View Full Version : More proof magazine capacity limitations do nothing to prevent mass shootings

01-06-13, 20:37
(Article contains new details from Newtown shooting)

Lanza changed magazines frequently [...] sometimes shooting as few as 15 shots from a 30-round magazine, sources said.

Let's get this new fact some visibility and mention it in any future communications made with our congressmen, please.

01-06-13, 21:50
So much stuff in that article that will never get the attention it deserves.

The ear plugs were so that he didn't get his bell rung from multiple shots from a rifle in confined quarters- it just shows how much he thought ahead.

Erasing his computers so that no one could track what he as doing.

Good comment about all the video games. They closed gunshows all over NE this weekend out of respect for the victims, did they stop selling video games too?

01-06-13, 22:05
So much stuff in that article that will never get the attention it deserves.

The ear plugs were so that he didn't get his bell rung from multiple shots from a rifle in confined quarters- it just shows how much he thought ahead.

Erasing his computers so that no one could track what he as doing.

Good comment about all the video games. They closed gunshows all over NE this weekend out of respect for the victims, did they stop selling video games too?

Yea the ear plugs just shows he had an idea of what he was doing. Same with the reloading in a sense.

As far as erasing the computer it was prob part of an idea that he might escape or something. Still shows planning though.

01-06-13, 22:22
That's sort of a strange thing to think of but I'll be he did do mag changes a lot based on his gaming. It gets programmed into you that the second you stop shooting for half a second you reload. Becomes second nature. Weird to think it might have transferred over to real life in his sick twisted brain.

01-06-13, 22:27
Maybe what we ought to do is start banging on the Twitter accounts of congressmen known to support magazine restrictions. @reply them asking why they support mag restrictions when it clearly wouldn't have helped at Newtown, CT, and add a shortlink to that article as evidence of it.

They pay more attention to social media these days since it's public and they can't just ignore a mass audience the way they can ignore individual postal-mail letters.

01-06-13, 22:52
And here's another important factor that's under-reported:

it is simply indisputable that most perpetrators of school shootings and similar mass murders in our modern era were either on – or just recently coming off of – psychiatric medications

01-06-13, 22:57
""It's just weird [that he popped in earplugs] given what he was about to go do," a source said. "It's not like he had to worry about long-term protection of his hearing because he had to know he wasn't coming back out of the building.""

He knew he intended to fire a weapon indoors and had some idea what that would be like. Just because he likely knew he would take his own life, doesn't mean he would deliberately subject himself to discomfort prior to that. Same reason some people eat a nice meal before checking out.

"Lanza might have carried habits either from the shooting range or the virtual world of video games into his real-world massacre."

I also immediately thought of gaming. I don't blame gaming for his actions but I strongly suspect he was entertaining himself in the real life role of a first person shooter. I doubt those kids meant any more to him than virtual victims. I seriously doubt the earplugs were meant to shield him from their cries, I think he would have actually enjoyed them.

01-06-13, 23:00
And here's another important factor that's under-reported:

I think that is going to be a key issue. But considering how many parents have medicated kids it's going to be a non starter.

Perhaps parents need to ask if other children are "on medication" the way some inquire if there are "any guns in the house" before they let their children socialize with another kid. Maybe if this became a common inquiry to school teachers and principals we might get some of these kids off the drugs they are given so they are more complacent.

01-07-13, 02:52
(Article contains new details from Newtown shooting)

Let's get this new fact some visibility and mention it in any future communications made with our congressmen, please.

I thought it was determined that he only used the handguns.

The whole narrative is jacked

01-07-13, 03:24
I thought it was determined that he only used the handguns.

Yeah but that doesn't jive with the agenda.

01-07-13, 04:39
I thought it was determined that he only used the handguns.

The whole narrative is jacked

Did that turn out to be true? I saw the one news report stating this, buy have heard nothing further.

01-07-13, 05:47
Some of you people amaze me. This has nothing to do with magazines, or evil "assault rifles". This is about a group or people (called politicians) and an ideology that doesn't want people to think, act or be reliant on their own. They want to take the guns away regardless of what bullshit they speak.

Watch the Diane Feinstein video where she says she "understands the urge to arm" that she was a target of a "terrorist group" and she needed protection.

What she is really saying is I am a politician and I am more important than the average citizen. She justified her arming because she was a victim of "terrorists". What are criminals? They are terrorists- with a different name. All of you that are thinking you will persuade Diane, Schumer, Bloomberg and the rest of these morons from taking your guns are either living on Fantasy Island or you truly don't understand them. They are hypocrites pure and simple. They are "elitists" and they are more important because they are in a position of power and because they are rich.

You can point out all the statistics you want and it won't mean shit. Just make them read the FBI Uniformed Crime Report. That is a non-partisan report and they will use every excuse imaginable to pick it apart.

This has nothing to do with the children or innocent lives. This is about them forcing us to eat the shit sandwiches they are making until we have had enough.

01-07-13, 06:40
The point is to call them on their BS publicly instead of just by mailing letters to a trashcan. By doing it publicly, you may win some people to our side when they actually see information contrary to the media's propaganda line about magazine capacity. By people I mean other voters, not necessarily the politicians themselves.

01-07-13, 09:18
This is about them forcing us to eat the shit sandwiches they are making until we have had enough.

Sig line material.

It replaces "As much as I hate to quote him Submariner said it best: 'there isn't a dimes difference between the two parties.'" M4arc

01-07-13, 09:38
Some of you people amaze me. This has nothing to do with magazines, or evil "assault rifles". This is about a group or people (called politicians) and an ideology that doesn't want people to think, act or be reliant on their own. They want to take the guns away regardless of what bullshit they speak.

Watch the Diane Feinstein video where she says she "understands the urge to arm" that she was a target of a "terrorist group" and she needed protection.

What she is really saying is I am a politician and I am more important than the average citizen. She justified her arming because she was a victim of "terrorists". What are criminals? They are terrorists- with a different name. All of you that are thinking you will persuade Diane, Schumer, Bloomberg and the rest of these morons from taking your guns are either living on Fantasy Island or you truly don't understand them. They are hypocrites pure and simple. They are "elitists" and they are more important because they are in a position of power and because they are rich.

You can point out all the statistics you want and it won't mean shit. Just make them read the FBI Uniformed Crime Report. That is a non-partisan report and they will use every excuse imaginable to pick it apart.

This has nothing to do with the children or innocent lives. This is about them forcing us to eat the shit sandwiches they are making until we have had enough.

And you'd think it would be easire to demonize them in light of their approval ratings. Why doesn't anyone call them for the elitists they are? Why doesn't every conversation with Feinstein, Schumer, Bloomberg, et-al, start with "So explain to us why you want guns off the streets while you hide behind an armed phalanx of gun wielding men? How can you possibly expect to be taken seriously when you're one of the elite rich in this country who can afford or are provided armed guards?"

I'm tired of this American caste system where politicians and movie stars and athletes can have armed deterrence because they're rich, but the common man on the street doesn't deserve to have life saving equipment to defend themselves? Are we serfs now? :mad:

01-07-13, 10:02
Some of you people amaze me. This has nothing to do with magazines, or evil "assault rifles". This is about a group or people (called politicians) and an ideology that doesn't want people to think, act or be reliant on their own. They want to take the guns away regardless of what bullshit they speak.

Watch the Diane Feinstein video where she says she "understands the urge to arm" that she was a target of a "terrorist group" and she needed protection.

What she is really saying is I am a politician and I am more important than the average citizen. She justified her arming because she was a victim of "terrorists". What are criminals? They are terrorists- with a different name. All of you that are thinking you will persuade Diane, Schumer, Bloomberg and the rest of these morons from taking your guns are either living on Fantasy Island or you truly don't understand them. They are hypocrites pure and simple. They are "elitists" and they are more important because they are in a position of power and because they are rich.

You can point out all the statistics you want and it won't mean shit. Just make them read the FBI Uniformed Crime Report. That is a non-partisan report and they will use every excuse imaginable to pick it apart.

This has nothing to do with the children or innocent lives. This is about them forcing us to eat the shit sandwiches they are making until we have had enough.

I think hypocrite is the wrong word, they are statist who lean toward totalitarianism and they are lying to get what they want, which is more power for the state. If they get it we will end up like Canada and Europe with the citizens’ literal slaves to the state through taxation and limited speech. Our vote has already been reduced in power by the power given to executive branch appointments to departments like the IRS, BATF, EPA, etc. The only real power we have left are in the 1st and 2nd amendments.


01-07-13, 14:46
Good observation and probably spot on.

I think hypocrite is the wrong word, they are statist who lean toward totalitarianism and they are lying to get what they want, which is more power for the state. If they get it we will end up like Canada and Europe with the citizens’ literal slaves to the state through taxation and limited speech. Our vote has already been reduced in power by the power given to executive branch appointments to departments like the IRS, BATF, EPA, etc. The only real power we have left are in the 1st and 2nd amendments.


01-07-13, 15:57
Good observation and probably spot on.

It's a very short synopsis of a paper I wrote in 2010, but in today's context it saddens me even more to say it.

01-08-13, 07:14
The news in the topic post bears repeating when Senators are still pushing bills to ban standard capacity magazines.

01-08-13, 08:03
The people wanting us to hand over our Firearms are not liberals. They are authoritarians. They know once they disarm us they can have their way with us.

They dont give two shits if any shootings have anything to do with magazines, clips, pistol grips, or "assault weapons".

They just know they have to cook up some bullshit to get Mr. and Mrs. Jellyfish to believe it.

01-08-13, 08:53
The people wanting us to hand over our Firearms are not liberals. They are authoritarians. They know once they disarm us they can have their way with us.

They dont give two shits if any shootings have anything to do with magazines, clips, pistol grips, or "assault weapons".

They just know they have to cook up some bullshit to get Mr. and Mrs. Jellyfish to believe it.

Progressives is as good a title as authoritarians. The right has lost all ability to influence the national debate since all of our values are seen as religious based. Progressive values, just as dogmatic, are pushed as the obvious way of the future with out any real vetting or input allowed. Progessives are liberals that gave up on freedom and instead are forcing their 'best' outcomes on us because they know better- Soros, Bloomberg and Buffet as poster children come to mind.

Criminals are just terrorists at the community organizer level.

The gun laws don't affect the elitist lefties because they don't often live where there is a pressing need for self-protection and they don't own guns themselves. Passing bans and restrictions is a painless step for them. It would be like us guys passing a law that you can only have ten pairs of shoes. Not a problem for most guys, but my wife has 10 pairs of very similar black shoes for casual entertainment situations- never mind work or a formal occasion.

01-08-13, 19:10
The people wanting us to hand over our Firearms are not liberals. They are authoritarians. They know once they disarm us they can have their way with us.

They dont give two shits if any shootings have anything to do with magazines, clips, pistol grips, or "assault weapons".

They just know they have to cook up some bullshit to get Mr. and Mrs. Jellyfish to believe it.

But if you publicly address their lies, other public will see that and you WILL start to have an impact. And if your words reach critical mass and enough people start calling them on their lies, they WILL have to bend. That's the whole point -- we have to start somewhere, so might as well start somewhere that has a chance of being effective by being public, vs just mailing in a letter they can easily ignore.