View Full Version : Iraqi Immigrant Detonates Bomb in Casa Grande, AZ

12-06-12, 02:18
Wonder why this story doesn't seem to be getting too much press.


I first heard about this on Facebook of all places by someone who was in the area. Why is this guy even in this country? If he is convicted we need to deport his ass right back to Iraq and let them finish him off.

12-06-12, 06:57
It's probably because the explosive was small enough not to cause damage and the office was closed anyway. But the dude's still a creep.

12-06-12, 06:59
Did the ATF handover explosives along with the 30k small arms they shipped to the sinaloa cartel?

12-06-12, 07:08
Did the ATF handover explosives along with the 30k small arms they shipped to the sinaloa cartel?

As epically dysfunctional as our government now seems to be, it sounds like he tossed an M-80 or quarter stick out of his car at an empty office. Definitely bad and I hope he's booted, but not really the definition of terrorism.

12-06-12, 07:10
It's probably because he wasn't a gun-owning American that supports our troops and the Constitution and makes an easy target for the propaganda grist mill.
fixed that for you

12-06-12, 07:35
Yep.. I thought it was a prank since the bomb was so weak.

12-06-12, 07:40
Wonder why this story doesn't seem to be getting too much press.


I first heard about this on Facebook of all places by someone who was in the area. Why is this guy even in this country? If he is convicted we need to deport his ass right back to Iraq and let them finish him off.

From the link ablove:
"Court records show Aldosary served a prison sentence four years ago in an aggravated harassment case against his former employer.

"In addition, he is currently facing assault and disorderly conducted charges in a separate case in Casa Grande, KPHO reports."

I agree - why is this guy still in the country???????????

12-06-12, 07:57
I agree - why is this guy still in the country???????????

He's awaiting his Cabinet Appointment from President Chimp Boy.

Doc Safari
12-06-12, 09:13
It's probably because the explosive was small enough not to cause damage and the office was closed anyway. But the dude's still a creep.

You are being sarcastic, right?

We all know the MSM doesn't want any bad publicity for Mooslims. That might cause racial profiling or something. We all know Barry ended the "terrorist" problem a long time ago.

If it had been a Christian or some white guy Tea Partier the MSM would have devoted entire news days to it.

I also disagree that just because it's a small device that it's not terrorism. If he had shot up the place with a .22 would that have somehow not made it a drive-by shooting?

12-06-12, 09:25
If it had been a Christian or some white guy Tea Partier the MSM would have devoted entire news days to it.

It'd be a MONTH long 24 hr coverage scenario!

12-06-12, 10:00
maybe he wanted to get back into prison where you get 3 meals a day watch TV and lift weights .to him that is probably better than trying to work and make a living for himself .they should have sent him to Gitmo the first go around:rolleyes:

12-06-12, 10:19
WTF! I never heard a thing about that until right now.

12-06-12, 12:35
You are correct. If this had been some right wing whack job or some Neo-Nazi clown it would get continuous coverage.

You are being sarcastic, right?

We all know the MSM doesn't want any bad publicity for Mooslims. That might cause racial profiling or something. We all know Barry ended the "terrorist" problem a long time ago.

If it had been a Christian or some white guy Tea Partier the MSM would have devoted entire news days to it.

I also disagree that just because it's a small device that it's not terrorism. If he had shot up the place with a .22 would that have somehow not made it a drive-by shooting?

12-06-12, 13:36
I think that what most here are missing is that while he is an unsavory foreigner there is no report I saw that indicated he is an extremist of any sort. Do we place white men who throw M80's at empty building at the top of national headlines or have I missed something?

Doc Safari
12-06-12, 13:46
I think that what most here are missing is that while he is an unsavory foreigner there is no report I saw that indicated he is an extremist of any sort.

So he was just having a little college prank or something?

He hurled an explosive device however ineffective it might be at a government office.

Maybe he's more pathetic than even the shoe bomber, but the mens rea is clearly being demonstrated IMHO.

12-06-12, 14:22
Stop with the drama. Even if they find he's linked to AQ or has diagrams to public facilities (give you 20 to 1 odds against, but I did lose my election bet) what the frig did he accomplish on any level?

Doc Safari
12-06-12, 14:31
Stop with the drama. Even if they find he's linked to AQ or has diagrams to public facilities (give you 20 to 1 odds against, but I did lose my election bet) what the frig did he accomplish on any level?

Drama? No, just logic.

Since when does a perp have to "accomplish" something in order to be charged with an attempt?

The man attempted a crime. Just because it didn't succeed doesn't make it any less a crime. I'm not saying he's a religious extremist, just that he committed a crime of "attempted sabotage" or whatever the legal term might be.

I can't believe this nonsense of being willing to give the guy a pass just because he used what amounts to a big firecracker. Okay, so he's a dumb **** who can't tell the difference between a glorified firework and a stick of TNT. The man intended harm. The intent is what mattered.

If you rob a bank with a toy pistol you go to prison for the same length of time as someone who robs the bank with a real gun.

If it were a harmless prank he could have hurled eggs or something. ;)

I guarantee you that if you or I had hurled even a small firecracker at a Social Security office we'd be up on federal charges.

12-06-12, 14:45
Give him a pass? What are you talking about man, did you read what I wrote? Take him out back and blow his brains out, I don't care based upon his overall story.

But he still isn't a deemed a terrorist as we know them yet. Where is the common sense here at times?

Doc Safari
12-06-12, 14:51
Give him a pass? What are you talking about man, did you read what I wrote? Take him out back and blow his brains out, I don't care based upon his overall story.

Okay, my bad. I thought you were leading us on a merry chase there to say the guy was just a silly prankster or something (what it sounded like). The phrase you used earlier was that you hoped he'd be "booted" or something (deported?).

But he still isn't a deemed a terrorist as we know them yet.

I don't know what else you'd call it. Vandal?

Yes, I'm profiling but I like to skip ahead to the good parts. :D

12-06-12, 14:52
Not knowing exactly what was used:

He's at least guilty of felony arson and criminal mischief.

With that being said, if he created an actual explosive device with intent to ________________ insert crime here...then that's a whole other ball of wax.

Even if it was a "Firecracker" he used, its still illegal to use it in a manner it wasn't intended for. I.E. using it to cause harm, damage, fire or murder.

Creating an explosive device (IED) has its own CFR and federal laws. Fireworks have their own CFR and federal guidelines as well.

Bottom line, if you take fireworks and modify them for something else you've created an IED-Improvised Explosive Device-no matter what your intent is, its illegal. If you take fireworks and use them in the commission of a crime-killing or maiming or destruction of property-it's illegal.

Until the facts come out as to what the term "Device" really means, you can only speculate. I'm sure the EEOs in AZ are on it. As I said, regardless of "What" was used, an explosion occurred and damage was done.

12-06-12, 15:00
Looks to me like a federal judge agrees with Doc Glockster. At least they are finally going to deport this thug.


Abdullatif Aldosary Held Without Bond in Casa Grande Bombing Case, Faces Deportation By Matthew Hendley, Thu., Dec. 6 2012 at 12:54 PM


"A federal judge ordered Abdullatif Aldosary -- the Coolidge resident accused of detonating an "explosive device" outside the Social Security Administration building in Casa Grande Friday morning -- to be held without bond.

"In the detention order, the magistrate judge says Aldosary there's no possible way that Aldosary could be released that would assure public safety."

Doc Safari
12-06-12, 15:05
From the article:

Aldosary is facing a minimum prison sentence of five years, and a maximum sentence of 20 years, the order states.

Sounds like they do take it seriously, at least.

And, in this bombing case, despite the probable-cause affidavit was penned by an FBI agent in the Phoenix division's Joint Terrorism Task Force, there's been no indication from the feds that this was terrorism-related.

I honestly do not know what in the Hell else you'd call it. The blast was big enough to hurl debris some distance away and light the perp's car on fire during his getaway.

Maybe I'm just being a hard ass, but I'd have him warming a bunk at Gitmo over this.

12-06-12, 15:32
It's probably because the explosive was small enough not to cause damage and the office was closed anyway. But the dude's still a creep.

If the same bomb was planted in an empty Mosque by a white guy it would be a hate crime, international news and our Embassies in the ME would be under attack.

Media Bias wins again.

12-06-12, 15:34
You are being sarcastic, right?

We all know the MSM doesn't want any bad publicity for Mooslims. That might cause racial profiling or something. We all know Barry ended the "terrorist" problem a long time ago.

If it had been a Christian or some white guy Tea Partier the MSM would have devoted entire news days to it.

I also disagree that just because it's a small device that it's not terrorism. If he had shot up the place with a .22 would that have somehow not made it a drive-by shooting?

Hilarious. I posted my comments without even reading yours.

Doc Safari
12-06-12, 15:38
Hilarious. I posted my comments without even reading yours.

You're missing out, Dude. Everything I type qualifies as Pulitzer-Prize quality literature.

(Sorry, I was channeling rob_s there for a second).

:jester: (LMFAO)

12-06-12, 15:43
The only way this clown should have been here after his other run inns with the law is if he were a citizen. Any other immigration status should have had him booted from the USA back to his original shithole.

I swear, it appears that every single aspect if our country is falling to pieces some times.

12-06-12, 16:21
The explosive was initially portrayed as minimal with no damage, possibly indicative of a disgruntled nut tossing a quarter stick or so in disgust. The second article seems a bit more damning but information is still scant.

All I'm saying for Pete's sake is that so far this meets none of the typical criteria for a terrorist bombing meant to kill civilians or government personnel. But since he is obviously a hostile foreigner possibly pissed about missed entitlements I certainly have no pity for the man.

12-06-12, 16:37
Sounds like this was a pratice dry run . . .

12-06-12, 16:54
Sounds like this was a pratice dry run . . .

A practice run with a real explosive? Why not something a bit more practically discrete since no real damage or any fatalities were intended?

And most importantly, why am I defending this scumbag instead of everyone keeping things in context? It's not like I can just walk away from defending the poor man.

Doc Safari
12-06-12, 17:04
I think he was probably just a moron who didn't know his weapon's capabilities, or he didn't care and just wanted to show Allah that he was "The Little Engine That Could".

12-06-12, 17:18
A practice run with a real explosive? Why not something a bit more practically discrete since no real damage or any fatalities were intended?

And most importantly, why am I defending this scumbag instead of everyone keeping things in context? It's not like I can just walk away from defending the poor man.

But I thought it was just an M-80 . . .

. . .it sounds like he tossed an M-80 or quarter stick out of his car at an empty office. Definitely bad and I hope he's booted, but not really the definition of terrorism.

Hey no one every accused these ass clowns of being intelligent and I have no idea why you are defending him either . . .

12-06-12, 18:11
Correct. Or even better. Go shoot some Tannerite and then get accosted by some overzealous Ranger in Reddington Pass.

If the same bomb was planted in an empty Mosque by a white guy it would be a hate crime, international news and our Embassies in the ME would be under attack.

Media Bias wins again.

12-06-12, 18:17
Call it what you want, but if he had hurt someone it wouldn't be so harmless.

You also need to examine this with open eyes. If this had been a white male in his 20-50's and was a gun owner the media would crucify him and boy Holder would rush down with his army of lawyers and send the guy to federal prison.

What I want to know is why was action not taken sooner when he committed his other crimes? Why was this idiot allowed in the U.S to begin with?

I only wish that some legally armed citizen or LE officer had run across him and sent him to Allah.

The explosive was initially portrayed as minimal with no damage, possibly indicative of a disgruntled nut tossing a quarter stick or so in disgust. The second article seems a bit more damning but information is still scant.

All I'm saying for Pete's sake is that so far this meets none of the typical criteria for a terrorist bombing meant to kill civilians or government personnel. But since he is obviously a hostile foreigner possibly pissed about missed entitlements I certainly have no pity for the man.

12-06-12, 19:43
Holy shit. I'm normally with it....but I just read about this.

The media's just as guilty as he is.

They dredge Zimmerman's story (a month old when they picked it up) and blow it up using lies. Then they hide this. Completely.

Also check this out:


12-07-12, 08:48
You already know "Why" nothing was done sooner.

It's the same reason "Why" nothing is done to the illegals who commit crimes in this country.

Call it what you want, but if he had hurt someone it wouldn't be so harmless.

You also need to examine this with open eyes. If this had been a white male in his 20-50's and was a gun owner the media would crucify him and boy Holder would rush down with his army of lawyers and send the guy to federal prison.

What I want to know is why was action not taken sooner when he committed his other crimes? Why was this idiot allowed in the U.S to begin with?

I only wish that some legally armed citizen or LE officer had run across him and sent him to Allah.