View Full Version : It's time to outlaw bows and arrows

11-30-12, 15:49
Casper College Attack: 3 Dead In Wyoming After Apparent 'Bow And Arrow' Attack

11-30-12, 16:29
Not to deflate the OP, but surely we know firearms can potentially be far more dangerous than a bow. Or a knife, or an axe, etc. Otherwise one might suspect that our servicemen would be carrying the latter three as primary weapons here and there.

We're all in this fight together, but rather than exploit this tragedy it might be better to keep things in context. This incident won't change anything.

11-30-12, 16:45
I think you missed the sarcasm.

11-30-12, 17:09
I do that sometimes. Let's just be thankful this isn't England. :)

11-30-12, 17:34
Not to deflate the OP, but surely we know firearms can potentially be far more dangerous than a bow. Or a knife, or an axe, etc. Otherwise one might suspect that our servicemen would be carrying the latter three as primary weapons here and there.

We're all in this fight together, but rather than exploit this tragedy it might be better to keep things in context. This incident won't change anything.

That must be the reason why I always had to get a waver for everyone in my company to bring there knives back from over seas.

11-30-12, 17:57
That must be the reason why I always had to get a waver for everyone in my company to bring there knives back from over seas.

It's just because a simple minded dope made a bad administrative decision somewhere along the line bro.

11-30-12, 18:49
Guess what mechanical device would have stopped this dirt bag and his Leolas fantasy?

11-30-12, 20:06

11-30-12, 20:29
Guess what mechanical device would have stopped this dirt bag and his Leolas fantasy?

I'll take "What is an AR-15?" for $500, Alex.

11-30-12, 20:42
Pic of a Natrona County Sheriff Deputy on scene, nice SBR and PC.


11-30-12, 21:22
Prayers sent fo the fallen victims.

And I'll wager a very large sum of cash that the gear in that pic is all personally owned and purchased by that Deputy, except for the radio.

11-30-12, 21:25
The one Natarona Deputy I know is squared away, I'll have to talk to him to get some info about this as I didnt even hear about it at work today.

FYI, now the TSA need to be placed at every community college molesting people in search of compound bows and broadheads.

11-30-12, 21:33
And I'll wager a very large sum of cash that the gear in that pic is all personally owned and purchased by that Deputy, except for the radio.

You would win that wager I'm sure. It would appear the call came out when this Deputy was on his primary duty assignment (CID) and or off-duty. This pic is a great example of an active shooter kit.

11-30-12, 22:17
That possibly was one of the worst written news articles I've ever read. They aren't even confirming a bow was used and it's in the title?

11-30-12, 22:27
That possibly was one of the worst written news articles I've ever read. They aren't even confirming a bow was used and it's in the title?

I noticed they've made a few corrections. The article originally described Casper as the hub for Wyoming's "small" oil industry.

Wyoming's oil industry is alive and well ... and it ain't small. :)

11-30-12, 22:34
I have an uncle that lives in Casper, I'll see if I can pick up some local buzz.

12-01-12, 07:00
I do that sometimes. Let's just be thankful this isn't England. :)
My fault, actually - I should have identified my OP as sarcasm.

Looking at news reports this AM I see they are now calling it an "edged weapon":

"Casper Police Chief Chris Walsh said an "edged weapon" was used in at least one of the killings. He didn't say more about what type of weapon it was and whether the killer used the same weapon in all of the deaths."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/12/01/wyo-police-2-slain-before-killer-takes-own-life-in-front-college-classroom/#ixzz2DnwvmGCv

12-01-12, 08:22
Couldn't get in touch with uncle but story from my cousin is there are 2 stories.

First, son shot his father, step mom, self.

Second, husband shot wife and man she was cheating with, self.

But that is the local buzz.

12-01-12, 14:22
Latest update has kid stabbing his dad's live-in girlfriend, then going to the community college with a compound bow hidden under a blanket and shooting his dad in the chest in the dad's classroom. Then they struggled, kid stabs dad with a knife, then stabs himself.


12-01-12, 17:32
It's just because a simple minded dope made a bad administrative decision somewhere along the line bro.

That's precisely how one could explain the assault weapons ban.

12-01-12, 19:32
Word on the street is one of the victims was run through with a sword that basically "nailed" them to the ground.

Again thats only second hand info. For sure some wierd stuff, I'm interested in what the investigation reveals.

3 AE
12-02-12, 11:57
Knives, swords, bow, WTF!!! Is this medieval times in Wyoming? What, no battle axe, lance, or mace? I guess next time. :laugh:

12-02-12, 12:08
Knives, swords, bow, WTF!!! Is this medieval times in Wyoming? What, no battle axe, lance, or mace? I guess next time. :laugh:

Hey, folks don't call it the "wild, wild West" for nothin'!

12-02-12, 12:46
Knives, swords, bow, WTF!!! Is this medieval times in Wyoming? What, no battle axe, lance, or mace?
At least it wan't a high cap pistol or an assult rifle!