View Full Version : Rand Paul: NDAA bill removed protections of citizens against indefinite detention...

12-29-12, 13:05
Looks like the amendment in the NDAA to make sure Americans in the US are given a fair trial was removed in the conference committee.

Conference committee is when each sides of Congress have a bill which differs slightly so the two sides get together, and agree to a bill which will be presented for a vote to both sides...once passed goes to the President to sign.


12-29-12, 13:23
Senator Rand Paul also sought to amend the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) to provide additional 4th amendment protections for Americans against warrantless wiretaps. Paul's amendment, as well as additional amendments proposed by other senators to require closer oversight of the numerous clandestine operations by American intelligence agencies eavesdropping on U.S. citizens, was stripped from the bill by the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

So who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee? The Honorable Dianne Feinstein. Apparently she cares as much about the 4th amendment as she does the 2nd.

Singlestack Wonder
12-29-12, 13:32
You will not see this in the mainstream media. Of course most Americans now are lemurs and love the concept of government providing for them as well as making decisions for them.

12-29-12, 14:11
I'm not surprised one bit.

12-29-12, 14:45
Oh for FFS. Didnt Kentucky just elect two more representatives that are libertarian minded like Rand Paul? These are the folks we need to be electing.

ETA: Looks like they are close to getting the number of free staters they wanted to move to NH. How about we make some please like KY or TN the next free state target?

12-29-12, 15:07
Oh for FFS. Didnt Kentucky just elect two more representatives that are libertarian minded like Rand Paul? These are the folks we need to be electing.

ETA: Looks like they are close to getting the number of free staters they wanted to move to NH. How about we make some please like KY or TN the next free state target?

Yup. He is great and we need more people like him.

Discussing stuffing the Hurricane Sandy Relief with pork: http://youtu.be/-Q0M0jq5RJU

12-29-12, 15:08
Senator Rand Paul also sought to amend the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) to provide additional 4th amendment protections for Americans against warrantless wiretaps. Paul's amendment, as well as additional amendments proposed by other senators to require closer oversight of the numerous clandestine operations by American intelligence agencies eavesdropping on U.S. citizens, was stripped from the bill by the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

So who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee? The Honorable Dianne Feinstein. Apparently she cares as much about the 4th amendment as she does the 2nd.

It's not just her. Both sides vote nearly 100% for these crappy freedom robbing bills.

Discussing FISA: http://youtu.be/CIyLlXBcbjo

12-29-12, 16:21
It's not just her. Both sides vote nearly 100% for these crappy freedom robbing bills.

Sig line. Third entry.

12-29-12, 16:40
So Feinstein does not want Mr. and Mrs. America to have the right to bear arms and the right to be protected from illegal searches and seizures. Gee, I wonder what road this leads us down. :help:

12-29-12, 17:44

12-29-12, 19:57
Well, at least if they relocate me to Heart Mountain my family will be able to visit me on the weekends.

12-29-12, 20:33
Well, at least if they relocate me to Heart Mountain my family will be able to visit me on the weekends.

The Japanese internment camps is a very interesting topic and unknown to many Americans like the Bonus Marchers and other outside the mainstream stuff I like to read about.

12-29-12, 20:51
The Japanese internment camps is a very interesting topic and unknown to many Americans like the Bonus Marchers and other outside the mainstream stuff I like to read about.

The Internment camps are decently well known, but few probably know of the crushing of the Bonus Marchers.

12-29-12, 21:22
The Internment camps are decently well known, but few probably know of the crushing of the Bonus Marchers.

I'll bet if you took an "on the street" type poll of average Americans you'd get a lot of blank stares, especially with the under 45 group. Amongst gun people and those who have similar interests to ours the rates would invariably be higher. I think you're overestimating the average knowledge base of your fellow citizens, or I could be wrong.