View Full Version : This is why 'Republicans' lose the political game...

01-02-13, 16:03
Less than one day after the 'Fiscal Cliff' crap was finally passed they start eating their own for not voting to spend even more money.

That Sandy relief bill is chocked full of pork. It went through the Senate, and they all threw every bit of pork they could at it. Even the bacon bits in the cafeteria are in there. Among other things there is money to Pacific Islands like Palau. Money to foreign countries, ect.

This is part of why we are 16.4 trillion in debt. As a body they can never say no, and Republicans never met a spending bill they didn't like as long as it benefits them. I remember hearing Christie going after the unions...yet turns around and wants 60 billion from Federal tax payers for his state. **** him. Let NJ rebuild NJ. No one asked them to go build houses on barrier islands on the literal beach with one or two roads in or out. They can't get insurance because it would be retarded to insure someone who builds a house on a beach. So their governor and others decide to throw a hissy fit and make a public embarrassment out of fellow Republicans because they want the tax payer to pay to rebuild their state.

And this Peter King guy....whining about people fund raising, and at least he is honest about whats expected when you give money to politicians. A certain 'return' is expected, and why even the bacon bits were not safe from the Sandy Relief Bill. But it just goes to show how institutionalized the corruption has become when you have politicians openly whining about donors not getting Federal tax dollars back from their 'investments'. I wouldn't be shocked if they had price sheets they hand out to the top donors.


01-02-13, 16:08
If they would have required power companies to move their transmission lines into the 20th century when it was the 20th century, they wouldn't have had the protracted outages they did, for one.


01-02-13, 16:23
The pork alone was reason enough to reject it. Christie's anger is misplaced. He should be mad at every lawmaker that inserted the pork, not house leadership. Perhaps he mistook the failure to bring it to the floor as payback for sucking Obama's dick in the wake of Sandy?

King is a magnificent douchebag already. To hear him whine pleases me.

Either way, it appears that BooHoo Boehner is working overtime to lose the speaker postion. I wonder who's shoulder he's crying on these days? :rolleyes:

01-02-13, 16:30
None of them have any principles. It's all party allegiance, popularity contests, and abuse of their positions. As time goes by they are just getting worse and worse mother don't deserve to be there.

01-02-13, 16:38
If they would have required power companies to move their transmission lines into the 20th century when it was the 20th century, they wouldn't have had the protracted outages they did, for one.


Spot on!

01-02-13, 16:41
If they would have required power companies to move their transmission lines into the 20th century when it was the 20th century, they wouldn't have had the protracted outages they did, for one.


Not to mention all the union crap and gas price laws. Then they have the nerve to demand the nations tax payers pay for their rebuilding. If their little liberal meccas worked so well they wouldn't need to go on national tv and demand tens of billions of dollars we dont have.

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 16:53
If they hadnt of TURNED AWAY HELP from men I KNOW PERSONALLY who left home & family to go up and help those stupid ****in sheep they would have been better off a lot sooner, too.
We folk from the south have caught hell for years about being dumb stupid, ect. But, as one who has been all over every state in the north hundreds of times, Ive NEVER once seen the level of pure,
textbook STUPIDITY as Ive witnessed "up north". Most...NOT ALL...of you people dont know your ass from a hole in the ground. When tornadoes absolutely rip thru Alabama here, we would NEVER turn away help. But...you know what? YALL NEVER OFFERED! Ive not heard of ONE PERSON who heard of ANY help from up north being offered last year when we had whole, entire TOWNS removed from the earth. I told all the linemen I know Id let em all ****in freeze before I went up to help. But they had to follow orders. And sitting all night TERRIFIED of looters, rapists/murderers/gangs completely unarmed because "we dont like guns". Ok, good. Be robbed, raped, and murdered then. **** YOU very much,I say.
REAP..what you have sown. Im GLAD they didnt vote for the aid myself. They know so much...fix shit yourselves.

01-02-13, 17:25
If they would have required power companies to move their transmission lines into the 20th century when it was the 20th century, they wouldn't have had the protracted outages they did, for one.


And who is "they." If the Department of Energy (or some analogous government agency) mandated upgrades to transmission lines and distribution infrastructure costing hundreds of millions of dollars with those costs passed through to consumers in the form of higher utility bills, I suspect many folks would have screamed bloody murder about excessive regulatory overreach driving up utility costs and hurting the little guy.

So what's it gonna be?

01-02-13, 17:27
And who is "they." If the Department of Energy (or some analogous government agency) mandated upgrades to transmission lines and distribution infrastructure costing hundreds of millions of dollars with those costs passed through to consumers in the form of higher utility bills, I suspect many folks would have screamed bloody murder about excessive regulatory overreach driving up utility costs and hurting the little guy.

So what's it gonna be?

Why are you dragging federal agencies into the discussion? Is there a federal agency that forced NJ to NOTupgrade their shit? :confused:

It was NJ's job to do that, not wait till a fed agency demanded it! :(

01-02-13, 17:34
If they hadnt of TURNED AWAY HELP from men I KNOW PERSONALLY who left home & family to go up and help those stupid ****in sheep they would have been better off a lot sooner, too.
We folk from the south have caught hell for years about being dumb stupid, ect. But, as one who has been all over every state in the north hundreds of times, Ive NEVER once seen the level of pure,
textbook STUPIDITY as Ive witnessed "up north". Most...NOT ALL...of you people dont know your ass from a hole in the ground. When tornadoes absolutely rip thru Alabama here, we would NEVER turn away help. But...you know what? YALL NEVER OFFERED! Ive not heard of ONE PERSON who heard of ANY help from up north being offered last year when we had whole, entire TOWNS removed from the earth. I told all the linemen I know Id let em all ****in freeze before I went up to help. But they had to follow orders. And sitting all night TERRIFIED of looters, rapists/murderers/gangs completely unarmed because "we dont like guns". Ok, good. Be robbed, raped, and murdered then. **** YOU very much,I say.
REAP..what you have sown. Im GLAD they didnt vote for the aid myself. They know so much...fix shit yourselves.

Do you have a real job or a real life or any form of real responsibility whatsoever? Your ridiculously hostile rants indicate an infantile mindset.

And we all know that states such ad Alabama and Mississippi tend to break academic records each year, but must you rub it in our face?

01-02-13, 17:39
Why are you dragging federal agencies into the discussion? Is there a federal agency that forced NJ to NOTupgrade their shit? :confused:

It was NJ's job to do that, not wait till a fed agency demanded it! :(

So if the utility upgrades were mandated by the state utility regulatory agency with resultant costs born by New Jersey customers, that's acceptable? But if a federal agency mandates the same (perhaps in the interest of maintaining continuity throughout a larger interstate electrical grid), that's verboten?

01-02-13, 17:42
Yup. ;)

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

01-02-13, 17:53
And by the way, all of the often one dimensional thinkers here freaking out over aid to a fellow state, spend a little more time ranting (elsewhere) about the billions that go to hostile or otherwise unworthy nations.

It's bad here politically and I'm not defending that part of it by any means, but there are way, way bigger fish to fry.

01-02-13, 18:02
And by the way, all of the often one dimensional thinkers here freaking out over aid to a fellow state, spend a little more time ranting (elsewhere) about the billions that go to hostile or otherwise unworthy nations.

It's bad here politically and I'm not defending that part of it by any means, but there are way, way bigger fish to fry.

60 billion is a lot of money.

Ive said on here before foreign aide should be shut off.

Also said those old people on SS and Medicare should get their checks shut off.

So NO I especially don't want to pay to rebuild 'Jersey Shores'.

01-02-13, 18:02
Peter King is an anti gun statist.

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 18:04
Yep...12 hours a shift. Been working for right at 40 years now.
And..fyi..you are CORRECT about the hostility I have towards most of the country, especially your region.
Infantile...well, thats like YOUR opinion, man. Im very glad youve got one.
Il tell you this, in a SHTF or just all around bad scenario, Id rather be with these academic failures than all the geeks and techies put together up there. Who do YOU think would fare better?
And Ill tell you this...I myself am GLAD we didnt get help "help" from up there. And, not a single person down here sat for one minute "scared" of looters muggers, rapists ect. Hell, I WANTED to find some! Im SO GLAD we didnt have to rely on Schumer & Bloomberg for our "help & safety". How'd THAT work out?
From what Ive heard....NOT TOO GOOD.
And yall STILL waiting & wanting even more handouts from taxpayers. I HOPE to hell they dont get SHIT.

01-02-13, 18:07
Well, then, let's burn the Constitution and dust off the Articles of Confederation as that seems to be the consensus here. Heck, they worked so well the first time I'm sure they will more than adequately meet our needs today.

Good night and good luck.

Us Montana boys gotta get busy retargetting our Minuteman III missiles, as we apparently just became the most sparsely populated superpower on the planet.

01-02-13, 18:13
Well, then, let's burn the Constitution and dust off the Articles of Confederation as that seems to be the consensus here. Heck, they worked so well the first time I'm sure they will more than adequately meet our needs today.

Good night and good luck.

Us Montana boys gotta get busy retargetting our Minuteman III missiles, as we apparently just became the most sparsely populated superpower on the planet.

Holy straw man batman!

Military is under the 'powers' of the Federal government. Setting regulations for local utilities...not so much.

Read Section 1-8 much? :p

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 18:18
As far as I go, you couldnt be more wrong sir.
Once again, as before, weve got Lib Northener's trying to impose their will and way of life on other folk who aint havin it.
IF there is a "next time", well I wouldnt bet my Bowl O' Boston Baked Beans that the outcome will be the same as last.
If EVERYBODY would just follow the Constitution...we'd all be drinkin that free bubalub and eatin that rainbow stew.
But noooo, it ALAWAYS starts up north for some reason. Or, Kalifornia nowadays too.
And sadly, you "Montana Boys" aint in charge of jack shit, as far as those missles go. Could be some ole Southern boys up in there, or some yanks either.
Got nothin but love for Montana tho, true beauty there.

01-02-13, 18:19
Holy straw man batman!

Military is under the 'powers' of the Federal government. Setting regulations for local utilities...not so much.

Read Section 1-8 much? :p

Ain't no Section1-8 in the Articles of Confederation, pardnuh! And I'm pretty sure Montana twern't no signatory to that particular confab.

How's that old sayin' go? Oh yeah. Molon labe. :sarcastic:

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 18:24
SHOULD you Montana boys get hold of them big sparklers in the ground, point them sons a bitches DUE EAST and let er rip!
Just sayin.:D

01-02-13, 18:26
Ain't no Section1-8 in the Articles of Confederation, pardnuh! And I'm pretty sure Montana twern't no signatory to that particular confab.

How's that old sayin' go? Oh yeah. Molon labe. :sarcastic:

So when you guys moving the state capitol to Missoula?

01-02-13, 18:30
SHOULD you Montana boys get hold of them big sparklers in the ground, point them sons a bitches DUE EAST and let er rip!
Just sayin.:D

As long as all you coon-asses stay south of the Mason-Dixon line, we got no beef with the rebs. :laugh:

Mauser KAR98K
01-02-13, 18:33
So the richest region in America needs hand-outs to be built back up again. What's going on here, again?

That's like the king asking the slaves to pay for his torn castle after a troll came through.

01-02-13, 18:39
So when you guys moving the state capitol to Missoula?

Missoula? Those tree-huggin', Birkenstock-wearin' dope addicts would decommission every goddam missile for a lifetime membership in the Sierra Club.

We'll move it to Butte cause I guarantee folks would sleep better handing the launch keys to Kim Jong Un than knowing a bunch of drunken Irishmen and Bohunks were getting ready to go all Slim Pickins on their ass every Friday night. :sarcastic:

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 18:45
Montanadave you rock!
As for stayin below the Mason-Dixon, thats a deal!!!:)

01-02-13, 18:50
Ain't no Section1-8 in the Articles of Confederation, pardnuh! And I'm pretty sure Montana twern't no signatory to that particular confab.

How's that old sayin' go? Oh yeah. Molon labe. :sarcastic:

These people bitch about any tax funded help of any sort, like some sort of arrogant scourge. It's almost as though we aren't known as the "United States". Yet if somehow disaster strikes them or their loved ones they'll be crying like babies. Or maybe they'll show how simple they really are and go live in tents to prove that they are a true libertarian no matter what options are readily available to their struggling families.

It's like they despise civilization and prefer some sort of backwards assed tribalism, going far beyond reform and protruding into an every man for himself mentality. You want that then stop driving on public roads, stop sending your kids to public schools and expel yourselves to an island because you hate your tax dollars being used to ensure your safety via the military.

Or is that kind of help ok just in that one instance? Or wait, maybe also when your uninsured child or elderly parent receives emergency care because you know, this time it's your family member.

01-02-13, 18:59
The 20th Century was a 100yrs. NJ has standardized electric lights as early as the late 19th...

So NJ had plenty of time to work on moving wires in a more stable underground configuration.

Q: "How do you eat an elephant?"
A: "One bite at a time."

Moral: When you try to eat the whole elephant in one bite, you choke.

01-02-13, 19:07
These people bitch about any tax funded help of any sort, like some sort of arrogant scourge. It's almost as though we aren't known as the "United States". Yet if somehow disaster strikes them or their loved ones they'll be crying like babies. Or maybe they'll show how simple they really are and go live in tents to prove that they are a true libertarian no matter what options are readily available to their struggling families.

It's like they despise civilization and prefer some sort of backwards assed tribalism, going far beyond reform and protruding into an every man for himself mentality. You want that then stop driving on public roads, stop sending your kids to public schools and expel yourselves to an island because you hate your tax dollars being used to ensure your safety via the military.

Or is that kind of help ok just in that one instance? Or wait, maybe also when your uninsured child or elderly parent receives emergency care because you know, this time it's your family member.

Who are you talking about? Using some imaginary characture you created in your head, and using 'United States' to justify sending 60B of borrowed money to help people who live on the sand on beaches?

We had a TS come trough here a few years ago, dumped 15" of rain on us in less than 24hrs, and guess who the only people who flooded were? Those who lived next to the rivers and streams. Still to this day the trees and bushes down there point down stream from the volume of water that went through there. Not my financial responsibility they chose to live there.

We live in a apartment now, and guess what? I pay 20-30 a month for renters insurance that would cover all of our stuff it got flooded out or burned up in a fire. If where you live you cannot get insurance? Its called a clue its probably not a good idea to live there. Its asinine I should be paying for people to 'rebuild' their property because they chose to live in a bad area. What do people think 'MAY' happen living on a beach? "Omg the water level is never ever going to rise no matter what, and those insurance people are gouging the little guy not offering me affordable insurance. Ill just stick it to everyone else to pay for my shit when it floods out." :rolleyes:

01-02-13, 19:13
So if the utility upgrades were mandated by the state utility regulatory agency with resultant costs born by New Jersey customers, that's acceptable? But if a federal agency mandates the same (perhaps in the interest of maintaining continuity throughout a larger interstate electrical grid), that's verboten?

Nice try at obfuscation, but yes, it's not the federal government's place to regulate the NJ power industry. The U.S. Gov't doesn't own the grid and it doesn't profit from it. It is however NJ's place to do so. If they want their residents to be resilient during natural disasters, there are plenty of resources (including the U.S. Gov't) they can seek assistance from BEFORE it gets in a bind.

Quite frankly, as someone who lives in Montana, I'm surprised to hear you taking NJ's side on federal assistance. Does the Federal Gov't bail Montana out every time it has a blizzard? ;)

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 19:20
No Safetyhit-
We want YOU PEOPLE to take care of your ****in selves for once, and quit mooching of the taxpayer every ****in time something happens. EVERY TIME. You people CHOOSE to live ON THE COAST!!!
Hey, know wut? STORMS COME THERE..RIGHT THERE!!! Know wut else? Yall have SEVERAL DAYS WARNING to get out, and you dont, then you get ****ed up, and start hollering and crying for "help".
No...**** THAT. If you didnt leave, you should be charged for every rescue, every cop called, EVERYTHING. YOU should pay, not us. Its OVER & OVER with you people. You NEVER STOP wanting handouts. Constantly. Do you people not have insurance? Why the hell should WE pay for YOUR damage? WHY should MY rates go up so you can live " ON THE COAST, MAAAAANNNNN."
**** that. THATS why we " bitch". We are tired of yall's shit.
I mean, if YOUR state dont/wont do whats needed to get thru storms, hy should WE pay for it?
Personal Responsibility......yall need it BAD.

01-02-13, 19:57
Nice try at obfuscation, but yes, it's not the federal government's place to regulate the NJ power industry. The U.S. Gov't doesn't own the grid and it doesn't profit from it. It is however NJ's place to do so. If they want their residents to be resilient during natural disasters, there are plenty of resources (including the U.S. Gov't) they can seek assistance from BEFORE it gets in a bind.

Quite frankly, as someone who lives in Montana, I'm surprised to hear you taking NJ's side on federal assistance. Does the Federal Gov't bail Montana out every time it has a blizzard? ;)

Well, to be fair, the national electrical grid is an interstate system and its integrity could will be considered an issue of national security so the argument could be made (and commonly is) that the federal government has a defined role under both the commerce clause and national defense in monitoring and maintaining its function.

As for taking NJ's side on the issue of federal assistance, I have to tread lightly. This past summer, Montana had one of the driest years on record with a devastating wildfire season. Landowners across the state relied heavily on fire management resources provided by the USFS as well as assistance from National Guard units. Two years ago, we had extensive flooding along the Musselshell River north of town which cut off several rural communities and inundated thousands of acres of farm and ranch land, stranding both livestock and families. Again, the National Guard and FEMA were on the scene providing support and assisting in the recovery efforts.

Montana receives more in federal aid than it pays in in federal taxes. Some of this may be attributable to the large number of Indian Reservations in the state as well as a several national parks and a ton of federal USFS and BLM wilderness, forest, and rangelands. Regardless, we've got no room to complain and, as previously noted, need to be careful about talking shit about other states receiving federal aid.

That's not to say I think the feds should just sign a blank check to NJ or NY to rebuild entire communities which are situated in storm surge or flood plain areas. I have a problem with the Federal Flood Insurance program which can't pay it's own way and allows folks to go out and rebuild a vacation home on the shoreline just so we can pay to rebuild it again when the next big storm blows through. Buy the folks out and move 'em to higher ground ... once. Folks that elect to stay put should be told they're on their own. But when entire towns and communities are devastated and folks are homeless, they deserve help.

To Safety's point, this is the United States of America. We have a collective interest in providing for our neighbors, regardless of whether they live across the street or across the country. We share a common heritage and we share a common destiny. When folks need help, we should rally to their aid. If we start down the road of balkanizing this nation, we might as well throw in the towel because the republic is lost.

01-02-13, 20:06
No Safetyhit-
We want YOU PEOPLE to take care of your ****in selves for once, and quit mooching of the taxpayer every ****in time something happens. EVERY TIME. You people CHOOSE to live ON THE COAST!!!
Hey, know wut? STORMS COME THERE..RIGHT THERE!!! Know wut else? Yall have SEVERAL DAYS WARNING to get out, and you dont, then you get ****ed up, and start hollering and crying for "help".
No...**** THAT. If you didnt leave, you should be charged for every rescue, every cop called, EVERYTHING. YOU should pay, not us. Its OVER & OVER with you people. You NEVER STOP wanting handouts. Constantly. Do you people not have insurance? Why the hell should WE pay for YOUR damage? WHY should MY rates go up so you can live " ON THE COAST, MAAAAANNNNN."
**** that. THATS why we " bitch". We are tired of yall's shit.
I mean, if YOUR state dont/wont do whats needed to get thru storms, hy should WE pay for it?
Personal Responsibility......yall need it BAD.

But you see I am not referring in any way to anyone outside this state being responsible upgrading it's power grid. What this discussion exposes is the far right's desire to have any form of federal, and ideally for many even state aide abolished.

01-02-13, 20:07
To Safety's point, this is the United States of America. We have a collective interest in providing for our neighbors, regardless of whether they live across the street or across the country. We share a common heritage and we share a common destiny. When folks need help, we should rally to their aid. If we start down the road of balkanizing this nation, we might as well throw in the towel because the republic is lost.

And perhaps when shitheads like Schumer, King, Bloomberg, etc., stop worrying about how other states live, stop dictating our lifestyles to us and focus on serving the people who actually elected them, we'll pay more attention to their needs. :D

01-02-13, 20:19
And perhaps when shitheads like Schumer, King, Bloomberg, etc., stop worrying about how other states live, stop dictating our lifestyles to us and focus on serving the people who actually elected them, we'll pay more attention to their needs. :D

A valid point.

01-02-13, 20:24
Where does it stop? I didn't buy insurance for my car so Uncle Sugar is going to buy me a new one after it gets totalled?

Here's the deal on that place. All these local governments allowed people to build there, all the shops, resturants, houses, ect because of how valuable the property would be, and that brings in tourists and property taxes and sales taxes and all kinds of BS. So these local governments up there were basically eating out of well nourished and constantly supplied pig trough for decades, and not a single one of them ever thought to create a rainy day fund or lets get some planning in here in case something happens.

So those pigs ate off those tax dollars for decades, and because of their piss poor planning, and nanny state we have to send them 60 billion because its the nice thing to do or whatever or we have some imaginary collective communist 'forward!' type thinking going on.

Like I said it's no wonder we are 16.4 trillion in debt because everyone has a sob story on why they need help, and the politicians put a price on money spent vs. votes.

01-02-13, 20:37
And perhaps when shitheads like Schumer, King, Bloomberg, etc., stop worrying about how other states live, stop dictating our lifestyles to us and focus on serving the people who actually elected them, we'll pay more attention to their needs. :D

Millions and millions of us here in the northeast either disagree with or despise them, but for now we are stuck being the minority. If you think we all sit around happy and content you're very wrong.

01-02-13, 20:44
Millions and millions of us here in the northeast either disagree with or despise them, but for now we are stuck being the minority. If you think we all sit around happy and content you're very wrong.

I moved out of CA when I was 19, and was happy to move out of WA. I I wouldn't move to a liberal dominated state under my free will, and if I did live in one I would move out.

Your vote would be far more valuable in a contested state or to strengthen up a state like Texas which is getting filled with anchor babies and transplants.

At some point you had to decide things like firearms or tax laws or whatever were less important to you than your present location. So you get to deal with it. I don't feel bad for CA people at all. It was bad when I moved out in 2002 and sucks much worse today. They actually have a declining population, and ain't getting any better legislatively.

Straight Shooter
01-02-13, 20:46
NOT abolished Safetyhit, but dang it man, not just given out every single solitary time its asked for, either. I DO, absolutely believe, there is a time/place for federal aid...OF COURSE THERE IS!!
It just seems to me its the same ones over and over and over again, and they never do anything to prevent thir needing it again, cause they know itll be there no matter what.
I swear, we have a moral duty to help one another, but a town thats been erased from the face of the earth by a tornado, would be a little different in my eyes than say, New Orleans getting rebuilt over & over & over. I HOPE that helps to clarify my position.

01-02-13, 20:50
But you see I am not referring in any way to anyone outside this state being responsible upgrading it's power grid. What this discussion exposes is the far right's desire to have any form of federal, and ideally for many even state aide abolished.

Nope...you're not getting it. The Federal government was not created to send 60 billion to a couple states because they had a natural disaster. Outside of that it should be up to the voters in those states to decide whatever the want. If they want to setup a fund or go into debt to rebuild after a disaster then by all means go ahead.

But because of their poor zoning laws or lack of planning or whatever combination of laws and events let to their current position do I get a say in how that state is run? No. So don't tax me to pay for your states poor planning. Thats called taxation without representation.

What kind of precedent does this set for people? They can build wherever they want, insurance or not, never pay taxes into a rainy day fund or have personal responsibility inside their own state and then whine on national TV about how the entire US is not sending 2 states 60 billion dollars of borrowed money to rebuild.

01-02-13, 21:54
Millions and millions of us here in the northeast either disagree with or despise them, but for now we are stuck being the minority. If you think we all sit around happy and content you're very wrong.

I understand, but NJ isn't represented by you and those who agree with you. It's represented by THEM, and they reap what they sew!

01-02-13, 22:39
Yep, completely EVIL REPUBLICANS not wishing to help people by just handing out money without any idea where it might come from.

I'm arriving at the point where I'm just thinking about how to get a cut for myself. Absolutely NOBODY in power is interested in fiscal responsibility. People who would try and correct the problem are grossly outnumbered by those who want to get paid to take money from us and hand some of it out to others.

Everyone needs to start actively learning how to keep those hands out of your pockets to the best of your ability.

01-02-13, 23:07
I'm arriving at the point where I'm just thinking about how to get a cut for myself. Absolutely NOBODY in power is interested in fiscal responsibility. People who would try and correct the problem are grossly outnumbered by those who want to get paid to take money from us and hand some of it out to others.

I couldn't agree more, frankly, I believe that the game is up, with the rapidly approaching societal implosion all but assured, and everyone in the know, except the idiots funding it all...;)

01-03-13, 00:09
So the richest region in America needs hand-outs to be built back up again. What's going on here, again?

That's like the king asking the slaves to pay for his torn castle after a troll came through.

Wait, SafetyHit attacked someone's castle? I'm confused. :lol:

And perhaps when shitheads like Schumer, King, Bloomberg, etc., stop worrying about how other states live, stop dictating our lifestyles to us and focus on serving the people who actually elected them, we'll pay more attention to their needs. :D

Thank you.

I'm arriving at the point where I'm just thinking about how to get a cut for myself. Absolutely NOBODY in power is interested in fiscal responsibility. People who would try and correct the problem are grossly outnumbered by those who want to get paid to take money from us and hand some of it out to others.

Correct. America will get precisely what the majority asked for. Greece.

There ARE plenty of guys screaming from the rooftops, but they're outnumbered and they don't get any time on the idiot box.

Socialism has won. They took the mass media, the public schools and colleges, 2/3 of the Federal Govt, and over a dozen states. Turning this around in the 4-8 years we have remaining before a financial and systemic collapse IS 100% IMPOSSIBLE. We could do it with another couple decades, but we don't have that. We up against the wall NOW.

For me and mine, all efforts toward bailing out the water have ceased. The ship will flounder. We are loading the lifeboats.

01-03-13, 02:10
Our lone Democrat senator managed to get $150million of pork for Alaska in that Sandy bill. We are sufficiently embarrassed at his disgusting behavior.

01-03-13, 07:07
Nope...you're not getting it. The Federal government was not created to send 60 billion to a couple states because they had a natural disaster. Outside of that it should be up to the voters in those states to decide whatever the want. If they want to setup a fund or go into debt to rebuild after a disaster then by all means go ahead.

But because of their poor zoning laws or lack of planning or whatever combination of laws and events let to their current position do I get a say in how that state is run? No. So don't tax me to pay for your states poor planning. Thats called taxation without representation.

What kind of precedent does this set for people? They can build wherever they want, insurance or not, never pay taxes into a rainy day fund or have personal responsibility inside their own state and then whine on national TV about how the entire US is not sending 2 states 60 billion dollars of borrowed money to rebuild.

I can't emphasize enough that we share much common ground here. That said, I'm not in favor of doing nothing at all except point fingers and tell your fellow countrymen "Too bad, you didn't need to live there and I dislike your politics. So with that move or drop dead, I honestly don't care". This is exactly what you are in fact saying.

Will it be that as well when an earthquake hits along the heavily populated western faultline or the next time the Mississippi floods? Or how about if the drought continues we ask why Midwesterners can't remember the lessons of the dust bowl and refuse them aid?

Oh, and Florida is built on a panhandle in storm prone areas, so maybe we better warn them of their stupidity as well and make sure they know we don't want to be here if they need us.

01-03-13, 07:37
"Christie also accurately pointed out that Northeast states such as New Jersey and New York send more to the federal government in taxes than they get back in federal aid, unlike many of the red states represented by conservatives in Congress. The "makers versus takers" narratives fall apart fast when confronted with reality."


01-03-13, 07:53
A lot of those stats are skewed. Just because the Feds spend money in that state doesn't mean the people of that state are directly benefiting from every Federal dollar. There are also other considerations like Federal highways, military bases, Federal lands, parks, ect.

01-03-13, 08:20
A lot of those stats are skewed. Just because the Feds spend money in that state doesn't mean the people of that state are directly benefiting from every Federal dollar.

Can you elaborate?

There are also other considerations like Federal highways, military bases, Federal lands, parks, ect.

We don't have those here, or is your point that because we do the figures are skewed? If so, doesn't Texas have much of the same?

01-03-13, 08:48
It's simply too complex a matter to view 'Federal spending per state' in the context of whether or not that argument holds up. NJ and NY are not traditionally states that have large natural disasters...or if you want to look at other categories like Federal road funds NJ and NY both get more back in gas taxes paid than Texas. On a broader context the numbers would be skewed to other things I mentioned like military bases.

I am sure there is some unfairness in how Federal funds are disbursed but I think that is more a symptom of the idiocy of sending a couple trillion in tax revenue to DC to be sent back out based on their decisions, pork, ect, than a state vs. state thing. Remember we took the state's representation out of DC by turning senator's elections into popular vote.

I simply think this is a state issue. Just like I think blaming GWB for the Katrina aftermath is stupid.

01-03-13, 08:55
Being that we pay federal as well as state taxes I would respectfully disagree. Where that federal money goes is the real problem, not legitimate disaster aid.

01-03-13, 10:07

01-03-13, 10:16
From TheAkForum:

* U.S. Tax revenue: $ 2,170,000,000,000
* Fed budget: $ 3,820,000,000,000
* New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
* National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
* Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000

Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:
* Annual family income: $ 21,700
* Money the family spent: $ 38,200
* New debt on the credit card: $ 16,500
* Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
* Total budget cuts so far: $ 38.50

Not that it matters much, but the math is incorrect. It's $385, not $38.50.


01-03-13, 10:23

01-03-13, 10:31

Actually, what the hell does it even matter, the cuts never actually materialised.

I've seen this material posted in several places, all with the same mistake.

If there's a different way to count to eight, somebody please clue me in because I have apparently had a stroke. :)

01-03-13, 21:40
I'm arriving at the point where I'm just thinking about how to get a cut for myself.

I'm beginning to think the same.

At this point, it is not below me to steal from a liberal if I can.

01-03-13, 22:14
I'm beginning to think the same.

At this point, it is not below me to steal from a liberal if I can.

It ain't stealing if they took your money first.

If I had all the money my household pays in Medicaid (which I don't qualify for btw) I could afford my prescriptions and buy health insurance.

01-04-13, 09:02

01-04-13, 09:39

I'm arriving at the point where I'm just thinking about how to get a cut for myself. Absolutely NOBODY in power is interested in fiscal responsibility. People who would try and correct the problem are grossly outnumbered by those who want to get paid to take money from us and hand some of it out to others.

Everyone needs to start actively learning how to keep those hands out of your pockets to the best of your ability.

Absolutely right! And here's how you do it.
1) Get out of the banking system. Transact in cash as much as possible. Put the cash in the safe, under the mattress, wherever.
2) Barter, trade, do side jobs for cash.
3) Take as much from government subsides as possible. Anything you are entitled to.
4) Create paperwork for the government whenever possible. Gives them something to do and uses their resources.
5) Read Saul Alinsky. Turn the theory to our advantage now that we are on the outside looking in.