View Full Version : It's going to be funny...

01-01-13, 23:25
When no ban happens and all these fools that are blowing two, three and even four or more times the real value of stuff to get it NOW NOW NOW realize that they got royally F%^KED.

And I'm just the asshole who will be happy to say I told ya so.... repeatedly.

01-02-13, 04:30
When no ban happens and all these fools that are blowing two, three and even four or more times the real value of stuff to get it NOW NOW NOW realize that they got royally F%^KED.

And I'm just the asshole who will be happy to say I told ya so.... repeatedly.

Yeah, it feels good to not need anything and having to worry about future availability and prices. .:p

01-02-13, 05:44
It's going to be even funnier when something does pass and people pay even more than what they are paying now.

I'm glad you are so confident that nothing is going to come of this.

01-02-13, 06:08
It's going to be even funnier when something does pass and people pay even more than what they are paying now.

I'm glad you are so confident that nothing is going to come of this.

Fair enough IG. I just don't think that there is much hope of getting anything done. The last one barely made it with a dem congress. The legislative branch is even more hopelessly dysfunctional now than it was then. And despite how loudly the anti's are yelling and trying to make it sound like the vast majority of people want to see a gun ban, I just don't think there's enough people behind it for these whores to want to risk their seats by voting for any new gun legislation, especially something as drastic as what swinestien wants.

01-02-13, 06:52
It's going to be even funnier when something does pass and people pay even more than what they are paying now.

I'm glad you are so confident that nothing is going to come of this.

Yup. I'm not confident in our "pro gun" Congress members. I'm certain the bill will pass in the Senate and go to the House.

01-02-13, 07:16
Yup. I'm not confident in our "pro gun" Congress members. I'm certain the bill will pass in the Senate and go to the House.

I'm not confident either, especially with all the crazy shit they have been shoving down our throats lately, and the willingness of most of the population to accept bigger govt and less freedom.

TBH, even the ban doesn't come this time, paying a few hundred extra for a rifle isn't a huge problem if you can afford it, because at least you have it.

01-02-13, 07:19
I will be caustious and stay on the side of LL and IG with a optimistic hope Bolt Catch is right.

It is ironic that we have both definitions of cynical in this thread already.

1. Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.

2. Doubtful as to whether something will happen or is worthwhile.

01-02-13, 07:22
I'm not confident either, especially with all the crazy shit they have been shoving down our throats lately, and the willingness of most of the population to accept bigger govt and less freedom.

TBH, even the ban doesn't come this time, paying a few hundred extra for a rifle isn't a huge problem if you can afford it, because at least you have it.

I told my dad this when he asked me about buying a M4 the day of the shooting. He had a Colt 6920 or Sig m400 he could have gotten for cheap (standard walmart price) and he said he could get a better deal. I told him he could have two verse one. Now he is waiting on a S&W rifle that may or may not get to him. At least my brother bought the bushmaster but I had been telling these people to get a M4 and a Glock for a long time. Only Glocks they could find were Glock 23's so that is what they both got. At least they can find ammo in 40.

01-02-13, 08:51
When no ban happens and all these fools that are blowing two, three and even four or more times the real value of stuff to get it NOW NOW NOW realize that they got royally F%^KED.

And I'm just the asshole who will be happy to say I told ya so.... repeatedly.

Why good heavens, thanks so much for that precious tid-bit of information. And do check in more often.

01-02-13, 09:42
I think it is a good possibility that something will happen.

Look what the clowns just did to us monetarily.

01-02-13, 09:45
I agree the political scene is a bit fragmented and the possibility of passing a unmolested Feinstein AWB is long in the odds department.

But just give it one more mass shooting to place a little more steam behind the movement and I believe we could at least see a Hi-Cap Magazine ban and a high Federal tax on ammunition and reloading supplies.

Once the above shows it has no affect on crime or shootings and another nut case or two turns a public place into a shooting gallery then I think some type of AWB will hit the books.

01-02-13, 10:19
Given this political climate we have right now....I would NOT be so certain that we will get no ban at all.

How so?

Well, 4 years ago, if I told you that Obama would double the price of gasoline, wreck the housing market, insult all small business owners and keep the unemployment rate around 8%....AND....get re-elected....you would all call me nuts.

However, that exact thing has happened. Not only did it happen, but Obama receives almost zero blame for these bad things.

So yeah....I would NOT write off the possibility of getting at least a 1994 styled ban in the next month or so.

Besides, didn't we just see the GOP basically cave and give Obama what he wanted in the so called "fiscal cliff" negotiations? I believe we did.

So while I applaud your optimism....I would not start celebrating yet.

Another thing that is not in our favor is the fact that big media has been very vocal in their anti-gun activities and the general mood towards guns in general in America is not that great right now.


01-02-13, 10:31
I believe we could at least see a Hi-Cap Magazine ban and a high Federal tax on ammunition and reloading supplies.

This is an approach I have heard multiple times from gun control advocates. And it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Did everybody just see that old Chris Rock routine about stopping gang banger violence by making bullets cost $5000?

If the focus is to curtail mass shootings, which are statistically insignificant when placed in the context of overall gun violence, what possible benefit does taxing the shit out of ammunition provide? These shooters end up firing 50-100 rounds. A couple of boxes. With the planning we generally see, affording the ammunition is not a limiting factor.

The only folks that get screwed by jacking up ammo prices are volume shooters and these are overwhelmingly law-abiding gun enthusiasts with a passion for shooting sports. It's just flat out stupid.

01-02-13, 10:36
Ahh but the focus is not REALLY to curtail shootings.

The "focus" is on controlling those with guns and making gun ownership more of a hassle and more expensive.

Read between the lines.....with the gun owners hampered....it will make it easier to pass even more restrictive measures and control more of our lives.

A carbon tax, amnesty for illegals, higher income taxes, more currency manipulation....all easier when gun owners are hamstrung.

THAT is the real goal...never forget that. the lawmakers live behind gates and send their kids to nice private schools and don't really give a fig about stopping the shootings.


01-02-13, 10:54
The Dems have the Senate and the WH. I don't get a warm fuzzy depending on a bunch of spineless twits to stand between me and new stupid laws.

As PhilaPD said, looks at all the outrageous stuff Obama has gotten away with so far. And then to have a few of the "A" rated congressmen turn coat before there is even any legislation.

I agree with Bolt Over that there is no rational reason to believe anything will come of this, but this Congress has proved it will do the unthinkable an not even blink.

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 11:40
Yall watch & see.....right about the time they are set to debate/vote on wacky asses Fienstiens bill, there will be ANOTHER mass shooting. Within a couple of days before the vote, or even the day of the vote. I used to keep a record of this many many years ago, it has happened literally a dozen or more times.
Ive always thought that........fishy.:confused:
This could sway even more votes her way, if so.

01-02-13, 11:48
While I do honestly believe what I said, this is going to blow over. That doesn't mean that I am not going to be warily paying attention to the goings on.

I don't expect a car wreak on the way home from work, but that doesn't mean I'm cancelling my insurance.

My confidence is in the elected officials, not that they will do the right thing, but that they care more about not doing anything that could possibly cost them their seats. In the end I really think that it boils down to what they believe will be their best shot at self preservation.

As for my derision aimed at those who have driven prices through the roof, both the buyers (idiots) and sellers (free market, whatever), if you don't like the opinion, well, that's within your rights.

01-02-13, 12:08
The same elected officials that ye have so much faith in also voted for Obamacare, TARP and all kinds of crap and most are still in office.

While I do honestly believe what I said, this is going to blow over. That doesn't mean that I am not going to be warily paying attention to the goings on.

I don't expect a car wreak on the way home from work, but that doesn't mean I'm cancelling my insurance.

My confidence is in the elected officials, not that they will do the right thing, but that they care more about not doing anything that could possibly cost them their seats. In the end I really think that it boils down to what they believe will be their best shot at self preservation.

As for my derision aimed at those who have driven prices through the roof, both the buyers (idiots) and sellers (free market, whatever), if you don't like the opinion, well, that's within your rights.

01-02-13, 12:08
We effectively have a AWB now, as well as a ammo ban. 5.56mm gone, .223 gone, .308 gone, AR's gone. That is unless you can find stuff that I can't. Even bolt guns chambered for .223 and .308 have evaporated. I just don't see things getting better anytime soon.. either way.. JMO.. Ron

Actually, I believe ammo is our weak link. If they get control of the ammo, what good will the firearm be?

01-02-13, 12:43
Well we all know Feinstein will push her AWB bill, that's a given. I think it's a little too radical but Congress has already proven they have no idea what they're doing.

Then Joe is going to present his findings around the end of January/beginning of February. Nobody knows what that fruit loop is going to recommend.

And then Obama still has EO at his disposal. That's the scariest of all.

I think we're going to get slapped pretty good with this one regardless of who gets their way. At the very least I think we'll see an end to all private sales, deeper background checks and NFA on all semi-autos.

My 2 cents

Edited: and yes it's nice to not need anything but I sure do want a few more things :-)

01-02-13, 14:57
And then Obama still has EO at his disposal.

But he doesn't and he knows it, he simply intends to try to use it anyway. By definition he can't use EO for an AWB. Not saying he won't try, but no one has an obligation to follow it.

Nobody knows what that fruit loop is going to recommend.

This made me laugh. Hard. lol.

01-02-13, 15:31
When no ban happens and all these fools that are blowing two, three and even four or more times the real value of stuff to get it NOW NOW NOW realize that they got royally F%^KED.

And I'm just the asshole who will be happy to say I told ya so.... repeatedly.

Counting your chickens before they hatch ehh . . . :nono:

Feinswine and her ilk have had this "new" ban written up before the sun set on the last one. The anti's have been waiting for the right Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS, et al. and just the right polarizing events for the state ran media to sensationalize the sheep into a stampede.

Stay ever vigilant gents, the fight has yet to begin.

01-02-13, 15:34
I don't think there's much, if anything, to be called funny when an entire right & amendment hangs in the balance.

01-02-13, 16:02
I don't think there's much, if anything, to be called funny when an entire right & amendment hangs in the balance.

Better to laugh than cry.

01-02-13, 16:16
It has been my experience thus far that we are far more certain than the liberal crowd that something is going to pass. Of the ones I've spoken with anyway, they seem very unsure gun control will make any progress.

01-02-13, 17:39
What concerns me is how the manufactures will fair in the future with the market getting so saturated now.

01-02-13, 17:40
It has been my experience thus far that we are far more certain than the liberal crowd that something is going to pass. Of the ones I've spoken with anyway, they seem very unsure gun control will make any progress.

All the more reason to pour it on, hold fast, and not give up any ground. Sandy Hook will not be the last "random" mass shooting.

brushy bill
01-02-13, 17:51
Sandy Hook will not be the last "random" mass shooting.

Every time I read an overly confident, smug post, I think the same...and what if it is very near term...can you imagine how that will go over?? Let's hope and pray there is no more lunacy in the works.

brushy bill
01-02-13, 17:54
Yup. I'm not confident in our "pro gun" Congress members. I'm certain the bill will pass in the Senate and go to the House.

I'm afraid LL's prognistication is squarely on target.

01-02-13, 18:03
When no ban happens and all these fools that are blowing two, three and even four or more times the real value of stuff to get it NOW NOW NOW realize that they got royally F%^KED.

And I'm just the asshole who will be happy to say I told ya so.... repeatedly.

Keep thinking that....

01-02-13, 18:29
It certainly is nice to not NEED. But there are quite a few things I still want.

I dunno, I guess I'm just trying to be positive about it.

Well we all know Feinstein will push her AWB bill, that's a given. I think it's a little too radical but Congress has already proven they have no idea what they're doing.

Then Joe is going to present his findings around the end of January/beginning of February. Nobody knows what that fruit loop is going to recommend.

And then Obama still has EO at his disposal. That's the scariest of all.

I think we're going to get slapped pretty good with this one regardless of who gets their way. At the very least I think we'll see an end to all private sales, deeper background checks and NFA on all semi-autos.

My 2 cents

Edited: and yes it's nice to not need anything but I sure do want a few more things :-)

01-02-13, 18:35

01-02-13, 18:49

POTUS wants to make legal illegal aliens who enter the country illegally and make illegal legal firearms that are a Constitutional right to bear . . . and to think people still do not perceive this man to be a threat to our Nation.

01-02-13, 22:27
POTUS wants to make legal illegal aliens who enter the country illegally and make illegal legal firearms that are a Constitutional right to bear . . . and to think people still do not perceive this man to be a threat to our Nation.

And to think, there is compelling evidence, that he's not even legally able to occupy the office he currently does. A major US sheriffs dept issued a press release stating that their investigation into his long form BC had concluded it was a fraudulent document!

Both the the sheriff, and his investigators were laughed off derisively as "birthers", by both the democratic media machine, and the Obama Justice dept...which are bascially the same agency...

01-02-13, 22:35
and the general mood towards guns in general in America is not that great right now.


Uhm...so we've been in 4 years of nonstop record re-setting sales and more AR/AK +CCW's than ever ...and our mood isn't pro gun? I'm confused. Oh yeah, the idiots on TV, well, they've always been NYC and LA leftists and so now they're upping their anti gun squawking mostly out of confusion and irritation at the real America becoming more pro gun culturally.

01-03-13, 00:45
Not very funny. http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/local&id=8940209

01-03-13, 00:57
You know what **** it. Bring all the ban you want and eventually another shooting will happen, god forbid probably worse. There are so many "weak" places where shooters can do a lot of damage. Then after that happens, I would like to see their face. They'll be scratching their heads thinking "hmmm... We just passed this and still getting a lot of shootings". But you know what, is our fault in the end. We the people chose those dumbasses in congress, most of us voted for them.

And when I mean we I mean the general population, didn't vote democrat and never will. Half of my paycheck goes to the ****ing unemployed abusing the EBT and welfare that sits at home smoking crack.

01-03-13, 14:13
Apparently there is, as of this time, a separate 10 round mag bill being introduced by another female Democrat, trying to make it's way through the House. We will have to continue to remain vigilant and write our elected officials to not let this bill see the light of day. Since the Dems picked up a few more seat, the CT shooting still fresh in their minds, and a few Republicans may vote for it, in order to get concessions for other legislation, it may very well pass. Boehner needs to kill this bill on arrival and prevent it from going up for a vote.


01-03-13, 14:17
I think it's too uphill a climb for a real AWB or semi-auto NFA registration.

However, I do think that a magazine capacity limit is a plausable possibility.

I do however, believe that we CAN stop it.

01-03-13, 14:23
I think it's too uphill a climb for a real AWB or semi-auto NFA registration.

However, I do think that a magazine capacity limit is a plausable possibility.

I do however, believe that we CAN stop it.

Agreed. Even my most liberal friends don't really care about a mag ban. They want it, but they're not passionate or rabid for it.

If we write/call our congressmen like hell, I think they'll realize there are a lot more votes to lose by voting for a mag ban than to gain.

Doc Safari
01-03-13, 14:29
All we have to do is delay, delay, delay, IMHO.

The longer it drags out, the less chance it has to pass.

01-03-13, 14:39
There are many of words to describe what's going on in the gun industry right now, and what's going on in congress about whether or not to restrict our rights concerning the ownership of advanced firearms... However, "funny" is not one that comes to mind.

I hope you're right that it all blows over.

01-03-13, 15:03
You know what **** it. Bring all the ban you want and eventually another shooting will happen, god forbid probably worse. There are so many "weak" places where shooters can do a lot of damage. Then after that happens, I would like to see their face. They'll be scratching their heads thinking "hmmm... We just passed this and still getting a lot of shootings". But you know what, is our fault in the end. We the people chose those dumbasses in congress, most of us voted for them.

And when I mean we I mean the general population, didn't vote democrat and never will. Half of my paycheck goes to the ****ing unemployed abusing the EBT and welfare that sits at home smoking crack.

When/if that happens, there won't be one head scratched, instead it WILL BE THE TIME WHEN OUR DOORS GET KICKED DOWN, and all the guns confiscated, it has already been done in cities.

01-03-13, 16:01
POTUS wants to make legal illegal aliens who enter the country illegally and make illegal legal firearms that are a Constitutional right to bear . . . and to think people still do not perceive this man to be a threat to our Nation.

DITTO !!!!!!!

01-03-13, 17:43
I pray the OP's premise is correct and that nothing happens regarding a ban of any kind. If all that happens is that prices are inflated and gun/ammo companies show good 1st quarter profits, I will be a happy man.

Unfortunately, this seems far from over: http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2013/01/menino_veep_promised_him_fast_action_gun_control

brushy bill
01-03-13, 17:56
I pray the OP's premise is correct and that nothing happens regarding a ban of any kind. If all that happens is that prices are inflated and gun/ammo companies show good 1st quarter profits, I will be a happy man.

Unfortunately, this seems far from over: http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2013/01/menino_veep_promised_him_fast_action_gun_control

I fear you won't be happy then.

01-03-13, 18:23
I fear you won't be happy then.

Agreed. Wish I didn't.

brushy bill
01-03-13, 18:46
And for the record, I fail to find anything remotely humerous in any of the recent threats to our liberties...not even a glean of "funny".

01-03-13, 21:38
A letter from the RNC came today asking for money. I threw it straight in the trash.