View Full Version : Number of magazines per pistol for the long haul!

12-20-12, 14:14
I have a bad feeling that with all of this gun control non-sense that we are going to have some sort of magazine capacity ban. Although I'm in pretty good shape with my rifles, I'm a little on the low side with my pistols and trying to up my number of pistol magazines without spending a ton of money. My goal is 6-8 per weapon. What are your thoughts?

12-20-12, 15:53
I would say a minimum of five per pistol, but ten would be better.

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12-20-12, 16:30
2 times what you carry, or use on a regular basis. 1:1 on spares for mags is financially reasonable, and readily accountable so you're not having to use excel to track what got used at the match last week.
7 for me right now.

VIP3R 237
12-20-12, 16:32
I just purchased a FNH FNS-40 which comes with 3 mags, and also 3 extra magazines. I would like to get another 4 more to tuck away.

12-20-12, 16:34
Right now I'm trying to balance between stocking up on AR mags and pistol mags. As of this morning, the AR mags are winning.

S. Galbraith
12-20-12, 16:35
I like 8. Three for duty, three for training, and two stay new in the wrapper.

12-20-12, 17:00
Mags are somewhat disposable, so 10+ IMO.

Edit: 1000th post, senior member status unlocked!!!

+1 to all combat skillz

So intense I had a nose bleed. B(

12-20-12, 17:07
LOL at the one guy who voted 0-3.:smile:

12-20-12, 17:47
I think a good rule of thumb is 3x whatever you plan on carrying under "worse than normal" conditions (whatever you define that to be).

I do not include training mags in this mix, though. Either use neutered .gov mags for training, or buy additional mags for that role, but do not plan on tapping into a mag stash for training.

More than this would be great, but do not neglect stocking up on spare parts and ammo. Busted guns and empty mags aren't all that useful.

12-20-12, 17:56
I would love to say 10+ but that is not a realistic number for everyone id you own a glock with 11 mags its nearly 330$ in mags not every one has the funds for that.

However that is also the beauty of glocks I have 7 mags for my g19 and 8 for my g17 so that puts me at 15 for my g19

12-20-12, 18:03
I think I have too many guns, because I sure as heck can't afford to spend the money on 8-10 mags per gun. At times like this it makes me wonder if I should thin the herd and focus on a more manageable number of guns. For me it looks like a minimum of 3 for all, and then 6-8 on my core models.

12-20-12, 19:03
Right now I'm trying to balance between stocking up on AR mags and pistol mags. As of this morning, the AR mags are winning.

^ this all this nonsense is making me broke, between AR/pistol mags and ammo

12-20-12, 19:07
that is also the beauty of glocks I have 7 mags for my g19 and 8 for my g17 so that puts me at 15 for my g19

Times like this make me glad I'm not a "collector" and only have to worry about mags for 9mm Glocks and ARs. I'm pretty good on AR mags, but am lacking in the pistol dept. I'm not too worried about G26 mags as they aren't over 10 rounds (assuming that's the limit if another AWB comes around). I'd like a few more G19 mags, but I'm gonna focus on more G17 mags since they can be used in all my Glocks.

12-20-12, 19:12
I have a bad feeling that with all of this gun control non-sense that we are going to have some sort of magazine capacity ban. Although I'm in pretty good shape with my rifles, I'm a little on the low side with my pistols and trying to up my number of pistol magazines without spending a ton of money. My goal is 6-8 per weapon. What are your thoughts?

I'm in the "can't have too many" crowd. If forced to pick a number, I'd set six as the absolute minimum, with 10-12 being ideal.

12-20-12, 19:20
I like 10+ for an everyday carry/duty gun. At least 2 carry, 2-3 practice, and 5-6 spares.

12-20-12, 19:28
Define "long haul"

12-20-12, 20:04
As someone who bought 10 right before the last ban in 1994, I have to say that they lasted surprisingly long... All these years later I still have all ten for my G17, though a couple are near the end of their life.

This time around I bought a few more, but more as future currency in case I ever buy a new handgun in the future post some ban and can't get any "hi-cap" mags for it. Then it would bartering time. :)

12-20-12, 20:24
I voted 4-6 (though I have more).

Depends on how you carry. I'd want a complete replacement set for my EDC loadout, along with a couple training spares.

12-20-12, 21:23
No such thing as too many. I've got 15+ G19 mags for two pistols. I would very much like to have more....

12-20-12, 21:29
No such thing as too many. I've got 15+ G19 mags for two pistols. I would very much like to have more....

There's just no disagreeing with this....same goes for ammo

how many nails is too many for your hammer?

12-20-12, 21:30
I try for 10.

My logic is that the maximum load in a SHTF would probably be 3 and maybe 3 more in my bag. I don't assume I will be able to fire any more for self defense before I am killed.

So why do I want 10. Well I hate loading mags at the range when I am paying for my time. I have had a mag with issues.. I have lost a mag.

Why not more? I have a limited amount of money.

12-20-12, 21:47
I remember when AWB 1 sunset, I bought 6 hicap mags new for the price of 1 used mag during the ban. These were the good days.

12-20-12, 21:56
20 if they are polymer and over 10 rounds. 3 to carry. 7 to train with. 10 to have in the safe.

12-20-12, 22:45
Assuming there is a ban, I'd say that you need enough to last you until the ban ends.

If the ban lasts for 10 years, you need enough mags to last you for 10 years. If the ban lasts a lifetime, you need enough mags to last you a lifetime.

Only you know how many mags you normally go through in a certain amount of time.

12-20-12, 22:48
to me, pistol magazines are more important because that's what I train the most with and beat up the most.

12-20-12, 23:05
I believe you can get away with less mags if you have the springs to replace the ones that wear out. For reference, here's where I'm at:

2 glocks with 15 mags

2 AR's with 30 pmags + 40 stainlees steel replacement springs

1 M&P15-22 with 10 mags

12-20-12, 23:07
Carry guns I would say 10 mags at least. Competition guns I go with 5 to 6 mostly because of cost. Rifle mags I lost count good to have a lot around.

12-20-12, 23:16
I like about 20, because it makes me feel prepared.

12-21-12, 02:01
I use 5 as a minimum for every handgun and prefer 10 for my carry weapon. Eventually, I'll have 10 for every handgun but 5 for my 22lr is enough for now.

12-21-12, 03:30
One for my Clock magwell and three spares, enough for my uses.

Joe R.
12-21-12, 05:55

Here's why; Magazines are a consumable item. They don't last forever, if you plan to continue training or competing they will wear out. Who know if/when we might be able to get more. You can always use them to trade for something else.

I'm not suggesting that you need 10 for each handgun you own, but if you have a go to pistol I would highly recommend it for at least that one.

As previously mentioned this is one of the reasons pistols that use the same mags (Glock 17/19) are nice.

12-21-12, 06:20
I started with four 15 round mags for my Glock 19, always wanted some more. Just this week I picked up a couple of 17 round mags since I would like to get a Glock 17 and if not I'll use them in the 19.

Got a S&W .22 pistol for Christmas, will be nice for the wife and kids to use. Grabbed 3 mags for it, now have four.

Would like to pick up a few more, if not I think I'll be fine. If only I could convince the kids to give up there presents!!

12-21-12, 06:27
10 at a minimum. Mags are disposable items, never hurts to have extra.

Swamp Yankee
12-21-12, 07:04
I will echo what has been said already.

Minimum 6 (3 Carry, 3 Training)

10+ is really ideal.

12-21-12, 07:17
I have a dozen for each pistol I own. Even if they are duplicate pistols. Mags eventually wear out. My thought process to to have plenty in case I cannot ever replace them.

12-21-12, 07:24
For my Glock and M&P, 7 mags per. For my 1911's, 10 per. I also keep magazine springs on hand for my 1911 mags and plan on buying some spare springs for the Glock and M&P mags.

But it never hurts to buy more.

12-21-12, 07:34
Finally someone besides me voted for the GOOSE EGG! :cool:

12-21-12, 07:39
We used to have a saying, "you can never have too much ammo, unless you're going to a fire, or going swimming..."

I think the same applies for magazines. I have ONE AR-style rifle, and close to 30 magazines for it. Why? Magazines wear out. They get dropped on the deck, stepped on, etc. Pistol magazines are the same - possibly even worse since most are metal bodied.

Right now I have 10+ for each of my Glock platforms, 5 for each of my HKs, and five for my Kahr... I'd snap up some more HK mags, but they're rarer than hen's teeth!



12-21-12, 08:03
My rule has always been a minimum of 5 and a maximum of what ever your account can handle.

2 for carry
2 for training
1 for spare/replacement

12-21-12, 08:16
For me it depends on what gun and what the intended use might be.
My edc is a seecamp 32 and I have 3 mags and feel this is enough
My bullseye guns if I have six that is enough
My glocks for carry/ combat matches every time I see a good deal on mags I buy them. Have 20 now which would probably last my lifetime but extras never go stale

12-21-12, 09:22
I voted for 10+. As many have stated before me, mags are disposable items. I also like to keep a stash of springs and replacement parts.

Side note: It can depend on the type of firearm. In my experience, 1911 mags don't hold up as long as modern service pistol mags(ie glock). Naturally, you may want to have a few extra for ol'slabsides if that's the pistol you rely on.

12-21-12, 11:29
A minimum of 10 or more for every weapon under the roof. From there, add a few extra mags with every paycheck or purchase.

12-21-12, 11:38
10+ depending upon weapon. So far I have 12 mags for my Glock and M&P each and the 45 Pmags for my AR's.

12-21-12, 12:48
Te good Mr Vickers says you need a minimum of 5 and I tend to agree

12-21-12, 15:06
If it holds more than 10...good luck finding them right now.



12-21-12, 15:28
I want 10+...

at EACH location where I store them. Really what's the argument for having fewer? Money? Or we don't "need" them? Personally I don't see how a person could have too many, but I CAN see how a person could have too few.

12-21-12, 16:21
I think 5 is a good number for pistols.

I'm low on m&p mags for sure, I have more spare mags for guns I've sold than my m&p. Hopefully I'll be able to trade down the road.

Just didn't see all this coming. Lesson learned.

12-21-12, 22:17
Ten for Carry gun would be the lowest I would feel comfortable with. If I only had 5, I would treat them like eggs. I try not to beat my mags up but, it happens. As many others have said a consumable item.

I stocked up on P30 mags back in 2008, still flush with them. With all this talk of a ban I feel more are needed, but everywhere is sold out.

It will be interesting to see how HK responds to this mag crunch. The last one lasted about 6 months when P30s were first released. The seem to produce a bunch, ship and wait for them to sell out. Then they send more from Germany, It seems to take a while to get them through customs. Time is never on our side.

Ill will be hunting up as many P30 mags as I can find under 40 bucks.


12-22-12, 17:04
For me,six would be a minimum.Fortunately the G17 mags are fine for the G19's,so that's all I have bought for the last couple of years. I only have four for my PPQ,but there's bigger fish to fry right now.

12-22-12, 17:20
As many as you can afford! I only have 5 for my XD right now..times are tough and any extra money is going into rifles and or ammo.

12-23-12, 20:53
It's easy to say 10+, but unless you have multiple units that can take the same mags... or only one handgun... it isnt realistic to have 10+ per gun. I just paid $60+ for HK hi cap jet funnel mags to have 6 total... and another $50 for hi cap sig mags. Granted prices are a bit jacked on some things right now... but was out $700 just getting to around sig mags per. Unless you think you will never be able to get the mags again... I think 6 is fine.

12-23-12, 21:03
minimum three training three carry

12-23-12, 21:29
For the folks that didn't see this coming, you must have been in either a coma or OCONUS working with an NGO. The run up to his first presidential run four years ago had the same effect. This one was not as bad since public opinion wasn't going his way to press a gun ban issue, but still, prices were creeping up leading to this Nov election. The CT shooting was the 'cherry on top' opportunity & green light for him to press on full speed ahead. As that dick head Rahm Emanuel said, 'Never let a crisis go to waste', with the liberal media & extreme left politicians backing him, 'he' is taking full advantage of that atrocity.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-23-12, 21:38
5 is a good reality minimum. If there is a ban you can just buy the 10 rounders and practice with them like I did during the last ban.

10 should be enough to satisfy even the kookiest kook.:help:

12-23-12, 22:50
5 is a good reality minimum. If there is a ban you can just buy the 10 rounders and practice with them like I did during the last ban.

That's pretty much been my plan, for both pistols and rifles. I've been purchasing what I can for awhile, as budget allows, without sacrificing other purchases (like ammo).

I have what I "need", not what I want.

But if a ban goes through, I will keep my larger cap mags for carry and defensive purposes, and use 10rnd mags at the range.

12-24-12, 11:47
It's easy to say 10+, but unless you have multiple units that can take the same mags... or only one handgun... it isnt realistic to have 10+ per gun.

Your "reality" is just different from mine. That's okay. Luckily, we all still have choice. At least for the time being...

And Glock mags don't cost $50-60 either. That might be a factor for some.

12-24-12, 13:45
Luckily I have 33 mags for my pistol. I think that is a good amount for awhile. I think 10 is the bare minimum for about any weapon I own. The more the merrier. I just sold off 14 GI mags that I didn't need for 8 bucks a pop to a new gun owner. Thought Id help a guy out since the pricing is all screwy these days.

12-24-12, 15:55
Luckily I have 33 mags for my pistol. I think that is a good amount for awhile. I think 10 is the bare minimum for about any weapon I own. The more the merrier. I just sold off 14 GI mags that I didn't need for 8 bucks a pop to a new gun owner. Thought Id help a guy out since the pricing is all screwy these days.

That goes beyond, "helping a guy out." What you did was SAINTLY! 8 Bucks? Sheesh I could use some "help" like that. :D

12-24-12, 16:49
Ya, it was cheap but I like to pay it forward. He gave me some east euro ak mags that weren't part of the deal after he asked about my rifle in the car lol. The mags were beat to shit but ran. Half painted, green follower mags I had from previous deployments.

12-25-12, 03:21
As late as the evening of the 15th one could obtain factory GLOCK mags from Austria in free states for as little as $19 per mag from a particular online vendor. There is no reason for someone not to have an ample supply prior to the run on "high capacity clips". :rolleyes:

You snooze you loose . . .

Bear in mind possible future loss, theft, destruction (fire,flood,etc) of mags after a ban. Once they are gone . . . they're gone.

LMT Shooter
12-25-12, 03:56
5 is a good reality minimum. If there is a ban you can just buy the 10 rounders and practice with them like I did during the last ban.

10 should be enough to satisfy even the kookiest kook.:help:

Not this kook. Do you think I need to seek professional help? I am actually baffled that some feel that they are OK for "the long haul" with anything less than 10, and my comfort level starts around 20. I'm quite comfy with the term kook, FWIW.

12-25-12, 09:25
I purchase 10 magazines for any handgun I have that will be a carry or home defense gun.

I purchased 16 magazines (30 rounds) for my AR. Wish I bought more because I live in NY and have to deal with the magazine ban our "wonderful" politicians put in place for us.


brushy bill
12-25-12, 17:28
Not this kook. Do you think I need to seek professional help? I am actually baffled that some feel that they are OK for "the long haul" with anything less than 10, and my comfort level starts around 20. I'm quite comfy with the term kook, FWIW.

I'd rather have 20+ than 10+ as things stand now and from here forward...learning has occurred.

12-25-12, 17:48
I voted 4 to 6 because that is what I actually have. It has always seemed to be reasonable. Now though, I hope to get more.

12-25-12, 18:44
I'd say at least 10 per weapon, but if you're worried about a ban taking effect than the more you have the better. For my AR's I'm sitting pretty good, but for my glocks 10 per for a lifetime has me thinking another couple dozen would be a lot better.

12-26-12, 10:09
I tend to think in a normal world 5-7 would be ideal for each pistol..

But then again I have a few G-19s :D

I have Five for training that I use during classes/KAHN mags and I abuse the crap out of them and they keep on working great.

I have Four Factory G19 mags, Four Factory G17 mags, and about 7 more Korean mags...

Every time I see some at a good price I keep buying..:D

12-26-12, 10:12
5 votes for ZERO! We're making a comeback! :cool:

12-26-12, 10:41
I would say at least 5 full capacity mags. That leaves three for carry, with 2 spares. Training can be accomplished with the worthless restricted mags.

12-26-12, 16:39
Times like this make me glad I'm not a "collector" and only have to worry about mags for 9mm Glocks and ARs. I'm pretty good on AR mags, but am lacking in the pistol dept. I'm not too worried about G26 mags as they aren't over 10 rounds (assuming that's the limit if another AWB comes around). I'd like a few more G19 mags, but I'm gonna focus on more G17 mags since they can be used in all my Glocks.

5 is a good reality minimum. If there is a ban you can just buy the 10 rounders and practice with them like I did during the last ban.

10 should be enough to satisfy even the kookiest kook.:help:

I would say at least 5 full capacity mags. That leaves three for carry, with 2 spares. Training can be accomplished with the worthless restricted mags.

Another vote for 10+ (We cheat as my wife and myself carry identical weapons so that we have redundancy on mags / parts / training etc.) Pistols have 5+ carried with us daily, with 10+ spares not in use.

12-26-12, 16:52
Just picked up 10 standard capacity 9mm Glock mags for average retail price! Thank goodness for small time local gun stores that don't do internet sales! Lol. I'm feeling a little better about my 9mm Glock Mag stash now. Of course I could always use more. :D

12-27-12, 15:38
I'm rocking 7 mags for my G23 right now. I think that should be enough for me. I plan on using 4 now and saving 3-4 for future use. One nice thing about Glock mags is that baseplates, inserts, springs, and followers can be found every where so rebuilding them is an option for now.

Its funny how we never traded a little bit of freedom of religion after the Jonestown Massacre.

12-27-12, 16:41
I try to keep at least 7-9 for my pistols. That's between my carry and training mags. Of course some it's more if I get a wild hair or see some on sale.

Thankfully I only have two different guns so it isn't too big of an issue to pick some up every now and then.

12-27-12, 16:50
10+ for me, currently I am using the KCI mags for most of my range time/practice and limiting factory Glock mags to carry; with about 15 more still in the wrapper. Hey, at least I get to do more malf practice. :p

12-27-12, 17:27
10+ for me. Pmag r pretty much hard to get right now and really pricey!!

12-27-12, 22:17
10+ definitely but my focus lately has been rifle mags and glock mags

12-27-12, 22:23
Yeah i had to rushes and bought me 3 extra xdm 16 rds week ago. Now some of my buddies who carries xdm couldnt find any more magazine in stock! Ppl r actualy go crazier this time.

12-28-12, 10:09
Got 13 pmags for the new AR ordered. Have 4 mags each for my Glock 23 (I would like at least 6 more), have 4 mags for my glock 27 (not so worried about those mash as they have a capacity of less than 10 anyways).

12-28-12, 10:16
I would say at least 5 full capacity mags. That leaves three for carry, with 2 spares. Training can be accomplished with the worthless restricted mags.

I'm sticking with this. I would not be worried if I only had the 5. If I had less than that, I would be scouring the net and LGSs. Why pay ridiculous prices for something you will never use, since all training/ IDPA can be done with 10 rounders. If you have more real mags, then awesome.

12-28-12, 14:24
Is 100 too many? OK, how about 90 then?

12-28-12, 17:28
For me...5 is good enough! I only shoot about 1-2 time per year so I'm in good shape. Of Course if I won the lotto more is better.

12-28-12, 20:29
I'm leveling off at 10-12 mags for each handgun... Practicing with 10 round mags will help my reload skills.

12-31-12, 18:28
I've got six mags for my glock. I would live 4-6 more but ill wait till the prices go down after the ban fizzles out (hopeful thinking). I thank god for my 6 Pmags I've got even though I've only got a stripped lower. Broke ass public servant that I am

01-02-13, 10:21
10+ for guns you will use for CCW / HD / Duty.

Personally, I have 18 P30 Mags, 15 G19 mags, 10 HK45C mags, and 8 P2000SK mags (however, I use P30 mags as reloads, hence the reason I only have 8).

I have some range only pistols which I have fewer mags for - aka, two SIG P220s with 6 mags for the 45 and 5 for the 22 version, and a Beretta 87 with 6 magazines.

01-02-13, 12:25
LOL at the one guy who voted 0-3.:smile:

Revo shooter has to be!