View Full Version : Chest Thumping....

12-20-12, 08:55

I know how serious these debates are to us & what 2A means to all of us. I also trust in the resolve of fellow members on this site more so that others and even more so than some local friends & folks I know. That said, getting on a public forum & going so far as some have verbally, while protected speech, do not make the mistake of thinking these discussions are not monitored. A better approach to such may be in actually making the effort to get to personally know folks in your area. Go grab dinner & a beer, go shooting and discuss what is in your heart, but nothing but harm will come by making documented statements of what you may or may not do in a rotten situation. This is a serious site, many many professionals of all walks of life here. In our age of electronic spying, don't make yourself a target so early in this. This is chess, not checkers.

With that said, the words of many of you restore my faith in what a true American is.

12-20-12, 09:16
Well said and very true. Folks would do well to heed this advice and speak in measured tones sans tin foil.

lethal dose
12-20-12, 09:24
Speaking of which, Chad... When we gettin' together. I'm all but 15 minutes from ya.

12-20-12, 09:25
Shoot me an email...

12-20-12, 09:40
This needs to be a sticky.

Doc Safari
12-20-12, 09:53
I simultaneously laugh and I'm also sad for those folks who talk about starting an armed revolt or some horseshit and plaster it all over the internet.

Once upon a time, before the internet, there was shortwave radio. There were shows hosted by people you never heard of who ranted about the New World Order and starting a revolt against the government and whatnot. These guys were pushing the militia movement big time.

One day some guy named Tim McVeigh blew up a building in Oklahoma and was thought to be connected to the militia movement.

Suddenly all these guys on the shortwave radio were getting visits from the FBI and ATF, like the feds knew who they were all along.

Imagine that.

If you have to say something that could get you a visit from Saint Investigator, don't say it on the internet.

12-20-12, 10:41
I have restrained myself from chiming in on some of these threads.
The chest thumping accomplishes nothing and could easley have an adverse effect for gun owners by putting us in a bad light.

I'm as sadden as anyone about the deaths of those innocent children and teachers. Certainly pissed off about the emotional knee jerk reaction our country's leadership seems to have regarding firearms. Hell, anything for that matter.

I think people need to take a step back and a deep breath.
We need to make an intellegent determination on what the best avenue is to oppose new gun legislation and who will lead us in that endeavor.

And, we need to do this NOW.

I am very interested to hear what the NRA has to say tomorrow.

Chad, I've been missing the SkipJ matches here of late. Maybe in January when things slow down some.

12-20-12, 12:03
Very well said In this day and age you must be careful of what you post .
I follow the Local LE on FB and yesterday A local Kid Posted "he was so angry he could shoot a school up " they Swiftly locked the schools down and was at his house in minutes of it being posted .
what a full blown retarded thing to do .Did he Mean it?? Probably Not ,But His stupidity has now got himself charged with Making terrorist Threats .
Now the Police have had to post to remind everyone that is making threats against this boy for the Post they too can be charged for making threats it is getting worst with each day .

Take a second before you throw something out there in Anger

Ned Christiansen
12-20-12, 13:08
I expect the NRA will put out something sympathetic and logical. I hope they can weave the logic in such a way that it cuts through the emotion, bypasses the heart and goes directly to the intellect of the segment that does not understand the real gun ownership issues; the freedom and security aspects.

Something that makes them say, "Oh, I never thought of it that way. That makes sense".

Psyops typically promote a deception; we need a psyop that is all truth and logic. Truth and logic fairly drip from what we do and believe-- I think it can be done. In my view, prior to this event, "the gun thing" was gaining support nation-wide.

Now is the time to refrain from anger and exaggeration. There is a huge body of the populace that is neutral, without much information or previous thought on the issue. That does NOT make them stupid or bad. They are easily swayed once something like this comes up-- they are searching for information to consider. They may be the key here.

I know that our truth and logic vs/ emotion, lies, and political agendas is a hard row to hoe, but hoe it we must, with care.

Think about the last time you saw two people debating on a talk show--one of those shows that loves to pit the two sides of an issue against each other for ratings. On an issue you knew nothing about, who did you like better, which one did you want to believe: the insulting, shrill, fist-pounder, or the one who was unflappable in ticking off facts and figures in a calm, confident manner?

12-20-12, 13:58
Exactly Ned,

Very much half the point I was trying to convey in my Vet who you instruct/shoot with post. We are going to be thrusted into the spotlight, like it or not. It may be a personal debate or end up on TV. We must at all times act professional. The whole thing about "mole in the class" I wrote is that none of us need to end up on youtube or worse nation news spouting off about "what I'm going to do if....... happens".

We have to bring common sense and logic to this discussion.

12-20-12, 16:10
This is reason one why I don't do Facebook or post photos of ANY of my guns or even talk about details of what I own.

I also keep gun decals off my vehicles.

Best not to advertise.....these days with cameras and spies everywhere....play it cool and keep a low...or lower...profile.
