View Full Version : The July 1952 UFO Incidents...

11-30-12, 01:40
Curious what most think of this one.


The film footage is what most people find most interesting.


I personally think 95% of sighting are reasonably explainable or deliberate hoaxes. I think nearly every abduction story is Adamski nonsense.

But this is the one event that I really can't seem to write off. And the "temperature inversion/mirage" explanation offered is honestly as laughable as most stories of sightings and visitations.

I strongly suspect there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, but I don't know why they'd be inclined to pay us a visit even if they had the means to do so.

But I think there is a lot more to this one than any other, especially events like Roswell.

11-30-12, 05:17
There's lots of very intelligent discussion on the nature and possibility of extraterrestrial life from cosmologists like Carl Sagan, Neil Degrasse Tyson, and Stephen Hawking who believe strongly there is other intelligent life in the universe, but UFO sightings most likely aren't them.

If it weren't for the lengthy background discussion in the wiki entry, I wouldn't find anything in that video strange -- looks just like an evening/night formation flight of aircraft.

11-30-12, 12:25
I strongly suspect there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, but I don't know why they'd be inclined to pay us a visit even if they had the means to do so.

Alien "A": We are picking up some facinating signs of intelligent but comparitively primitive life on planet RT7734 (earth). It could be a valuable opportunity to learn about another up and coming civilization in our universe. Since we have the ability to travel there in a reasonable amount of time due to our hyper-advanced technology, what should we do?

Alien "B": Let's go.

William B.
11-30-12, 12:28
Alien "A": We are picking up some facinating signs of intelligent but comparitively primitive life on planet RT7734 (earth). It could be a valuable opportunity to learn about another up and coming civilization in our universe. Since we have the ability to travel there in a reasonable amount of time due to our hyper-advanced technology, what should we do?

Alien "B": Let's go.

So they went to DC? :jester:

Doc Safari
11-30-12, 12:49
I am convinced the Roswell crash was a test flight of the Nazi Horten brothers' stealth fighter, and that's why it's still classified today. Some of their design work is still used in stealth technology, and that's why the government can never come clean on it.

(THE REST EDITED OUT--just kidding).

11-30-12, 13:15
Why for goodness sake, what happened to my post?

Doc Safari
11-30-12, 13:21
(EDITED TO ADD): Okay, I was having a little fun with this. I was just shitting you. :D With all the Mayan calendar stuff it seemed like the thing to do. :D

I'm not sure I believe in UFO's as anything but mistakenly identified things.

11-30-12, 15:04
There are a great many things we don't know Doc. And heck what is deemed as supernatural today may be commonplace tomorrow.

Doc Safari
11-30-12, 15:11
I read an article once in a magazine that some researcher had become convinced that the so-called "abduction" phenomenon was nothing more than post-hypnotic suggestion or some other mental thing. There was even speculation that certain high-profile researchers had deliberately planted the stories in their subjects brains because they were seeking publicity, wanting to make money writing books, and whatnot.

Just like a lot of people dispute the Amityville Horror as a hoax now, I'm thinking a lot of the UFO stuff is just plain bogus.

There was a great program on one of the higher satellite channels abut MUFON investigating some really compelling photos from Mexico.

These were Holy Grail-grade photos. Sure enough, above the objections of both the photographer and the famous TV host Jaime Masson the photos were basically deemed to be photoshop by a photo expert in the US.

I just don't think I'll buy that UFO's are real until they land on the White House lawn.

I haven't even opened the can of worms that the US government loves the UFO genre because it's the perfect cover story for some of their stealth aircraft tests. "No ma'am, we didn't have any aircraft in the air that night," You've heard a dozen times.

The other good one I heard is that UFO's are actually time machines from the future, coming back in time to correct some problems with human DNA in some future century. Sort of like: they need DNA from an earlier time to uncorrupt something that happened in our future due to all the genetic manipulation and whatnot.

Really, though, they're just our noble space brothers who have come back to see how their creation is doing.

Just ask the people who can channel aliens. Really. :D

11-30-12, 15:20
Just like a lot of people dispute the Amityville Horror as a hoax now, I'm thinking a lot of the UFO stuff is just plain bogus.

I agree. As previously stated...

I personally think 95% of sighting are reasonably explainable or deliberate hoaxes. I think nearly every abduction story is Adamski nonsense.

In fact the only one I really find compelling at all is the above incident. It is a combination of the film footage and the fact that government sources have no "reasonable" explanation.

Totally agree on the experimental aircraft view on things, I just sorta doubt they'd test anything over the Capitol.

Doc Safari
11-30-12, 15:39
Totally agree on the experimental aircraft view on things, I just sorta doubt they'd test anything over the Capitol.

Maybe, but who knows. In the Cold War era they might have wanted to see just how good their early warning systems might be.

Like anything else, no single explanation is a catch-all. I've talked to old timers from World War 2 who claimed to have seen foo fighters. I've read accounts of flyers reporting "gremlins" messing with their equipment in flight.

Thin air? Combat fatigue? Real gremlins? Who knows.

I just always thought the Roswell incident was the biggest non-story in history. Supposedly, some of the so-called witnesses have even changed their story over time.

No, I do not believe the government's account.

I think there is a good possibility that the Kenneth Arnold UFO and the Roswell UFO are one and the same thing: a prototype of the Horten brothers' stealth fighter.

Remember that both the Kenneth Arnold UFO and the Roswell UFO were not flying saucers per se, but boomerang shaped craft.

If you go to Google images, do a search on "Kenneth Arnold" UFO, then Google "Horten" "stealth fighter".

The resemblance is absolutely breath-taking.

People in the 1800's saw airships. People in the 1950's saw flying saucers. Now it's that triangle with lights on the points.

Funny how people aren't all seeing the same ships if it's supposedly aliens visiting us.

11-30-12, 18:31
The CIA actually tried to use the USAF's Project Blue Book to explain away U-2 sightings in the 50s.

11-30-12, 22:50
my dad was in the Air Force from late 40s to early 50s
flew F-86 in the Korean war stationed for a while out of Luke AFB
he also did test flights for the air force for the F-86 variants in the early 50s though :)

pretty cool career and have some cool pics of him etc..

but I can say he has some interesting stories about those early days for sure !

11-30-12, 22:55
Swamp balloon filled with weather gas. :D

11-30-12, 22:55
another sighting ?


I do know when I was in a buddies garage one time back in the 90s their was a pic of him next to a stealth plane but the problem was it was BW and he was about 25 years or so younger ? I remember asking him what the heck when was this taken you look so young
he said in about 1970 when we were working on stealth planes back then about ten years before the nighthawk came out which makes sense :)

but he laughed and said a lot of the triangle ufos were just us running around ! the other ones ? no idea whos those are and kinda laughed :)

11-30-12, 23:03
During a two-year period in the 1970s, dozens of residents in this village, 60 miles from the Twin Cities, claimed to have seen UFOs in the area. Teachers, farmers and policemen all maintained they had close encounters. Their reports included seeing unusual lights in the night sky and being struck by a ray of light from a flying saucer.

"Everybody was just going berserk," said Elmwood resident Rick Sailer, remembering the village during the days of the sightings.

Some said it was the town's large rock quarry that attracted the special visitors. Others thought the government was conducting a top-secret experiment in Elmwood. One reverend believed it was a sign of the second coming of Jesus Christ. A few skeptics thought the witnesses might have spent too much time at the bar.

To this day, no one really knows — the sightings remain unexplained, said Dolores Radtke, who lives near the rock quarry where the most famous sighting took place. It was there, one night in 1976, that Elmwood police officer George Wheeler saw his second UFO.

Wheeler had driven up to the quarry about 11 p.m. April 22 to investigate what he thought was a fire. After reaching the top of a hill, he got on his radio and exclaimed, "My God, it's one of those UFOs again."

He began describing the craft, but suddenly his radio went dead, Police Chief Gene Helmer told the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram shortly after the incident. A farmer arrived on the scene and found Wheeler dazed. The electrical system in his car had been burned out.

During the sighting, Wheeler saw people moving around inside the saucer-shaped object and then was struck by a blue light, he told his wife, Doris Wheeler. He complained of not feeling well after the incident and began having horrible nightmares, his wife told the Leader-Telegram. Two years later, George Wheeler died.

About 120-miles south of me is the little burg of Elmwood Wisconsin, which is also relatively close to the Twin Cities of Mpls/St Paul. Its the UFO capital of the world, or "err" they'd have you think! At one time, they were getting a lot of attention due to a popular book in which they were prominently featured.

Of course Wisconsin has more taverns/saloons per square mile then anywhere else in America.....:)

12-01-12, 06:52
I do know when I was in a buddies garage one time back in the 90s their was a pic of him next to a stealth plane but the problem was it was BW and he was about 25 years or so younger ? I remember asking him what the heck when was this taken you look so young
he said in about 1970 when we were working on stealth planes back then about ten years before the nighthawk came out which makes sense :)

Yes, the A-12/SR-71 and Have Blue both predated the F-117.

12-01-12, 10:37
Yes, the A-12/SR-71 and Have Blue both predated the F-117.

his garage pick was the nighthawk :) I guess they had them flying around in the 70s :)

the sr71 are cool planes :)

12-01-12, 18:51
his garage pick was the nighthawk :) I guess they had them flying around in the 70s :)

The F-117 prototypes themselves did not fly until 1980, and obviously the production airplanes flew after that.

The Have Blue prototypes -- which were the technology demonstrators for the F-117 -- were flying in the late 1970s.



12-01-12, 19:16
I'm a skeptical believer in some of these cases. Sometime around 2002-2003, mid-morning, my wife and I were heading north toward Black Canyon City on the I-17 when the wife and I (and the other cars in our group judging by the brake lights and swerving) saw a Mork from Ork 'egg' traveling very slow and very low west to east. A few seconds after we spotted it, right about the time we were almost traveling under it, the thing left a vapor trail as it went about 25,000mph in a blink. Craziest thing I've ever saw in my life by far. I still get chills thinking about it.

12-01-12, 22:17
Ahhh that very well could be :)

The F-117 prototypes themselves did not fly until 1980, and obviously the production airplanes flew after that.

The Have Blue prototypes -- which were the technology demonstrators for the F-117 -- were flying in the late 1970s.

