View Full Version : I'm willing to compromise with gun grabbers

12-18-12, 19:53
I'll be happy to provide $2 background check for any private sales of my personal property firearms when they deliver Eric Holder and Company in shackles to stand trial for the part they played in the murder of American and Mexican citizens by his activity in illegal arms sales.


12-18-12, 20:11
I'm willing to compromise that if the left says that guns aren't the answer to protecting our kids. The potus, Bloomberg, mcarthy, feinstein, etc can lead by example FIRST.

12-18-12, 20:17
I'll be happy to provide $2 background check for any private sales of my personal property firearms when they deliver Eric Holder and Company in shackles to stand trial for the part they played in the murder of American and Mexican citizens by his activity in illegal arms sales.


Know your place citizen . . .

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" - Orwell.