View Full Version : A warning from an old woman

01-04-13, 07:44
I think this piece is great and I want to share it with you guys.


01-04-13, 08:13
I saw this yesterday and thought it was a real eye opener.

01-04-13, 10:18
Back in the 80's I was a apprentice pipefitter..One of the guys I worked with was a German fella named Walter..Walter was 13yrs old when the war ended in 1945, He told me stories of being in air raid shelters, bascially, being on the receiving end of a B-17 payload..Anyway, one time we were talking, and he told me what happened in his school not long after Hitler took over..(I'm guessing this was about '39-40)The Gestapo would stop in to the classrooms and ask the kids questions, like what their parents were saying, and at one point they asked if anyone's parents were saying thing bad about Hitler..several hands went up..Walter told me not long after that, these kids were no longer in school, and the houses where they lived were, all of a sudden empty..They were told that they were "relocated" After that, Walter said whenever the Gestapo stopped by, nobody knew nothing...Walter told me other things as well, like , One day, the Nazi's declared the Boy Scouts illegal, and every scout was now in the Hitler youth..you did'nt have a choice either..(Walter was forced into the Hitler youth) Talking to someone like Walter who was there, and saw it all happen, is a eye opening experience.And people think that can't happen here...In 1933, people in Germany did'nt think it would happen there either...

01-04-13, 15:32
I often look to WWII
it has so much about current gov and its control from the Nazis to the Russians to the Japanese to what we did

from occupied countries to ones taken control of those that gave up bent over etc..

also that even if things go south their is another side to come out of ! and its how you come out that is the longer term effect for most of us

sadly our modern society seems to know or learn nothing from these real life lessons !

hears some kids saying we deserved to be attacked by the Japanese for what we did to them ? HUH this is what they learned in school

sounds like the we deserved 9/11 for what we did to them teachings !

01-04-13, 15:48
This thin has been circling the internet since 1996, in 2004 it was about Bush.

Also her memory on how Hitler took Austria is a bit off.

01-04-13, 17:30
Well, no matter what/when something went around, it still, could happen here, too. And the more we look around, the signs say, IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN HERE.

01-04-13, 17:35
Well, no matter what/when something went around, it still, could happen here, too. And the more we look around, the signs say, IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN HERE.

What makes you think its true? Even the way she describes the take over of austria are incorrect.

01-04-13, 17:37
Back in the 80's I was a apprentice pipefitter..One of the guys I worked with was a German fella named Walter..Walter was 13yrs old when the war ended in 1945, He told me stories of being in air raid shelters, bascially, being on the receiving end of a B-17 payload..Anyway, one time we were talking, and he told me what happened in his school not long after Hitler took over..(I'm guessing this was about '39-40)The Gestapo would stop in to the classrooms and ask the kids questions, like what their parents were saying, and at one point they asked if anyone's parents were saying thing bad about Hitler..several hands went up..Walter told me not long after that, these kids were no longer in school, and the houses where they lived were, all of a sudden empty..They were told that they were "relocated" After that, Walter said whenever the Gestapo stopped by, nobody knew nothing...Walter told me other things as well, like , One day, the Nazi's declared the Boy Scouts illegal, and every scout was now in the Hitler youth..you did'nt have a choice either..(Walter was forced into the Hitler youth) Talking to someone like Walter who was there, and saw it all happen, is a eye opening experience.And people think that can't happen here...In 1933, people in Germany did'nt think it would happen there either...

It is stories like these that I like to use when people say that we'd never need our guns here. Sub-saharan africa and machettes is another.

The root question I ask people is, "How are we superior to those people that things like that can't happen here." It happened in a Western Democracy with the full force of the rule of law within the life time of people still alive, by people no different than the people walking the streets today. The African one is great because you have to admit to being a racist to say that we aren't capable of the same atrocities.

01-04-13, 18:24
“When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers.

“You could take your children ages four weeks old to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, seven days a week, under the total care of the government.

“The state raised a whole generation of children. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had

Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/She_survived_Hitler_and_wants_to_warn_America/87914#ixzz2H3V1fz97

The same mechanism is at work here in the USA, whole generations of children coming of age, literally sucking at the tit of the state, whose "psychologist/social workers" have carefully groomed them, body/mind/soul, for serfdom....

01-04-13, 22:16
What makes you think its true? Even the way she describes the take over of austria are incorrect.

Hey Sinless, why the seemingly zealous desire to refute a woman who obviously lived through Hitler's rise to power and Third Reich?

01-04-13, 22:56
First, the administration needs a big off switch for the Internet so they can keep everyone from communicating about what's really going on.

01-05-13, 00:48
Hey Sinless, why the seemingly zealous desire to refute a woman who obviously lived through Hitler's rise to power and Third Reich?

Because her order of history is incorrect and its a chain email been goig around since 1996.

01-05-13, 03:09
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

A Teachers Guide to the Holocaust (http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/timeline/nazifica.htm)

"With Adolf Hitler's ascendancy to the chancellorship, the Nazi Party quickly consolidated its power. Hitler managed to maintain a posture of legality throughout the Nazification process."

"Domestically, during the next six years, Hitler completely transformed Germany into a police state."

"Hitler engaged in a 'diplomatic revolution' by negotiating with other European countries and publicly expressing his strong desire for peace."