View Full Version : My Brother's Leather Work

12-30-12, 13:02
One of my brother's is currently in dental school and in what little spare time he has, he has taken to making leather goods. He's making this for a friend of mine, and I had to share it as I am extremely proud of how it's turning out. This is only about the 10th item he has made. The others are ipod cases & business card cases. So here goes...



12-30-12, 13:05
Very nice, a work of art!

12-30-12, 14:42
He has some talent there.

12-30-12, 20:28
I enjoy fine leather work and that is real fine. What kind of leather is he using there? It looks like some kind of alligator or caiman or is it just printed cow hide?

Either way good work.