View Full Version : SC Senator Files Bill Exempting Fireams Mfg in SC from Fed Regs

12-29-12, 05:49

The "South Carolina Firearms Freedom Act" provides that a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Carolina is exempt from federal regulation under the commerce clause of the Constitution of the United States.

I understand Montana is fighting the same type bill in federal court now and really hope they are sucessful.

If you can't get through to them running head on....go end around.

States Rights.....Get Some!

12-29-12, 07:29
I've sent this around to as many folks as I can. Every little bit helps, plus it's no secret I am smitten by a certain rifle series mfg'd by FN which just happens to be here in SC:)

12-29-12, 08:09
Good for you gents for not dicking around, and taking at least a litter shelter under what here especially in Alabama still hold holy...State's Rights. I've said for years and years now that SR will become more and more prevalent in this country as time goes on.

Abe's war of Northern Aggression highly diminished State's Rights, but those in the South have kept the concept alive, and well.

12-29-12, 08:39
I guess Windham Weaponry ARs aren't the worst choice I could have for in-state produced firearms..

12-29-12, 09:00
Good on SC. I'll have to look at FL's State Rights to see if there's anything compatible.

12-29-12, 09:06
SCOTUS has already ruled intrastate commerce is under the jurisdiction of the Feds because it has an effect on interstate commerce.


12-29-12, 10:18
John C. Calhoun would be proud. I expect the issue of Nullification to once again be a hot topic - just as it was prior to the Civil War.

12-29-12, 14:52
Good on SC. I'll have to look at FL's State Rights to see if there's anything compatible.
We don't have anything like that and don't count on Gov. Scott getting on board. If Charlie "eternal tanned now with a wife beard" Christ runs in 2014 forget about it forever.