View Full Version : aimpoint h1 on larue 751 review

12-14-12, 22:13

12-16-12, 09:38
thanks for the link. very informative since I'm in the market for the same set up

12-16-12, 09:48
thanks for the link. very informative since I'm in the market for the same set up

Well worth the $$ if you can swing it.

I may end up buying a PRO just to compare the two in the future.

12-17-12, 19:16
How do you like the pure Co witness as opposed to a higher mount with a lower 1/3 witness?

12-17-12, 19:30
How do you like the pure Co witness as opposed to a higher mount with a lower 1/3 witness?

By pure you mean absolute?

I prefer it as I stated in my review. Less zero worry and less math.

12-17-12, 19:37
Ha ha yes of course:suicide2:. Ok cool sorry I missed that. Thanks!

12-17-12, 19:48
Ha ha yes of course:suicide2:. Ok cool sorry I missed that. Thanks!

Plenty of people like a lower cowitness, which is fine for them.

In my AO, I would not be making shots above 200y. So math is pretty simple for me. Others require a more developed zero and different requirement, something more suburban.

12-17-12, 19:52
Keeping the math simple is definitely a plus for me. I am also thinking that keeping the cheek weld the same as with my buis would be a plus as well, but as long as I don't need a chin weld I figure i should be fine.

Thanks for your article and your reply's.

12-17-12, 20:16
Keeping the math simple is definitely a plus for me. I am also thinking that keeping the cheek weld the same as with my buis would be a plus as well, but as long as I don't need a chin weld I figure i should be fine.

Thanks for your article and your reply's.


If you have any critics, suggestions or opinions you are always welcome to post/comment, just like everyone else. I write these reviews for others benefit.

12-23-12, 16:53
Very informative, thanks. Please post a comparison to the PRO if you do end up getting one.

12-23-12, 17:05
Nice review, thank you for taking the time to put it so succinctly. Most of the shooting public owes online reviewers a debt of gratitude they simply do not understand.

If I may make one suggestion and that is to put some "through the scope" pictures of the optic/co-witness pointing at a target. In a perfect world we could shoot all manner of different set ups before making our choice. For the majority however, online reviews are all there is, so I think that might be very helpful. Even more so since there is usually some debate on absolute or lower 1/3 co-witness.

12-23-12, 17:44
Thank you for the suggestion and post

I will try to snap some shots next time I get to an outdoor range but since the holiday season is upon us it will be a bit.

12-23-12, 23:28
Just how much "math" are you doing that a lower 1/3rd co-witness is going to cause you a problem vs an absolute? Since you should be zeroing separately anyway (you are confirming zero with both correct?) the difference in trajectory will be minute at best, and without a magnified precision optic it most certainly will lost in the spread of the groups considering you'd only experience this at extended range.

An Aimpoint, whether absolute or lower 1/3rd, zero'd for 100m will shoot the same POA/POI as your iron sights zero'd for 100m. That's what your zero (or initial intersection for the rob_s's of the world) is, the first distance in the trajectory of the bullet where POA/POI intersect. If you have an absolute zero, as is the case when your sight picture is looking through your irons, and the POI corresponds to both your irons and red dots POA. For lower 1/3rd, this is obviously not the case as they are on 2 separate planes. However with a lower 1/3rd mount you're not supposed to be trying to align both irons and dot.

Now, most of this is pretty pointless observation since an unmagnified red dot is not a precision optic. But just for kicks I threw some numbers into JBM, using Molon's data on Mk262 in this thread Mk262 data (https://www.m4carbine.net/showpost.php?p=961337&postcount=8), and the difference between a 2.5" and 2.6" (I guessed the difference in sight height) is 1" at 400 yards! Within your stated 0-300 range from your review it's only .2" based on sight height change. Can you hold .2" difference at 300 with a red dot? How about a 1" difference at 400 yards with a red dot? I know I can't and I think I'm a pretty good shot. Hell, 1" at 400 yards is 1/4 MOA, most bolt guns that shoot 1/4 MOA are $$$$ custom guns.

Sorry if this sounds a little pissy, being OCONUS for Christmas has me less than thrilled, but I really think you're overthinking this whole process. At 300 yards, it's going through his squishy bits whether its a red dot or irons. If you really need to be that precise get the right optic for the job. A SCAR is not a precision gun to begin with. I think your justification for an absolute co-witness mount is far-fetched. There's something to be said for not having to change your cheek weld if your red dot goes down, but again, with a near parallax-free optic like an Aimpoint, at such close distances, you're splitting hairs and getting caught up in the minutiae.

Maybe there's some zen I'm missing from the F2S website since it's not working for me.

12-23-12, 23:37
Thanks for posting.

As I stated, and I did not spend a lot of time on it since it does not require three whole paragraphs of explanation, I want to keep things simple. If keeping things simple is not doing the math for the .2" different at 300 then I am happy with that. You can go on about this and that, it is all moot since if I were in a position to use the SCAR in a deadly force situation, it would be sub 50y as that is about standard around my AO.

You seem to be the only one posting in this thread that is "getting caught up in the minutiae."

Do yourself a favor and enjoy the review as I do not do it to push my personal setup on anyone, I put this review together for the specific purpose of giving those who may consider purchasing an T1/H1 and/or a LaRue mount for that optic a closer insight. Many people are not able to simply walk into a store and see either one of these in person and they may not know anyone who has one. If you want to post about the details or explanations about co-witness by all means, do so in another thread as this is not the correct venue for your "less than thrilled" post.

12-23-12, 23:52
Sorry, didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. It just looked like you were making some justification that in reality doesn't exist. I'm not attacking your choice, just your justification. Reviews should give accurate information, you justification is not accurate given your own self-defined limitations, that is all. Why be disingenuous to your readership? There is no math to simplify.

Hell, realistically there's absolutely no proven justification for an absolute mount over a lower 1/3rd or vice-versa other than simple personal preference. It would have been far simpler to say that, and more accurate.

I do disagree that this is not the correct venue, you mentioned it as justification for your purchase in your review, what better place than to address it?

12-24-12, 00:08
Thanks again for posting your opinion, I made my position clear, if you have an issue with this make your own review about your own optics and why you do what you do.

Otherwise all you are doing is upping your post count, in a thread that did not solicit your opinion.

12-24-12, 00:24
Thanks again for posting your opinion, I made my position clear, if you have an issue with this make your own review about your own optics and why you do what you do.

Otherwise all you are doing is upping your post count, in a thread that did not solicit your opinion.

Wasn't aware my opinion required solicitation on this website.

A "review" goes both ways, I don't see why you would be so averse to debate the matter. I have provided evidence that your justification is faulty, if you feel your justification is important enough to actually mention it as the prime mover for your purchase ("I purchased this mount for the specific reason of having an absolute co-witness with the H1 when using the OEM iron sights on the SCAR." "I required an absolute co-witness because I wanted things to be simple. Same 100m zero on the optic and the iron sights so when I have to go irons only I get the result I want without having to do much math."), why not defend your choice with empirical data of your own?

You say you simply want to inform, in this case I have done just that. When the potential is there to drive someone to a purchase that is not in their best interest because of faulty information, why should I not inform? And if I am missing something, by all means, we're all here to learn.

As far as upping my post count, I don't appreciate the implication. This is a technically-minded forum, and I have posted technical information, and then invited you to debate the merits of such. If you choose not to, that's absolutely fine, but don't try and stifle the information I have presented because you cannot argue against it.

12-24-12, 06:35
Thanks for your multiple posts. I see you were able to gain much knowledge from my review which was my main goal. Now lets try less talking and more shooting.