****in' Energizer bunny.

Meanwhile Jesse Jackson Jr, gets reelected while in a mental institution where he is confined due to substance abuse and mental problems; and Barney Frank had no problems that a male prostitute who he was a client of was running a male escort service out of his townhouse.

11-11-12, 15:43
Meanwhile Jesse Jackson Jr, gets reelected while in a mental institution where he is confined due to substance abuse and mental problems; and Barney Frank had no problems that a male prostitute who he was a client of was running a male escort service out of his townhouse.

Jackson Plea Deal Resignation. (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/11/10/Jackson-Plea-Deal-Resignation) His constituents, alive and dead, still voted him in for another term.

Was Barney Frank's crime, at least the one you mention, federal? A serving four-star violating the U.C.M.J. is.

11-11-12, 17:14
Now the press has the name of the woman Petraeus' mistress was harassing by email and the content of the emails implies suspicion regarding another clandestine relationship with her as well. Apparently Jill Kelly, who is also married, was a State Department liason to the Joint Special Operations Command in Tampa where Petraeus had been stationed.

So now three families are going to get dragged through the mud. Petraeus should have done everyone a favor and ****ed an eighteen-year-old waitress from Hooters if he needed some strange.

11-11-12, 21:00
Meanwhile Jesse Jackson Jr, gets reelected while in a mental institution where he is confined due to substance abuse and mental problems; and Barney Frank had no problems that a male prostitute who he was a client of was running a male escort service out of his townhouse.

Franks buddys escort service, involved "underaged" boys!

11-12-12, 03:04
Let's not dillude a good, analytic discussion with excess conspiracy. There were a couple others who went this route and you can already see the positive impact of them being silent.

If you are referencing me I have not been "silent", just enjoying the weekend with my family.

He had the affair. Whether or not it was exposed now on purpose is certainly possible, but clearly at this point anything beyond that compromises the dignity of the forum.

So just how does questioning the timing of the resignation of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency 72 hours after Obama was re-elected and in the wake of the Benghazi scandal "compromise" the "dignity" of the forum?

11-12-12, 04:50
Franks buddys escort service, involved "underaged" boys!

He only received a slap on the wrist and of course was re-elected.

11-12-12, 09:42
It just keeps going and going:

EXCLUSIVE: Petraeus mistress may have revealed classified information at Denver speech on real reason for Libya attack
By Jennifer Griffin, Adam Housley
Published November 12, 2012

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/12/petraeus-mistress-may-have-revealed-classified-information-at-denver-speech/?cmpid=prn_aol&icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D233371

11-12-12, 09:46
It just keeps going and going:

EXCLUSIVE: Petraeus mistress may have revealed classified information at Denver speech on real reason for Libya attack
By Jennifer Griffin, Adam Housley
Published November 12, 2012

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/12/petraeus-mistress-may-have-revealed-classified-information-at-denver-speech/?cmpid=prn_aol&icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D233371

Oh joy this is gettin good.

11-12-12, 10:17
It just keeps going and going:

EXCLUSIVE: Petraeus mistress may have revealed classified information at Denver speech on real reason for Libya attack
By Jennifer Griffin, Adam Housley
Published November 12, 2012

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/12/petraeus-mistress-may-have-revealed-classified-information-at-denver-speech/?cmpid=prn_aol&icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D233371

Interesting indeed

11-12-12, 10:38
As the story unwinds, it would not surprise me if he ends up along GW Parkway following in the footsteps of Vincent Foster.

Top US commander in Afghanistan Gen. John Allen under investigation for alleged 'inappropriate communications'

11-13-12, 03:35
Top US commander in Afghanistan Gen. John Allen under investigation for alleged 'inappropriate communications'

The rabbit hole deepens . . .

. . .the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, is under investigation for alleged "inappropriate communications" with a woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, the woman with whom Petraeus had an extramarital affair.

Maybe Barry is purging his internal enemies . . . http://www.websmileys.com/sm/sad/533.gif

11-13-12, 06:38
The rabbit hole deepens . . .

Maybe Barry is purging his internal enemies . .

That is my thought.

11-13-12, 07:33
Interesting times, indeed.

11-13-12, 08:49
If you are referencing me I have not been "silent", just enjoying the weekend with my family.

So just how does questioning the timing of the resignation of the director of the Central Intelligence Agency 72 hours after Obama was re-elected and in the wake of the Benghazi scandal "compromise" the "dignity" of the forum?

Actually I wasn't referring to you at all. Must be that guilty conscience. :)

As far as this growing and increasingly bizarre story, still see nothing other than a respected man with great power who fell into the same trap as many before. How the FBI found out and when really doesn't matter, that it isn't a sinister conspiracy to silence him does.

11-13-12, 11:33
Actually I wasn't referring to you at all. Must be that guilty conscience. :)

As far as this growing and increasingly bizarre story, still see nothing other than a respected man with great power who fell into the same trap as many before. How the FBI found out and when really doesn't matter, that it isn't a sinister conspiracy to silence him does.

It matters VERY much. I knew as soon as I heard that a "close family friend" of the Petraeus family notified the FBI that this was no ordinary affair. Do you frequently notify the FBI when you get a bad email from an associate of a friend? I have a local agent on speed dial and it would never cross my mind to do that. I'd be calling said friend. Jill Kelley either had a tryst with Petraeus, or wanted to. Now there are "inappropriate" emails between Kelley and Gen. Allen? The rabbit hole does deepen indeed.

As for the FBI, they do investigations all the time. So far, this one has run several months without revealing any incriminating evidence. Indications are that the affair had run it's course. Was there any reason to notify anyone of negative results on an investigation? Nope! yet they did anyway. Now that information is out and a career is ruined for something that wasn't a crime at all. Now the FBI is allegedly carting boxes of stuff out of Broadwell's residence? Think they're desperate to find a smoking gun so they can show results after releasing information they shouldn't have?

Perhaps the FBI agent being a "friend" of Kelley had something to do with it?


This whole thing stinks to high heaven. If you can't see that, you have your head in the sand. :rolleyes:

11-13-12, 12:45
A systematic dismemberment of the US military high command, is this the "flexibility" that barry promised putin?

Started with the firing of Gen. Stanley McCrystal
Mysteriously relieved Gen. Carter Ham
Another general that I forgot the name
Former Gen. David Petraeus resigning mysteriously
Gen. Allen under investigation

Who else? Some of the above names, if not all, have at one time or another crossed the dear ruler.

11-13-12, 13:16
Didn't we see something like this earlier this year in North Korea? So, who's going to have a severe case of the flu soon? :confused:

11-13-12, 14:22
Dianne Feinstein: David Petraeus Will Still Testify Before Senate Intelligence Committee

The Huffington Post | By Luke Johnson Posted: 11/13/2012 2:55 pm EST

11-13-12, 14:45
Apparently Petraeus and Broadwell were using terrorist/DTO communications tactics:


The Associated Press has uncovered the trick Broadwell and Petraeus used to email each other without creating an online trail. The pair set up anonymous email accounts and drafted emails to each other without ever pushing "send." Each one could log on to the other account and click the "drafts" folder to see if a message had been left for them. This avoids creating an easily traceable email trail, the AP reported.

11-13-12, 15:00
Now the agent who opened the investigation is off the case and being investigated:


Wow, this just gets stranger and stranger.

11-13-12, 15:14
Paula Broadwell's License Discovered in D.C. Park
Police notify FBI -- Broadwell's attorney mum on her whereabouts


11-13-12, 15:20
Just waiting for the farm animals to enter the picture at this point. I'm not a huge conspiracy nut, but the administration must be loving this. What chance does four dead Americans in a foreign country have in the press against a sex scandal of this caliber?

Obama's not wagging the dog, he's wagging the whole damn kennel! :D

11-13-12, 16:11
Another 4 Star in trouble, but appears unrelated to this thread.

William Ward, Four Star General, Demoted For Lavish Spending, Ordered To Repay $82,000


11-13-12, 16:18
Now they say Allen sent 20,000 - 30,000 emails to this other woman?

What in the hell?

Pork Chop
11-13-12, 16:28
In the meantime, while the media is focused on some stupid affair, we're losing a man like Patraeus as CIA head and sounds likely we're getting John Kerrey as SECDEF and keeping Eric Holder.

WTF, over?

Can I just crawl in a hole & sit out the next 4 years?

11-13-12, 17:32
A systematic dismemberment of the US military high command, is this the "flexibility" that barry promised putin?

Started with the firing of Gen. Stanley McCrystal
Mysteriously relieved Gen. Carter Ham
Another general that I forgot the name
Former Gen. David Petraeus resigning mysteriously
Gen. Allen under investigation

Who else? Some of the above names, if not all, have at one time or another crossed the dear ruler.

That, and he's purging the leftovers of America, amerika has no need of Americans...

11-13-12, 17:38
In the meantime, while the media is focused on some stupid affair, we're losing a man like Patraeus as CIA head and sounds likely we're getting John Kerrey as SECDEF and keeping Eric Holder.

WTF, over?

Can I just crawl in a hole & sit out the next 4 years?

The media is focused only upon you, and those others who continue to whine about them. Do you understand? The media is focused on keeping you focused on what they want you focused upon, period!

The "media" is a sham operation, its an information cartel, used to spectacular effect by the socialist party to confound, disinform, and inculcate the masses...

Turn off your freaking televisons, tune in a radio, shortwave, or web....

11-13-12, 17:42
Now they say Allen sent 20,000 - 30,000 emails to this other woman?

What in the hell?

I actually think this is more disturbing than the Petraeus's affar with Broadwell. We have the commanding officer of Afghanistan who is losing soldiers and marines on a daily basis and who is dealing with a resurgent taliban yet has time to send dozens of emails a day to some bimbo in Florida.

Can we find a general who actually generals?:(

11-13-12, 17:43
Actually I wasn't referring to you at all. Must be that guilty conscience. :)

As far as this growing and increasingly bizarre story, still see nothing other than a respected man with great power who fell into the same trap as many before. How the FBI found out and when really doesn't matter, that it isn't a sinister conspiracy to silence him does.

As I said IF YOU were, I didn't know so disregard.

And I think it does matter, in fact A LOT of people aren't buying this one. No one here is questioning whether or not Petreaus cheated on his wife rather his and others removal from their stations in light of everything else that is going on in this administration, i.e. the timing and methods.

A systematic dismemberment of the US military high command, is this the "flexibility" that barry promised putin?

Started with the firing of Gen. Stanley McCrystal
Mysteriously relieved Gen. Carter Ham
Another general that I forgot the name
Former Gen. David Petraeus resigning mysteriously
Gen. Allen under investigation

Who else? Some of the above names, if not all, have at one time or another crossed the dear ruler.


Now the agent who opened the investigation is off the case and being investigated:


Wow, this just gets stranger and stranger.

Yeah, just wow!

New twists in Petraeus case: Another general accused of ‘inappropriate’ emails, ‘shirtless’ FBI agent taken off probe


On the surface, the case so far involves the FBI; a slew of allegedly inappropriate emails (between Petraeus and his biographer, Paula Broadwell; Allen and socialite Jill Kelley; and allegedly threatening ones Broadwell sent to Kelley); the FBI agent who started the probe, who's now being investigated for sending "shirtless" photos to Kelley; and, as reported by the New York Post on Tuesday morning, a child custody battle involving Kelley's twin sister that allegedly concerns both Petraeus and Allen.

Pork Chop
11-13-12, 17:46
The media is focused only upon you, and those others who continue to whine about them. Do you understand? The media is focused on keeping you focused on what they want you focused upon, period!

The "media" is a sham operation, its an information cartel, used to spectacular effect by the socialist party to confound, disinform, and inculcate the masses...

Turn off your freaking televisons, tune in a radio, shortwave, or web....

I mainly listen to radio, actually. And sorry to disappoint you, sir, but they aren't focused on me. I can see right through their shit and that's why it pisses me off.

Somewhere in there, if you reread what I said, you would see that we hold the same opinion of the media.

Good day to you.

11-13-12, 20:30
Interesting read (two pages):

Gen. Petraeus Felled By “Icarus Syndrome” And Big Brother


And, do we really want to live in a society in which our every action involving some form of electronic communication – from a personal e-mail to a simple credit card transaction -- is easily accessible by a federal investigator sifting through secret algorithms to “discover” patterns of behavior seemed “suspicious,” and thereafter to be investigated? Because that’s right where we are, folks.

11-13-12, 20:33
Now they say Allen sent 20,000 - 30,000 emails to this other woman?

What in the hell?

I doubt the number is correct. If it was 20000 over a 2 year period, that is like 27 a day, every day, 365 a year, for 2 years. Not likely. I am not sure I could send 27 emails a day to anyone, let alone the same person. What are you going to say? Even "email-sex" would get old really fast (though I've never been stuck in A-stan so maybe I should shut up)

Someone is misquoting / misrepresenting things, methinks.

Or else this General really is a floozy with the floozy.


11-13-12, 20:35
Interesting read (two pages):

Gen. Petraeus Felled By “Icarus Syndrome” And Big Brother


And, do we really want to live in a society in which our every action involving some form of electronic communication – from a personal e-mail to a simple credit card transaction -- is easily accessible by a federal investigator sifting through secret algorithms to “discover” patterns of behavior seemed “suspicious,” and thereafter to be investigated? Because that’s right where we are, folks.

Everybody should really send EVERYTHING using encrypted comms. It should be built-in to all standard email programs, etc. I admit I don't do it, but my email program actually makes it pretty easy to do with S/MIME.


11-13-12, 20:55
Interesting read (two pages):

Gen. Petraeus Felled By “Icarus Syndrome” And Big Brother


And, do we really want to live in a society in which our every action involving some form of electronic communication – from a personal e-mail to a simple credit card transaction -- is easily accessible by a federal investigator sifting through secret algorithms to “discover” patterns of behavior seemed “suspicious,” and thereafter to be investigated? Because that’s right where we are, folks.

I roy dont care. I am not in any profesion that would matter nor do I do anything illegal on my computer.

11-13-12, 21:17
The media is focused only upon you, and those others who continue to whine about them. Do you understand? The media is focused on keeping you focused on what they want you focused upon, period!

The "media" is a sham operation, its an information cartel, used to spectacular effect by the socialist party to confound, disinform, and inculcate the masses...

Turn off your freaking televisons, tune in a radio, shortwave, or web....

The today show just signed up Willie Geist and they got to singing Hillary Clinton's praises for 2016 the other day. Falling all over themselves, then he says.... Can you imagine any more qualified person in the country, .. and then he decides to list why... first on the list.... "She lived in the White House"... UnF'n believable and they think that's normal. They are so far out there it's just laughable.

11-13-12, 21:41
Soon enough the media will resemble what it was in V for Vendetta.

11-13-12, 21:42
The today show just signed up Willie Geist and they got to singing Hillary Clinton's praises for 2016 the other day. Falling all over themselves, then he says.... Can you imagine any more qualified person in the country, .. and then he decides to list why... first on the list.... "She lived in the White House"... UnF'n believable and they think that's normal. They are so far out there it's just laughable.

Yeah heard similar on MSNBC...

As far as being a Senator...kinda a diminshed bullet point when this guy has the same title...


11-13-12, 22:10
Krauthammer: White House “Held Affair Over Petraeus’s Head” For Favorable Testimony On Benghazi Prior To Election…


"I think the really shocking news today was that General Petraeus thought and hoped he could keep his job. He thought that it might and it would be kept secret, and that he could stay in his position. I think what that tells us is really important. It meant that he understood that the FBI obviously knew what was going on. He was hoping that those administration officials would not disclose what had happened, and therefore hoping that he would keep his job. And that meant that he understood that his job, his reputation, his legacy, his whole celebrated life was in the hands of the administration, and he expected they would protect him by keeping it quiet.

And that brings us to the ultimate issue, and that is his testimony on September 13. That’s the thing that connects the two scandals, and that’s the only thing that makes the sex scandal relevant. Otherwise it would be an exercise in sensationalism and voyeurism and nothing else. The reason it’s important is here’s a man who knows the administration holds his fate in its hands, and he gives testimony completely at variance with what the Secretary of Defense had said the day before, at variance with what he’d heard from his station chief in Tripoli, and with everything that we had heard. Was he influenced by the fact that he knew his fate was held by people within the administration at that time?

Of course it was being held over Petraeus’s head, and the sword was lowered on Election Day. You don’t have to be a cynic to see that as the ultimate in cynicism. As long as they needed him to give the administration line to quote Bill, everybody was silent. And as soon as the election’s over, as soon as he can be dispensed with, the sword drops and he’s destroyed. I mean, can you imagine what it’s like to be on that pressure and to think it didn’t distort or at least in some way unconsciously influence his testimony? That’s hard to believe."

11-13-12, 22:49
Krauthammer: White House “Held Affair Over Petraeus’s Head” For Favorable Testimony On Benghazi Prior To Election…


"I think the really shocking news today was that General Petraeus thought and hoped he could keep his job. He thought that it might and it would be kept secret, and that he could stay in his position. I think what that tells us is really important. It meant that he understood that the FBI obviously knew what was going on. He was hoping that those administration officials would not disclose what had happened, and therefore hoping that he would keep his job. And that meant that he understood that his job, his reputation, his legacy, his whole celebrated life was in the hands of the administration, and he expected they would protect him by keeping it quiet.

And that brings us to the ultimate issue, and that is his testimony on September 13. That’s the thing that connects the two scandals, and that’s the only thing that makes the sex scandal relevant. Otherwise it would be an exercise in sensationalism and voyeurism and nothing else. The reason it’s important is here’s a man who knows the administration holds his fate in its hands, and he gives testimony completely at variance with what the Secretary of Defense had said the day before, at variance with what he’d heard from his station chief in Tripoli, and with everything that we had heard. Was he influenced by the fact that he knew his fate was held by people within the administration at that time?

Of course it was being held over Petraeus’s head, and the sword was lowered on Election Day. You don’t have to be a cynic to see that as the ultimate in cynicism. As long as they needed him to give the administration line to quote Bill, everybody was silent. And as soon as the election’s over, as soon as he can be dispensed with, the sword drops and he’s destroyed. I mean, can you imagine what it’s like to be on that pressure and to think it didn’t distort or at least in some way unconsciously influence his testimony? That’s hard to believe."

If that is the case, then he should take the honorable path and admit that he gave misleading testimony in the hopes of saving his job. He should list names if anyone proposed a quid pro quo.

Either way he is going down since there is mounting evidence that he perjured himself in his first trip to Congress. At least by coming clean he would bring down all or part of this corrupt administration.

11-14-12, 00:38
If that is the case, then he should take the honorable path and admit that he gave misleading testimony in the hopes of saving his job. He should list names if anyone proposed a quid pro quo.

Either way he is going down since there is mounting evidence that he perjured himself in his first trip to Congress. At least by coming clean he would bring down all or part of this corrupt administration.

To do so would be tantamount to an admission that he lied to Congress.

Well played Ms. Jarrett, well played. :(

11-14-12, 00:59
To do so would be tantamount to an admission that he lied to Congress.

Well played Ms. Jarrett, well played. :(

'Hostile Work Environment' :D

11-14-12, 01:20

Love the Judge

11-14-12, 01:25
Yeah this is starting to jive . . . Barry's buddy Holder using his assests (DOJ) to compile files on officials so they can basically blackmail them into submission. Reminds me of J. Edgar's "black bag jobs" when the FBI kept files on EVERYONE's dirty laundry (JFK, MLK, etc.).

11-14-12, 01:34

Love the Judge

This is really a big CF.


The US has become the LEAD banana republic in the world.


11-14-12, 08:43
It looks like Homie is going to testify:


On a humorous note, one Denver news broadcast had a big oops moment:


11-14-12, 08:58
On a humorous note, one Denver news broadcast had a big oops moment:
Now that is funny! LMAO!

11-14-12, 09:11
Holy Cow!! I'll bet no one gets fired over that one.

I think Shep has been dethroned now as worst blooper for his J-Lo slip years back.

11-14-12, 09:24
Yeah this is starting to jive . . . Barry's buddy Holder using his assests (DOJ) to compile files on officials so they can basically blackmail them into submission. Reminds me of J. Edgar's "black bag jobs" when the FBI kept files on EVERYONE's dirty laundry (JFK, MLK, etc.).

This would be plausible if he just resigned quietly and unexpectedly. But now that almost everything has apparently been exposed and he's already screwed, I'd say anyone who aided in or forced his ugly public demise better be ready for some payback soon in the form of damaging testimony.

11-14-12, 09:27
BREAKING NEWS: Himpton knew about the CIA Director's affair FOR MONTHS!

And allegedly didn't inform the Prez! LOL


Attorney General Eric Holder was notified in late summer that then-CIA Director David Petraeus' name had surfaced in the FBI probe that ultimately uncovered Petraeus' affair, raising questions about whether Holder would have -- or should have -- informed President Obama.

According to the administration's version of events, the president did not find out about the situation until last Thursday. At the time that Holder was notified, months earlier, many details were still unknown. Petraeus himself was not interviewed until the fall. And according to one source, it is long-standing FBI policy for the FBI not to brief Congress or the White House in the middle of a criminal probe that does not involve a security threat....

Can't wait to hear Himpton's excuse for this breach of protocol, not that it actually happened they way they say it did. Anyone care to take bets that the liberal MSM takes his side and believes this impossible BS? :rolleyes:

11-14-12, 09:34
If that is the case, then he should take the honorable path and admit that he gave misleading testimony in the hopes of saving his job. He should list names if anyone proposed a quid pro quo.

Either way he is going down since there is mounting evidence that he perjured himself in his first trip to Congress. At least by coming clean he would bring down all or part of this corrupt administration.

I'll be surprised if he doesn't stand by what he originally said.

11-14-12, 09:41

Looks like Obama may be giving a little "He didn't hit that" speech for Gen. Allen today.


11-14-12, 11:26
Yeah this is starting to jive . . . Barry's buddy Holder using his assests (DOJ) to compile files on officials so they can basically blackmail them into submission. Reminds me of J. Edgar's "black bag jobs" when the FBI kept files on EVERYONE's dirty laundry (JFK, MLK, etc.).

And or they just made shit up.

11-14-12, 13:45
Proof you don't have to be smart, just pretty. :(


Fla. socialite at center of general's sex scandal

<In the phone call to authorities, Jill Kelley, a party hostess and unofficial social liaison for leaders of the U.S. military's Central Command in Tampa, cited her status as an honorary consul general while complaining about news vans that had descended on her two-story brick home overlooking Tampa Bay.

"You know, I don't know if by any chance, because I'm an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property. I don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well," she told the 911 dispatcher Monday.>


Perhaps she needs to look up the definition of "Honorary". :rolleyes:

11-14-12, 13:55
Proof you don't have to be smart, just pretty. :(


Perhaps she needs to look up the definition of "Honorary". :rolleyes:

She's a cougar!

11-14-12, 14:49
She's a cougar!

Look likes her VIP pass to the base have been revoked. I'd imagine that she's radioactive now anyway, seeing as how she cost Petraeus his DCIA post. I don't see anyone re-nominating her for another pass now. :nono:


11-14-12, 16:08
I mainly listen to radio, actually. And sorry to disappoint you, sir, but they aren't focused on me. I can see right through their shit and that's why it pisses me off.

Somewhere in there, if you reread what I said, you would see that we hold the same opinion of the media.

Good day to you.

Forgive me, I didn't intend my response as a personal admonishment, the intent was more a generalized "shout out" to the entire board, however my humble english grammar skills often leave me with some amount of egg stuck to myself! :)

Pork Chop
11-14-12, 16:36
Forgive me, I didn't intend my response as a personal admonishment, the intent was more a generalized "shout out" to the entire board, however my humble english grammar skills often leave me with some amount of egg stuck to myself! :)

It's all good. ;)

Really enjoyed listening to the President tiptoe around the direct question today as to whether he denied assistance in Benghazi. :rolleyes:

Like I said before, none of it matters. NOTHING will stick to this guy.

11-14-12, 16:46
Note this posting is from the 30th of Oct.

This GRU report, however, states that Admiral Gaouette’s firing by President Obama was due to this strike force commander disobeying orders when he ordered his forces on 11 September to “assist and provide intelligence for” American military forces ordered into action by US Army General Carter Ham, who was then the commander of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM), against terrorist forces attacking the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.


11-14-12, 17:19
OBAMA: ... "Ed, we’re -- I’ll put forward -- I will put forward every bit of information that we have.

I can can tell you that immediately upon finding out that our folks were in danger that my orders to my national security team were do whatever we need to do to make sure they’re safe. And that’s the same order that I would give anytime that I see Americans are in danger, whether they’re civilian or military, because that’s our number one priority." BHO - 11/14/2012

11-14-12, 22:26
OBAMA: ... "Ed, we’re -- I’ll put forward -- I will put forward every bit of information that we have.

I can can tell you that immediately upon finding out that our folks were in danger that my orders to my national security team were do whatever we need to do to make sure they’re safe. And that’s the same order that I would give anytime that I see Americans are in danger, whether they’re civilian or military, because that’s our number one priority." BHO - 11/14/2012

Show us the exact order you issued in this case, BHO...

11-14-12, 22:50
This would be plausible if he just resigned quietly and unexpectedly. But now that almost everything has apparently been exposed and he's already screwed, I'd say anyone who aided in or forced his ugly public demise better be ready for some payback soon in the form of damaging testimony.

I highly doubt Petreaus will offer testimony damaging to the Administration...they could always turn around charge him with some crime: adultery under the UCMJ, tax evasion, kiddie porn on his computer, etc.

11-15-12, 00:20
I highly doubt Petreaus will offer testimony damaging to the Administration...they could always turn around charge him with some crime: adultery under the UCMJ, tax evasion, kiddie porn on his computer, etc.

I doubt it too, I believe that they have this guy locked down so pat, that he's likely to do, or say, whatever they direct him too! Just as John Roberts ended up doing in his mind-numbing re-write of Obamacare as a tax.

I wonder who has been supplying Obama with his intel, the Chicoms, or Putin? Whoever it is, is also responsible for the compromizing of the sitting chief justice of the high court....

11-15-12, 01:59
I doubt it too, I believe that they have this guy locked down so pat, that he's likely to do, or say, whatever they direct him too! Just as John Roberts ended up doing in his mind-numbing re-write of Obamacare as a tax.

I wonder who has been supplying Obama with his intel, the Chicoms, or Putin? Whoever it is, is also responsible for the compromizing of the sitting chief justice of the high court....

Sounds tinfoily and nuts. But you know what? I don't trust this imposter-in-chief at all, and you very likely could be barking up the right tree.

11-15-12, 02:25
Look likes her VIP pass to the base have been revoked. I'd imagine that she's radioactive now anyway, seeing as how she cost Petraeus his DCIA post. I don't see anyone re-nominating her for another pass now. :nono:


It is almost unbelievable how this narcissistic witch is somehow tied to the downfall of a 4-star general, the director of the CIA, a LTC, and a FBI agent.

11-15-12, 06:54
It is almost unbelievable how this narcissistic witch is somehow tied to the downfall of a 4-star general, the director of the CIA, a LTC, and a FBI agent.

Unlucky in love? Yeah....., that's the ticket!

11-15-12, 07:00
I doubt it too, I believe that they have this guy locked down so pat, that he's likely to do, or say, whatever they direct him too! Just as John Roberts ended up doing in his mind-numbing re-write of Obamacare as a tax.

I wonder who has been supplying Obama with his intel, the Chicoms, or Putin? Whoever it is, is also responsible for the compromizing of the sitting chief justice of the high court....

It really makes you wonder. This guy thinks that just because he says something, it's the law of the land. He is the most comfortable liar I have ever seen. Not saying he's the best liar, he's just so comfortable doing so. It's almost as though he is indeed a foreign ambassador ruling us.

11-15-12, 08:17
t's almost as though he is indeed a foreign ambassador ruling us.


I think you have summed up Obama absolutely PERFECTLY in that one simple sentence!!

11-16-12, 10:00
Ex-CIA Director David Petraeus testifies in a closed-door hearing that immediately after the Sept. 11 Libya attack 'Al Qaeda involvement' was suspected — but the line was taken out in the final version circulated to administration officials, according to Rep. Peter King.


Mauser KAR98K
11-16-12, 11:33
Ex-CIA Director David Petraeus testifies in a closed-door hearing that immediately after the Sept. 11 Libya attack 'Al Qaeda involvement' was suspected — but the line was taken out in the final version circulated to administration officials, according to Rep. Peter King.


Obama's turn to be thrown under the bus.

11-16-12, 12:01
Obama's turn to be thrown under the bus.

Obama is like mercury. Toxic and able to reform to any shape desired.

11-16-12, 12:03
IT looks like though that while Petraeus is saying his report to the WH was edited before distribution, he is also claiming he told Congress before that it was terrorism from the start. Congress does not remember it that way. Petraeus may be in so deep and so used to "white lies" to protect his affair that he has lost sense of the plain truth. THis will continue to unravel but it looks like all in the Administration are going to blow smoke.

11-16-12, 12:39
"Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., told Fox News that intelligence officials who testified in a closed-door hearing a day earlier said they did not know who changed the talking points. He said they went out to multiple departments, including the State Department, National Security Council, Justice Department and White House."

Somebody has got to know who and where the talking points were changed. I sincerely hope that somebody comes forward, but I am not counting on it.

11-16-12, 13:55
I highly doubt Petreaus will offer testimony damaging to the Administration...they could always turn around charge him with some crime: adultery under the UCMJ, tax evasion, kiddie porn on his computer, etc.

Aaand we're off...


CIA probes Petraeus as he prepares to testify

As former CIA director David Petraeus heads to Capitol Hill to testify behind closed doors about the Benghazi consulate attack, the CIA announced it is launching an investigation to determine whether he used agency resources to further his relationship with Paula Broadwell.

11-16-12, 13:58
It is almost unbelievable how this narcissistic witch is somehow tied to the downfall of a 4-star general, the director of the CIA, a LTC, and a FBI agent.


Woman in Petraeus scandal visited White House

An Obama administration official says a Tampa Bay socialite whose emails triggered the eventual downfall of CIA director David Petraeus visited the White House three times this year with her sister, twice eating in the Executive Mansion mess.

The official says that Jill Kelley, who initiated an investigation that ultimately unveiled Petraeus’ extramarital affair, and her sister had two “courtesy” meals at the White House mess as guests of a mid-level White House aide. Kelley and her family also received a White House tour. The visits occurred during the past three months.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because those visitor records have not yet been made public.

11-16-12, 13:59
IT looks like though that while Petraeus is saying his report to the WH was edited before distribution, he is also claiming he told Congress before that it was terrorism from the start. Congress does not remember it that way. Petraeus may be in so deep and so used to "white lies" to protect his affair that he has lost sense of the plain truth. THis will continue to unravel but it looks like all in the Administration are going to blow smoke.

He has proven himself to be just another bureaucrat who will lie and mislead to protect his own interest over national security. What a loser.

11-16-12, 17:14
He has proven himself to be just another bureaucrat who will lie and mislead to protect his own interest over national security. What a loser.

AMEN! How friggin True!

One of "Stormin' Norman's" big mistake was pushing Petraeus as a Prodigal Son. He became a bureaucrat at the two star level and honed it to the loser he is today.

Wonder how many grunts he punished under the CoC?

Just my $ .02

11-16-12, 18:34
I wondered about that when he was all-in when Obama was elected. Just seemed odd that a hard charger leader of men would want to suck up to a limp dick like Obama. I guess a $187K job to keep the wife busy, everyone keeping the well known secret affair quiet, a rah-rah book published was enough to buy that warrior's honor.

11-16-12, 21:17
I can't believe this, Cantor is on Greta right now saying he knew about Petreaus' affair 10 days before the election but he didn't want to "politicize" it. Yeah, because we'll just lose the entire country to fascism instead, genius.

WTF? Isn't that his freakin' job? To fight the political battle? Do I misunderstand his position in the party!

So angry.


11-16-12, 21:20
AMEN! How friggin True!

One of "Stormin' Norman's" big mistake was pushing Petraeus as a Prodigal Son. He became a bureaucrat at the two star level and honed it to the loser he is today.

Wonder how many grunts he punished under the CoC?

Just my $ .02

I don't understand, do you mean prodigy? The prodigal son was the wasteful one who had to return in poverty to the father.


11-17-12, 01:42
I don't understand, do you mean prodigy? The prodigal son was the wasteful one who had to return in poverty to the father.


Thank you for pointing that out, I did mean prodigy.

11-17-12, 11:14
Interesting development

Jill Kelley and sister Natalie Khawam cleared into the White House complex three times this year, most recently last week.


11-17-12, 14:20
It's odd how I've been thinking for several days that these two remind me a LOT of the Salahi's. Now they show up on the WH rosters. How prophetic! :rolleyes:

11-17-12, 15:14
It's odd how I've been thinking for several days that these two remind me a LOT of the Salahi's. Now they show up on the WH rosters. How prophetic! :rolleyes:
Been thinking the same thing.

11-17-12, 22:13
I was thinking Jersey Shore meets The West Wing.

11-17-12, 23:01
My first thought when I saw a pic of the Star Banger twins was the Kardashians do the Joint Chiefs.

11-17-12, 23:57
How are these chicks getting to these guys, and WhiteHouse tours now?

It's like band groupies for government employees...:rolleyes:

11-18-12, 09:40
How are these chicks getting to these guys, and WhiteHouse tours now?

It's like band groupies for government employees...:rolleyes:

Big tits, short skirts, and free booze.

Just cause these guys have stars and a chest full of fruit salad doesn't mean they're immune to getting their "egos" stroked.

11-18-12, 10:56
Shit just keeps coming:

Jill Kelley emails ‘glad’ Obama won re-election – didn’t want to see Korans burned on ‘Bubba the Love Sponge’ show.


11-18-12, 17:12
Shit just keeps coming:

Jill Kelley emails ‘glad’ Obama won re-election – didn’t want to see Korans burned on ‘Bubba the Love Sponge’ show.


Bubbas show tomorrow is going to be glorious. You either hate him or love him. He is going to burn everyone involved down to the ground.

Mauser KAR98K
11-18-12, 20:15
Geez, just over week from the election and the Prez is walking himself to an impeachment.

11-18-12, 21:52
Big tits, short skirts, and free booze.

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

11-18-12, 22:40
Geez, just over week from the election and the Prez is walking himself to an impeachment.

Nah, he's teflon.

11-23-12, 10:05
Sexist Diane Feinstein – Petraeus Cheated Because he’s ‘a man’, had ‘No Entourage,’ ‘No Driver,’ Had to Wash Own Dishes

listen to the audio (should start, when you click on the following URL) :