View Full Version : Barack Obama wants to nominate Chuck Hagel as SecDef?

01-07-13, 00:12

His wikipedia page doesn't seem to give any good reason why he makes sense for Obama to want to nominate him.

Abybody know anything about him?

01-07-13, 06:06
I've known him personally for 40 years, but I havent spoken with him in a couple. I'm not up on his current political stance. He's a straight shooter who is not necessarily inclined to toe the party line for the sake of politics. He's a decent, honorable man. Would those things make him a good secretary of defense? No clue. I do know that he isn't fundamentally anti-Israel.

01-07-13, 08:41
Sen. Cruz on the issues.


01-07-13, 10:12
Lindsey Graham is looking to get a lot of press by opposing Hagel's nomination because Graham is up for reelection in 2014 and knows he is likely to face a very strong primary challenge.

Graham is going to seize every available opportunity to get in front of a camera and characterize himself as opposing Obama on every issue.

Meanwhile, gay activists are going to use some of Hagel's past comments to garner attention to their cause.

Most of the opposition to Hagel is simply political opportunism rather than founded on legitimate concerns over substantive policy issues.

01-07-13, 13:16
So, he's a moderate.

That could be good for us.

01-07-13, 13:22
IMO, Hagel is someone who can be controlled. That's why he is being looked at for the nomination. He certainly doesn't have the street cred to lead the DoD from a leadership standpoint, but then neither to most of the bureaucrats who get put in the position.

Pork Chop
01-07-13, 13:24
Many Nebraskans, including myself, were not big fans of his. There's a reason he retired ala Ben Nelson, as both likely would've lost reelection anyway.

I wasn't at all surprised to see that he was a favorite of this President.

01-07-13, 13:25
I see. I thought him being from Nebraska was a good thing.

Pork Chop
01-07-13, 13:29
I see. I thought him being from Nebraska was a good thing.

Maybe he will be great, who knows, but he's far from a hard core conservative, which is what I wanted him to be while serving our state as a Senator.

We'll see I guess.

01-07-13, 13:33
So, he's a moderate.

Moderates will only hurt us when the left is as extreme and polarized as it currently is.

01-07-13, 13:37
Moderates will only hurt us when the left is as extreme and polarized as it currently is.

You could be right, but I think they can attract leftists to look at more conservative options.

01-07-13, 14:02
Anyone being nominated for a cabinet level spot is going to tow the line. Period. Don't kid yourself into thinking that politicians are truly looking for honest opinions and individuals who will challenge their authority. The majority don't have the balls to deal with that kind of challenge to their egos. If he is being nominated he is controllable and when push comes to shove will tow the line. Doesn't matter who is nominating the guy, Obama or Reagan.

01-07-13, 15:02
I've known him personally for 40 years, but I havent spoken with him in a couple. I'm not up on his current political stance. He's a straight shooter who is not necessarily inclined to toe the party line for the sake of politics. He's a decent, honorable man. Would those things make him a good secretary of defense? No clue. I do know that he isn't fundamentally anti-Israel.

He is a disgrace and ranks right up there with statist shitbags like bloomberg.

01-07-13, 15:18
He is a disgrace and ranks right up there with statist shitbags like bloomberg.

He's been a good friend and I like him a lot, but he's never represented me...I escaped Nebraska long before he became Senator. Apparently he's a rather polarizing figure politically.

01-07-13, 15:24
He's been a good friend and I like him a lot, but he's never represented me...I escaped Nebraska long before he became Senator. Apparently he's a rather polarizing figure politically.

Nobody seems that thrilled to see the nomination.

Maybe that makes him perfect for the job....

Pork Chop
01-07-13, 15:38
He'll fit right in with his new buddies.

01-07-13, 16:16
I am against his confirmation.

His Viet Nam experiences will cloud his judgement.

He was (vocally) against the surge, which allowed us to get out of Iraq.
I don't think he ever admitted he was wrong?

I don't think his experiences in Viet Nam will allow him to make the hard decisions a SecDef sometimes needs to make.

01-07-13, 17:27
I am against his confirmation.

His Viet Nam experiences will cloud his judgement.

He was (vocally) against the surge, which allowed us to get out of Iraq..

Allowed us to get out of Iraq? LOL

You know what allowed us to get out of Iraq? HAVING NO ****ING BUSINESS OVER THERE IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE.

Anyone that would except any cabinet position or appointment from a foriegn TRAITOR that should be tried for treason, is bad news.

01-07-13, 18:30
Allowed us to get out of Iraq? LOL

You know what allowed us to get out of Iraq? HAVING NO ****ING BUSINESS OVER THERE IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE.


We did have business overthere and you have no ****ing clue about why we were there because your head is so far up your ass.

01-07-13, 18:42
The biggest resistance he is getting is for not supporting the NeoCon foreign policy.

01-07-13, 18:42
Quick, somebody mention something about "Bush 43 fighting daddy's war" so we can REALLY get the fireworks started! :D

Pork Chop
01-07-13, 18:51
Let's just agree that Chuck Hagel is a douschebag & he'll make a fine lap dog for his master. No need to argue amongst ourselves.