View Full Version : Dolphin tortured/mutilated/murdered on Gulf coast....

11-29-12, 18:24
Authorities are investigating a string of attacks on dolphins along the Gulf Coast after some of the marine mammals were found with gunshot wounds and mutilations.


"We responded to one dolphin from Alabama that had its tail cut off," said Dr. Moby Solangi, of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies. "We responded to a dolphin this morning from Ship Island that had its lower jaw cut off. In the last week we had a dolphin with a bullet hole in it."

PHOTO: A fatally wounded dolphin is shown in this November 2012 photo provided by the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies of Gulfport Miss.
Institute for Marine Mammal Studies/AP Photo


In response, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has asked officials to be on alert for any attacks in the waters off of Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. "

"Besides the shootings, a dolphin in Alabama was found with a screwdriver stuck in its head over the summer. Another in Alabama had its tail cut off, and that animal survived. Still others were missing fins or had cuts to their bodies"

Having swam with these truly amazing creatures in the wild a few times, this ****ing disgusts me to the core to learn about. Learning now that two of these Dolphins were from Alabama where I live makes this all that much more personal.

WE as humans should be doing everything in our powers to protect the amazing species that inhabit the earth with us, but instead some of us are committing the most cowardly piece of shit acts ever by torturing them and killing them.

To the Dolphin murdering scumf**ks: Your not going to hell, rather hell will be coming for you very shortly!

Hotline number for anyone who sees a dead or stranded dolphin, or spots people harassing a marine animal can call the NOAA Enforcement hotline at 800-853-1964

There is a $5,000 reward for anyone that leads to the perps from some California group, and they will also be a real damn hero and man in my book for doing so.

11-29-12, 18:27
Man that's to bad I'm not a big fan of killing animals for the sake of killing. Hope they catch them, most of the time they do these crimes are taken very seriously and they have more leeway when it comes to animals than people.

11-29-12, 18:30
This pisses me off to no end. We visit the gulf every year and always enjoy the dolphins, the kids love the way they chase our boat. Hopefully these aholes are found and delt with in a severe way.

lethal dose
11-29-12, 18:43
Weird. As I read this, I am also 30 minutes into the "Psych" episode about a murdered dolphin.

11-29-12, 18:48
Great to hear your kids have spent time with them in the wild...it really illustrates the fact that dolphins come to humans naturally out of huge curiosity.

When you put this in the context of the hundreds and hundreds of dolphins killed during/after the BP oil spill this is absolutely tragic.

Weird. As I read this, I am also 30 minutes into the "Psych" episode about a murdered dolphin.

Murdering dolphins is nothing new in terms of the world....the Japanese have made it an art form, thus once again reminding us of the type of savages that our WWII generation had to put down.

This is however totally new in the US, which now puts in into the "my powers" category potentially.

11-29-12, 19:32
Yeah the Japanese Taiji dolphin ritual is truly horrendous.

I cannot think of a more noble creature than a dolphin, they are even higher on my list than dogs . . . and that is way above human f***ing beings. I had the opportunity to swim with Spinner dolphins in the wild off the coast of O’ahu once; it was truly a remarkable experience.

If your a dolphin fan (not NFL) check this out, playing in the wild with humpbacks!


I would like to have five minutes alone with the oxygen thieves responsible for these attacks.

11-29-12, 19:47
Something really, really wrong with a lot of people.

11-29-12, 20:30
Its my sincerest hope, that if indeed there is a divine entity out there, that he/she has reserved a very special place for humans that engage in these murderous endeavors...

11-29-12, 20:40
Mutilating/killing animals for thrills HAS to be a precursor to being a serial killer.

Sick bastards.

11-29-12, 20:48
How terribly sad.

11-29-12, 21:04
When one of these "people" is caught, and trust me that one of them will eventually get caught, we need to lock them up and throw away the key. The reason why is because this is inevitably one of many examples of their brutality. These are the same people who visit all manner of violence to their fellow man. There is no curing or rehabilitating them. Just keep them incarcerated so that they can't harm another creature.

11-29-12, 22:19
This is horrible. I have no sympathy for abusers.

11-29-12, 22:29
****ing inhuman scum...hopefully somebody catches them in the act out at sea and feeds them to the sharks...

11-29-12, 23:10
Horrible. More evidence on how bad many people are. It pisses me off reading about people acting cruelly towards animals. Check out the fur farms in China, canned animal hunts in Africa, etc etc. In my opinion, those people should be fed to alligators. The women who wear the furs? They should be forced to watch the cruelty they promote and learn just how evil and heartless they really are. Then they should be forced into years of hard labor. People who pay for canned hunts in Africa should be left unarmed in a lion cage with a 5 year old prime African male lion. Then again, that might be too traumatic for the lion to have to kill the bad guy. The lion probably deserves better than to have to be with such a POS.

11-29-12, 23:50
Horrible. More evidence on how bad many people are. It pisses me off reading about people acting cruelly towards animals. Check out the fur farms in China, canned animal hunts in Africa, etc etc. In my opinion, those people should be fed to alligators. The women who wear the furs? They should be forced to watch the cruelty they promote and learn just how evil and heartless they really are. Then they should be forced into years of hard labor. People who pay for canned hunts in Africa should be left unarmed in a lion cage with a 5 year old prime African male lion. Then again, that might be too traumatic for the lion to have to kill the bad guy. The lion probably deserves better than to have to be with such a POS.

Well as long as we're expanding upon the original scope of the OP, bear's taken with the aid of GPS collared dog packs and their SUV embedded handlers, the gray wolf slaughter, which in Wisconsin allows a five month long season, including trapping, twenty-four hour per day hunting, which allows lights, weapon mounted infrared/thermal imaging optics, baiting, and the currently injuncted use of GPS collared dog packs(doubling as the bait)...

Calling these activities hunting is an obscenity....

11-30-12, 06:54
Well as long as we're expanding upon the original scope of the OP, bear's taken with the aid of GPS collared dog packs and their SUV embedded handlers, the gray wolf slaughter, which in Wisconsin allows a five month long season, including trapping, twenty-four hour per day hunting, which allows lights, weapon mounted infrared/thermal imaging optics, baiting, and the currently injuncted use of GPS collared dog packs(doubling as the bait)...

Calling these activities hunting is an obscenity....

Really? Have you ever hunted with hounds? Do you even know why they run gps collars on their hounds?

Since you probably havent, and dont know. They dont use gps so they can locate their hounds once theyve treed a bear. They have gps so they can find their dog if it gets lost (totally not humane right?). See when HOUNDS find a bear they BAY it (bark)....kinda makes it easy to find them. PLUS just because you have dogs, doesnt mean its a slam dunk, you still have to hunt.


As for wolves. They are a tough animal to hunt, why not use spotslights and calls or bait at night? Its called conservation.

11-30-12, 12:34
Really? Have you ever hunted with hounds? Do you even know why they run gps collars on their hounds?

Since you probably havent, and dont know. They dont use gps so they can locate their hounds once theyve treed a bear. They have gps so they can find their dog if it gets lost (totally not humane right?). See when HOUNDS find a bear they BAY it (bark)....kinda makes it easy to find them. PLUS just because you have dogs, doesnt mean its a slam dunk, you still have to hunt.


As for wolves. They are a tough animal to hunt, why not use spotslights and calls or bait at night? Its called conservation.

Fresh from his Dolphin shooting "err conservation" expedition....

11-30-12, 12:41
Fresh from his Dolphin shooting "err conservation" expedition....

I haven't hunted with dogs so I don't know for sure but it sounds to me like J-Dub knows what he is talking about while you seem to be speaking from ignorance.

As for your wolf comment, in many parts of the country they are starting to become a pest. I see no problem with hunting them but if you want every one of them saved, feel free to fork over the cash to compensate ranchers for the sheep they kill. There are still limits and if the current hunting levels posed any risk of destroying their population, they would be adjusted.

Comparing these activities to what was described in the OP is simply retarded.

11-30-12, 13:15
Fresh from his Dolphin shooting "err conservation" expedition....

I'm not a hunter, but I am able to distinguish a moral difference between a clean kill within the law and this torturing that the OP describes.

11-30-12, 13:22
Here is some more human garbage:


11-30-12, 14:02
Fresh from his Dolphin shooting "err conservation" expedition....

That's your response? Aren't you the guy that likes to accuse everyone else of logical fallacies?

11-30-12, 16:48
Here is some more human garbage:


What is even more disturbing than the actual act of mutilating these innocent creatures are the sick f**ks who purchase these crush films as they are derived from a sexual fetish.

11-30-12, 17:02
I haven't hunted with dogs so I don't know for sure but it sounds to me like J-Dub knows what he is talking about while you seem to be speaking from ignorance.

As for your wolf comment, in many parts of the country they are starting to become a pest. I see no problem with hunting them but if you want every one of them saved, feel free to fork over the cash to compensate ranchers for the sheep they kill. There are still limits and if the current hunting levels posed any risk of destroying their population, they would be adjusted.

Comparing these activities to what was described in the OP is simply retarded.

I'll waste one comment on you, I own several large tracts of blue hills land in northern Rusk, and southern Sawyer counties of northwest Wisconsin. Mr "ahh" Jdub is obviously a good ol boy from somewhere out west, where they long ago murdered off all of the native fauna, later being forced to "re-introduce" most of it, and where the landscape is often wide open, mountain and butte!

Here in the great lakes, we have more then double, repeat more then double the dedicated wilderness areas of western states such as Montana, Wyoming, and the Dakotas!

Out in the mountain west, most of the land is in private hands, just two percent of Montana is dedicated wilderness, which is dwarfed by the great lakes state and national forest lands! Nonetheless, out mountain west way, they have vast vast farm and ranch lands, which are often surrounded by mountains, or buttes. This is advantageous for using packs of GPS collared dogs for driving game, such as mountain lion, and bear, and thus they do just that!

Here in the great lakes, everything is interspersed, vast tracts of forest happen to be broken up and owned by many different concerns, for instance, almost all of my land is ringed by state, county, or national forest land! Farms and ranches dot the landscape, much of the woodlands are divied up in ten to twenty acre plots. Thus the problem, there is no room for these "ahh" sportsmen to run their dog packs without "trespassing" someone elses land, which they always end up doing!

Here in Wisconsin, contrary to your "ahh" experts stated opinion, the thrill killers strategy is remarkablly simplistic, they release their radio collared Plott hounds, then follow them from the comfort of their motor vehicle(truck/suv)by radio telemetry. They literally then speed up and down rural roadways, even trails, chasing after their mutts, which are now basically operating on their own!

These dogs create many problems, they run non-targeted game, they often end up in, or running through someones farm, or estate yards/lands! I have had four encounters in the last few years where dogs have bayed bruin illegally on my land, where I was forced to intervene, all four encounters included confronting trespassing hounders, who are always conveniently ignorant of where they happen to be at the time. We used to shoot their mutts, then the state stepped in and protected the things from such measures, unless they were in the act of menacing, or threatening the landowner, his family, livestock, or pets.

You, telling me that I'm retarded, or ignorant of these scumbags and their murderous hobby, is like you trying to tell Ronald Mcdonald that he knows nothing of cooking burgers......:rolleyes:

Suwannee Tim
11-30-12, 17:41
......We used to shoot their mutts, then the state stepped in and protected the things from such measures........

That's bullshit. The "hunters" should be liable for the bullets you use to kill their cur dogs.

In my neck of the woods, someone put three bullets in a gopher tortoise on a local shooting range.

11-30-12, 19:20
Murderous hobby? LOL wow.

Thank you, that made my day.

11-30-12, 20:38
Murderous hobby? LOL wow.

Thank you, that made my day.

Actually sport, you made our day, you've outed yourself on a thread that was predicated upon the murderous maltreatment of an animal, or animals, as one who enjoys such activities....

There is absolutely no difference between killing for sport, and killing due to pathology...Its the same exact psychological mechanism. If you have no intention of eating, wearing, or protecting yourself, your family, pets, or livestock from such an animal, you have no business taking its life....Up here, the Chippewa people hold that the gray wolf is an actual person! After collecting hundreds and hundreds of both still, and video images of them in the wild, I can't say the same thing, but I can say that they are most definitely smarter then many humans that have crossed my path....

11-30-12, 20:47
LOL ok.

You're the one assuming that hunters dont eat what they kill. So basically you're the asshat here.

I hunt for the sport, I dont need to hunt to survive. I do eat what I shoot. But then again im not a limp wristed bleeding heart either (enter Denali). (oh and I run a garmin astro on my pointer....oh my!!!)

P.S. I would LOVE to hunt wolves. What a challenge....a worthy adversary. Plus I could make a badass hat out of one..or maybe a rug.

11-30-12, 21:14
I've got to go back and read through this thread to figure out how we arrived at a place where Denali would be referred to as "a limp wristed bleeding heart." :D

Folks might disagree with Denali's views. They might choose to call the guy names. Hell, I've been tempted myself a time or two. ;)

But it never occurred to me to call him "a limp wristed bleeding heart." :laugh:

11-30-12, 21:19
I've got to go back and read through this thread to figure out how we arrived at a place where Denali would be referred to as "a limp wristed bleeding heart." :D

Folks might disagree with Denali's views. They might choose to call the guy names. Hell, I've been tempted myself a time or two. ;)

But it never occurred to me to call him "a limp wristed bleeding heart." :laugh:


11-30-12, 21:26
I'm not a hunter, but I am able to distinguish a moral difference between a clean kill within the law and this torturing that the OP describes.

^This!! As someone who used to participate in Game Enforcement missions, there is a huge difference between an illegal poacher and a legal hunter.

It's really very simple. If you want to stop the legal hunting of [ENTER SPECIES HERE]; all you have convince your elected officials to enact the change.

But if you want to stop the illegal poaching of [ENTER SPECIES HERE]; I bet every Game Warden in the country would buy you a beer if you come up with an effective and legal means to do so.

11-30-12, 22:03
It's funny that as I get older I have a much harder time dealing with the death of animals. I don't even deer hunt much any more.

Two years ago I saw dolphins swimming around my father in law's boat and I couldn't resist jumping in and being near them. This was in Gulf Shores, AL.

Wonderful creatures dolphins are. May these SOBs be captured soon and punished to the full extent.


11-30-12, 22:15
That sucks I hope they catch those bastards. Hate to say it but gun owners are own worst enemy at times. (regards to the gun shot ones)

11-30-12, 22:16
It's funny that as I get older I have a much harder time dealing with the death of animals. I don't even deer hunt much any more.

Two years ago I saw dolphins swimming around my father in law's boat and I couldn't resist jumping in and being near them. This was in Gulf Shores, AL.

Wonderful creatures dolphins are. May these SOBs be captured soon and punished to the full extent.


I think that is normal. Its not just animals for me. Every death I see reminds me of my own mortality. Just part of getting older. I am not against hunting so long as its done in a ethical manner and the animal does not suffer needlessly. In fact I love wild game meat. But I don't get a kick out of killing animals. Those who say hunting is wrong I would have to disagree. Hunting when done ethically is a honorable past time and a way to provide food for your family.


11-30-12, 22:24
LOL ok.

You're the one assuming that hunters dont eat what they kill. So basically you're the asshat here.

I hunt for the sport, I dont need to hunt to survive. I do eat what I shoot. But then again im not a limp wristed bleeding heart either (enter Denali). (oh and I run a garmin astro on my pointer....oh my!!!)

P.S. I would LOVE to hunt wolves. What a challenge....a worthy adversary. Plus I could make a badass hat out of one..or maybe a rug.

psychopath [ˈsaɪkəʊˌpæθ]
(Psychiatry) a person afflicted with a personality disorder characterized by a tendency to commit antisocial and sometimes violent acts and a failure to feel guilt for such acts Also called sociopath
psychopathic adj
psychopathically adv

I'm a hunter, you're not, you happen to be what we refer to as a, "sport killer!" Of course its also quite likely that you are simply shooting your mouth off based upon a percieved political alignment, which if true, is also highly erroneous. The distinction between hunter, and sport killers resides within the included dictionary reference....;)

11-30-12, 22:28
I'm a hunter, you're not, you happen to be what we refer to as a, "sport killer!" Of course its also quite likely that you are simply shooting your mouth off based upon a percieved political alignment, which if true, is also highly erroneous. The distinction between hunter, and sport killers resides within the included dictionary reference....;)

Wow I am going to defend Jdub.
First off you don't get to define what is a hunter and what is not. JDub is following his states laws on hunting so he is a hunter. Using your logic on what is and what is not a hunter you could make an argument that no technology outside of spears or ones bare hands should be used for hunting. Me personally while I don't hunt anymore I say use what ever you can to take the animal in a humane way and to put meat on your table.

11-30-12, 22:34
Those who say hunting is wrong I would have to disagree. Hunting when done ethically is a honorable past time and a way to provide food for your family.


Completely agree Pat. I just think way way too many guys from my neck of the woods enjoy hunting for the sole purpose of killing and bagging the biggest rack. Something wrong with that mindset to me. Yeh hunting is definitely an honorable pastime (and I still turkey and rabbit hunt alot) if carried out correctly. Sitting in a air conditioned shack and killing an animal just because of its rack size ain't it.


12-01-12, 00:47
Wonder how many of these are prop strikes?

As far as the hunting thing theres a reason we have a couple extra cells up there to rub together. No one complains about the assembly line like slaughter houses yet a guy who goes a 'hunts' better not stray one token off some primal form of hunting or he's not a 'hunter'.:sarcastic:

12-01-12, 14:45
Wow I am going to defend Jdub.
First off you don't get to define what is a hunter and what is not. JDub is following his states laws on hunting so he is a hunter. Using your logic on what is and what is not a hunter you could make an argument that no technology outside of spears or ones bare hands should be used for hunting. Me personally while I don't hunt anymore I say use what ever you can to take the animal in a humane way and to put meat on your table.

Hunters harvest, as do farmers, for a benefit, food, clothing, ect...Sport killing encompasses an entirely different dynamic, one where the objective is to destroy, so as to gloat(trophy on the wall). Just because its legal doesn't make it right!

As to your reference to "technology" and hunting. Where does it stop? I've taken every animal I've ever harvested with a lever action carbine, and iron sights, including a dozen Goldstream valley moose!

Such a mechanism is well advanced of spears and bare hands, wouldn't you agree? Isn't a scoped rifle advantage enough? Now, we employ IR/thermal imaging optics, so that we may penetrate total darkness, which is currently being done in Wisconsins gray wolf hunt. Where does it stop? What has become of the concept of "fair chase?"

I do not oppose hunting or trapping, I oppose wanton sport killing, where the only objective is to kill and claim a trophy....The distinction is stark.

12-01-12, 15:45
Hunters harvest, as do farmers, for a benefit, food, clothing, ect...Sport killing encompasses an entirely different dynamic, one where the objective is to destroy, so as to gloat(trophy on the wall). Just because its legal doesn't make it right!

As to your reference to "technology" and hunting. Where does it stop? I've taken every animal I've ever harvested with a lever action carbine, and iron sights, including a dozen Goldstream valley moose!

Such a mechanism is well advanced of spears and bare hands, wouldn't you agree? Isn't a scoped rifle advantage enough? Now, we employ IR/thermal imaging optics, so that we may penetrate total darkness, which is currently being done in Wisconsins gray wolf hunt. Where does it stop? What has become of the concept of "fair chase?"

I do not oppose hunting or trapping, I oppose wanton sport killing, where the only objective is to kill and claim a trophy....The distinction is stark.

You have a right to your opinion, however you do not have a right to push your morals or beliefs off on others. Nor is your opinion fact. You may feel sport hunting is immoral and thats your right but that does not make it so. In fact we have laws saying it is legal that means by societys standards it is not immoral. Also all the sport hunters I know also eat the animal. They enjoy the meat as much as the trophy. Nothing wrong with wanting a trophy to remember a hunt as long as they are not wasting the meat. In my experience here in Alaska sport hunters have better ethics than so called subsistence hunters. I have not seen a sport hunter spray a heard of caribou and pick up what died leaving the others that are wounded to die a long and painful death later. Sport hunters care about conservation so the animals they hunt are their for their kids and grandkids. Again you have a right to whatever view you want but you are not the moral authority to speak for all hunters.

An Undocumented Worker
12-01-12, 15:55
That kind of stuff makes me sick

12-04-12, 11:44
I'm a hunter, you're not, you happen to be what we refer to as a, "sport killer!" Of course its also quite likely that you are simply shooting your mouth off based upon a percieved political alignment, which if true, is also highly erroneous. The distinction between hunter, and sport killers resides within the included dictionary reference....;)

Oh really?

Im sorry, but you actually use better technology than me. See I hunt with a side by side shotgun (double trigger, english stock, ect). While you on the other hand apparently use a fancy new age repeater.

Yes I do choose to run a gps on my brittany, but thats because he's my best bud and I dont want to lose him in the wilderness. I also run an ecollar on him so i can discipline him in the field (like not letting him run deer, rabbits, ect). Both of which are for his safety, not finding more birds. I leave that up to his nose, which again is more primitive than your fancy repeating lever action.

So why dont you step down off your soap box and STFU. Because if you REALLY believed the shit you're shoveling you would use a long bow or spear.

I for one dont look down on other hunters that have different beliefs or ways, aslong as they adhear to game laws. You apparently take the holier than thou approach....

12-04-12, 22:47
Hey, girls, you're BOTH pretty.

Knock it off.

12-05-12, 08:01
Here is some more human garbage:


Hopefully someone kills these ****s in prison.

Hey, girls, you're BOTH pretty.

Knock it off.


12-05-12, 08:41
Anybody acknowledged how much we love the M4C moderators lately?

I just wish we could get a late night show for 'em. :lol:

12-05-12, 08:46
Anybody acknowledged how much we love the M4C moderators lately?

I just wish we could get a late night show for 'em. :lol:

I tell Santoro that I love him all of the time but he never responds :confused:

12-05-12, 10:00
Another one found at Bay St. Louis. Makes 49 and makes me sick.

The last time I was in the waters off of Bay St. Louis I jumped in the water to swim with a couple of these guys.
Amazing creatures.


12-05-12, 10:51
There is a suspect. That is all I'll say for now.

12-05-12, 11:11
There is a suspect. That is all I'll say for now.

That's good to know. Soon I hope. Doubt this guy would stop at dolphins.


12-05-12, 11:11
They found 2 more bodies, and then the head of a third off the coast off Mississippi.

It's complete bullshit that the perp/s will only face up to 1yr. in jail, and $100,000 in fines.

12-05-12, 12:18
I tell Santoro that I love him all of the time but he never responds :confused:

I tell you I love you all the time, but you never respond, so quit 'yer bitchin'.

01-22-13, 09:28
Bumping this for two reasons....

1. Satan down in Hell hasn't called me yet to confirm the presence of one or more human dolphin murderers. While we might not have had any more dolphins mutilated or tortured over the last month or two, it doesn't change the fact that this crime absolutely demands justice...and most likely real justice, not U.S. Judicial justice. The memory of this atrocity will stay with me for all of my days, and I'll be wishing for that magical encounter b/t myself and a piece of shit dolphin killer.

2. So you guys can watch this video that shows how damn special dolphins really are. It really highlights the very unique and special relationship dolphins and humans share. The dolphin has as much, if not more curiosity for humans than vice versa.

At least a human did something nice for a change for dolphins....and it's really neat to see how the dolphin and diver communicated and trusted each other. Anyways, keep on the lookout for scumf**K dolphin killers, and enjoy the video:)

Dolphin Rescue Hawaii (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCXx2bNk6UA)

01-22-13, 10:10
LOL ok.

You're the one assuming that hunters dont eat what they kill. So basically you're the asshat here.

I hunt for the sport, I dont need to hunt to survive. I do eat what I shoot. But then again im not a limp wristed bleeding heart either (enter Denali). (oh and I run a garmin astro on my pointer....oh my!!!)

P.S. I would LOVE to hunt wolves. What a challenge....a worthy adversary. Plus I could make a badass hat out of one..or maybe a rug.

Plus 100+

I also hunt, enjoy the kill and the satisfaction that the slab of meat I'm about to eat came from my rifle.

I don't need to hunt to survive. No one on this site hunts to survive. Not to say those types of people don't exist, but the fact your posting on the internet, makes you not one of those people.

I would love to Hunt wolves, bears, lions or... well lets not go there yet. Its the challenge, the ultimate sport that pits carnal man against beast, with the better of the two coming up victorious. The tasty meat is just a bonus.

Wolves are a pest and should be controled to managable populations.
Dolphins are assholes of the ocean. They will kill and maim other animals for the fun of it. They will attack humans and drag them down to drown them. I have swam with trained dolphins before and the trainers warn you that even with years of training they can still go rogue. They are much like wolves of the sea. There is nothing noble about them so get your preconcieved flipper notions out of your head.

01-22-13, 11:06
Dolphins are assholes of the ocean. They will kill and maim other animals for the fun of it. They will attack humans and drag them down to drown them. I have swam with trained dolphins before and the trainers warn you that even with years of training they can still go rogue. They are much like wolves of the sea. There is nothing noble about them so get your preconcieved flipper notions out of your head.

Yep. It's well documented that dolphins torture, maim and kill other animals, especially porpoises (porpicide), all the time and simply for amusement. Here's a short video of them in action: http://youtu.be/FZY6nYEq5i4

Another little factoid is that dolphins also commit mass suicide all the time in the hundreds.

That's not to say I think torturing and killing them is right, cause I don't, but all those cute little ****ers ain't like "Flipper".

01-22-13, 11:07
Yeah, there's a documented (on film) of a gang rape of a female by two males. Not that I condone mutilation and torture of any animal.

01-22-13, 11:10
Yeah, there's a documented (on film) of a gang rape of a female by two males. Not that I condone mutilation and torture of any animal.

I heard Germans are into that kind of stuff.

01-22-13, 11:36
Atrocious...but throughout the entire thread all I can think about is


01-22-13, 11:54
I have owned all sorts of animals in my life: dogs, cats, fish, birds, snakes, etc., and it truly troubles me to learn of humans doing despicable things to animals. I am not talking about hunting, or any type of legitimate wildlife management. Ever notice that in modern times hunted or managed animals are never on any endangered lists? Hunting and other forms of management do wonderful things for our wildlife and environment.

However, what troubles me more than the mutilation of a dolphin, is the trend that I frequently see of wanton disregard for the life of a human being. To be sure, the perpetrators should be caught and punished according to our laws. However, those who think the perpetrators should receive some form of a more severe punishment outside of our laws, the likes of vigilantism, need to have their head examined.

No animal life is commensurate to a human life, or to the violating of that human's rights, no matter how disgusting that human being may be.

01-22-13, 12:29
I have owned all sorts of animals in my life: dogs, cats, fish, birds, snakes, etc., and it truly troubles me to learn of humans doing despicable things to animals. I am not talking about hunting, or any type of legitimate wildlife management. Ever notice that in modern times hunted or managed animals are never on any endangered lists? Hunting and other forms of management do wonderful things for our wildlife and environment.

However, what troubles me more than the mutilation of a dolphin, is the trend that I frequently see of wanton disregard for the life of a human being. To be sure, the perpetrators should be caught and punished according to our laws. However, those who think the perpetrators should receive some form of a more severe punishment outside of our laws, the likes of vigilantism, need to have their head examined.

No animal life is commensurate to a human life, or to the violating of that human's rights, no matter how disgusting that human being may be.

Very well said. I love animals as much as anyone but they are just that, animals(or food). It really takes a sick person to put the lives of animals before their fellow humans.

01-22-13, 12:49
However, what troubles me more than the mutilation of a dolphin, is the trend that I frequently see of wanton disregard for the life of a human being. To be sure, the perpetrators should be caught and punished according to our laws. However, those who think the perpetrators should receive some form of a more severe punishment outside of our laws, the likes of vigilantism, need to have their head examined.

No animal life is commensurate to a human life, or to the violating of that human's rights, no matter how disgusting that human being may be.

Let's just say that I honestly couldn't disagree more with your opinion. The root belief system that lead you to that opinion that humans are such special little snowflakes, or have some "special" purpose on earth that any other organism doesn't have is ridiculous to me. Then again, the human's ability to be grandiose in the largest sense of the word can't be understated. The only thing special humans have is copious amounts of ignorance/arrogance to the real/reason based world around them.

01-22-13, 12:54
Might be my agriculture upbringing but I'll be damned if I put an animal's life above any (aside from rapists, etc) human's. I also don't get spending thousands on pets when cats and dogs are dying in shelters but it's the owner's prerogative to throw money at a pet while humans starve in other countries.

01-22-13, 12:57
No animal life is commensurate to a human life, or to the violating of that human's rights, no matter how disgusting that human being may be.

I couldn't disagree more.

Off the top of my head people I'd never save from fire if I had the opportunity and could do so safely:

Serial killers, child molesters, members of Rev. Phelps church, Wahabist, rapists in general, murderers in general, etc.

I KNOW I'd try and rescue my dog from a fire. Hell I'd probably try to save a stray dog I didn't even know from a fire if I could.

My dog is better people than a lot of people I know.

And if you really wouldn't save a dog before you saved the Carr Brothers then you really need to reexamine your beliefs.

01-22-13, 13:48
Maybe I'm just a shitty person, but there are plenty of people I would put my dog before.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

01-22-13, 13:50
Let's just say that I honestly couldn't disagree more with your opinion. The root belief system that lead you to that opinion that humans are such special little snowflakes, or have some "special" purpose on earth that any other organism doesn't have is ridiculous to me. Then again, the human's ability to be grandiose in the largest sense of the word can't be understated. The only thing special humans have is copious amounts of ignorance/arrogance to the real/reason based world around them.

I couldn't disagree more.

Off the top of my head people I'd never save from fire if I had the opportunity and could do so safely:

Serial killers, child molesters, members of Rev. Phelps church, Wahabist, rapists in general, murderers in general, etc.

I KNOW I'd try and rescue my dog from a fire. Hell I'd probably try to save a stray dog I didn't even know from a fire if I could.

My dog is better people than a lot of people I know.

And if you really wouldn't save a dog before you saved the Carr Brothers then you really need to reexamine your beliefs.

I don't really feel I need to examine my beliefs, and I don't disagree with you that lots of animals are "better" than a lot of people we all know. However, that doesn't give me the right to be judge, jury, and executioner. Do any of you think we really need to execute or imprison for life the persons responsible for killing or maiming a dolphin?

01-22-13, 14:09
Maybe it was the long-arm of the Tuna Fishers Industry....

...they're pissed off that the dolphins keep tearing their nets.

El Pistolero
01-22-13, 14:18
WTF is wrong with people? I'm not a PETA animal activist but my general attitude about animals in the wild is to leave them be, they don't need to be harassed or disturbed in any way while they are in their own home or natural habitat. No need to bring harm to any undeserving creature. Dolphins are beautiful, intelligent creatures, and to intentionally cause them harm someone must be effed up in the head. There seems to be a lot of that lately.:sad:

01-22-13, 14:19
The root belief system that lead you to that opinion that humans are such special little snowflakes, or have some "special" purpose on earth that any other organism doesn't have is ridiculous to me.

Isn't it our belief in being special that makes us believe there even is a right and wrong?

If we are not special or different from animals other than by species then everything we do is natural, and thus there is no right and wrong.

01-22-13, 14:27
****ing savages, I hope they catch these basterds soon enough. Taiji Japan Dolphin slaughter was enough for me, made me sick to my stomach that humans were doing such a thing.

01-22-13, 15:22
Do any of you think we really need to execute or imprison for life the persons responsible for killing or maiming a dolphin?

Depends. Generally no. However, I'd be willing to kill a person to prevent him from killing my dog. So I suppose a person might feel that way about a dolphin they formed a similar bond with.

My biggest concern about people who torture animals is they are generally a threat to everyone and everything on the planet. But at the same time I'm not an activist or extremist about the matter either. I recognize a distinction between my dog and other dogs for example.

I was basically taking exception to your notion that all human life is inherently more valuable than any animal life.

01-22-13, 15:24
I couldn't disagree more.

Off the top of my head people I'd never save from fire if I had the opportunity and could do so safely:

Serial killers, child molesters, members of Rev. Phelps church, Wahabist, rapists in general, murderers in general, etc.

I KNOW I'd try and rescue my dog from a fire. Hell I'd probably try to save a stray dog I didn't even know from a fire if I could.

My dog is better people than a lot of people I know.

And if you really wouldn't save a dog before you saved the Carr Brothers then you really need to reexamine your beliefs.

As usual, hammer meets nail.

01-22-13, 15:25
Isn't it our belief in being special that makes us believe there even is a right and wrong?

If we are not special or different from animals other than by species then everything we do is natural, and thus there is no right and wrong.

Perhaps "unique" is a better word than special. Certainly we are the most advanced species on the planet.

El Cid
01-22-13, 15:32
I couldn't disagree more.

Off the top of my head people I'd never save from fire if I had the opportunity and could do so safely:

Serial killers, child molesters, members of Rev. Phelps church, Wahabist, rapists in general, murderers in general, etc.

I KNOW I'd try and rescue my dog from a fire. Hell I'd probably try to save a stray dog I didn't even know from a fire if I could.

My dog is better people than a lot of people I know.

And if you really wouldn't save a dog before you saved the Carr Brothers then you really need to reexamine your beliefs.
Preach on brother! :big_boss:

Someone who makes himself a threat to one of my dogs would meet the same fate as if they threatened a two-legged family member.

01-22-13, 15:48
As usual, hammer meets nail.

No, not quite.

01-22-13, 15:54
I don't really feel I need to examine my beliefs, and I don't disagree with you that lots of animals are "better" than a lot of people we all know. However, that doesn't give me the right to be judge, jury, and executioner. Do any of you think we really need to execute or imprison for life the persons responsible for killing or maiming a dolphin?

There are some people with some pretty extreme beliefs on here. Property is not worth taking anyone's life over and a dog is property. But we are all entitled to our opinion as long as we follow the law. Now an ass kicking for trying to destroy or steal my property that is fine.

01-22-13, 16:01
There are some people with some pretty extreme beliefs on here. Property is not worth taking anyone's life over and a dog is property. But we are all entitled to our opinion as long as we follow the law. Now an ass kicking for trying to destroy or steal my property that is fine.

Concur. I understand the feelings that run here and that's fine. I am not really interested in poking the bee's nest, just provoking a little thought.

01-22-13, 16:05
Preach on brother! :big_boss:

Someone who makes himself a threat to one of my dogs would meet the same fate as if they threatened a two-legged family member.

Which would be the same if they tried to steal my truck or my TV. Animals are property and are treated as such. Nothing more, nothing less.

01-22-13, 16:10
No, not quite.

Yes, quit. Human life really isn't all what some of you bleeding hearts on here make it out to be. :no:

01-22-13, 16:21
No, not quite.

So you are saying if your choice was the rescue the Carr Brothers or a stray dog from a burning building you'd rescue the Carr Brothers?

01-22-13, 16:23
There are some people with some pretty extreme beliefs on here. Property is not worth taking anyone's life over and a dog is property. But we are all entitled to our opinion as long as we follow the law. Now an ass kicking for trying to destroy or steal my property that is fine.

My grandfathers flag is not "just property." When things are irreplaceable, they are no longer "just property."

General rule of thumb: If I'd be willing to risk my life to protect it, you should expect me to sacrifice your life if you try and take it.

I don't feel that is an extreme belief.

01-22-13, 16:26
Edited by PA Patriot.

In the time it took to type out and submit a post I see we are not on the subject of Dolphin attacks any more and spiraling off subject in another direction altogether. I will retract my "ON" topic post so not to interfere with what ever direction this thread is destined for.

I always enjoyed the mix of personalities and beliefs of all the members here but it seems now days we cant go more then a few posts in any thread before name calling and disputes occur or a thread topic gets so derailed that we don't even recall what the original topic was.

01-22-13, 16:29
I have heard stories that would suggest many of those Dolphin attacks were commited by Netters, the dolphins follow the schooling fish while feeding and get entrapped in the net of a commercial fishing boat.

The Netter does not what the dolphins damaging the net when they are pulled a board so they shoot, stab/cut or bash the Dolphins and drop them back into the sea.

Probably the most plausible explanation.

01-22-13, 16:52
Hunters harvest, as do farmers, for a benefit, food, clothing, ect...Sport killing encompasses an entirely different dynamic, one where the objective is to destroy, so as to gloat(trophy on the wall)...

I'd have to disagree. I have had a hunting license for years. I buy it because the money collected funds the Game Enforcement activities I used to participate in for years (mostly anti-poaching).

IMHO, there are a finite number of legitimate reasons to shoot an animal. All these are recognized and approved by the various Game Control Agencies at all levels. It doesn't matter if you hunt for the trophy, food, clothing or just to control the population. Heck, I know of quite a few hunters who do it just for the thrill of the hunt and so that they can be with nature for just those few hours. Some of them don't even bother to actually shoot their prey just because they choose not to. Does that mean they are not "true hunters"?

I shoot squirrels every chance I get during squirrel seasons (we have two a year). I don't do it to make squirrel stew (although I've been told it is pretty good) nor do I do it to have them stuffed as a trophy. I do it because there are too many of them and this is the only way I know to control the population around my house. I leave the carcasses out to give the many different other critters to feast on (possum, fox, raccoon, hawk, buzzards, other squirrels, bobcat and maybe once in a while coyote).

I used to hunt groundhogs as a service to farmers and ranchers. I had absolutely no intent on eating those either. But in doing so it saves not only the farmers' land or their livestock; it also prevents the widespread poisoning of the groundhogs. Teddy Roosevelt used to hunt all sorts of game just to gain another trophy. But you would be hard pressed to call him a non-hunter or to state how destructive his activities were to preserving wildlife.

People hunt for different reasons and in different ways. I personally cannot think of a single reason to hunt certain species or hunt in certain manners. But that doesn't mean I will go as far as to say that those who use dogs and other means as non-hunters. As long as they take the extra step to get a hunting license and ensure a quick and painless kill, they are hunters in my book. JM2CW.

01-22-13, 19:08
My grandfathers flag is not "just property." When things are irreplaceable, they are no longer "just property."

General rule of thumb: If I'd be willing to risk my life to protect it, you should expect me to sacrifice your life if you try and take it.

I don't feel that is an extreme belief.

I respect your right to feel that way but I don't agree. Just make sure any action you should take in defending your property is legal under the law where your at.

01-22-13, 19:09
So you are saying if your choice was the rescue the Carr Brothers or a stray dog from a burning building you'd rescue the Carr Brothers?
That's not the question as it is an implausible, unrealistic scenario. If I see two dudes in a building, I will help save them before the dog.

I am saying that YES, human life has inherently more value than any animal's life. Don't get me wrong, I am all about the death penalty and the Carr Brothers should have been executed long ago. The fact that they're still sucking wind is a travesty to justice and their victims. But, they'll get theirs in the end, regardless.

Man, you guys get stirred up when someone disagrees with you.

01-22-13, 19:12
That's not the question as it is an implausible, unrealistic scenario. If I see two dudes in a building, I will help save them before the dog.

I am saying that YES, human life has inherently more value than any animal's life. Don't get me wrong, I am all about the death penalty and the Carr Brothers should have been executed long ago. The fact that they're still sucking wind is a travesty to justice and their victims. But, they'll get theirs in the end, regardless.

Man, you guys get stirred up when someone disagrees with you.

I am for the death penalty as well just not for simple theft.

01-22-13, 21:51
That's not the question as it is an implausible, unrealistic scenario. If I see two dudes in a building, I will help save them before the dog.

I am saying that YES, human life has inherently more value than any animal's life. Don't get me wrong, I am all about the death penalty and the Carr Brothers should have been executed long ago. The fact that they're still sucking wind is a travesty to justice and their victims. But, they'll get theirs in the end, regardless.

Man, you guys get stirred up when someone disagrees with you.

I'm not getting stirred up. I'm simply disagreeing with you.

And you dodged. OBVIOUSLY if you didn't know who they were, most of us would do our best to help an "unknown person." But we are discussing specifics. So if YOU KNEW who they were, would you STILL rescue them before a dog or even at all?

01-22-13, 21:58
I respect your right to feel that way but I don't agree. Just make sure any action you should take in defending your property is legal under the law where your at.

Actually I definitely live in the correct state for my views. But even if I didn't, if I'm willing to risk my life I'm obviously ready to risk the legal consequences.

This is why people should be thoughtful, if not terrified, when stealing from others. If you steal the Wal Mart flag I bought for putting out on the 4th of July (if we set aside the fact that you are in my home) I won't wish you any genuine harm at all and will only be taking steps to eliminate your ability to pose a threat to myself or my family.

If you try and steal my grandfathers flag, I will try my hardest to keep it at risk of my own life and with a complete willingness to take yours. There is obviously a painfully simple solution to avoiding the entire matter completely.

While both objects are nearly identical, stealing the wrong one can get you killed.

01-23-13, 00:53
Actually I definitely live in the correct state for my views. But even if I didn't, if I'm willing to risk my life I'm obviously ready to risk the legal consequences.

This is why people should be thoughtful, if not terrified, when stealing from others. If you steal the Wal Mart flag I bought for putting out on the 4th of July (if we set aside the fact that you are in my home) I won't wish you any genuine harm at all and will only be taking steps to eliminate your ability to pose a threat to myself or my family.

If you try and steal my grandfathers flag, I will try my hardest to keep it at risk of my own life and with a complete willingness to take yours. There is obviously a painfully simple solution to avoiding the entire matter completely.

While both objects are nearly identical, stealing the wrong one can get you killed.
I have to ask since you have brought it up before. What is the story behind your grandfathers flag. It obviously has a lot of meaning to you.

01-23-13, 03:26
I have to ask since you have brought it up before. What is the story behind your grandfathers flag. It obviously has a lot of meaning to you.

Nothing as significant as something he raised over Iwo Jima personally or anything. It was the one the honor guard draped over his coffin and presented to the family. As with most WWII vets he had a military funeral.

It is as a result a powerful symbol of respect that we associate with him personally. It is what makes me remind myself to try and be a better person (more like him) every time I see it.

I'm also not in Iowa where he was laid to rest, so I can't regularly tend his grave. Best I can do is honor his flag.

01-23-13, 03:55
Nothing as significant as something he raised over Iwo Jima personally or anything. It was the one the honor guard draped over his coffin and presented to the family. As with most WWII vets he had a military funeral.

It is as a result a powerful symbol of respect that we associate with him personally. It is what makes me remind myself to try and be a better person (more like him) every time I see it.

I'm also not in Iowa where he was laid to rest, so I can't regularly tend his grave. Best I can do is honor his flag.

That is a cool story and its very significant to you.

01-23-13, 07:25
...... thread topic gets so derailed that we don't even recall what the original topic was.

- Alien dolphin mutilations
- I'm a real hunter and you're not
- some humans have less perceived value than our pets (agree totally, BTW)

...and I think a couple folks felt the ban-hammer