View Full Version : The Official "Winning People Over to Liberty" Thread

11-29-12, 01:11
Most people don't like to read. So short films and videos are preferred. Are there any YouTube videos that you think do a remarkable job of persuading the audience to think about freedom and natural rights in a different way? Ignoring statists and the uneducated "gibs me stuff" segment of the population is not in anyone's best interest. Wise men need to speak up and teach.

I'll start with the John Birch Society's film entitled "Overview of America". It's the best foundation to build your argument upon:

From there, Bill Whittle has an outstanding series of videos entitled "What we believe":

(Placeholder for Part 1. Couldn't get link.)

Please share your favorites.

**Note** No ideology has a monopoly on the destruction of liberty in America. This is not a partisan thing. Feel free to share anything from the left that promotes freedom.

11-29-12, 01:21
OMG you linked to the JBS on M4C?!?!? :nono:

Holy tin-foil head gear and black helicopters (err minus the one photographed in Abbottabad :ph34r:) Batman.

Seriously though, good thread idea but it doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell here. :lazy2:

11-29-12, 01:46
Seriously though, good thread idea but it doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell here. :lazy2:

I don't know a thing about JBS. I just really liked that film.

And thank you for participating

11-29-12, 02:14
You can't just attack the socialists. You have to show, and prove your alternative works better or at least have such a convincing argument people would vote to get rid of the monster we created.

11-29-12, 03:28
I don't know a thing about JBS. I just really liked that film.

And thank you for participating

I wasn't busting your balls I was merely having a laugh at the expense of the usual cadre who make such comments when topics like this arise. There are a lot great videos from Robert Welch (the founder of JBS) floating around on the net. Here is one, compare what he said back then to what we are dealing with today.


Ever see Make Mine Freedom?


11-29-12, 03:51
You're all set mang. I figured you were imitating the opposition.

I haven't seen either of those. Thank you for sharing.

This needs to be here too:
Ron Paul's farewell address to Congress. It'll become more and more renown as time passes.

11-29-12, 06:50
Jellyfish dont want liberty. They want to be coddled. They want the nanny state, welfare checks, ect.

Takes responsibility from them, Liberty puts personal responsibility squarely on the individual's shoulders. Jellyfish are not mentally smart or tough enough to accept liberty.

The Jellyfish have been domesticated. You're wasting your time.

11-29-12, 07:02
Jellyfish dont want liberty. They want to be coddled. They want the nanny state, welfare checks, ect.

Takes responsibility from them, Liberty puts personal responsibility squarely on the individual's shoulders. Jellyfish are not mentally smart or tough enough to accept liberty.

The Jellyfish have been domesticated. You're wasting your time.

I have to agree, unfortunately. The education system and the media pound this mindset into the people on a daily basis. A republic is hard to keep, and we are now sliding down the democracy slip-and-slide.


11-29-12, 07:31
**** me this is going well!!


11-29-12, 07:41
**** me this is going well!!


LOLZ, sorry!


11-29-12, 07:44

At the very least, perhaps I succeeded in introducing Bill Whittle to some new folks.

11-29-12, 09:23

At the very least, perhaps I succeeded in introducing Bill Whittle to some new folks.

Not trying to derail (I think that's already been done anyway), but the only video I've seen by Whittle is his version of the Palestine / Israel conflict. It was so full of misinformation, half-truths, and outright lies; it was pure propaganda masquerading as a historical presentation.

I'm not biased against Israel at all either. I even showed it to friends who you could accurately describe as Zionists and even they were like WTF.

Why should I trust him on anything else? Are you sure he actually knows what he's talking about? I guess I'll watch a few of his other videos and decide.

11-29-12, 10:56
For the purpose of the thread:

Debate: "Freedom of expression must include the right to offend."

The free-speech side utterly trounces the thought-police on the other side.


One of the best speeches about free expression (taken out of a larger debate). About 20 minutes long:


11-29-12, 11:52
Hitchens: pretentious egotist
That video: atheist drivel

Couldn't resist, could you?

11-29-12, 11:56
Hitchens: pretentious egotist
That video: atheist drivel

Couldn't resist, could you?

He talks about Islam specifically for the last like 5 minutes dude. Chill.

11-29-12, 12:03
Hitchens: pretentious egotist
That video: atheist drivel

Couldn't resist, could you?

It's drivel because it's said by an atheist or you just don't buy into the whole notion of free speech?

11-29-12, 14:23
It's drivel because it's said by an atheist or you just don't buy into the whole notion of free speech?

There are some who are all for free speech, as long as it agrees with their own thoughts.

11-29-12, 14:37
It's drivel because it's said by an atheist or you just don't buy into the whole notion of free speech?

It's drivel because he talks about free speech for a few minutes, then goes on a tear about how religion is the worst thing that has ever happened

Eta: I'm bailing on this idea

11-29-12, 15:35
Whatever additional axes Mr. Hitchens may have had to grind with religion, in this particular instance one of his central points was simply that organized religion has throughout history been one of the most powerful forces opposing free speech through censorship of opposing views. This while demanding the right to promote whatever beliefs they may hold under their own freedom of religion.

11-29-12, 16:35
Eta: I'm bailing on this idea

See, I told you . . . :thank_you2:

11-29-12, 16:44
in this particular instance one of his central points was simply that organized religion has throughout history been one of the most powerful forces opposing free speech through censorship of opposing views. This while demanding the right to promote whatever beliefs they may hold under their own freedom of religion.

Wow, have any of you ever read anything Jesus said? Seriously.


11-29-12, 16:54
Wow, have any of you ever read anything Jesus said? Seriously.


Yes. Every word.

What's your point?

11-29-12, 17:32
Yes. Every word.

What's your point?

Where does He say anything about about organizing a religion and encouraging it to restrict free speech?


11-29-12, 17:34
I figured all is lost after the Sesame Street issue after the debates. I chimed in when my coworkers were talking about it and asked why should our tax dollars pay for it, why can't Sesame Street sales pay for it? Silence :suicide:

11-29-12, 18:10
Where does He say anything about about organizing a religion and encouraging it to restrict free speech?


He didn't.

What has that got to do with the efforts of religious institutions throughout recorded history seeking to silence voices of dissent?

11-29-12, 18:47
He didn't.

What has that got to do with the efforts of religious institutions throughout recorded history seeking to silence voices of dissent?

Wow, OK, churches are run by men, men are imperfect, so to expect them to do a great job all the time, every time is kind of unrealistic. Blaming God for that is wrong too, so most of the arguments of atheists are based on flawed premises.


11-29-12, 18:59
Wow, OK, churches are run by men, men are imperfect, so to expect them to do a great job all the time, every time is kind of unrealistic. Blaming God for that is wrong too, so most of the arguments of atheists are based on flawed premises.


Who's blaming God?

And what does a discussion regarding the role of institutional religion in suppressing free speech have to do with atheism?

11-29-12, 19:03
This is pointless.


11-29-12, 19:16
This is pointless.


I noticed. A while back, actually.

11-29-12, 19:51
I noticed. A while back, actually.

You have super nice day, now!

Suwannee Tim
11-29-12, 19:58
I hate to see this thread fizzle so quickly. This is important stuff. If we can't persuade millions of people of the benefits of liberty pretty soon, we will loose our country.

11-29-12, 20:06
A much more succinct version, without the religious overtones.


After watching yours I realize that that is just part two of the series you posted

While its great to try and expose people to the truth as much as possible- I agree that the "jellyfish" have won. I only hold out for the chance that I will see the complete failure of this system and be able to affect what comes next.

A note on myself. I am an absolute agnostic apathetic who argues the liberty/libertarian view from a scientific standpoint. I believe that the constitution was the best attempt at achieving liberty ever undertaken. But, the Free Shit Army is winning.

11-29-12, 20:53
You have super nice day, now!

Sorry, I wasn't trying to be a dick. You just took a leap I couldn't follow.

And apologies to the OP and others for wasting bandwidth.

11-29-12, 21:42
Who on earth would ever have thought that liberty would be such a hard sell?

But it is. Apparently we have a large number of control freaks and coddled slaves among our population.

11-29-12, 21:49
Who on earth would ever have thought that liberty would be such a hard sell?

But it is. Apparently we have a large number of control freaks and coddled slaves among our population.

Who here is advocating against liberty? Let's dial it back a few notches. I posted a video about free speech where religion got criticized at the end. It didn't seem like the salient point to me. Maybe it's because religious debate is something I do all the time that I didn't realize it would cause a problem. So, I'm sorry if that was seen as an attempt to screw up your thread -- it's probably my fault for not realizing that it would become a point of contention. I'm desensitized to it, I guess.

I still think the points Hitchens brought up can be appreciated by anyone, including religious moderates who don't want to see people's heads get cut off for cartooning Mohammed, which is really what he was criticizing.

Islam is a direct threat to civilization, and I think it's impossible to talk about liberty without meeting it head on. Non-believers and religious moderates should be cooperating in the fight against theocracy.

11-29-12, 22:38
delete, nothing to contribute further.

11-30-12, 09:40
I wasn't speaking of m4c. America in general. Sorry.

11-30-12, 10:12
Why social liberties and fiscal liberties are one in the same:


11-30-12, 11:06
Why social liberties and fiscal liberties are one in the same:


Agreed. They go hand in hand. The JBS videos I posted say essentially the same thing. It's a good point