View Full Version : Man in Wheelchair Kills Unarmed Elderly Woman

12-05-12, 14:21
Here we go again - this time an elderly man in a wheelchair shot and killed another seasoned citizen.


Police said in a statement that a man’s motorized wheelchair bumped into 65-year-old Linda Hunnicutt’s car, who exchanged words with the 73-year-old man in the wheelchair. Police say Hunnicutt got out of her Buick Lucerne, and the man in the wheelchair drew a gun and shot her in the chest.

I suppose that the act of getting out of one's car at a gas station could be threatening to a handicapped person if done during an argument :roll eyes:.

I'm finally starting to think that the right to bear arms, along with the right to vote, needs to be curtailed so that the morons don't infringe on the public's right to life and liberty.

Suwannee Tim
12-05-12, 14:40
If you scare someone they can kill you with impunity.

12-05-12, 14:47
I think occurrences like these would only continue to increase if those that think that carry permits should be abolished and anyone should be able carry was to happen.

Lots of people do NOT need to be carrying.

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12-05-12, 14:55
Would it have ended the same if the woman had a firearm too?

12-05-12, 15:10
I think occurrences like these would only continue to increase if those that think that carry permits should be abolished and anyone should be able carry was to happen.

Lots of people do NOT need to be carrying.

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk

you dont see these stories coming out of AZ ? no permits needed to carry here
FL seems to have a problem with things ? maybe its the east coast ?
but from teachers having sex with students to missing kids to unarmed shootings
makes me not want to live in FL !

had a buddy that moved there and he lasted about 2 years and says its full of trash folks for the most part :)

edited to say I did work in FL on boats for 3 months and loved it for the most part but living on the water there is most likely a nice place to be compared to the rest and like most places sure there are nice areas and not nice areas !
the Keys would be more my speed :)
only thing that got to me was the humidity and bugs !!!

12-05-12, 15:16
Does Georgia have a "stand your ground" statute similar to Florida's?

12-05-12, 15:29
Does Georgia have a "stand your ground" statute similar to Florida's?

Similar, yes. In plain English, order to use a firearm outside of your home (if you are carrying):

A person is justified in using threats or force to the degree they reasonably believe it is necessary to stop another person's imminent use of unlawful force. A person is justified in using deadly force which may harm or kill only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or herself or a third person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

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12-05-12, 16:15
Video and mugshot here:


So let me see if I understand some of you correctly.

Nowhere does it say that Frank Reeves (the shooter) was a CCW holder. This sounds like a common everyday murder, not a self-defense shooting by a CCW holder who claimed they were in fear of their life.

Yet some of you are calling for legislation restricting law abiding citizens the right to carry and vote . . . :confused:

12-05-12, 18:02
I'm finally starting to think that the right to bear arms, along with the right to vote, needs to be curtailed so that the morons don't infringe on the public's right to life and liberty.

I'm starting to think that anyone who would restrict the rights of everyone due to the actions of the lowest common denominators of society are the only ones who need to lose their rights.

Besides this was clearly gang related involving a member of the Rolling 60s Crips and a ghetto ho from some other unknown set.

12-05-12, 18:06
you dont see these stories coming out of AZ ? no permits needed to carry here

FL seems to have a problem with things ? maybe its the east coast ?

but from teachers having sex with students to missing kids to unarmed shootings

makes me not want to live in FL !!!

had a buddy that moved there and he lasted about 2 years and says its full of trash folks for the most part :)

It happened in GA.

12-05-12, 19:27
It happened in GA.

I think reality is it will happen anywhere and every where there are people and sure we can go back and find idiotic things people have done with guns in every state even massive gun control states like California and NJ and NY etc..

12-05-12, 19:38
...Lots of people do NOT need to be carrying...

Agreed. Just like a lot of people do not need to be driving, procreating or even breathing. So what's your point?

IMHO, if the woman had never gotten out of her car and threatened the man in the wheelchair, none of this would have been necessary. Who are we to say that the wheelchair-bound man did not honestly feel like his life was in danger?

12-05-12, 19:41
Macon is starting to make Atlanta look good.

This is a very shocking and painful crime for many of us here in the area.

My anger at this wheelchair bound piece of excrement is rather large right now.

12-05-12, 20:18
I'm starting to think that anyone who would restrict the rights of everyone due to the actions of the lowest common denominators of society are the only ones who need to lose their rights.

Steyr is right.
Governor Thomas Hutchinson of MA also believed there "must be an abridgement of our English liberties" for those he thought were less than responsible back in 1773. One should see what Benjamin Franklin thought of such a notion as Hutchinson's.

12-05-12, 20:48
Agreed. Just like a lot of people do not need to be driving, procreating or even breathing. So what's your point?

Not to mention those people tend to do a good job of weeding themselves out.

12-05-12, 22:14
I'm still confused as to what manner of fact was used to conclude that the rights of every body should be limited by the actions of these two people. I'm still confused as to what facts have lead everyone to conclude that the guy wasnt defending himself. Doesn't look good that he got charged with involuntary manslaughter, but I put as much stock in some DA deciding the press charges as the tooth ferry. Im obviously missing something.

12-05-12, 22:44
I think we should all rejoice and allow Darwin's Law to take its course. If the guy screwed up then off he goes.

I also agree about not jumping to conclusions as to whether of not he had a permit, etc...

12-05-12, 22:51
I'm still confused as to what manner of fact was used to conclude that the rights of every body should be limited by the actions of these two people.

I'd like to take that same logic, find one or two corrupt members of Congress and use it as grounds to incarcerate all of them.

Certainly the per capita representation is much higher for Congress.

12-05-12, 22:54
I think we should all rejoice and allow Darwin's Law to take its course. If the guy screwed up then off he goes.

I also agree about not jumping to conclusions as to whether of not he had a permit, etc...

Yep, and while I consider myself to be a "grumpy old ****" from time to time, I'd HOPE that by the time I reach 65 if my car happens to get "bumped" by some poor old bastard in a motorized wheel chair I'd resolve the situation with a bit more dignity and grace.

12-05-12, 23:44
I'm starting to think that anyone who would restrict the rights of everyone due to the actions of the lowest common denominators of society are the only ones who need to lose their rights.

Besides this was clearly gang related involving a member of the Rolling 60s Crips and a ghetto ho from some other unknown set.

While I was being sarcastic, there is a small part of me that would like a required IQ or current events test to vote or own a gun. Perhaps we could also reinstate a poll tax by requiring that people pay some income tax. After all, with great rights come great responsibility. I see a lot of evidence that many Americans cannot handle responsibly that comes with their rights.

12-05-12, 23:50
What a peanut gallery....

No one here has clue to what really happened and is rushing to judgement. Someone is dead and that sucks. Whatever actually happened will come out later.

A handicapped person has nearly no means and an extremely short window to respond to a threat. While recovering from wounds I felt extraordinarily vulnerable, and was physically unable to defend myself if needed. I just had crutches, bandaged legs & shoulder. No ability to run, fight, or maneuver. A 90lb turd could of crushed me.

A wheelchair bound person's world is completely different. A mobile person who intends, declares intent to harm you can easily kill you. A complete redefinition of what most would normally think of lethal; means, capability and intent.

12-06-12, 00:13
While I was being sarcastic, there is a small part of me that would like a required IQ or current events test to vote or own a gun. Perhaps we could also reinstate a poll tax by requiring that people pay some income tax. After all, with great rights come great responsibility. I see a lot of evidence that many Americans cannot handle responsibly that comes with their rights.

And you are assuming everyone with an income has personal responsibility.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no way to weed out the tards.

IQ tests are basically little more than the ability to recognize patterns. I know full blown socialists who an do that better than anyone here and I know a ton of basically responsible people who couldn't pass one to save their life.

Poll tax won't work. You just gave everyone with an affirmative action job the right to vote and denied votes to independent business owners who have been tanked by the economy.

The reality is there is only one "true" test of a qualified voter and that is the ability to select a candidate who has the best interests of the country, the Constitution and the people in mind. And US voters have been consistently failing that test for the last half a century or so.

You want to change things for the better? You need to change society. Just like the baby boomers did when they hijacked this country in the 60s by engaging in domestic terrorism (Weathermen), forcing University curriculum changes at gunpoint (Cornell student revolt) and embracing communism and radicalism as pop culture.

We now live in a society that generally accepts "good" as "bad" and "bad" as "good" and will condemn the US for engaging in global Imperialism and accepting "radical theocracy" (so long as it isn't Christianity or Judaism) as valid culture which must be respected.

It took three generations to get the values of drug addled, spoiled shitbags with nothing better to fight against to become firmly entrenched. It will take just as long to undo the damage and nobody with any true values is willing to engage in the levels of violence and destruction that would be necessary so it is unlikely to ever happen.

And simply putting the "truth" out there is pointless. It will simply be dismissed as "right wing" propaganda and half the country will still believe that Bush was "in" on the 9-11 attacks.

12-06-12, 00:25
Sad to say that I agree on every point.

12-06-12, 00:41
I think occurrences like these would only continue to increase if those that think that carry permits should be abolished and anyone should be able carry was to happen.

Lots of people do NOT need to be carrying.
Quick, let's make killing people illegal and that'll solve the problem. Oh wait... :rolleyes: VT, AK and AZ don't require a license to CCW and they aren't having any issues.

What a peanut gallery....

No one here has clue to what really happened and is rushing to judgement. Someone is dead and that sucks. Whatever actually happened will come out later.

A wheelchair bound person's world is completely different. A mobile person who intends, declares intent to harm you can easily kill you. A complete redefinition of what most would normally think of lethal; means, capability and intent.
The voice of reason.

12-06-12, 01:58
What a peanut gallery....

No one here has clue to what really happened and is rushing to judgement. Someone is dead and that sucks. Whatever actually happened will come out later.

A handicapped person has nearly no means and an extremely short window to respond to a threat. While recovering from wounds I felt extraordinarily vulnerable, and was physically unable to defend myself if needed. I just had crutches, bandaged legs & shoulder. No ability to run, fight, or maneuver. A 90lb turd could of crushed me.

A wheelchair bound person's world is completely different. A mobile person who intends, declares intent to harm you can easily kill you. A complete redefinition of what most would normally think of lethal; means, capability and intent.

Nobody here is on a jury that can convict this guy of a crime. It's just some guys shooting the stuff on a case that is in the media. BTW, it's looking increasingly bad for the defense:

A witness, Melissa Whisby, a former state corrections officer, told The Associated Press that she stopped at the gas station right before the shooting. She said she saw Reeves back behind Hunnicutt's car, and that Hunnicutt then got out of her car and walked around to where Reeves was. "I looked down for a minute and when I looked back she was in a kneeling position," Whisby said, adding that Hunnicutt then slid slowly to the ground and did not move. "I was like, `Something is wrong."'


Homie had better told the cops that this old lady threatened him with some vicious shit in his initial statement if he is going to make a jury believe that he had a reasonable fear for his safety.

It's not like this happened in a dark alley. It was broad daylight and there were plenty of nearby people. I'm thinking that these circumstances will play a significant role in a jury's mind as to the reasonable threat that this 65-year old woman posed even to a guy in a wheelchair.

12-06-12, 06:53
I'm still confused as to what manner of fact was used to conclude that the rights of every body should be limited by the actions of these two people. .

Well see some people (I wont name names) have obviously been brainwashed by society and the mass media (which is liberal at best).

They've been programmed to believe that if something bad happens, we need to be treated like small children and have everything taken from us.

For example, some believe it is ok for the TSA to moleste and grope adults and children. Because we lost our right to not be molested and groped when others did something bad on a plane.

See how moronic that is? So dont try and talk any sense into them, as theyve been brainwashed and domesticated (i.e. jellyfish)