View Full Version : Show of hands, who has written their reps?

12-20-12, 18:13
I'm curious as to whom has actually done something other than sit back and watch everything unfold.

So...who has written their reps?

"I" or "nay"

12-20-12, 18:18

12-20-12, 18:45

12-20-12, 18:51
I....and have received letters back stating they will fight for the 2nd

12-20-12, 19:01

Senators, Congressman, and Governor. No reply yet though.


12-20-12, 19:26
I...over the past ten years...with zero response or desired result

Pork Chop
12-20-12, 19:41
Aye............no response yet. Have done so several times before and responses normally take a week or two for me.

12-20-12, 19:42
I believe you're looking for "aye," not "I." :)


Semper Paratus
12-20-12, 20:49
two senators, one a lame duck, a senator elect and a representative for me

12-20-12, 20:56
I have and money to NRA

12-20-12, 21:04
And for anyone who hasn't, here is an EASY way to do so.



12-20-12, 21:09
I posted some easy links to write letters but for some reason they don't show.

Trying it again.


ETA: "I"

12-20-12, 21:29
Also some letters (and other strategies) here: http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=119194

12-20-12, 21:51
I have and money to NRA

Ditto, and bigger check than I've ever sent before. This is going to be a big fight.

12-20-12, 22:21
I wrote everyone!


12-20-12, 22:55
I'm on the radio with my rep this weekend, no need to write. He knows exactly where I stand.

12-20-12, 22:58

I've written my state reps, your state reps, the governor, local polis. Basically, everyone I can get contact info on has been contacted.

I actually received an e-mail back from Roger Bedford in about 10 minutes - his ass was up a tree in a climber about 10 miles from my house and was checking e-mails to pass the time. :lol:

An Undocumented Worker
12-20-12, 23:16

Now I've gotta send em to state reps too.

12-20-12, 23:46
I wrote mine

12-21-12, 00:47
I needed a laugh today, so I called Texas Governor Rick Perry's office.

I got a "Hell yeah!"

It was awesome. :D

12-21-12, 00:52

12-21-12, 00:58
I realize that donations aren't a contract, but I wish I could donate to politicians and the NRA with the provision that if they sell me out one iota I get my money back. Maybe even my money plus x percent.

I've written my representative John Culberson, but I need to write my senators. Maybe even the other state reps including SHE JACK...her district is disappearing on her as income earners move back into the city and she could benefit being seen as a moderate.

I'd kind of like to write Perry's office and say "Hey, I know the whole POTUS thing didn't work out...but if they infringe on the second amendment we'll give you another chance but this time as President of the Republic of Texas?" :dance3:

12-21-12, 01:21
I spent six years working on Capitol Hill. One as a staff aide for a particular Senate committee, two as a legislative correspondent for a Senator, and three as a legislative aide for the same Senator.

For those of you who don't know, a legislative corespondent (LC) is basically a fancy title for a young twenty-something just out of college who receives the letters and emails that you write, and is usually the person who writes you back. Generally, Congressmen have one or two LC's who do all of their letters for every issue, while Senators have a whole team of LC's that handle letters for certain issues that they're assigned (IE: a military LC, a healthcare LC, an education LC, etc.). Here's a few things that I picked up as an LC that might help you should you choose to write your Congressional delegation:

* The "boss" will almost never read your letter directly unless they know you personally. But he/she will likely ask their LC's if they've been getting any mail on certain issues. My boss used to ask if we did almost daily whenever there was a hot issue being discussed on the Hill, and would want to know what percentage of it was for or against the issue. Believe me, if a majority of the letters they are receiving are against gun control legislation, they will hear about it.

* Don't send form letters. Form letters are letters that special interest groups will send in on your behalf. You'll usually get them in an email and all you have to do is type in your name and hit 'send.' They all look identical, and the staff knows that you put absolutely zero thought into the issue, and therefore will assume that you probably don't give that big of a shit. When the boss asks if he's getting any mail on a certain issue, he often asks how much of it is form letters, and how much of it is real letters. Real letters (while rarely read by the member of Congress) are still a lot more powerful in the grand scheme of things.

* Don't use snail mail. Everything that gets sent into Capitol Hill has to go through the Capitol Police and is scanned for bombs and anthrax. It usually takes weeks for it to get to its destination, and more often than not, the issue is long over by the time it gets there.

* Don't be a dick. The kid who reads your letter makes about $25K a year and lives in one of the most expensive cities in the country. He spends all day getting yelled out by assholes, and he's just as likely to toss your letter to the side and forget about it for a few weeks as he is to respond to it. Be professional, but make your concerns heard.

* Keep it short and sweet. Remember, the Senator/Congressman will most likely never see your letter, and the guy who will see it spends all day reading long, drawn out sob stories that basically all say the same thing. He doesn't need your life story. A few sentences will do just fine. Let him know you care enough to write your own letter, but keep it short enough to not bore him to death.

Keep in mind, this is what MY old office did. Other offices do things differently, and some offices couldn't care less about mail one way or the other (Boxer and Feinstein were notorious for not giving two shits about their mail or phone calls). If you do have a few mintues to spare, however, take the time to write in (especially if your member is a Democrat). It can, and often does make a difference.

Anyways, I hope this helps.

12-21-12, 01:34
“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.”
-Thomas Jefferson

Keep it short. Get to your point immediately.

Remove long-winded, emotional passages.

Demonstrate command of your subject matter. No quoting whacko shit here. Only quality sources.

Use active voice. Subject, verb, object.

Restate your main point (again).

Double check and edit it down. Then have someone else read it. And read it again before you send the final.

Good luck everyone.

Mauser KAR98K
12-21-12, 02:05
Wrote last night, more to come.

12-21-12, 03:23
Thank you very much for this advice.
Good to have a more inside perspective on things.

I will ditch the form letter and write a short paragraph as advised.

12-21-12, 05:01
My letters consisted of about two paragraphs. Seemed pretty easy to read to me.

I streamlined them so I could send them to multiple senators, and congress people.

12-21-12, 05:07
Yep, I keep it short, maybe two brief paragraphs. My subject line (emails for me- always indicate wanting a response, even though it will most likely be a 'form email.') is always the direct topic, this time 'Gun Control,' as is available through their email form's drop down menu. First sentence is always 'I am against new gun control measures.' That's likely all they'll be looking for, so serve it up right at the top. My second paragraph is (also short) giving my opinions on alternative ideas, just in case they do read it. I think it's more likely they will when it's not more than 3-4 sentences.

12-21-12, 15:03
Well, let's see..Today I renewed my NRA membership, donated to the NRA, e-mailed both my U.S. senator, and e-mailed, and called my U.S. Rep's office, I'm off work for awhile, so I don't mind e-mailing them 2,3 times aweek, and calling a couple times a week as well..I intend to keep the pressure up..

12-21-12, 15:06
Postman just picked up letters to my congressional delegation and emails sent earlier this AM.

12-21-12, 15:07
I have. Called senators. Written Cuomo and Biden too

12-21-12, 21:17
Sadly, my Rep wears clown shoes and just gives canned replies. I still e-mail on a routine basis though.

Heavy Metal
12-21-12, 22:08
I have called. I will write next week.

12-22-12, 02:03
Aye. Wrote my own rather than using a form letter, for the reasons cited above (I figured they would probably recognize identical content, if they are reading a lot of these).

Hard to believe my rep is a 16th term R!

12-22-12, 03:50

12-22-12, 06:08
I did the day after asking why armed guards are not posted, yet we protect out politicians, money, and nuclear facilities.

12-22-12, 06:20
Contact made; short personal message.

12-22-12, 07:28
I............no response yet.

12-22-12, 11:48
Aye, my US Senators and Representatives.

And will continue to do so.

I've also written Senators who aren't even from my state.

Representatives are next.

12-22-12, 11:55
I have emailed my rep and senator (I'm not even going to bother with Kaine) twice in the past two days.

12-22-12, 12:48
I just received a second letter from Senator Richard Shelby First was from Senator Jeff Sessions Both Pledge their Fight for the People and will Oppose any new Gun control Laws .

12-22-12, 23:32
I've done the email thing, as well as talked to a lobbyist that helps out my employer. He assured me that he and others he knows are bending the ears of everyone who will listen, D or R senator/rep.

12-22-12, 23:38
Recieved two emails back:

Rep Cory Gardner, R, CO: Opposes new gun control, focusing on mental health

Sen Mark Udall, D, CO: Gun owners are scary, only for hunting, national conversation needed etc etc.

12-23-12, 02:50
Recieved two emails back:

Rep Cory Gardner, R, CO: Opposes new gun control, focusing on mental health

Sen Mark Udall, D, CO: Gun owners are scary, only for hunting, national conversation needed etc etc.

My brother got the same e-mail from Cory Gardner.

I haven't been responded to, by any of them.

We wrote (still writing) all reps, congress, and senators.

12-23-12, 02:53
I sent emails to my state reps, however I will also write a letter as well. That usually takes almost a month to make it to their desk but its well worth it.

On another note...

This is an anti-gun poll that can be swayed in our favor if we can get some other members to vote!!


12-23-12, 05:28
I took my letters to DC and gave them to all of my reps. Granted I work 1/2 a mile from the capital building and I did talk with some very nice congressmen and women who will fight for us.

12-23-12, 07:13
I sent an email to Senator Dan Coats (via NRA) but I have a new Senator and a new U S Rep that I don't have contact info for. I will contact them after the new year.

Ned Christiansen
12-23-12, 08:56

12-23-12, 09:26
Yup...emailed them two days ago. Will send letters next week and plan to call when they get back in session.

Ash Hess
12-23-12, 10:27
Round one complete, with more going out after the holiday

12-23-12, 11:05
All contacted this morning.

Until that day,

12-23-12, 11:31
I will start On the Democrats of my state really strange to find out Most not all Are pro Gun Pro-second amendment Just before 2008 they scrambled to get New Laws opened up here Allowing SBR .during that go around I only had 2 that did not answer the question and dance around it

12-24-12, 10:31
In process today!


Including President and Vice President.

Researched first to include facts from US Code, DHS purchases, Founding documents and letters, philosophy of liberty in gov't.