View Full Version : Learning to Shoot Left Handed due to vision.

12-21-12, 17:00
All Princess Bride jokes aside, I have an issue with my right eye. I shoot right handed. I am getting it checked out tomorrow but lets ask the "what if" questions. (Turns out I have a spare eye!)

Can you shoot a rifle right handed with a scope through your left eye or is it better to just switch to being a lefty?

Pistol or RDS is no issue-both eyes are used, the loss of one isn't an issue

Any Tips for switching to being a lefty?

12-21-12, 18:45
Post this in LAV's forum...

12-21-12, 18:59
I'm in a similar situation. I'm right handed, but my right eye has retina damage. Glasses can help a little but theirs no exact prescription that gives perfect sight. The light conditions seem to effect visibility quite a bit. It hasn't really effected my marksmanship too greatly. At close range with irons or RDS it has little effect. At longer ranges it becomes a minor problem. Shooting a pistol righty, you can cheat with your left eye. It just takes some adjustment. I've been slowing working on shooting lefty and been having good results. The toughest issue is with trigger control. With practice the footing and positions will start to feel more natural.

12-21-12, 19:11
If you are talking rifle then learning to shoot lefty is easy... practice. Manual Arms takes a few weeks of practice and alot of practice to make it instinctive under stress.

If you are actually going to switch to lefty pistol I do have some important advice. I had to do this switch for a year and it is really easy for your right hand to beat your left hand (with gun in left) when picking up the pistol on the draw causing you to sweep your right hand or arm because your right arm is trying to extend to the drive/push out like it always has, but unencumbered by actually drawing and having the pistol in your hand it moves really fast and the left side which usually moves at that speed is now slow as it is drawing and has weight of gun. Sounds weird, but under stress at speed my right would beat my left out front and get swept by muzzle. I just had to force myself to slow down and practice. My accuracy did improve greatly shooting a year lefty as I had to concentrate on perfect fundamentals or I would kak it up everytime. Good luck!