View Full Version : explosion in Indianna

11-12-12, 11:26

Leveled two house. Not sure how many on fire.

11-13-12, 05:01
This is what happens when you belch, sneeze, cough and fart simultaneously

11-14-12, 13:22
Three in two weeks.

I heard the 2nd one last Saturday night.

I was informed that NTSB is conducting the investigation of the one that damaged 36 homes.

Of note: the Feds (NTSB) took over the investigation and Citizen's Energy has performed their investigation and no gas leaks were found. LE is treating it as a crime scene (kinda obviously).

The blast was WAAY too large for a furnace explosion. Some sort of foul play is probably suspected. That, or methane gas is leeching thru the soil - the New Madrid has a series of large fault likes that run New Madrid, MO down to New Orleans as well as up into the Great Lakes.

Assumption Parish (Bayou Corne) has a growing sinkhole that is filling with what appears to be crude oil and other hydrocarbons as well as methane leaking from the soil into the surrounding bayous.

The Macondo Drill Site had three leaks - at least one was a crack to the sea floor - and its still spewing crude oil.

There have been deep, small quakes in Arkansas (Hot Springs is a caldera) and just last week two in Kentucky.

Should prove to be interesting either way.

11-14-12, 14:52
We had some booms in Ft wayne a while back(5-6 years).

sent from mah gun,using my sights

11-14-12, 16:16
We had some booms in Ft wayne a while back(5-6 years).

sent from mah gun,using my sights

Fort Wayne ehh? I am lifelong native.

I remember the boom story from a few years back, other cities have complained about similar unexplained booms too.

11-14-12, 16:19
We had them here in WI last year.
I don't know if they ever figured out what the booming sounds were.

11-14-12, 16:24
Something fishy is for sure going on. Some crazy news story from Russia claiming their spy sat's that track our drones and what not recorded the Drones launching hellfires.....

11-14-12, 16:26
We had them here in WI last year.
I don't know if they ever figured out what the booming sounds were.

Yep, that was where I remember hearing reports of other booms.

I am sorry about the loss of life from the explosion, the explosion looks like HE want off....

11-14-12, 16:55
They said it was earthquakes.
But I remember that the booms were reoccurring, happening around the same time in the early morning.


11-14-12, 17:00
Something fishy is for sure going on. Some crazy news story from Russia claiming their spy sat's that track our drones and what not recorded the Drones launching hellfires.....

As far fetched as that may be the damage looks like high explosive want off....

11-14-12, 17:03
I dont think Hellfires carry enough HE to level two houses.

11-14-12, 17:35
Fort Wayne ehh? I am lifelong native.

I remember the boom story from a few years back, other cities have complained about similar unexplained booms too.

Crap, I cant pm. Ive been out of town for almost 4 years now. I had a strange case of enlistment:D

sent from mah gun,using my sights

11-14-12, 18:12
I dont think Hellfires carry enough HE to level two houses.

Yes they do.

The homes here are not as well made as they appear. The place is "Tornado Alley" if you ask me.

11-14-12, 18:14
Back in June of this year there were sounds of multiple explosions on the Michigan-Indiana border with lots of military air traffic. High levels of radiation were reported (briefly) then nothing.

11-14-12, 20:27
Yes they do.

The homes here are not as well made as they appear. The place is "Tornado Alley" if you ask me.

I don't know man. Hellfires are used widely in Afghanistan and Iraq because of the lack of significant collateral damage. A quick Google search shows that they have a 20 lb HEAT warhead which is designed for anti armor, not anti structure. I've seen many structures in Iraq hit with Hellfires and 155 shells, which have the same amount of explosives, and have yet to see one take down multiple structures.

11-14-12, 20:50
Yes they do.

The homes here are not as well made as they appear. The place is "Tornado Alley" if you ask me.

No they don't.

One house was leveled.....more correctly, scattered while the two adjoining were damn near flattened 28 other homes were shifted from their foundations with enough structural damage to be unlivable....

That is much bigger than a Hellfire...

11-14-12, 20:52
Let's stop the nonsense now before we make ourselves seem simplistically simple.

11-14-12, 21:02
No they don't.

One house was leveled.....more correctly, scattered while the two adjoining were damn near flattened 28 other homes were shifted from their foundations with enough structural damage to be unlivable....

That is much bigger than a Hellfire...

That's what I'm saying. That amount of damage reminds me of the truck VBIEDs.

11-14-12, 21:15
Let's stop the nonsense now before we make ourselves seem simplistically simple.

The most probable explanation is a gas leak....

11-14-12, 21:26
Its clearly the iluminatti :D

sent from mah gun,using my sights

11-14-12, 21:33
Its clearly the iluminatti :D

sent from mah gun,using my sights

The Hllfire/JDAM/Thermonuclear device speculation is just redunculous...

11-14-12, 21:46
Anyone want to put money on if the owner of the home where the blast originated from had an affair with a top official too?

11-14-12, 21:57
Anyone want to put money on if the owner of the home where the blast originated from had an affair with a top official too?

Patreus was just trying to avoid getting Oli North-ed.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

11-15-12, 12:02
I don't know man. Hellfires are used widely in Afghanistan and Iraq because of the lack of significant collateral damage. A quick Google search shows that they have a 20 lb HEAT warhead which is designed for anti armor, not anti structure. I've seen many structures in Iraq hit with Hellfires and 155 shells, which have the same amount of explosives, and have yet to see one take down multiple structures.

But what of the construction of the buildings - they are more than likely stronger than the cookie cutter new(er) construction around here.

That said, you may very well be correct.

NTSB and others in the investigation OFFICIALLY deny gas leakage as a factor so who knows...

Notice the asinine comments implying that I stated this was the case. Lies are spread by liars.

11-15-12, 12:14
I haven't read much more on this but I think I read that the house was for sale last year.

Also there are 11 homes that need to be shored up so the residents can return just to assess the damage. Another report says there is little left to those houses.

They are estimating the demo of 30 homes. This really sounds suspicious.

John Shirley, 50, of Noblesville, told The Associated Press that his daughter sent him a text message last week complaining that the furnace in the home where she lives with her mother and her mother's boyfriend had gone out and required them to stay at hotel.

But Shirley also said when he asked if the furnace had been fixed, his daughter said yes, and he wasn't aware of any additional problems until he heard from his daughter again Sunday morning.

"I get a text from my daughter saying `Dad, our home is gone. Then I called my ex-wife and she said what happened," he said.

His ex-wife, Monserrate Shirley, declined to comment Monday.

11-15-12, 17:39
I haven't read much more on this but I think I read that the house was for sale last year.

Also there are 11 homes that need to be shored up so the residents can return just to assess the damage. Another report says there is little left to those houses.

They are estimating the demo of 30 homes. This really sounds suspicious.


But that's conspiracy talk to many. It had to be the moths. Shhh!

11-15-12, 20:04
I'm from approximately an hour north of where this happened and have heard that some people (up to 10 miles away) felt the impulse from the explosion.

11-15-12, 21:02
I'm from approximately an hour north of where this happened and have heard that some people (up to 10 miles away) felt the impulse from the explosion.

I am about 6 miles south and it was three explosions:

small delay
Two close ones

Kinda like rolling thunder.

It seemed like the initial explosion caused two near immediate, very closely timed secondary explosions.

11-20-12, 00:54

They've switched gears. It's now a homicide investigation. Interesting. The plot thickens

11-20-12, 04:09
The most probable explanation is a gas leak....

It is except that was the first thing ruled out.

11-20-12, 04:12

They've switched gears. It's now a homicide investigation. Interesting. The plot thickens

Strange indeed.

An Undocumented Worker
11-20-12, 17:44
It is except that was the first thing ruled out.

The only thing they ruled out was a gas leak from the underground gas lines. They didn't systematically go into every house and confirm that there were no leaks in any of the home piping or appliances.

11-26-12, 18:18
It's the moths.

12-22-12, 19:08
Caught somebody


12-22-12, 21:45
So if the folks that rigged the gas line, etc. were involved in some kind of fraud or insurance scam, what was the angle and what was their connection with the victims, if any?

12-22-12, 22:35
I don't know because I thought one or two family members were involved with getting the heater fixed.

But if those three took out regulators and valves and then blew the place up with a microwave, it sounds like they were hired to do it.

12-22-12, 22:40
Just struck me as odd for these folks to leap from fraud to murder for hire. But I suppose some criminals are just real go-getters looking for career advancement.

An Undocumented Worker
12-23-12, 04:15
No article I've read says anything about murder for hire. Seems more like a case of insurance fraud gone wrong.

12-23-12, 04:58
Hellfire missile. Good lord...

12-23-12, 05:19
No article I've read says anything about murder for hire. Seems more like a case of insurance fraud gone wrong.

That's what it seems to be.

See: Three charged in Indianapolis explosion (http://www.wthr.com/story/20402423/three-to-be-charged-in-indianapolis-explosion)

Sorry but no Hellfire missiles or aliens involved.

12-23-12, 07:12
No article I've read says anything about murder for hire. Seems more like a case of insurance fraud gone wrong.

That's why I was wondering (in my first post) about the connection between those arrested and those killed in the explosion. Who actually owned the house and stood to benefit from an arson-insurance scam? If I'd hired somebody to blow my house up, I'd probably want to coordinate with the hired help so as not to be home when they did it. :secret:

My reference to "murder for hire" was tongue-in-cheek, as it just doesn't make sense if the motive was simply a scam to commit insurance fraud.

12-23-12, 07:25
That's why I was wondering (in my first post) about the connection between those arrested and those killed in the explosion. Who actually owned the house and stood to benefit from an arson-insurance scam? If I'd hired somebody to blow my house up, I'd probably want to coordinate with the hired help so as not to be home when they did it. :secret:
My reference to "murder for hire" was tongue-in-cheek, as it just doesn't make sense if the motive was simply a scam to commit insurance fraud.

A woman and her boyfriend lived in the house that exploded (one or both owned the house). They are accused of blowing it up (with help from his brother) for the insurance money needed due to gambling debts. The explosion started a fire next door that killed the owners of that house (man and wife).

They are each charged with the following:

• Felony Murder (two counts)
• Conspiracy to Commit Arson, Class A Felony (one count)
• Arson, Class A Felony (12 counts)
• Arson, Class B Felony (33 counts)

See my link in my previous post for details.

12-23-12, 07:28
Thanks for the clarification. I didn't have my facts straight. Should have done my homework.