View Full Version : Article To Ponder- "I'm A Dead Sandy Hook Teacher"

12-21-12, 12:50
This got me thinking and thought some others might appreciate it also. I'm just sad and mad about the whole thing. Just trying to wrap my mind around it.

Excerpts from the article...


Originally found here: http://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/

I want to tell you about my recent death. I will be brief, because I know there are many other stories to be told about my tragic day. I hope that my death brings about the the type of conversation that will help to prevent more unnecessary deaths of teachers and children, or of any persons caught in similar circumstances.

“My question still stands. You would still choose the shackles of tyranny over the life of yourself and your children. You feared the retribution of government more than you fear the retribution of God,” she said as she looked towards The Gate.

Officer Tally started, “You were taught to put your faith in men like us. Men who volunteered to step in harms way to protect and defend the defenseless, and we gladly did so.”
Sergeant Munson continued the thought, “But what they did not teach you was the part about you taking the personal responsibility for yourself in the event we cannot make it in time.”“…and we generally cannot make it in time,” Officer Tally finished.

“Your mistake was believing in man’s laws over God’s laws,” said Officer Tally.
“But we have to follow man’s laws…the Constitution,” I rebutted.
“No. God’s laws, and mankind’s Natural Born Rights existed long before the Constitution, long before the existence of the United States, or the nations of Europe, even before mankind learned to write. Man’s Rights are not given or guaranteed by governments. They are not subject to negotiation, dilution, curtailment, distribution, or removal by any man or government. They are YOUR Rights, given to mankind as a gift of Life. Only mankind can protect them, not governments.”

I didn’t have anything to say. Everything they were telling me made sense. I was personally responsible for my own life and Liberty. It wasn’t up to anyone else nor any government. I died because I had voluntarily relinquished my Right to self-defense, not because the police had not come to rescue me in time. They would never had made it in time.

“Yes. I get it: I am dead because I relinquished my God Given Natural Born Right to defend myself in lieu of a false belief that the police could do it for me when seconds mattered. I was not as free as I thought I was because I lived in fear of retribution from my government if I broke their laws. I was put in this unfortunate position by an overbearing government who forced me to choose between my job and my Liberties.

12-21-12, 14:27
I don't think it is very helpful to try and further our efforts with the suggestion teachers are dead because they refused to follow "Gods rules."

It is actually so offensive it isn't funny.

Take a moment to imagine a family member of yours died. Now imagine somebody came along and suggested it happened because they did not follow the Eight Fold Path of Buddha correctly and we must accept that suffering is the natural order of things.

12-21-12, 14:34
To ME, and me alone, it suggest to "Watch where I, (I) put MY, (MY) faith and trust. Just MY interpretation/opinion.

12-21-12, 14:39
I don't think it is very helpful to try and further our efforts with the suggestion teachers are dead because they refused to follow "Gods rules."

It is actually so offensive it isn't funny.

Take a moment to imagine a family member of yours died. Now imagine somebody came along and suggested it happened because they did not follow the Eight Fold Path of Buddha correctly and we must accept that suffering is the natural order of things.

Agreed. In very poor taste.

12-21-12, 14:39
I don't think it is very helpful to try and further our efforts with the suggestion teachers are dead because they refused to follow "Gods rules."

It is actually so offensive it isn't funny.

Take a moment to imagine a family member of yours died. Now imagine somebody came along and suggested it happened because they did not follow the Eight Fold Path of Buddha correctly and we must accept that suffering is the natural order of things.

Not my intent or perspective I took from the article. However, I see your point. To me this article reinforces a belief I've held for a long time. Self-defense is a basic human right. Each person carries the responsibility for their own self-defense (if possible of course, i.e. barring any physical/mental issue). The subject of unarmed schools is an issue close to me personally - so I found it thought provoking... personally.

12-21-12, 15:20
Not my intent or perspective I took from the article. However, I see your point. To me this article reinforces a belief I've held for a long time. Self-defense is a basic human right. Each person carries the responsibility for their own self-defense (if possible of course, i.e. barring any physical/mental issue). The subject of unarmed schools is an issue close to me personally - so I found it thought provoking... personally.

I couldn't agree with you more about the right to protect yourself being a basic human right. And if that was what the article said I'd be in absolutely agreement.

Unfortunately somebody decided to attach their religious agenda to it in a clumsy and poorly worded way that basically amounted "You died for not following Gods law."

Now most Christians can probably identify with that without being offended. But do you think they are the ones who are mostly in need of being reminded? I'm know anti gun Christians exist, but for them they have formed those opinions from their "interpretation" of the Bible and opinions of their church so they pretty much won't be swayed at all. Thankfully I don't think they are a significant number of the population that we need to be concerned with.

The people we need to reach are those who are typically non conservative in their views but will accept logic and reason to a certain extent. And here is an excellent example of how to make them understand.
