View Full Version : Anyone have experience with SA XDS .45?

12-25-12, 20:40
Got a real nice gift certificate today from a great wife. I don't usually buy guns at my LGS, but that's how she set this up. A co-worker has an XDS and really likes it. I fondled it and think I'd like it too. Plenty of opportunity for hot weather CCW around here.

Problem is, I already have a Ruger LC9 as a backup on duty. I've carried it off duty occasionally but I'm not a huge fan of the 9 for SD. I also own a much-loved G27, a G30 and a G29SF that fill the role of hot weather guns often. The 27 has seen more miles than a Turkish taxicab. Those of you who have one... Do I need an XDS or should I just do the smart thing and invest in another AR before Obama Claus takes em away? How do they shoot? What kind of accuracy and velocity are you getting out of them? Thanks for the replies.

12-25-12, 21:08
Better choices. Been discussed.


12-25-12, 21:20
I like the XDS.. Mine runs just fine and will put "big-ole" bullets on the target.. It carry's very well too.. I have a M&P Shield as well and although it's a better shooter at the range, I'd just as soon have the XDs for a carry pistol.. Ron

12-27-12, 17:39
That other thread if full of childish flaming and useless opinions based on brand loyalties. It is all too common. Some people just like to bark out baseless opinions without any real basis.
I have an XDS and I will decide if it becomes my carry gun based on how I perform with it. I tend to buy all sorts of handguns and many rarely leave the safe. Usually, it has to do more with me than the handgun.

So far, what I can say is that the XDS is new and that makes long term prospects tough to guess at. It really fits my pocket in a proper pocket holster. It may look close to the Glock 27 in size, but I am unable to pocket carry the Glock 27.

One final thing to remind people is that smaller handguns make greater demands on the shooter. The little handguns just forgive sloppy handling less than service sized ones. Also, springs are stiffer on the little guns.

Small and pocket sized is a compromise in several ways, and some are just unwilling or able to deal with the compromise.