View Full Version : Al Gore Sells Current To Al Jizz For $500 M...

01-03-13, 19:14

Al Jizz purchased the failing channel for $500 million dollars in hopes of reaching an estimated audience of 50 million homes in the US.



brushy bill
01-03-13, 19:20
I literally lauged out loud when someone at work said, 'But Al Jizz is UnAmerican"...like Gore isn't! Domestic enemy is FAR worse than foreign IMHO.

01-03-13, 19:21
Yep, saw that earlier. Not really surprised are you? Far left socialist, biased, psyops network now owned and operated with the full backing of...? Oh wait, same agenda, new owner. Al Gore is the definition of sleaze...

01-03-13, 19:30
He also rushed the deal so he wouldn't have to pay the new higher tax rates.

I would rather get news from AJ than that camp, though. AJ is actually not a bad news source. Far better than Gore or MSNBC IMO.

01-03-13, 20:09
The Wall Street Journal reports:

Mr. Hyatt said they agreed to sell to Al Jazeera in part because “Al Jazeera was founded with the same goals we had for Current,” including “to give voice to those whose voices are not typically heard” and “to speak truth to power.” Other suitors who didn’t share Current’s ideology were rebuffed. Glenn Beck’s The Blaze approached Current about buying the channel last year, but was told that “the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view,” according to a person familiar with the negotiations.

Clinton/Gore, traded China verboten computer technology in exchange for campaign cash. As a consequence, China can now lob ICBM's CONUS....

01-03-13, 20:20
He also rushed the deal so he wouldn't have to pay the new higher tax rates.

I would rather get news from AJ than that camp, though. AJ is actually not a bad news source. Far better than Gore or MSNBC IMO.That guy is such a self righteous, hypocritical, scum bag. I hope Karma catches up with him and he suffers.

01-03-13, 20:22
He also rushed the deal so he wouldn't have to pay the new higher tax rates.

I would rather get news from AJ than that camp, though. AJ is actually not a bad news source. Far better than Gore or MSNBC IMO.

While I get what you are saying, I'm gonna disagree.


'Many still have doubts' over 9/11
Global poll highlights mistrust of official version of World Trade Centre attacks.
Alex Sehmer Last Modified: 14 Sep 2008 09:29 GMT


Let's forget 9/11
If we have any respect for history or humanity, we should remove 9/11 from our collective consciousness.
Last Modified: 11 Sep 2011 13:47

01-03-13, 20:33
I agree with a couple points on that 2nd article.

The government has used the War on Terror to great benefit in domestic spying of people and general growth of government.

The latest passage of the NDAA did not include protections of indefinite detention of American citizens on American soil that previous versions of the bill contained.

Frankly I fear the US Government 1000X more than muslim terrorists.

01-03-13, 20:37
Frankly I fear the US Government 1000X more than muslim terrorists.

Me too but that doesn't mean I find the Muslims any less offensive. Especially when they are suggesting we need to forget 9/11 and move on. Imagine if Japan made a similar comment about Pearl Harbor.

01-03-13, 20:44
Me too but that doesn't mean I find the Muslims any less offensive. Especially when they are suggesting we need to forget 9/11 and move on. Imagine if Japan made a similar comment about Pearl Harbor.

The points I took from the article are things I've mentioned here for some time, and is that the US government has used the WOT to greatly increase domestic action.

You can find numerous posts of mine in which I have mentioned the War on ______ including the WOD, WOP, WOT, and all of which have been used as excuses to greatly increase the size of government, and restrict personal rights.

I don't like muslims much, and joined the Army in 2003 to get deployed, and I did, twice. Islam, like communism, is a scourge on any free people or liberty minded ideology.

Our WOT response is akin to Thomas Jefferson deleting the 4th and 5th Amendments because some muslims needed an ass kicking when he was president.

01-03-13, 22:04
The points I took from the article are things I've mentioned here for some time, and is that the US government has used the WOT to greatly increase domestic action.

I have no issue with that point and I think it's generally accepted by most.

My issue is the primary point of the article that we need to forget about 9/11. And typical of agenda driven propaganda they drop a nugget or two of factual information to attempt to give credibility to the larger point.

Bottom line is Al Jizz is nothing more than Islamic Pravda.

01-03-13, 22:18
...Frankly I fear the US Government 1000X more than muslim terrorists.

So what does that say when they merge forces?