View Full Version : Bob Costas' little rant just now..

12-02-12, 21:17
Agreeing with Jason Whitlock's opinion piece during the Cowboys/Eagles game http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/jovan-belcher-kansas-city-chiefs-murder-suicide-tragedy-girlfriend-self-leave-orphan-daughter-why-still-playing-sunday-120112 STFU Costas...just let us watch the game.

I would argue that your rationalizations speak to how numb we are in this society to gun violence and murder. We’ve come to accept our insanity. We’d prefer to avoid seriously reflecting upon the absurdity of the prevailing notion that the second amendment somehow enhances our liberty rather than threatens it.

How many young people have to die senselessly? How many lives have to be ruined before we realize the right to bear arms doesn’t protect us from a government equipped with stealth bombers, predator drones, tanks and nuclear weapons?

Our current gun culture simply ensures that more and more domestic disputes will end in the ultimate tragedy, and that more convenience-store confrontations over loud music coming from a car will leave more teenage boys bloodied and dead.

In the coming days, Belcher’s actions will be analyzed through the lens of concussions and head injuries. Who knows? Maybe brain damage triggered his violent overreaction to a fight with his girlfriend. What I believe is, if he didn’t possess/own a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.

That is the message I wish Chiefs players, professional athletes and all of us would focus on Sunday and moving forward. Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it.

12-02-12, 21:21
I just saw that. Didn't even try to hide or cover up the blatent anti gun message. Wife and I looked at each other and didn't even know what to say.

12-02-12, 21:35
My 13 y.o. daughter gave me the WTF look. I'm glad she was paying attention.

12-02-12, 21:46
What a little jock-sniffing bitch

12-02-12, 21:49
Why even bring it up? Why parrot what Whitlock already published? Of course, if he'd beat her to death what would they have blamed?

12-02-12, 22:15
He was a big ass football player. Does anybody really believe that he wouldn't have, or couldn't have killed her without a gun?

12-02-12, 22:16
Of course, if he'd beat her to death what would they have blamed?

The class ring on his hand of course!!!
If he'd used a bat... Well, it's this dang baseball society we live in.
OD'ed her with drugs... We'll its this prescription drug society we live in.
Knife? Car? Fire?

It certainly can not under any circumstance be the fault of the individual.. THAT would be crazy!!!

It's been official for a very long time... The vast majority of people are stupid.. The evidence is now just overwhelming.

12-02-12, 22:19
if he'd beat her to death what would they have blamed?

Marilyn Manson

12-02-12, 22:20
Marilyn Manson

It'd be Columbine all over again.

12-02-12, 22:46
He was a big ass football player. Does anybody really believe that he wouldn't have, or couldn't have killed her without a gun?

No. It is impossible for a celebrity football player to murder a cheating spouse with anything except a gun. They would never use a knife, leave bloody footprints (specifically from a size 12 Bruno Magli Lorenzo shoe) and glove at the scene, or attempt to flee in an SUV. Technically, that has never been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have ever happened...

12-02-12, 23:04
The NFL is taking a Facebook beating right now...LOL.. good to see so many 2nd amendment loving Americans letting them know how they feel.

VIP3R 237
12-02-12, 23:56
Costas need to stick with football and stop pushing his anti-gun agenda. I am very upset about this and i have emailed NBC and left some posts on their Facebook wall that i am not ok with this. Please people lets NBC know that the law abiding gun owners will not stand for this.

12-03-12, 00:14
No. It is impossible for a celebrity football player to murder a cheating spouse with anything except a gun. They would never use a knife, leave bloody footprints (specifically from a size 12 Bruno Magli Lorenzo shoe) and glove at the scene, or attempt to flee in an SUV. Technically, that has never been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have ever happened...

Yep, Nicole would still be alive if he hadn't shot her with that knife.

What a little prick. Thank you mr. sports writer for highjacking air time to subject everyone to your twisted idea of a civics lecture.

Can't wait to see the network not say a word about this to reiterate how gone this country is.

12-03-12, 00:45

Expect anything less from them?

12-03-12, 01:01
Agreeing with Jason Whitlock's opinion piece during the Cowboys/Eagles game http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/jovan-belcher-kansas-city-chiefs-murder-suicide-tragedy-girlfriend-self-leave-orphan-daughter-why-still-playing-sunday-120112 STFU Costas...just let us watch the game.

The only thing Fat Albert Whitlock has to worry about, is his buddy MOOCHelle, outlawing all-you-can-eat buffets!

As for Costass, if they canned Hank Williams for HIS political beliefs OFF-air, than he oughta be packing his office out at 8am sharp tomorrow.

As for NGBC (National Gun Banning Channel), don't they have a Chevy Pickup somewhere, that needs rockets attached to the gas tank? :rolleyes:

12-03-12, 01:33
He was a big ass football player. Does anybody really believe that he wouldn't have, or couldn't have killed her without a gun?

"In other news, Jovan Belcher was arrested today for spiking his girlfriend to death."

I'm sure they would have preferred to read that.

12-03-12, 02:49
I was looking and couldn't find anything. But my Face-fu isn't all that.

The NFL is taking a Facebook beating right now...LOL.. good to see so many 2nd amendment loving Americans letting them know how they feel.

12-03-12, 06:12
Just read the rant online. **** him.

12-03-12, 06:25
With all the media focus on concussions, "low hits" and unsportsmanlike conduct, I expect the end game is to ban American football. I think the liberals have always been miffed that we don't watch/play/like/follow soccer (Futball/English Football) like the rest of the world and instead favor this brutal, oafish game that caters to unsophisticated tastes. (In their opinion)

Expect calls in the media for rules that will fundamentally change the game and with it the appeal.

I also expect some sort of Executive Order on guns in the new year, Obama will act lawlessly and no one will oppose him. Probably an version of the AWB.


12-03-12, 07:00
I saw it live and knew immediately (like many others I'm sure) that he ****ed up big time. Even more so than the now disgraceful Eagles defense.

NBC or not there were a lot of gun owners, especially Texans, watching. I suggest everyone send them a brief email to make sure we don't start to see more of this now that the leftist media has essentially been empowered.

12-03-12, 07:08

^ Video of the little bitch

12-03-12, 07:36
The NFL booted Hank for his opinion. I'm sure that Costas is going to get "the bullet" too.

(yeah right) :rolleyes:

12-03-12, 08:09
I saw it live and knew immediately (like many others I'm sure) that he ****ed up big time. Even more so than the now disgraceful Eagles defense.

NBC or not there were a lot of gun owners, especially Texans, watching. I suggest everyone send them a brief email to make sure we don't start to see more of this now that the leftist media has essentially been empowered.

I'm not sure that is going to work, since they've posted the video in a prominent place on their website:


I think that's the same as giving gun owners the finger...


12-03-12, 08:44
Whitlock took stupid to an even higher level with his comments given that an NFL team employee offed themself at an NFL facility on the very same day as Belcher, only he used a rope instead of a gun.

Doc Safari
12-03-12, 11:16
Gents...you just don't understand. It has to be the gun's fault, otherwise we might have to look into how head injuries and the pill/drug/alcohol culture is rampant in the NFL. That might cost the industry billions of dollars. No, it simply must be the handgun, and you will believe it if you know what's good for you. Your favorite game might be threatened otherwise. Touch football anyone?

Of course we wouldn't want to assign any personal responsibility to this, would we? That player must have had a rough childhood. Yeah, that's it. It's not that he was a violent hothead or anything like that.

12-03-12, 11:21
Anyone have Jim Zumbo's phone number handy so we can pass it on to Costas? He might want to compare notes about the stupidity of launching off topic gun control rants with an audience largely in favor of guns.

NFL is a shadow of its former self and working hard every year to become less interesting. NBC has credibility on anything. They might have had some on sports but after this Mathews-esque rant that shred of legitimacy is gone, too. Yes, remember the hoby rocket motors attached to gas tanks of a Chevy truck to "prove" they were a danger in collisions, as mentioned in a post above? Does Chevy advertise on NBC?

The only language these prima donnas understand is the audience turning them off and lambasting their employers and advertisers. Loss of job = "Oh I am not God almighty and actually have to serve my audience to continue receiving my multimillion dollar paychecks!"

12-03-12, 11:38
Costas need to stick with football and stop pushing the liberal anti-gun agenda. I am very upset about this and i have emailed NBC and left some posts on their Facebook wall that i am not ok with this. Please people lets NBC know that the law abiding gun owners will not stand for this.

Fixed it for you. He works for NBC. Shouldn't be a surprise this is the view of one of their employees.

12-03-12, 13:54
Browns suicide on the same day as the Belcher incident:

And my official stance on the issue to my liberal FB friends:

On the same day that the monster Jovan Belcher took the life of his girlfriend and then his own with a gun, a Brown's employee took his own life with a rope. According to NBC Commentator Bob Costas, the gun was to blame in the Jovan Belcher instance. Are we now to believe that the rope was to blame in the Brown's suicide? Would Costas also have us believe that a world sans knives would still include Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown-Simpson?

Is football now the place for politics? What Cowboys fan enjoyed watching Costa's step out his lane by giving a two-minute anti-gun diatribe in the middle of America's game? Beyond the politics of the issue, is that what America now wants to see; soap-box ranting at the most inappropriate of times?

Personal responsibility. We must take responsibility for our own lives, but we also need to hold others responsible for their own actions. Jovan Belcher was a murderer, and it is disgusting to blame his actions on anything but his own sick motivations. America could use some personal responsibility right now.

p.s. If Hank Williams Jr. was fired from MNF for political remarks on his own time, would it not be reasonable to expect the same for a color commentator making political remarks on the NFL's time?

12-03-12, 13:57
p.s. If Hank Williams Jr. was fired from MNF for political remarks on his own time, would it not be reasonable to expect the same for a color commentator making political remarks on the NFL's time?

That was my point above too. How about a 4 game suspension?

12-03-12, 15:14
Never liked costas. NBC? What do you expect?

Sent from my iPad 4 using Tapatalk HD

3 AE
12-03-12, 15:33
I might have to eat crow on this but I doubt very much that anything bad will happen to Costas. His two minute speech was not an on air, off the cuff, spur of the moment, emotional plea for sanity in the world filled with guns. No sir, you can bet it was a carefully crafted message with full approval of the higher ups at NBC, and ecstatic unofficial approval of the White House. It's going to get a lot worse from the,

Barack Obama

That is all, carry on.

12-03-12, 15:36
Does someone have the best possible POC for some well-written feedback from a consumer? Both at NBC and the NFL?

12-03-12, 15:48
I might have to eat crow on this but I doubt very much that anything bad will happen to Costas. His two minute speech was not an on air, off the cuff, spur of the moment, emotional plea for sanity in the world filled with guns. No sir, you can bet it was a carefully crafted message with full approval of the higher ups at NBC, and ecstatic unofficial approval of the White House. It's going to get a lot worse from the,

Barack Obama

That is all, carry on.

Yep. He will be toasted at cocktail parties in NYC and DC, nothing bad will happen to him for this.


12-03-12, 15:50

Apparently Limbaugh was fired from MNF for political views. Mustve been before my time...

12-03-12, 16:35
Does someone have the best possible POC for some well-written feedback from a consumer? Both at NBC and the NFL?

Here's the NBC contacts...

NBC Sports Group
(212) 664-4539
Fax: (212) 664-6035
Project Assignment:

Adam Freifeld
Vice President, Communications
NBC Sports Group
(212) 664-6772
Fax: (212) 664-6035
Project Assignment: "2012 London Olympics" , "The Belmont Stakes" , "The French Open" , "NFL Kickoff Special 2012" , "The Preakness Stakes" , "NBC Sunday Night Football" , "Super Bowl XLVI" , "The Kentucky Derby" , "The 'Lights"

Greg Hughes
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
NBC Sports Group
(212) 664-6111
Fax: (212) 664-6035
Project Assignment:

Nisa Kiang
Communications Assistant
NBC Sports Group
(212) 413-6837
Fax: (212) 664-6035
Project Assignment:

Carol Ko
Director, Corporate Communications
NBC Sports Group
(212) 664-6256
Fax: (212) 664-6035
Project Assignment:

Chris McCloskey
Vice President, Communications
NBC Sports Group
(212) 664-5598
Project Assignment: "2012 London Olympics" , "Football Night in America" , "National Hockey League" , "Notre Dame Football" , "PGA Tour" , "Ryder Cup" , "Senior PGA Championship" , "U.S. Open & USGA Championships" , "Costas Tonight "

Alex Rozis
Director, Communications
NBC Sports Group
(212) 664-4154
Fax: (212) 664-6035
Project Assignment:

12-03-12, 16:48
The NFL is taking a Facebook beating right now...LOL.. good to see so many 2nd amendment loving Americans letting them know how they feel.

Not really.

I see more of a combination with a 50/50 ratio of those criticizing Costas' actions and the other half defending.

Whats sad is that those defending him usually have much better written and thoughtful posts than those who are attacking him.

12-03-12, 16:57
so i just googled this and the writer Now in the Linelight is saying "the NRA is the New KKK " yelp :rolleyes:


"believe the NRA is the new KKK. And that the arming of so many black youths, uh, and loading up our community with drugs, and then just having an open shooting gallery, is the work of people who obviously don’t have our best interests [at heart]." wonder who "Our" is

12-03-12, 17:35
Not really.

I see more of a combination with a 50/50 ratio of those criticizing Costas' actions and the other half defending.

Whats sad is that those defending him usually have much better written and thoughtful posts than those who are attacking him.

More eloquent, perhaps. More thoughtful? Hardly. Hard to use the word thoughtful with respect to any defense of such a patently absurd assertion.

12-03-12, 18:00
Keep in mind, NBC and MSNBC brought us this little gem. :rolleyes:

Saying an AR toting gun owner at an Obama rally was white when he was really black.

12-03-12, 18:26
More eloquent, perhaps. More thoughtful? Hardly. Hard to use the word thoughtful with respect to any defense of such a patently absurd assertion.

Yes, the ignorant often mistake eloquence for intelligence or even wisdom. All it indicates of itself is a honed ability to make words. Has nothing to do with whether the speaker understand what he writes, the principles involved or his own integrity.

Obama is the epitome of the eloquent speaker who actually can only read well and do what he is told by others. ut the perception is that he is eloquent. Give me Larry the Cable guy for 10 times more wisdom and common sense than a shiny suit like Obama or Costas.

Those who are awed by vacuous pretty writing should do their own reality check as to whether they put more value on quality suits and words, or to integrity to principles that may or may not be widely popular. Shiny... I must be so smart because I like people who speak shiny words...don't bother me about rights, I hear pretty words...

12-03-12, 18:44
Not really.

I see more of a combination with a 50/50 ratio of those criticizing Costas' actions and the other half defending.

Whats sad is that those defending him usually have much better written and thoughtful posts than those who are attacking him. There is a time stamp on my post. At that time there were ZERO comments defending Costas and over 200 pissed about it.

12-03-12, 19:01
I just flipped through it again. Pretty tough to see a 50/50 split. More like a 95/5 split.

12-03-12, 19:40

Is football now the place for politics? What Cowboys fan enjoyed watching Costa's step out his lane by giving a two-minute anti-gun diatribe in the middle of America's game? Beyond the politics of the issue, is that what America now wants to see; soap-box ranting at the most inappropriate of times?



For the half-dozen or so Cowboys fans left here in Texas, this was a stunner. There was as much or more water cooler conversation about Costas' bizarre diatribe, than there was about the Cowboys actually winning a game for a change.

12-03-12, 20:27
Well now that the original hack Jason Whitlock called the NRA "the new KKK", I fired off a terse email to Fox Sports and Fox Sports Radio:

I'm writing to tell you that enough is enough with this Jason Whitlock guy you employ. First it was his racist tweet about Jeremy Lin earlier this year. Now he's calling over 3 million NRA members "the new KKK"?

Until you fire this racist Jason Whitlock, Fox Sports is NOT going to be on in MY home!


12-03-12, 20:47
I used to laugh and brush it off but I fully believe now that liberalism is in fact a disease. If alcoholism and drug addiction are treatable diseases or mental/physical conditions. Then so too is liberalism. I'm convinced that people like Bob Costas are in need of psychological or psychiatric help.

I know some do this for power, for a job, or other gains... but I'm convinced some are simply in need of help.

12-03-12, 20:52
just ban sports that makes its athletes drink heavy and have to use prescription pain killers or any sports that cause head injuries !!!

or put in common sense laws then for costa and call it the costa law that no pro football athlete may own a gun cause of the potential head injury problems

and another law that no celebrity or tv personality may be allowed to own a gun or have any of their body guards carrying a gun and see how that goes over !!

I am just amazed the football guy did not have any priors ? seems most all of them do ?

12-03-12, 21:43
He's always looked somewhat suspect, but now I know he really is a miserable ant****er.

12-03-12, 22:01
At least FOX ran this:

The Truth about Costas, Belcher and Guns

Guns can make it easier to kill people, but that isn’t relevant here. Even if no weapon existed, the strength differential is so large that Belcher could have easily killed Perkins in any number of ways. The same is true, sadly, about suicide. There are so many ways that Belcher could have killed himself, including crashing his car at a high rate of speed into a wall or even another car as he drove to Arrowhead Stadium.

Unfortunately, pointing to two deaths here does nothing to advance the case for gun control. Costas’ rant falls under the category of if gun control could save just one life it would be worth it. The argument makes as much sense as saying we shouldn’t have gun control if guns can save one life.

The question is the net effect of guns, and what Costas ignores is that guns save a lot more lives than they cost each year. And that's not even mentioning the roughly 2 million times a year that people use guns defensively.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/12/03/truth-about-costas-belcher-and-guns/#ixzz2E3JJFh5p

VIP3R 237
12-03-12, 22:17
Here's quote i stole from my brother's facebook:

Using sporting events to deliver political propaganda goes back to ancient Rome, and is typically used by totalitarian regimes. The practice was revived, with great success, by the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Communist China.

12-03-12, 23:59
At least FOX ran this:

Nice. Except that it left Jason Whitlock out of the story completely. You know, the FOX Sports columnist who wrote this drivel in the first place. :rolleyes:

12-04-12, 01:23
Gun not at fault for Belcher's acts


12-04-12, 02:47
This reminds me why . . .

a.) I do not watch the NFL or support any of it's teams with my hard earned money by buying any of their hero/idol worship shit.

b.) I do not watch, read, and or listen to any thing from NBC's propaganda machine.

Costas = full on f**ktard. :big_boss:

12-04-12, 02:58
a.) I do not watch the NFL or support any of it's teams with my hard earned money by buying any of their hero/idol worship shit.

Google: Jock-Sniffer :lol:

I used to get really into lots of sports, then I turned 12.

12-04-12, 04:09
watched Megyn Kelly today and Kirstin Powers or however you spell her name was on ?

of Kirstin says well what would you rather have a guy with a knife or a gun attack you guns are much more likely to kill you !

Megyn said well give me the gun I would rather have the gun if I was being attacked :) hahahahahah

of course when they brought up others being fired for stupid personal rants Kirstin of course said all those people were saying racist stuff and gun control is a issue we should be able to discuss but not the other stuff !!!

again typical lefty only I can discuss things anything you say is racist !!!

12-04-12, 06:18
This reminds me why . . .

a.) I do not watch the NFL or support any of it's teams with my hard earned money by buying any of their hero/idol worship shit.

b.) I do not watch, read, and or listen to any thing from NBC's propaganda machine.

Costas = full on f**ktard. :big_boss:

Agreed. Same for all professional sports except for pro rodeo which is a family sport (cousin below).


12-04-12, 06:34
Gun not at fault for Belcher's acts


Glad to see that type of retort by one of his FSN colleagues. Well written, but will probably fall on a lot of deaf ears. For urban folks who have spent a decade or two blaming firearms for inner-city violence, they have no appreciation, care for, or awareness of fundamental liberties.

12-04-12, 07:22
Bob Costas to team up with former broadcast partner, to help prevent violence... :o


12-04-12, 07:58
Bob Costas to team up with former broadcast partner, to help prevent violence... :o


Don't laugh - they have knife control in the UK.


12-04-12, 08:09
I don't even get why they let him talk about football. He never played football, he might have seen a lot of games but watching a lot of porn don't make someone a sex expert!:sarcastic:

Like Archie Bunker said "Would get make you feel better if they'd be pushed outta window?"

12-04-12, 11:32
Yes, watching football is all about "hero worship" and anyone over 12 who enjoys a football game is an idiot. :rolleyes:

Disregard the noteworthy athleticism (possibly because you don't have it and never did), the teamwork values instilled and the spectacle. Disregard how the teams help citizens find a common bond they can share and enjoy both publicly and privately together.

There are dopey, overly enthusiastic football/sports fans just like there are dopy gun owners. You know, the kind you see wearing tactical gloves for commonplace reasons or those that see their firearms as an extension of their otherwise inadequate manhood.

12-04-12, 11:59
Please, everyone, forgive Costa and his rant. It's the microphone and camera's fault, they were the evil that spread his words. :blink:

Again, Rush Limbaugh is right.

12-04-12, 14:15
Agreed. Same for all professional sports except for pro rodeo which is a family sport (cousin below).


great shot !

12-04-12, 14:22
Yes, watching football is all about "hero worship" and anyone over 12 who enjoys a football game is an idiot. :rolleyes:

Disregard the noteworthy athleticism (possibly because you don't have it and never did), the teamwork values instilled and the spectacle. Disregard how the teams help citizens find a common bond they can share and enjoy both publicly and privately together.

There are dopey, overly enthusiastic football/sports fans just like there are dopy gun owners. You know, the kind you see wearing tactical gloves for commonplace reasons or those that see their firearms as an extension of their otherwise inadequate manhood.

I dont care what others do if they love football or bowling but its funny
I used to race MX did pretty well factory ride national level etc..
when I was in HS our football coach always called me a pussy to ride bikes
yet when I brought in a SI magazine showing MX was the second most physical demanding sport in the world and his football was like #87 or something
he came back with some other idiot thing !
I would rather rely on myself more than a whole team ! but thats just me :)

sadly the issue is football is over done ? the athletes get start treatment get away with murder often or rape or other things are often criminals

and seems spectators buy into the whole thing and pay insane amounts of money to go watch these people and then praise them ?

to me its pretty sad how many do that ? but again who cares what others do !

that said I get pissed that my tax dollars has to go help support football and baseball !!! they should be footing their own bill %100 of the way ! and yet they dont is my only real issue with it !!!

12-04-12, 14:43
So, by the logic of some here:

Guns do not cause crime, but playing professional football can. Hmmm.

12-04-12, 15:35
So, by the logic of some here:

Guns do not cause crime, but playing professional football can. Hmmm.

according to the lefts own talking points YES :) my logic NO !
MY LOGIC what you do or eat or listen to or what games you play have nothing to do with WHAT you want to kill someone with a gun a knife a car or booze or drugs etc.. its all so stupid the left is beyond stupid when they talk about objects killing people when its the person !!!

those that say we need to keep certain people from having guns !
like drug addicts and criminals and people with mental disabilities !
to me that describes about half the NFL if not more !

so those that want to ban guns ! maybe we should start with NFL players ! and personalities as a test and see how that goes cause most of them are druggies and have mental issues it seems
that seems like common sense to me :)

I think its a funny argument :) of course I am not for banning any group etc..
but maybe the left wants guns banned maybe we have a new law if you speak up against guns you should be put on a list not allowing you to own guns or be protected by them !! that would be funny to watch them cry over that one !

in the lefts eye they would bring up the fact the NFL has black players so your idea of banning NFL is racist !! I can hear them now

its just funny how the left are now saying FACT if the guy did not have a gun they would both be alive today ! and if you bring up OJ you are a racist !!!!

12-04-12, 20:00
Google: Jock-Sniffer :lol:

Hah, that is exactly what it is!

12-04-12, 20:06
Agreed. Same for all professional sports except for pro rodeo which is a family sport (cousin below).


I concur . . . NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, etc. Growing up in rural TX I would never throw the PRCA in that mix. Great shot of your cuz bulldogging that steer!

12-04-12, 20:18

12-04-12, 20:58
Yes, watching football is all about "hero worship" and anyone over 12 who enjoys a football game is an idiot. :rolleyes:.

Well you’re not too far off the mark with this. I have some friends and colleagues they recite chapter and verse the latest sports stats faster than Sports Center can spit them out but they can’t even tell you who the Speaker of the House is . . . :suicide:

Disregard the noteworthy athleticism (possibly because you don't have it and never did), the teamwork values instilled and the spectacle. Disregard how the teams help citizens find a common bond they can share and enjoy both publicly and privately together.

I use to play up until High School then I grew bored with it. Before that I use to play with Legos, Hot-Wheels, Transformers, G.I. Joe, etc. Every time I want to learn about teamwork values I just listen to Kobe and LeBron :D. The various pro leagues got their start to entertain blue collar workers on their weekend and the players then played for next to nothing. As for common bonds the city of Brotherly Love had to install a municipal court inside of Veterans Stadium so they could arraign everyone that had to be removed from Eagles and Phillies games and let’s not forget all the celebratory/sore looser riots after the various sport’s championship title games.

There are dopey, overly enthusiastic football/sports fans just like there are dopy gun owners. You know, the kind you see wearing tactical gloves for commonplace reasons or those that see their firearms as an extension of their otherwise inadequate manhood.

I agree with you here. It was not my intention to make a broad generalization and paint everyone that par takes in watching professional sports as a Fluoride ridden jellyfish.

12-04-12, 22:01
I was listening to local talk radio today and they played an audio clip from I think the Limbaugh show. A guy called in saying that his kid grew up in the same school the NF:L player did and he was a thug back then. He would hire out to beat up kids and every "normal" kid feared and hated him. After futile fighting with the school over the safety of his kids at school, this father finally put his kids in private school for their protection from this asshat. He said this character was a bad egg since he was a kid and football, drugs and head trauma has nothing to do with it (except to maybe give him a platform to act from).

12-05-12, 06:25
football, drugs and head trauma has nothing to do with it (except to maybe give him a platform to act from).

Football and head trauma are fig leaves to cover the issues you are prohibited from mentioning by political correctness. Fatherless homes, permissive schools, raunch-filled media/entertainment...


Straight Shooter
12-05-12, 06:37
He was a ****STICK & the world is better off without him.
Sorry for the woman, tho. But she MUST have known what he was like.
It kills me no end to see people just IDOLIZE these sports people, car drivers, actors, ect. These shits wouldnt piss on ANY of you if you were on fire in a ditch. And yall act like you know them. What they shoulda, oughta, coulda done to win every game or race or whatver.
Its SICK, really. And YES, there IS a difference between enjoying something, and freakin idolizing it, and thats ALL you know to talk about. Ill NEVER watch any of this shit, it aint allowed on my tv, nor allowed to be spoken of at all in my home. Its PAST ****in ridiculous.

12-05-12, 07:48
Piers Morgan's dumbass decided to jump on the band wagon as well. Damn English trying to interpret our constitution.





12-05-12, 10:00
Costa's rant destroyed in 90 seconds well said Sir


12-05-12, 10:50
I don't watch football so I missed the "Live" version of what Costas said. However, I have been hearing it over the radio.

I'll say this, the media is chewing this dude up! Not only Costas (Which apparently he can't keep his suck shut) but also Whitlock (I believe that's his name).

What amazes me is this:

Costas is a douchebag, he proved the himself with his diatribe. And then proved it again by opening his mouth trying to explain what he "Really" meant. However, this Whitlock guy hasn't really been touched yet. This is the Fox News sports caster who stated the NRA is the new KKK.


I find it funny everyone is up Costas' rear end but Whitlock "Appears" to be getting a pass.

12-05-12, 11:52
Buzz Bissinger, the author of Friday Night Lights, has a column up on The Daily Beast website discussing Jovan Belcher and the media frenzy to blame everything and everybody for this crime but Belcher himself.

It's well worth reading: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/12/05/pundits-pin-blame-for-murderer-jovan-belcher-on-everything-but-him.html

An excerpt from Bissinger's piece:

"He [Belcher] wasn’t a victim of anything, regardless of all the attempts by the media to find a deeper message. It is absurd to blame the NFL; I don’t care if he had a hundred concussions. He was a monster, and who cares whether he was quiet or loud or happy or sad. He shot Kasandra Perkins nine times. He left his tiny daughter with no parents. Then he went to the Chiefs’ practice facility and forced head coach Romeo Crennel and general manager Scott Pioli to be there when he killed himself, subjecting them to permanent psychic scars and the guilt of not saving him.

Trying to find some underlying explanation for the acts of this monster only further glorifies him. He is gone, and it is good he is gone, and there is nothing more that needs to be said about him."

As for Whitlock's column, this is what Bissinger had to say about blaming the crime on the availability of a handgun:

"This is my own pop psychology 101, but I will hazard a guess that Belcher would have beaten her to death instead, or stabbed her. "

12-05-12, 11:52
Piers Morgan's dumbass decided to jump on the band wagon as well. Damn English trying to interpret our constitution.





This argument is always an easy kill with leftists.

The obvious counter is to say that, "the founders didn't know about television, the internet, or iPads when they penned the First Amendment, either."

12-05-12, 11:56
I concur . . . NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, etc. Growing up in rural TX I would never throw the PRCA in that mix. Great shot of your cuz bulldogging that steer!

He is going to the National Finals this year for bulldogging. Those that know will understand my pride :cool:

12-05-12, 12:03
He is going to the National Finals this year for bulldogging. Those that know will understand my pride :cool:

When ya'll get together for Festivus, ya might wanna keep that in mind when ya start pairing up for the "Feats of Strength" portion of the evening's festivities. ;)

Hope he does well at nationals.

12-05-12, 12:06
When ya'll get together for Festivus, ya might wanna keep that in mind when ya start pairing up for the "Feats of Strength" portion of the evening's festivities. ;)

Hope he does well at nationals.

Yeah, no worries there. He's not the biggest bulldogger (6'4", 225) but a hell of a lot bigger than me :D

3 AE
12-05-12, 12:15
Costa's rant destroyed in 90 seconds well said Sir


Thank you for the link. The gentleman in the video has conveyed his message about the subject matter in the most clear and concise manner that I have seen in a long time. Wish I could express the same point as well as him. I need to practice more!

12-05-12, 22:13
Wow, anybody see Costas double down on his fuctardness a few minutes ago?

12-05-12, 22:16
Anybody watch the Costas interview on O'Reilly?

He's a douche, and called military style guns 'artillery'. He also said 40% of the guns in the US don't need background checks, and acted like full auto were sold at the dollar store.

Another anti-gun tard who doesn't know basic terminology or the laws that already exist. I bet if you asked him what the NFA is or what the 'gun show loophole' is he would have no clue as to either.

Also babbled on about how guns cause more crime than they prevent and blah blah blah.

I get people don't other people to own full auto guns but if you're going to hold that position you should at least know what the current laws are, and what the process is to get one. I get sick of these IDIOTS who don't know what the laws are and dramatize firearms by calling them 'artillery' and the like. Of course O'Reilly doesn't know, either, so the entire segment is a waste of time and further misleads the public. Two idiots exchanging false statements one after another....

12-05-12, 22:18
Theres already a thread on Costas and I just commented on that interview in there.

12-05-12, 22:31

High on opinions, low on knowledge.

12-05-12, 23:54
It's not limited to liberals... I spend an hour of my life listening to a local uneducated "conservative" talk show host (only radio station that would come in) ramble on about how guns don't save lives. The guy was utterly clueless. He had the balls to say that a gun wouldn't have helped an 18 y.o. young lady that was murdered up here last winter as the perp climbed through the window of the very small coffee shop she was closing and abducted her. She was murdered later than night. Bullshit... a gun in her hand would have been a game changer.

I happen to know very enlightened liberals when it comes to gun rights, and clueless conservatives. Hell, we have them right here at M4C.

I emailed him a link to John Lott's "More Guns, Less Crime". I doubt he'll read it.

12-06-12, 00:05
It's not limited to liberals... I spend an hour of my life listening to a local uneducated "conservative" talk show host (only radio station that would come in) ramble on about how guns don't save lives. The guy was utterly clueless. He had the balls to say that a gun wouldn't have helped an 18 y.o. young lady that was murdered up here last winter as the perp climbed through the window of the very small coffee shop she was closing and abducted her. She was murdered later than night. Bullshit... a gun in her hand would have been a game changer.

I happen to know very enlightened liberals when it comes to gun rights, and clueless conservatives. Hell, we have them right here at M4C.

I emailed him a link to John Lott's "More Guns, Less Crime". I doubt he'll read it.

Alright, fair enough. That's true.

Here's this:
Bill O'Whiney isn't a conservative, more of a neocon authoritarian.

12-06-12, 00:11
Why, or how, anyone could, or would be surprised to hear another marxist propagandist sound off on guns is a mystery to me. This guy(Costas)is a nobody, who's paid millions of dollars annually, to cover stupidness as though its important, then present it to masses of stupid amerikan males, who are stupid enough to think it is important!

You want to get even with these stooges, turn off your Goddamn tv's, and fill your brain with something of value, which is exactly what Costas is there to keep you from, in the first place....;)

12-06-12, 00:21
. . . turn off your Goddamn tv's, and fill your brain with something of value . . . .

Couldn't agree more. Who the **** cares who throws a ball? I spend my time reading and learning and working and enjoying the outdoors.

But people are upset because the NFL, Sunday night football, is the pinnacle of manliness for many. And Costas comes into everyone's man cave while they're trying to enjoy watching muscle-men grabbing each other, and says something retarded.

12-06-12, 00:25
My wife had to laugh..this was the first football game I watched this year and it was only because it was on in the evening Alaska time. We'd spent all day outside framing up my gun room at 0F temps. :D I usually can't sit still long enough to even watch a quarter any more.

12-06-12, 00:39
I still keep track of football, but watching it is ****ing mind numbing now. Plus, the Saints, and the Steelers are getting smashed this season. :(

12-06-12, 00:58
Couldn't agree more. Who the **** cares who throws a ball? I spend my time reading and learning and working and enjoying the outdoors.

But people are upset because the NFL, Sunday night football, is the pinnacle of manliness for many. And Costas comes into everyone's man cave while they're trying to enjoy watching muscle-men grabbing each other, and says something retarded.

And posting in the GD section of online forums/

Anyways, anyone who thinks ANYTHING will come of this is crazy. Costas is a liberal hero now, and his apology (see clarification) said he has no problems with guns, just with gun culture, w/e that is....

12-06-12, 02:42
And posting in the GD section of online forums/

Yes that too

12-06-12, 07:25


Doc Safari
12-06-12, 09:06
What really chaps my hide is the people who are against guns that hold a lot of shells or fire rapidly are also often the ones who will drive twenty miles over the speed limit in their Ford Mustangs, or happily snort a couple lines of nose candy without any moral compunction of their own.

Why do you need a car that will go 90 miles an hour?

Why do you need a stereo that is capable of causing hearing damage?

Why do you need to be able to purchase enough beer at one time that will get you legally drunk?

Why do you need to order a plate of food at a restaurant that will make you fat?

But, no, the anti-gunners don't see that, do they?

12-06-12, 14:28
He's still at it. Gonna be discussing it on his show, didn't know it existed. http://news.cincinnati.com/usatoday/article/1749025

12-06-12, 16:20
What really chaps my hide is the people who are against guns that hold a lot of shells or fire rapidly are also often the ones who will drive twenty miles over the speed limit in their Ford Mustangs, or happily snort a couple lines of nose candy without any moral compunction of their own.

Why do you need a car that will go 90 miles an hour?

Why do you need a stereo that is capable of causing hearing damage?

Why do you need to be able to purchase enough beer at one time that will get you legally drunk?

Why do you need to order a plate of food at a restaurant that will make you fat?

But, no, the anti-gunners don't see that, do they?

they will tell you those wont kill you GUNS KILL YOU !!!!!

you try to say crashing your car will ! they say well I wont crash ! and if it happens it will be SOMEONES fault not mine !

and thats not the same !

its like trying to reason with my 3 year old to eat his veggies !
but my 3 year old will listen to reason :) so maybe its not the same !

12-06-12, 16:30
Before all this I never really had an opinion of the guy as I don't watch anything he "announces" for . . . but now after the fact this guy is a complete cock holster.

12-06-12, 17:22
OOPS.... Put up wrong link. Oh well, Barkley Made alot of sense. Wow say that twice more and I'm sure to burst into flames.

VIP3R 237
12-06-12, 22:48
All these liberal douchebags think guns are the problem. The fact is you are more likely going to die going to the doctor than you are to die from a gunshot.


12-06-12, 23:00
What really chaps my hide is the people who are against guns that hold a lot of shells or fire rapidly are also often the ones who will drive twenty miles over the speed limit in their Ford Mustangs, or happily snort a couple lines of nose candy without any moral compunction of their own.

Why do you need a car that will go 90 miles an hour?

Why do you need a stereo that is capable of causing hearing damage?

Why do you need to be able to purchase enough beer at one time that will get you legally drunk?

Why do you need to order a plate of food at a restaurant that will make you fat?

But, no, the anti-gunners don't see that, do they?
they will tell you those wont kill you GUNS KILL YOU !!!!!

you try to say crashing your car will ! they say well I wont crash ! and if it happens it will be SOMEONES fault not mine !

and thats not the same !

its like trying to reason with my 3 year old to eat his veggies !
but my 3 year old will listen to reason :) so maybe its not the same !

Sad but true! Great list, Doc.

All these liberal douchebags think guns are the problem. The fact is you are more likely going to die going to the doctor than you are to die from a gunshot.

Handy. Thanks.