View Full Version : Is FACEBOOK deleting ALL/ANY Gun Related Accnts?

Straight Shooter
12-29-12, 12:43
Just read an article, Im sorry, cant remember from whom, from a gun related organization, who had their account suspended, and was given a "final warning" before being totally banned, ALL BECAUSE they used a quote from Ghandi that criticised the British for dis-arming the Indian people of weapons. They further say that
FB is "systematically deleting" all accounts relating to firearms, or accounts with "pro-gun messages".
Now, as one who could give a **** one way or another if FB lives or dies, as I AINT on it, and WONT EVER BE on it, I still find this troubling if true.
ANOTHER form of one way censorship....and if true, ought to be/could be/might be even illegal. Any word on this? And thoughts about the legality of such a move?

UPDATE: The source is Drudge Report...and the banned company is Natural News.com.
Never heard of them myself, but the article is up on Drudge right now.

12-29-12, 12:48
Ha! I'm sure it has nothing to do with Zuckerberg operating hand in glove with the Administration...

Evil Colt 6920
12-29-12, 12:57
I just checked my FB, first thing I saw was gun porn courtesy of Stickman.

12-29-12, 13:03
Larue is still up too.

12-29-12, 13:19
I haven't seen it happening.

Straight Shooter
12-29-12, 13:22
Gents...again, I do NOT know if this is true, or not.
Appears to be. Im sure there are thousands of gun related sites, and if true, would take awhile to get all of them.
For the vendors and shooters, and those seeking knowledge on FB, I hope this aint true.
On another note..during times like this, there is always misinformation, lies, and just flat wrong info being handed out by BOTH sides, so we must wade thru the chaff to get to the wheat.

12-29-12, 14:24
Some of the references I saw to suspended accounts were mostly personal accounts, not manufacturer/vendors. I'm suspecting it was due to things they were posting, i.e. 'subversive,' threatening, offensive... It doesn't really say precisely what was removed or caused their accounts to be suspended/deactivated, it's a little vague, IMO.

Here is the article I saw, from End Time Headlines. (http://endtimeheadlines.wordpress.com/2012/12/27/facebook-purges-pro-gun-accounts/) There are other links in the article, but I didn't look beyond this link.

12-29-12, 14:40
Picture deleted with Ghandi's quote, "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."


Added: For doubters, here is the quote on googlebooks:


12-29-12, 14:45
I read the same thing, mine is still up. Wouldn't suprise me, as free speech and such only apply when the leftist media approves of the message.

12-29-12, 15:27
This is the link (http://www.examiner.com/article/facebook-becomes-big-brother-closes-pro-gun-accounts) I saw people sharing about this issue, but given the religious tinfoil in the (original) article I figured once Stickman's pics are gone I'll know for sure whether there was any truth to the matter.

It might be that someone (or a group) chose to report these accounts as being offensive, and that's why they went down - not that Facebook themselves were taking them down on their own volition.

Oh, and here's the updated version of the article:

Facebook becomes Big Brother, closes pro-gun accounts

UPDATE 12/28/2012: As of 6 pm EDT today, it appears that many of the accounts have been reestablished. However, it is impossible to be sure because of name similarities, and duplications. We have checked all names on the PrisonPlanet.com article and find that, when searched, most of them are active.

Today, Dec. 27, 2012, it has come to our attention that Facebook is purging accounts that show a leaning toward pro-gun rights, meaning the Second Amendment of the U. S. Constitution; as well as anything to do with pro-liberty information.

According to DarkPolitricks.com, Facebook is in the midst of a censorship purging that has been accelerating. According to the website, the purging of the pro-gun accounts is continuing with a great deal of fervor.

This is just one of the ways that the Bible tells us that things will begin to happen. However, we must keep in mind that the Bible (mainly) discusses the end time’s scenario as being government control of our lives.

But, if we look at the bigger picture, we can find many ways in which the government is involved with the Internet. Facebook is just one of those Cyber Firms that the government may be able to influence.

The whole thing started today, according to PrisonPlanet.com when;

“NaturalNews.com’s Mike Adams contacted us (PrisonPlanet.com) to alert us to the fact that “Facebook banned our account for posting this,” with an attached image of a Gandhi quote about how the British disarmed the citizenry during their rule in India.”

This is just the beginning. We can expect more of this kind of response from other Internet entities in the near future. We will see many more attempts to stifle our God given right of free speech, which is also guaranteed by the U. S. Constitution. Will Twitter be next to limit our God given rights of free speech?

12-29-12, 16:26
AJ is also talking about it. Is it true, I don't know.


12-29-12, 17:22
From the bits of information I've pieced together, it seems as though if enough of the Facebook collective doesn't like a posting, and flags it, Facebook's attention is drawn to it and they then block the person's page, and issue a warning to the owner. The owner can then apply to get their page back, and are cautioned that if they violate Facebook's rules again, they can be banned.

Unfortunately, Facebook does not make it clear as to what their rules are, so people like Mike Adams and his Natural News page, don't know exactly what they can or cannot post. Makes it tough to not break the rules when you don't know what they are.

Then again, perhaps there is an algorithm within Facebook's code, and depending on what you post, it self flags you, who knows? It's a private company, and they can ban or delete what they want. It's not unlike the MSM: they promote the viewpoints that further their agenda.

This is only anecdotal, but several months back (prior to the election) I tried posting a story from FoxNews.com to Facebook about the Benghazi attack, and despite trying 15 times over two days, I was never able to post that story. Talking with like minded friends, they were not able to post similar stories either, including that same story.

Unsurprisingly, there does not seem to be a problem with people posting anti-gun rhetoric, or calling for the murder of NRA officials.

12-29-12, 17:23
All of the Facebook pages for firearms companies that I like are still up

12-29-12, 17:48
True or not, it wouldn't surprise me.

As a former FB user, I'm really glad I deleted my account last year.

FB is truly, no joke, filled with mostly superficial BS. I cant speak for all, but my time on there, I observed nothing but people all displaying their "Front". People I knew would engineer their profiles to be perceived as they envisioned themselves.... Legends in their own minds.

Screw FB.

12-29-12, 17:52
I do like FB for getting in touch with old friends I've lost contact with over the years. But obviously you want to limit how much personal stuff you put on there.

12-29-12, 17:55
There is no such thing as free speech when it comes to Facebook or M4C for that matter. They're privately owned websites and the owners can decide what they decide to allow on their bandwidth.

There are many people who've posted things here on M4C who have their posts deleted and there are people who get banned from here as well due to their posted beliefs.

I don't agree with FB deleting or censoring people's accounts but it is what it is.

12-29-12, 17:59
I don't agree with FB deleting or censoring people's accounts but it is what it is.
I would say that it depends on why they are being deleted (or censored.) I have no problem WHATSOEVER with the Westboro Baptist Church being censored or banned for life, but that's just me.

12-29-12, 20:19
I just checked my FB, first thing I saw was gun porn courtesy of Stickman.

Ohhhhh, the gun porn from Stickman.... I can relate.

12-29-12, 20:27
I have South MS gun traders FB page open in another window.

12-29-12, 20:47
I think if enough people report a posting or website then it automatically gets closed until FB staff reviews it. One of my Army pages that Im on had a picture of a young boy dressed up in USMC dress blues for Halloween. That picture got taken down. The page mods said it was because someone reported it. They then put the picture back up the next day.

12-29-12, 21:55
Smells like an urban legend-in-the-making.

filthy phil
12-30-12, 06:32
a gun dealer who i know regularly posts pics on fb ranging from guns for sale to anti obama.
yesterday he was on there talking about the outrageous prices of 45acp at the george r brown gun show here in houston.
this is the same guy that recently raised the prices of his lower tier ar15's to $2000:rolleyes: