View Full Version : Uh oh...Hillary is sick and can't testify

12-15-12, 17:59
Poor thing... I hope she feels better soon.


12-15-12, 18:05
That pisses me off. What happened in Benghazi will be swept underneath the rug.

This cunt will be our next president.

12-15-12, 18:24
<cough, cough, sniffle> "I can't make it in to work today boss" <sniffle sniffle cough>

What a crock of s***. :rolleyes:

12-15-12, 18:30
Well, isn't that special?


12-15-12, 21:57
She should be compelled to submit CT scans and hospital records to prove this injury.

I am a Neuro/Trauma ICU nurse, working towards my Nurse Practitioner.

If someone passed out and then struck their head as Clinton supposedly did, she would have been hospitalized, no question about it. She probably wouldn't have had a choice in the matter.

IF the fainting was real, could have been caused by cardiac arrhythmia, could have been caused by a Transient Ischemic Attack, could have been caused by pressure from a brain tumor.

Once taken to the hospital, she would have been given an EKG and cardiac enzymes drawn immediately followed by a "trauma" CT scan, consisting of head, neck, chest and abdomen to check for signs of bleeding or obvious masses. This would be followed by a CT angiogram, where contrast is injected in the bloodstream to light up the cerebral arteries to make sure there is no blockage or structural problem.

Further study with MRI/MRA would likely be desired, as well as a full cardiac workup, including the wearing of a cardiac monitor for several days to look for any abnormalities in the heart rhythm.

The day after the fall, she would likely have a follow up head CT scan to make sure there was no subdural bleeding, as this type of bleeding can manifest itself quite slowly. She would also be scanned immediately if her neurologic status changed in any way.

She would have been in the hospital a minimum of two days.

All of the tests and precautions I outlined would likely be done for any person presenting with the symptoms and injury she supposedly experienced.

Does ANYONE believe the US Secretary of State would be sent home and not hospitalized if this actually happened?

JBecker 72
12-15-12, 22:04
LOL, my buddy made the comment to me she fell off her broom.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

12-15-12, 22:10
Does ANYONE believe the US Secretary of State would be sent home and not hospitalized if this actually happened?

I honestly can't keep up with the shit I don't believe from that administration.

12-15-12, 22:13
LOL, my buddy made the comment to me she fell off her broom.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2


12-15-12, 22:15
I honestly can't keep up with the shit I don't believe from that administration.

I truly think that is all part of it.

Deflect, obfuscate, deny.

They have the media and Hollywood in their backpocket, so it's easy for this Administration.

We could have Obama on live TV saying something or doing something, and even with recorded footage, they would deny he ever said or did it, and his minions would fall in step.

12-15-12, 22:23
I truly think that is all part of it.

Deflect, obfuscate, deny.

They have the media and Hollywood in their backpocket, so it's easy for this Administration.

We could have Obama on live TV saying something or doing something, and even with recorded footage, they would deny he ever said or did it, and his minions would fall in step.

Actually, I do to. I think they want as much chaos as possible so that no single issue can be focused on. It makes it easier to tell more lies to cover the other lies. Then when they have an issue they want to press such as 2A they will let the media run with it. It's a pretty slick system. Kinda like roaches scattering when the lights come on. They're off in every direction and all get away.

12-15-12, 22:26
Actually, I do to. I think they want as much chaos as possible so that no single issue can be focused on. It makes it easier to tell more lies to cover the other lies. Then when they have an issue they want to press such as 2A they will let the media run with it. It's a pretty slick system. Kinda like roaches scattering when the lights come on. They're off in every direction and all get away.

Exactly right.

12-15-12, 22:34
Actually, I do to. I think they want as much chaos as possible so that no single issue can be focused on. It makes it easier to tell more lies to cover the other lies. Then when they have an issue they want to press such as 2A they will let the media run with it. It's a pretty slick system. Kinda like roaches scattering when the lights come on. They're off in every direction and all get away.

Brilliant observation, nail on the head.

Reagans Rascals
12-15-12, 22:37
ok so... why can't they just hold off and until that cunt isn't sick anymore and can stroll her fat ass on in?

12-16-12, 06:44
She should be compelled to submit CT scans and hospital records to prove this injury.

I am a Neuro/Trauma ICU nurse, working towards my Nurse Practitioner.

If someone passed out and then struck their head as Clinton supposedly did, she would have been hospitalized, no question about it. She probably wouldn't have had a choice in the matter.

IF the fainting was real, could have been caused by cardiac arrhythmia, could have been caused by a Transient Ischemic Attack, could have been caused by pressure from a brain tumor.

Once taken to the hospital, she would have been given an EKG and cardiac enzymes drawn immediately followed by a "trauma" CT scan, consisting of head, neck, chest and abdomen to check for signs of bleeding or obvious masses. This would be followed by a CT angiogram, where contrast is injected in the bloodstream to light up the cerebral arteries to make sure there is no blockage or structural problem.


You guys pan-scan everyone who falls from standing? And you violate the autonomy of your patients?

CT of head, yes. CT abd/pelvis, chest, neck. . . . no.

Not every fall requires the $80,000 workup. Just saying.

12-16-12, 19:43
You guys pan-scan everyone who falls from standing? And you violate the autonomy of your patients?

CT of head, yes. CT abd/pelvis, chest, neck. . . . no.

Not every fall requires the $80,000 workup. Just saying.

When they pass out for no reason AND hit their head? Yes, it's called a "trauma scan".

Violate their autonomy how? Oh sure, if they are deemed to be competent enough they could very easily sign themselves out against physician's recommendations. And then they could still turn around and sue us all because we didn't talk them into staying.

Just like they could sue us for not doing your so-called $80,000 workup and they passed out for a reason not detected by an initial assessment, which then caused them to have a problem later, i.e. a cardiac problem, an internal bleed which cause blood pressure to drop and cause them to pass out, a tumor, which if it's in the brain is also very likely to not be the only tumor. Could also be from a seizure, so at least one EEG would be ordered.

You don't "pass out" for no reason, it could be simply temperature, low blood sugar, being exhausted or it could be something far more insidious. When you fall and strike your head, now there's more things to worry about.

Even without the threat of being sued for missing something, a responsible physician would check for life-threatening conditions, and not just a danger to the patient. For example, if they passed out while driving, could hurt a lot of people.

12-16-12, 20:09
Not every fall requires the $80,000 workup. Just saying.

When you're the Secretary of State and you conveniently skip on a critical appearance before Congress "cause you got a boo-boo", I think it should be required. :)

12-16-12, 21:04
I do think she should have to bring a note.. ;)Ron