View Full Version : Blackhawk Down over Syria?

12-01-12, 02:39
An aquaintance from many years ago posted this on her FB account. I have checked several news outlets but not a single mention.
I have read there are S.F. in Jordan monitoring the border so I guess it's plausible.

So rather than txt everyone...i am doing the quickest way to get info out. Pray....my brother, XXXXX, who is active duty in Syria has been missing for 48hrs now.His Hawk went down.the tracking beacon is not functioning.he and his crew are missing.This is year 7 he has faithfully served Our country. PRAY. thats all I ask for. Thank u.

12-01-12, 02:49
So we are operational in Syria?
Doesn't surprise me.
It seems that we are trying our hardest to destabilize the areas surrounding Israel.

I doubt we will hear much, if anything, about this on the mainstream news.

I hope the Blackhawk's crew and the soldiers on board make it out safely.

12-01-12, 05:21
If it is true she is incredibly stupid for posting that because it could in fact endanger her brother and other personnel. Not very smart in my opinion.

12-01-12, 06:24
If it is true she is incredibly stupid for posting that because it could in fact endanger her brother and other personnel. Not very smart in my opinion.

yes i concur, very stupid

Straight Shooter
12-01-12, 08:17
I agree 100% its not "smart"...but she is worried to death and doing what she believes to be the only & best way to help her brother.
I do to. As this country now has a PROVEN FACTUAL RECORD of abandoning its soldiers under fire to DIE, I dont blame her a bit.
GOD may/may not help them, but this ****in country wont.

12-01-12, 08:23
Nonsense. Even if he did tell her where he was and what he was doing (which I doubt), how could she possibly know they went down only 48hrs ago in Syria specifically? And how would she know about a non-functioning beacon?

Sounds like someone looking for attention.

12-01-12, 11:37
If it is true she is incredibly stupid for posting that because it could in fact endanger her brother and other personnel. Not very smart in my opinion.

Agreed. Not knowing what op he was on or his unit's mission, or rescue op is underway, as well as someone publicly alluding to the fact that we are operating in that AO in the first place, is a major D.F. move.

12-01-12, 11:56
Nonsense. Even if he did tell her where he was and what he was doing (which I doubt), how could she possibly know they went down only 48hrs ago in Syria specifically? And how would she know about a non-functioning beacon?

Sounds like someone looking for attention.

ditto if she knew this much she would know to not say a thing !

ditto if she did know IDIOT !!!!

most in that situation would just say
please pray for my brother who is MIA
thats all that is needed !!!

12-01-12, 12:09

She's probably either lying or severely confused. It could be true --- I just really doubt it.

12-01-12, 12:27
If this post endangers the person involved that mods should delete it

12-01-12, 13:02
Is leadership obligated to give a DUSTWUN notice to NOK in "clandestine" operations only 48hrs after the incident? I highly doubt it. I assume that she either knows not of what she speaks, or she may be an attention whore....

12-01-12, 13:59
Is leadership obligated to give a DUSTWUN notice to NOK in "clandestine" operations only 48hrs after the incident? I highly doubt it. I assume that she either knows not of what she speaks, or she may be an attention whore....

Im starting to wonder. She has since stated she went to the local VA hospital to get info. Someone else told her she should check with the next of kin listed on her brothers record of emergency data as they should be getting information from a Army casualty notification officer. She didn't respond to that post but "liked" it, hmmmmn.

12-01-12, 14:09
I feel that your "aquaintance" is full of it and is making shit up. She has watched a few to movies and is seeking attention.

12-01-12, 15:57
Im starting to wonder. She has since stated she went to the local VA hospital to get info. Someone else told her she should check with the next of kin listed on her brothers record of emergency data as they should be getting information from a Army casualty notification officer. She didn't respond to that post but "liked" it, hmmmmn.

It is my understanding that the Red Cross can provide current information an any US serviceman. Has that changed?

12-01-12, 16:20
I also doubt that she would know anything about it, much less that the location beacon wasn't working.

Although I would not be surprised if we had troops lost there, I would be surprised if we found out about it this way. More likely we would see their bodies being dragged around on TV.

12-01-12, 18:11
I also doubt that she would know anything about it, much less that the location beacon wasn't working.

Although I would not be surprised if we had troops lost there, I would be surprised if we found out about it this way. More likely we would see their bodies being dragged around on TV.

Sums up my thoughts.

12-02-12, 20:06
I also doubt that she would know anything about it, much less that the location beacon wasn't working.

Although I would not be surprised if we had troops lost there, I would be surprised if we found out about it this way. More likely we would see their bodies being dragged around on TV.

No communications there according to our news.

12-02-12, 20:39
If it is true she is incredibly stupid for posting that because it could in fact endanger her brother and other personnel. Not very smart in my opinion.

+1 million. WTF does OPSEC mean again? :rolleyes:

12-03-12, 08:39
I would not be shocked.

Say some young soldier happened to be a friend of this guy, and had heard some information. Not being too bright, he may have known this guy's sister and passed it on. Those that have been in will know the game of telephone that comes from first/second/third/umpteenth hand information.

What started out as "Army BH forced to land due to bad weather 100km from Syrian border, having comsec issues, reachable by SC/PT VHF Only" could very rapidly turn into "blackhawk down in syria and his beacon is not working"

When deployed we found out one guy was sending his wife death reports via facebook on haji phone internet when they happened. I've never seen an Ar15 go through so quickly.

Anyway this really isn't out of the realm of reasonable probability. There's likely a sliver of truth in the report coming from the sister, with all sorts of inaccurate/misinterpreted facts added in.