View Full Version : anyone trying a E cigarette ?

12-06-12, 17:24
well i was at the cigarette store the other day and saw a disposal Blu Cig so i bought one Because i have been wanting to quit smoking.

before I took the dive it to the E cigarette I wanted to try one i have been smoking for 8 years now and i am sick of the smell and ashes .

I have to say the flavor is good there is no smell to the vapor and you only get the nicotine .they have different mg so you can step down and not go into withdraws until you get it out of your body .

if you are a smoker and want to quit i say this is the best route

Have any of you switched to the E cigarette ?

you can smoke these things anywhere which is a plus the start up cost bites you but i figured it out and in the long run it will save you money .
so please share your story

12-06-12, 18:50
I have not switched to them, but I have a few friends who have.

They certainly hit like a real cigarette.
I think its still hard to step down and eventually quit, but even if you use the e-cigs from now on, your not getting all the other toxins that are in cigarettes.

I think its the best method out there right now.

12-07-12, 00:02
I work with a guy that had no success on them, but he enjoyed them just the same. I actually used that snus crap to quit about 10 months ago myself.

12-07-12, 03:06
My dad switched to one several months ago and since he got his first one, he hasn't even touched his pipes. It seems to have worked for quitting tobacco entirely but he smokes the e-cig way more than he ever smoked his pipe. I'd bet he is actually getting more nicotine than ever. That said, I think it probably has had a positive effect on his health.

12-07-12, 06:16
I started smoking on my last deployment before I got out and when I got home I started using one and man did it taste better and no cravings for a cig. Unfurtunetly started regular cigs again due to going through a divorce but I am picking up a starter kit from blu soon because I can't stand smoking but can't stop. E-cig is the way to go just don't pick up any extra stress.

12-07-12, 06:23
I never tried the e-cig but I quit smoking and dipping this past September using Chantix. For most people it works and for others it's easy to fall into relapse. I never really had any cravings for any nicotine when I was going through the program but I did pick up dipping Jake's Mint Chew as a substitute for Skoal.

12-07-12, 08:48
I started smoking on my last deployment before I got out and when I got home I started using one and man did it taste better and no cravings for a cig. Unfurtunetly started regular cigs again due to going through a divorce but I am picking up a starter kit from blu soon because I can't stand smoking but can't stop. E-cig is the way to go just don't pick up any extra stress.

I hate to hear about that man But going through a Divorce is what started me smoking as well.never touched them until i was 36

this has been one of the hardest things in the world to Give up.
the stress is the main reason I think I keep smoking, even though I am over this .
One Guy I know who has been smoking since he got back from Vietnam started(ex father in law of all people) and has not touched regular cigs in 6 months and you can see a improvement in his overall health.
He Lost the whizzing and said he feels better with more energy .
the first one i have tried was a no name that did not hit like a cigarette .But i have to say the Blu brand does the trick as for a the Vapor hit .
One Filter is the same as a Pack of Cigarettes with none of the Tar and other crap you inhale .

I have talked to my DR about Chantix But it is out of my price range right now and the side effects Scare the hell out of me .

If you are wanting to quit as stated i think this is one of the best ways right now .I tried quitting cold turkey and in was terrible .
I hope to get down to 0mg of nicotine In a few weeks i will try and keep you posted on the difference with this product .Maybe it can help Some of you smokers

12-07-12, 09:16
I have quite a few close friends who have used them in the past. A couple of them were able to quit all together and some were not. After smoking for 10 +years I was able to quit cold turkey. Woke up one morning, reached for my cigs and threw them in the trash. Haven't touched one since(been almost three years). It's was all about willpower and dedication to myself and my health. Whatever path you choose in your road to quitting I wish you luck. It's tough for sure.

12-07-12, 09:54
While there's no denying nicotine is an extremely addictive drug which creates physical dependency, the major stumbling block to smoking cessation is the psychological/behavioral addiction.

Nicotine withdrawal can be unpleasant and the intensity of symptoms can vary widely, but it is time-limited and can be managed with proper support (read: if you are one of those who suffers extreme withdrawal symptoms, pick an appropriate time to quit and enlist a health care provider's assistance in managing your symptoms).

The toughest part of the battle is identifying your smoking "triggers" and developing effective coping strategies to alleviate the cravings associated with those triggers. For most, it's that cigarette with coffee in the morning, while driving, when drinking, after sex, etc. Changing your routine and the behaviors associated with smoking are key to successful smoking cessation.

The problem with e-cigarettes, IMHO, is they effectively provide a means by which to wean off nicotine and reduce the physical symptoms of withdrawal, but do little to change the ingrained behaviors associated with smoking. Reaching for that e-cigarette with your coffee or standing round the smoker's corner pulling on a piece of plastic is doing nothing to modify behavior. It's like an alcoholic hanging out in the bar with his buddies, sipping non-alcoholic beer. Some folks get away with it. Most don't. Hang out in a barber shop long enough and you're gonna get a haircut.

Regardless of the strategy, I wish you success in giving up the cigs. You won't regret it.

12-07-12, 10:32
The best way to quit is to quit, not replace. I've never seen those things work. In fact some even seem more agitated than they would be simply going cold turkey.

12-07-12, 11:00
Thanks for the support Guys :D you laid out a well plan montanadave .I have tried Cold turkey and felt horrible .I have made my mind up to quit which is the first step I am not looking for another habit as grabbing the E cig But to step down until i am at zero nicotine .

i know a lot of smokers have that need to do something with their hands always reaching for the pack and lighter .

I drove into town the other day which is about a hour and just took My e cigarette and only hit it during peek cravings, where normally I would smoke up to 5 cigs on that trip .

without a doubt this will not be easy But I will beat this addiction to Smoking if not for myself for my Daughter who i hope never Picks up a cigarette .
I wish i had the will power that some of you have I know it had to be hard going cold turkey I applaud you for making this change which I want .
I have read on the internet (so it must be true :meeting:) that talking to people that have quit will help you with the change in day to day life without that pack in your pocket .So since I have no friends you Guys are it !!!!:dance3:

12-07-12, 11:33
Mental images reinforcing an aversion to smoking can be effective. If your daughter is a big motivator for you in quitting smoking, put it to work.

Every time you get hit with a craving, form of mental picture of your little girl with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Then associate the negative feelings generated with that image to your smoking habit and cigarettes in general. Little mental tricks can be very powerful reinforcements to behavioral change.

I tossed my smokes out about 16 years ago when I was lighting up at a stop sign and looked over to see an old guy dragging his O2 tank behind him at the bus stop. Just thought, "****. That is not where I want to be." and quit. Then I went backpacking in the high country for 6 days where I couldn't have found a cigarette if I wanted to. I detoxed with a lot of exercise, thin air, and beautiful scenery. And so far it's working.

You'll beat it. Just get your mind right. And tell friends and family what you're doing. Enlist a support team to get you some attaboys along the way. And set some abstinence milestones and reward yourself when you make your goal. I'm sure some of the site sponsors might have some goodies you could set your sights on. ;)

12-07-12, 11:53
My wife hasn't had a real cigarette in three years.
If you want to quit smoking, ecigs are one way to go. Yes the antismoking crowd carps that it isn't really quitting, but my wife's doctor considers her to be a non smoker. Can't get any better than that.
She's was involve in anIVAC study last year, the results are being published and peer reviewed now. This a one of the first studies to determine what is in the "vape".
If you want to try the ecig, the ones in liquor stores or7-11 are not really a good example. Try a brand name,NJoy makes Ego brand, they are good value. You can get different batteries, different tips and various levels of nicotine. You can get juice with as much or as little as you want.

12-07-12, 13:35
Some excellant tips in here, greatly appreciated men. I am just glad I am not deciding to quit after ten something years, after only a few months under two years off and on a couple of times and before it can really negatively effect me beyond what it has. The bad thing is I hate how they taste and always have but picked up the habit anyway. Ha how about that one.

12-07-12, 13:51
.... Hang out in a barber shop long enough and you're gonna get a haircut.

So true.

I really should quit myself and have tossed around the idea of the e-cigs, my Dr. said one of his other patients really likes these:


12-07-12, 13:55
The best thing to help you quit smoking is to be on the gurney looking up at your cardiologist while he says "you've had a major coronary event.. If you don't stop smoking you'll have another and it will kill you.. Don't come to see me again until you've stopped smoking".. It really works.. Ron

12-07-12, 13:57
My experience has been mixed.

While the e-cig is not necessarily a tool for quitting cigarettes, if you ramp down gradually, have the proper mindset, and replace you triggers with healthy activities, you will succeed.

Weight gain is what put me off for so long. If you quit, you will gain weight if you do not work at keeping it off. Nicotine is an appetite suppressant. With out it, you will likely want to eat. Avoid that trap. Cravings can be delt with by something as simple as push-ups or walking.

Stay with it. Simply using e-cigs will make you feel better.

12-07-12, 14:40
that is a fear for me My dad has really bad heart problems But not a Smoker,My whole family has jacked up blood pressure But as to date mine has been good .and i want to keep it that way

I am trying to set in my head the picture of my daughter smoking it really puts me off as suggested .

the weight gain I did not think about this is something I will have to factor in .Need to get back to working out

Blu has cartridges that step down so i plan on stepping down Maybe once a week or week and a half depending on how my Body will react to the Lack of nicotine .

I am thankful for the encouragement and help getting a plan together .this is helping me more than ya'll may know getting into the right frame of mind to end this nasty habit

12-07-12, 17:30
Be particularly cautious when drinking alcohol, as it lowers inhibitions and even the most hard-fought convictions can wither after that second or third drink. Plan ahead, especially this time of year when there are usually a lot of festive occasions providing amble opportunity to slip up.

And, if you do slip, it ain't the end of the world. Get up, dust yourself off, take a lesson from whatever circumstances caused you to backslide, and get back in the game. Think about the long-term goal and the lifelong health benefits rather than the short-term setback.

12-07-12, 18:00
well I am proud to say i am not a drinker ,grew up with a drunk Mom and that was a eye opener I never wanted to be that way .So no cocktails for me :thank_you2:

12-07-12, 21:02
Just for anybody looking to use one, some places do not allow them. My sister got kicked out of kroger for using one as well as asked to not use them at some other places. Most likely due to lack of information, a lot of people probably still think it's smoke. So be warned where you use it, the chow hall nazi will come ah running.

12-07-12, 21:27
Everytime my wife vapes in a resturant and the server or manager has asked about the ecig, she has explained to them what they are. No one has asked her to stop, they have been very understanding about the use. She does not expel the steam out of her mouth, mostly thru her nose and it is hard to see the steam.
We live in California and if any one is going to complain it would be be!

12-08-12, 11:19
I've tried them a few times. Absolutely hate them.

If you're looking to quit nicotine in general, you'll just have to go cold turkey. Everything else is nicotine replacement.

I'm a Swedish Snus user. No negative health effects, but I am a nicotine addict. Funny thing is, every time I try to quit, I end up smoking, and truth be told I hate smoking. So I've just accepted that like caffeine, nicotine is here to stay with me.

12-08-12, 13:25
Is it me or do E-Cigarettes smell like meth?

12-08-12, 13:45
But I will beat this addiction to Smoking if not for myself for my Daughter who i hope never Picks up a cigarette .

My biggest motivation to quit was my kids. I didn't want to set a bad example and I didn't want to die early due to my own selfishness and bad behaviors. I went the cold turkey route, didn't drink at all for a while, didn't and still don't hang out with people who smoke. I alienated myself and had to in order to succeed, I still want one occasionally.

Get quoted for life insurance and that should be a big eye opener. Compare the rates for a 44 year old guy as a smoker VS a non-smoker, it's a huge difference. The reason is obvious and it's for a good reason, smokers typically die sooner.

How much does your habit cost a month? Think of the protection you could have in place for your daughter in the event something were to happen to you if you put that money toward a life insurance policy instead of dying sooner than you need to. Put that money towards a reirement fund or just think of all the other cool shit you could buy in general. It's literally money up in smoke.

Disclaimer: My business deals in life insurance and retirement planning so take my advice with a grain of salt.

12-08-12, 13:56
After smoking 1 to 1 1/2 packs a day of Marlboros Reds or Lights for 15 years, I quit in February of 2000.

I used nicotine patches. I started by putting one of the large ones on one evening before bed, and after a restless night of some semblance of sleep, woke up one the morning of Day One with zero cravings. That made things a lot easier. Heck, even went out on a date that night at a bar - place filled with smokers. No cravings.

I wore the big patches for over 4 months, tapered off to the mediums and finally to the little ones. I eventually just forgot about putting them on prior to going to bed and stopped buying them.

It worked like a champ, and other than a few weird dreams, no (known) side effects. They're also cheaper than smokes - just saying.

12-08-12, 15:27
Is it me or do E-Cigarettes smell like meth?

and how do you know what meth smells like? :haha: I don't know I hope it doesn't.

My ex father in law uses a V2 E cig and it looks like a real cig with a red glowing end the Blu has a Blue glowing end which would probably Be better for letting folks know it is Not a real cigarette But as you said Most people Just don't know the difference yet .

i just bought my second disposable Blu e-cig I have not got enough for the starter Kit yet I think the wife is going to get it for me for Christmas .
the disposable lasted 3 days which was pretty good I think it saved me about 5 dollars so far compared to the 5 dollars a pack a day the disposable cost 10 dollars ,But I have to get the kit to be able to start the cartridges that will allow me to step down.

12-08-12, 19:27
Sounds like you are well on your way. My biggest challenge was hanging with friends that still smoked at the time I quit. That was really tough especially when we'd go have some beers. I ate a lot of lollipops during the first few months to satisfy the need to have something in my hands other then a cig. Keep it up and before you know it you'll be smoke free.

Suwannee Tim
12-08-12, 19:28
It's better than smoking but not better than quitting.

How I quit:

Get on Zyban for a month.
Quit the cigarettes and go on the largest nicotine patch for two weeks.
After two weeks step down to the next smaller patch.
Two weeks later step down to the next smaller patch.
Two weeks later no patch.
Two weeks later cut your Zyban dose in half.
Two weeks or a month later quit the Zyban.

12-08-12, 21:18
and how do you know what meth smells like? :haha:

Meth was (is) a big thing in Sacramento, where I grew up.

12-09-12, 16:16
The best way to quit is to quit, not replace. I've never seen those things work. In fact some even seem more agitated than they would be simply going cold turkey.

That's how I had to do it. The e-cigs just made me want a 'real one' even more. (Jan 2013 will be 2 years, no cigs for me.)

It's worth a try, though, IMO. If it works for you, it works. My wife has tried Chantix, Wellbutrin, cold turkey, e-cigs... All to no avail. Still working on her...

12-09-12, 16:39
it is good to hear that this is not a loss cause .the stories of those that have quit is making me get set in my mind that i can and will quit cigarettes.
I curse the day i started all because of a divorce .I thank each of you for the support and encouragement and sharing personal battles with quitting .

it is good to know i am not alone in this struggle and I have good people helping me with this struggle

12-14-12, 10:05
How goes the battle? Hope you are staying strong sir.