View Full Version : More Preposterous UK Stuff -- SAS man in prison for Glock gift from Iraqi compatriots

11-17-12, 23:00
The UK is a farce:

British Special Forces Soldier Jailed Over Possession Of Gifted Iraqi Firearm

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/british-special-forces-soldier-jailed-over-possession-of-gifted-iraqi-firearm-2012-11#ixzz2CXznStOs


11-17-12, 23:17
Absolutely ridiculous...

But it's not just a UK thing. ****ed up court decisions happen everywhere, including here.

11-17-12, 23:29
I'm convinced that the title of "judge" self-selects contemptible people. Paradoxically, someone who desires to be in such a position is not likely to be a fair arbiter when imbued with power -- just as the kind of person to whom you would want to assign far reaching emergency powers in a bad situation is precisely the kind of person who would refuse the responsibility in the first place.

There are exceptions, certainly, and there are judges and powerful people who are motivated by a keen sense of justice, but I don't believe this is the norm.

11-17-12, 23:55
The UK has gone batshit nuts over ANY type of weapons. They have knife turn in bins and everything.

11-18-12, 00:37
If I were him, I'd bail on that country as soon as my sentence was up.

It's absolutely absurd that a country would send men into harms way to fight with guns but then deny them personal ownership. But the UK has embraced a form of socialism and things like this, bans on knives / swords and criminals suing homeowners because they were injured by barb wire fences or other security measures are the ultimate result of sacrificing the individual for the good of society.

I can still VIVIDLY remember learning that nunchaku were regulated in the UK when I was a teen. Keep in mind we are talking about two sticks connected by a chain or cord. Even martial art films were edited to remove nunchaku sequences lest anyone learn to use this deadly weapon. It was as absurd as it you told me fishing poles were illegal in Florida.

Later I would learn they are also a felony in NY and need to be licensed in CA. Again, two sticks connected by a cord. A device farmers once made over a hundred years ago as a result of their conventional weapons being confiscated.

That said, the SAS guy involved was a defender of that system and should have known the nature of the beast. If my country treated firearms like a pound of opium I'd never consider trying to decommission ANY firearm as a war trophy any more than I'd try to bring back an opium pipe with the hopes that there won't be any residue which might get me in trouble.

I only hope this sort of thing serves as a wake up call that prevents us from heading down the same path. But I fear it is nothing but an example we'll eventually follow.

I think of the freedoms my Grandfather enjoyed that my father didn't know. I think of the freedoms my father enjoyed that I never new. And I think of the freedoms I once knew that today would be considered a crime.

11-18-12, 01:13
The UK has gone batshit nuts over ANY type of weapons. They have knife turn in bins and everything.

They're only allowed to sell kitchen knives with rounded off tips. Non stabbing.

Even a big D-cell mag lite is a prohibited weapon over there.

11-18-12, 02:44
In many places (as in the U.S) a convicted felon can't always travel to a foreign country. So now that he is a convicted felon in the U.K he may not be able to travel into the U.S or other countries.

No one should be surprised by this. The U.K is a soup sandwich and I wish him luck in an appeal.

If I were him, I'd bail on that country as soon as my sentence was up.

It's absolutely absurd that a country would send men into harms way to fight with guns but then deny them personal ownership. But the UK has embraced a form of socialism and things like this, bans on knives / swords and criminals suing homeowners because they were injured by barb wire fences or other security measures are the ultimate result of sacrificing the individual for the good of society.

I can still VIVIDLY remember learning that nunchaku were regulated in the UK when I was a teen. Keep in mind we are talking about two sticks connected by a chain or cord. Even martial art films were edited to remove nunchaku sequences lest anyone learn to use this deadly weapon. It was as absurd as it you told me fishing poles were illegal in Florida.

Later I would learn they are also a felony in NY and need to be licensed in CA. Again, two sticks connected by a cord. A device farmers once made over a hundred years ago as a result of their conventional weapons being confiscated.

That said, the SAS guy involved was a defender of that system and should have known the nature of the beast. If my country treated firearms like a pound of opium I'd never consider trying to decommission ANY firearm as a war trophy any more than I'd try to bring back an opium pipe with the hopes that there won't be any residue which might get me in trouble.

I only hope this sort of thing serves as a wake up call that prevents us from heading down the same path. But I fear it is nothing but an example we'll eventually follow.

I think of the freedoms my Grandfather enjoyed that my father didn't know. I think of the freedoms my father enjoyed that I never new. And I think of the freedoms I once knew that today would be considered a crime.

11-18-12, 11:19
I spent 4 years in the UK as a kid (early 80's) and I don't remember much about the country freaking out about weapons (ok, guns maybe the exception). I had toy guns, knives and sling shots. A small boy with a sling shot can be quite destructive, lots of broken windows. Back then of course, lots of things were going on, specifically the heightened tension between the UK and the IRA and, of course, the Falklands war.

11-18-12, 12:07
In many places (as in the U.S) a convicted felon can't always travel to a foreign country. So now that he is a convicted felon in the U.K he may not be able to travel into the U.S or other countries.

No one should be surprised by this. The U.K is a soup sandwich and I wish him luck in an appeal.

And there is that. What worries me most is basically placing a "no option" situation on a person with that skill set. What else is he qualified to do and who is going to hire him to do it.

He is basically locked out of the "friends and family" plan, even in the private contractor field. That means he could quite easily end of playing on the other side of the chess board.

But again, he is just an "individual" and the "collective" have decided his fate.

11-30-12, 00:51
The man was given a reduced sentence, freed, and can appeal the conviction:



11-30-12, 01:04
The man was given a reduced sentence, freed, and can appeal the conviction:



I'm sure he is as grateful as a Saudi rape victim who the courts declined to prosecute for being outside without an escort.

11-30-12, 01:37
Were I a subject of the Crown, I'd never lift a weapon in it's defense, or offense as the case may be. A country that doesn't trust its defenders, isn't worth defending. :(

11-30-12, 02:34
I'm sure he is as grateful as a Saudi rape victim who the courts declined to prosecute for being outside without an escort.

You sir are a wordsmith.

11-30-12, 03:04
Well that sure is encouraging to hear.

11-30-12, 05:06
I spent 4 years in the UK as a kid (early 80's) and I don't remember much about the country freaking out about weapons (ok, guns maybe the exception). I had toy guns, knives and sling shots. A small boy with a sling shot can be quite destructive, lots of broken windows. Back then of course, lots of things were going on, specifically the heightened tension between the UK and the IRA and, of course, the Falklands war.

I think a good number of Americans who are also firearms enthusiasts seem to (falsely) believe that the UK has always been the way it is now.

11-30-12, 06:15
There is a lot Poles in UK now. I know of guy who got arrested, because he had large screwdriver in his car. Cops determined that he is not electrician going to or from work so there is not other reasons to posses such dangerous weapon, capable of stabbing people. They did not believe, that he uses screwdriver to fix his car, as "cars are fixed in service stations, not by drivers". Also several Polish construction workers had problems with Police in UK, as their tools of trade were considered dangerous weapons.

And I will be travelling trough London (need to change airports) back from Shot Show.... hope I'll not spend rest of my life on UK taxpayer expense.

11-30-12, 10:08
If I were him, I'd bail on that country as soon as my sentence was up.

It is too late. He should have bailed before.

It is the difference between subjects and citizens. He is a subject and as a subject he is subjected to their stupidity.

As a citizen, we don't have to put up with it over here if we do what is necessary.

Then again, if we don't do what is necessary. I will find a better place to live.

11-30-12, 10:41
Then again, if we don't do what is necessary. I will find a better place to live.

Like where?

11-30-12, 11:12
We can laugh at the UK all we want, but aren't we headed in that direction too? In another 10 or 20 years, I sure wouldn't be surprised if we were in the same boat. I wonder if there's ever going to be a free place to live anymore in the entire world......kind of really makes you feel sorry for subsequent generations of people.

11-30-12, 16:34
We can laugh at the UK all we want, but aren't we headed in that direction too? In another 10 or 20 years, I sure wouldn't be surprised if we were in the same boat. I wonder if there's ever going to be a free place to live anymore in the entire world......kind of really makes you feel sorry for subsequent generations of people.

History repeats . . .

As globalism is continually forced upon the world it will abolish individual nation states sovereignty and the private ownership of firearms by lowly serfs will not be permissible.

11-30-12, 17:32
The UK has gone batshit nuts over ANY type of weapons.
Yep and we are not far behind.