View Full Version : Charles Schumers response

01-02-13, 15:29
Wrote Charles Schumer expressing that I disagree with any and all gun bans and stated many facts about guns especially military style guns and spoke of the lies about them in the mouths of politicians and how facts are always ignored.
Here is his vague response with no talk about ar15s etc and no stance about a ban.
Typical bullshit. New York is really in trouble seeing that most politicians here agree with a ban on military style rifles or even worse, a ban on anything but spoons and dull pencils.

Dear Mr. Lamiroult:

Thank you for contacting me regarding gun control legislation. Like you, I believe the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution’s Second Amendment. The recent Supreme Court decisions reinforced this fact, but I believed that this was the case prior to those decisions.

While I certainly respect the Second Amendment to the Constitution, I believe that we have a collective interest in keeping guns out of the hands of those who want to harm the innocent. I believe it is possible to strike a reasonable balance. I have long advocated for faster and more accurate background checks so legal purchasers can receive their guns quickly while ensuring criminals do not illegally purchase and possess firearms. In 2011, I proposed S. 436, the Fix Gun Checks Act to provide more funding to states to compile required background data for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). This legislation builds on the National Rifle Association-supported NICS Improvements Amendment Act, passed by Congress in 2007. Ensuring that this information is comprehensive and up to date will protect law enforcement from criminals with illegally obtained weapons while speeding up the process for purchasing legal firearms.

You may also be pleased to know that I have successfully fought to create new opportunities for law abiding citizens to exercise their right to use guns. For example, in the 109th Congress, I secured federal money to expand the scarce hunting grounds in New York State by creating a financial incentive for private landowners to allow hunters access to their property.

Thank you for contacting me about this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can ever be of assistance to you on this, or any other matter.


Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator

Please do not respond to this email. To send another message please visit my website at https://schumer.senate.gov/Contact/contact_chuck.cfm . Thank you.

01-02-13, 15:33
Collective interest eh? Guy doesn't mention all his anti-gun BS.Try writing him from a liberal perspective, and you'll get a different form letter back. Talks out of both sides of his mouth.

01-02-13, 15:35


01-02-13, 15:37
Absolutely. He's such crap. My state is screwed. Hope I'm wrong. Senator Diaz's proposal looks worse than Feinsteins.

01-02-13, 15:38
Ah yes once again the issue boils down to denying criminals, 'fairness', and guns are ok to hunt with.

Makes me want to scream.


01-02-13, 15:41
Me too. A ban here in NY will be much easier to pass than a federal one. Leaves us with the option of doing whatever they say or resistance. I've written and called a bunch of NY politicians. When that fails because of their bullying and blinding what can one do? If I move, it means I left my wife as she refuses to leave.

Pork Chop
01-02-13, 15:41
Ah yes once again the issue boils down to denying criminals and guns are ok to hunt with.

Makes me want to scream.



I get so damn tired of arguing that topic with people. " Do you hunt with it?" :(

It's exhausting.

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 15:47
THIS is the same mo-fo that for DECADES said the 2nd Amendment
DID NOT guarantee an individual, but "collective" right. I distinctly
remember him saying that DOZENS of times in the eighties.
I also remember the absolute hissy fit he had over Glock pistols...or as he, the media, and Hollywood at the time were calling them.."ceramic guns". He yelled & screamed for YEARS about glocks being able to go thru an xray "completely undetectable". O **** we heard this shit of his for YEARS & YEARS. He can BULLSHIT some who werent around, or are not old enough to remember, but MANY of us still do. HE NEVER EVER RECOGNISED THE 2A UNTILL THE SCOTUS JAMMED IT DOWN HIS THROAT, PERIOD. This ****stick has hollered, screamed and cried about everything from "Saturday Night Specials"...to " Hi-Powered Sniper Rifles".."Assault Rifles..MachineGuns"..."Cop Killer Bullets"..."Black Talon Ammunition...how it RIPS & SPINS THRU flesh"...and so much more complete and total shit Ive forgotten more than Ive listed here. He is a TOTAL ANTI-HUNTER also. He aint foolin nobody nowhere. I hope.

01-02-13, 15:51
I'm 37 and remember him being anti but didn't remember specifics.
I read recently he went on a hunting trip and it opened his eyes. **** you Chuck. They all spout bull shit like him and know absolutely nothing about guns at all. So sick of it.
Btw, tried to click the link at the bottom of his email to respond and it is a dead link. At least for me it is.

01-02-13, 16:08
Did the DNC handlers at least remember to take the tags off his jacket?

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 16:13
Hey newyork-
I aint even looked, and aint gonna cause Ive heard his shit for 30 years now, but try to find some vid of him back in the eighties & nineties talking about firearms or the 2A. He NEVER ONCE EVER said it was an individual right, only "collective". Only for "hunting guns, and guns for "sport".
An ASSHOLE from the ground up.
Oh yeah. Do you remember the Winchester Black Talon ammo? Do you remember the SHITSTORM Chucky boy caused over this COP KILLER AMMO? Well, they sell the EXACT bullet today, only the black lubealoy {sp?} coating that gave it its color has been removed, all to apease Chucky boy. Ive got it loaded right now beside me in my G17..Winchester +P+ 127 Talon. But, it aint BLACK, so it must be "safer" I guess. What a piece of SHIT he is.

01-02-13, 16:13
Complete doubletalk. Essentially a non-answer. Flee, I say flee from the beguiling.

01-02-13, 16:15
Do I waste my time and write him back calling him out on his bullshit or just take it as a lesson and chalk it up to him being someone I can't count on?

01-02-13, 16:26
You could give him one more chance, but politicians are absolute experts at not answering direct specific questions.

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 16:32
I say this to YOU..AND EVERYBODY ELSE on this board right now.
Our letters DO NOT make the SLIGHTEST ****in bit of difference on this subject. NOT ONE will be swayed one way or another. If they are anti...theyll be anti after tossing your mail in the trash. If they are pro...then theyll remain pro. Ive been told to "nut up" on here, without that person ever knowing what many of us my age have already done for DECADES.
An CLASSIC example of what Im talking about. In the late Eighties, Al Gore..yep..****in ALGORE..was my TN Rep in Congress. I PERSONALLY talked to him in County Couthouse where Im from, about guns, the 2A, ect. He ASSURED ME & SWORE UP& DOWN how pro-gun he was. I remember leaving happy. about 2-3 weeks later, I forget now what it was, some big gun bill was coming up for a vote. A few shooting buds had told me he was full of shit about guns, so I WROTE..no email then...him a letter expressing my dislike of guns and wanting him to vote for the bill...JUST to see what the ****er would say. BINGO..you guessed it, "got to keep guns out of criminals hands....assault rifles not for hunting..reasonable restrictions..BLAH ****IN BLAH. ALL the same old code words theyve used and still used for 40 years now.
If it makes you feel good, if yall just HAVE to do "something", then email/write the bastards. Its a complete waste of time. Ive got MANY MANY MANY more examples that I could, but aint telling.
NONE of yall will make the first one of those incompetent ****s change their minds, one way or another. So...NUT UP all ya want.
THE GOVERMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS AS CORRUPT, INCOMPETENT, CO-OPTED, & AS UN-CONSTITUTIONAL AS ANY OTHER ON PLANET EARTH.We have THE NERVE to talk about N.Korea or Iran or Egypt or anywhere else..and we've got THE biggest nutsacs on EARTH "runnin" the show.
And people keep thinkin that theres something they can do to make a difference.

01-02-13, 16:51
What you're saying is we are ****ed.

01-02-13, 16:56
Don't let them discourage you from writing even more.

No politician is is going to read a pro 2A letter and change course. They will do what Schumer did. That's just who they are... but if you don't write... they will get on TV and say... "I've had very little contact from 2A supporters which means they agree with us"

01-02-13, 17:02
Do I waste my time and write him back calling him out on his bullshit or just take it as a lesson and chalk it up to him being someone I can't count on?

Yes! Call him out if you can catch him in a lie.... then send results to media...YouTube or whatever.

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 17:10
I do NOT know that to be the case.
What Im saying is, lets take Chucky Boy. You, me..Jesus Christ...would not get him to change his mind on guns, period. No amount of rationale, no amount of statistics...NOTHING will ghange his mind. THOMAS JEFFERSON COULD NOT MAKE CHUCK SCHUMER CHANGE HIS MIND ON GUNS, PERIOD.
And I dare say all the other anti-gun pols are the same too.
Quick..somebody tell me ONE politician who went from anti to pro gun AFTER this last shooting. NOT ONE. But several went the other way, didnt they?
Newyork, in your state....YES, YOU ARE ****ED. Im so sorry. Upstate NY is such a gorgeous place, full of good folk. But the majority of your state, and your entire REGION, is full of ****in SHEEP,LEACHES, TAKERS, NON-CONTRIBUTORS,LAZY, IGNORENT LIBS and yall are forever ****ed because of it. IVE BEEN THERE, ALL OVER, HUNDREDS OF TIMES..I KNOW.
As far as the Country goes.. I personally believe we are living right in the middle of the end of America. Itll go out as a REPUBLIC, and go into a some as yet unseen/unknown form of socialism/communism/eliteism/totalitarian form of government.
My old 35+ year buds and I talked over the holidays...we got out of school in '83...and we would have ****in DIED had we known what this country has turned into since that time. To us/me..IT IS UNRECOGNIZABLE. And..in a couple more decades, itll be the same to some on here who are much younger. Only, its getting worse expodentially {sp?!} faster now, with media and comm and internet and cell phones and all the electronic shit people bury their heads in daily.
MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND NOW, TODAY...what your gonna take. Whats the limit? Half your check to taxes? 75%? Guns registered,or taken? Cameras, drones, eyes EVERYWHERE? Government reading your emails..seeing what you look at on the internet? WHAT IS YOUR LIMIT? Then, decide, are you ****ED..or not?

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 17:24
Do you know how many times Schumer, just on the issue of guns, has been proven factually wrong?
He absolutely said that the NRA RIGGED the tests, when they proved to him and the media that Glocks COULD NOT get thru metal detectors/xrays undetected. He WOULD NOT accept it. He was proven wrong so many times and the idiot wouldnt shut up about it FOR YEARS. Then, they tried to explain to him the diff between semi & full auto. O ****IN HELL. This guy. It waslike talking to a mentally challenged two year old. { God Bless Them!}
He STILL goes on about "automatics" to this day.
As far as him sayin "he isnt hearing a lot from pro-2A people".
Brother...cmon on now man. Really? Do you really think, IF HE DID hear from us...he would let that be known? Or, it would matter to him? Brother..I KNOW you want to do something. GOD BLESS YOU FOR THAT. But we are at a time, in a place,politically, morally, financially, economically, nationally, socially, that we;ve just never ever been before. The FUTURE of the USA is being written DAILY, right in front of us. As our Founders knew, and every enemy we ever had knew, and knows, America cannot be defeated from outside. ONLY from inside, ..."all enemies, foriegn AND DOMESTIC".
And one day, I hope SOON, a Paul Revere is gonna ride again, and give warning that THE GOVERNMENT IS COMING...THE GOVERNMENT IS COMING!!
Then, each & every one of us will have to decide how far we are willing to go, to try to set things right again.
Again, I ask..are YOU ****ed or not?

01-02-13, 17:33
Bloomberg did an interview in the last couple weeks where he claimed AR15's shoot multiple rounds with one pull of the trigger, and the reporter tried to correct him. He argued with her about it. You would think as anti-gun as these people are they would at least understand some of the most basic firearms terminology...but nope!

There are seemingly endless examples of the most hard core anti-gun people making 'mistakes' in what they are talking about. Like the famous 'shoulder thing that goes up'.

01-02-13, 17:49
1st) I'm sure this will get me in trouble here, but it gives me "MY feel good feeling" for saying this. I'm black and white, I don't buy into rewording the same thing another way, a spade is an spade, no matter what you want to call it!

Write back to him and tell him: Your right sir, we do need to keep guns away from Politicians and their guards too. You just don't see that you are disarming the WRONG people. Why you could start with the CIC's disarming of his guards, because NO ONE NEEDS GUNS. You don't have any idea what you are trying to go up against in this country. Run the numbers yourself, and see how many "Good Citizens" have Defensive weapons. Remember sir you were put there by we the people, for the people, which means ALL the people, not just those that go in the way that YOU want, but the way that is best for ALL the people, not just those who can't face the facts about this whole mess you've already gotten U.S. into. Yes, you started with "Gun Free Zones" and created the best place to attack defenseless people at. Now you expect people to believe that the only solution is to disarm EVERYONE? BTW this will never happen, because criminals will always have weapons. Why, so you can further what appears to be the CIC's agenda to make this a country under Tyranny? Our for fathers were VERY INTELLIGENT LEADERS. You have forgotten YOUR/OUR history, and WHY this nation was started, and what all YOUR for fathers went thru for you and me, and WHY they wrote the bill of rights, the way they did. To keep people like you from taking away what they setup in the first place, FREEDOM!!! IF, you vote fore anything against the people, that tells what kind of a person you really are, doesn't it.

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 17:53
Some really dont know..remember "the shoulder thing that goes up?" AND THEY LEGISLATE WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.
Remember..."we have to pass the bill, to see what IN the bill?"
Did you know, this fiscall cliff package was delivered to the House only THREE AND A HALF MINUTES BEFORE THEY VOTED ON IT?!!
Do you think they can read that fast?
Back to topic. Some DONT know, some DO KNOW, and purposely try to mislead and propagandize the issue with false info.
Just like CNN and NBC busted for those stories they blatently, purposely faked and set up, and got busted on. The media HAS to lie to get their agenda thru.
These ****ers have had a written agenda on guns since the mid seventies. Ive read it, many have. Its out there now in the net somewhere. They had a 25 or 30 year plan to COMPLETELY disarm America, but fortunately they encountered unforseen resistence and problems they didnt factor in. But..it may turn into a 40 year plan, with 30+ years gone by already.
As further proof these rats will say or do anything to get their agenda passed, ole BLOOMBERG himself just said a couple days ago NO ONE HAS DONE MORE TO PROTECT THE 2A THAN HIM.
And, sheep believe that.

01-02-13, 18:07
Here ya go:

01-02-13, 18:24
Again, I ask..are YOU ****ed or not?

Depends --- How do you think Jefferson felt? Like all was lost or an unfortunate situation? I know he didn't stop fighting. The Bloombergs, Schumers, et al, have weaknesses and can be defeated. We just haven't figured the correct method.


Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 18:41
I LIKE your way of thinking sir.
There is always that ONE way, you know, the way Jefferson & the boys used?
Barring that, Im at a complete loss as to an answer. Again, I want to say that this last demonic event is NOT whats made me come to believe all is lost, save for the Original Remedy, as I call it. Ive been involved in this stuff since the late Seventies. I aint no Johnny come lately here. AiINT my first rodeo. Been an on again, off again member of the NRA since about '76 or 77. Hand written more letters to politicians and newspapers than probably anyone else here. Talked to several...ALGORE...Fred Thompson several others. Argued. Debated. VOTED. GAVE A DAMN. Handed out printed material at gun shows, ranges, ect. I have done MY part.
And Im all but DONE with it. No more voting, no more letters/emails. Im just worrying about little ole me & mine now. Wont be no prob unless /untill you come for MINE. Aint ASKING nor EXPECTING ANY help. I got it. Yall go on and 'nut up" as one here said. I been doing it over 3 decades now. Yall?

01-02-13, 18:52
There is always that ONE way, you know, the way Jefferson & the boys used?


Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 19:24
Original Remedy.....WORD!!!:D

01-02-13, 22:31
Why he lives to old age while so many perfectly good kids under age 12 die of cancer these days puzzles and saddens me.

01-02-13, 23:28
what can one do? If I move, it means I left my wife as she refuses to leave.

I feel you. I can't leave for another 2.5 years, until my fiancé finishes college.

Even after that though, the only place she's on board with so far in New Hampshire, which is certainly better than NY, but not exactly ideal.

01-02-13, 23:32
. but if you don't write... they will get on TV and say... "I've had very little contact from 2A supporters which means they agree with us"

Couldn't they do this anyway? It's called lying out of their ass, a favorite pastime of politicians.

01-02-13, 23:38
Did you know, this fiscall cliff package was delivered to the House only THREE AND A HALF MINUTES BEFORE THEY VOTED ON IT?!!

I hadn't heard that. Jesus, they could've snuck the Feinstein bill into it and no one would been the wiser to it! And once everyone figured out there was a gun ban in it, a repeal couldn't happen because we don't have the senate or the WH. That's some scary shit!

01-03-13, 01:06
I received the same email as you... Perhaps it is an automatic response? Or copy past to everybody

01-03-13, 12:52
I received the same email as you... Perhaps it is an automatic response? Or copy past to everybody

The public/media relations people come up with canned statements to send out as responses. What's already been said by Straight Shooter:

Our letters DO NOT make the SLIGHTEST ****in bit of difference on this subject. NOT ONE will be swayed one way or another. If they are anti...theyll be anti after tossing your mail in the trash. If they are pro...then theyll remain pro.

01-03-13, 13:16
I got the same response 6 times now

01-03-13, 14:32
To the OP,

A good friend of mine and FFL received the exact same letter, verbatim from his office. Probably just picked out of the form letter pile and emailed it back.

Ash Hess
01-03-13, 15:00
We better hit up our state people. They are dropping a 1 "evil feature" bill with no grandfather.

01-03-13, 16:22
Wow! That's scary. Man I'm tired of this.