View Full Version : Boxing

02-24-08, 09:16
I really don't follow the sport that much, but when scanning the sports sections of the news one sees Russian names mentioned more and more often in this sport (especially in the heavyweight division).

Are the Russians starting to dominate in this particular sport or is it just a few names I'm seeing?

02-24-08, 15:40
ive kinda gotten away from it in the last few years.but the heavyweight division has(has had) alot of eastern Europeans in the top 10 or so,in recent years.

been a long time since i was really a fan of the heavyweights...one of the shallower divisions,has been for some time.

02-25-08, 23:51
It seems like HW is lost it's appeal. At least to me. And the Russian didn't do too well last time.

02-26-08, 12:26
UFC and MMA in general is where it's at my friends. People still watch regular old boxing :p

02-26-08, 12:30
There has been a void of charismatic talent in the HW division so I dont watch it much anymore.

Eastern Euro's and Eurasia fighters are lackluster usually and way overhyped